Nettle oil in cosmetology

Nettle oil in cosmetology
Nettle oil in cosmetology

What is nettle oil, how is it made? The benefits of the drug, contraindications and possible harm. How to make a product at home? Application methods, real reviews.

Nettle oil is a valuable natural product that is valued in cosmetology for its rich composition. It contains amino acids, flavonoids, vitamins and minerals. It is used to support and revitalize the skin and to strengthen hair. The most important thing is to use a proven product, including homemade ones. It is also important to know the basic ways to use it and follow all the rules.

Useful properties of nettle oil

Nettle oil
Nettle oil

In the photo, nettle oil for face, body and hair

This plant has the most valuable properties due to its unique composition. However, it contains almost no fat - only 0.23 g per 100 g, so it is impossible to obtain nettle oil for hair, face and body by direct extraction. Useful substances are extracted from raw materials by extraction. This means that the nettle is crushed, dried, and the extract is obtained by water, alcohol or oil.

The third option is considered the most interesting: the oil product is prepared on the basis of dry nettle leaves and base vegetable oil. In this case, the product is additionally enriched. Plus, manufacturers can vitaminize a cosmetic product. Therefore, the value of a particular oil depends on its composition.

What exactly is contained in the nettle itself:

  • organic acids - pantothenic, formic, gallic;
  • chlorophyll;
  • minerals;
  • carotenoids;
  • phytoncides;
  • vitamins B2, K and C;
  • protein.

The application of such a product is very wide. The healing properties of nettle oil help restore both beauty and health.

What is the use of the tool:

  • Reducing inflammation on the skin due to the antiseptic properties of the burning plant;
  • Good cleaning of the epidermis due to tannins and acids contained in the grass;
  • Preserving and prolonging youth is an excellent antioxidant;
  • Improving blood microcirculation, accelerating hair growth;
  • Providing cells with oxygen;
  • Elimination of dryness and flabbiness of the skin;
  • Faster healing of cuts, wounds;
  • Slowing down the graying of hair;
  • Suspension of hair loss;
  • Fight dandruff.

The complex of nutrients in the product is such that the benefits of nettle oil will be almost at any age. Even adolescents have to deal with skin problems - rashes, irritation, etc., dandruff also overcomes quite early, hair sometimes falls out against the background of hormonal changes. So in a young age, you can already use such a tool.

As you grow older, and then aging, other problematic phenomena arise: dullness and dryness of the skin, first wrinkles, brittle strands, loss of a healthy complexion. These and other troubles are easier to overcome if you buy nettle oil.

Contraindications and harm of nettle oil

Allergy to nettle oil
Allergy to nettle oil

This product is natural, so that the body most often perceives it favorably. The exception is allergies and individual intolerance to the components. If approved by the doctor, women can use the oil even during pregnancy and lactation.

However, before using nettle oil, you need to make sure that it is not allergic to it. Ideally, a test should be performed before the first use. For this, oil is applied to the wrist or to the bend of the elbow. Then the reaction is monitored. If the body does not sound the alarm, you can use the remedy.

It is not recommended to use nettle oil with increased blood clotting or kidney failure.

How to make nettle oil at home?

How to make nettle oil
How to make nettle oil

Although you can buy a product in a pharmacy or a cosmetic store that will be useful for the body, face and hair, it is sometimes interesting to experiment on your own. To make nettle oil at home, you first have to take care of the raw materials.

Of course, such a plant is not uncommon, nevertheless, it must be harvested competently:

  • Get out of town, away from industrial and automobile exhaust;
  • Find bushes of bright green color;
  • Select whole and beautiful stems and leaves.

You will also need vegetable oil as a base. The ideal option is olive. It is better that it is a cold-pressed product. But you can even take the usual sunflower.

Before making oil from nettle, the plant is ground in a blender. The resulting porridge is transferred to a glass jar. The capacity is selected in such a way that the nettle occupies two-thirds of it. The vegetable mass is poured with oil. It is necessary to fill the container up to the neck: it is desirable that no air remains in it.

Now you need to put the workpiece in a dark place. Exclude exposure to sunlight. Wait until the nettle gives color to the oil: it becomes dark, and the gruel fades.

Methods of using nettle oil in cosmetology

Homemade face, body and hair care can be used with nettle essential oil, a homemade product, or a complex remedy with a stinging plant extract. The following are the most successful applications.

Nettle oil for face

Nettle oil for face
Nettle oil for face

To preserve youth and beauty, you can follow the simplest path. Nettle oil for the face is added to the usual cream. It will be enough literally up to 4 drops of the product, but the amount depends on the volume of the jar. Then, with regular use, the miraculous extract will do its job day after day.

Alternatively, you can simply start each day by washing and cleansing with this product. With antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, healing and tonic properties, the oil will awaken and nourish the cells, maintaining natural beauty. It is applied to a disc, soaked in warm water and squeezed out, after which the procedure is performed in the traditional way.

How to choose a recipe with nettle oil depends on the condition of the epidermis:

  • If the skin is problematic, there is a rash, inflamed areas, acne can be treated.
  • To effectively combat rashes and as a preventive measure, you can prepare a cleansing lotion: 1/2 tbsp. vodka mixed with 1/2 tbsp. add 4 tablespoons of water. oils. After the remedy has been infused for a week, problem areas are treated with it. The lotion dries, so it is contraindicated for girls with dry skin. In general, it is only used if there is a problem or a tendency to rash!
  • Owners of oily skin can make a compress: moisten a napkin in oil, apply it on the forehead, chin and cheeks. The procedure takes 10 minutes. You can repeat it daily.
  • If the face has withered, the skin has become dry and lifeless, with gentle movements, the oil is applied to the surface of the epidermis. You can walk up to 35 minutes like this, then remove the excess with a cosmetic napkin, wash with warm water.

Nettle oil for body

Nettle oil for body
Nettle oil for body

Due to the most valuable properties of nettle oil, its use is so wide that it is possible and necessary to store a bottle at home to solve the most unexpected problems. For example, the liquid will help with the appearance of wounds, cuts. She is simply treated with damaged areas to remove germs and speed up healing.

It will be useful to use nettle oil as an additive in the cream, not only for the face, but also for the hands and feet. Alternatively, it is dripped into body lotion. If the handles are weathered or the heels are hardened, you can prepare a magical composition by taking the following components:

  • 1 tbsp glycerin from the pharmacy;
  • 1 tbsp nettle oil;
  • 1 tsp macadamia oils;
  • 1 tsp Aloe Vera juice;
  • 10 drops of orange essential oil.

The ingredients are mixed to make the mass homogeneous. It can be applied to both hands and feet. To prevent deterioration, the product is stored in the refrigerator.

It is very interesting that you can use nettle oil to remove body hair. To do this, you need to prepare such a remedy: crush fresh seeds of stinging nettle (4 g), add 100 g of vegetable oil, put the mixture in a dark cool place for 1-1, 5 months. Then the oil is filtered and it is ready for use.

Now you have to apply the product daily to those areas where there are unwanted hairs. After smearing the oil, it is left for an hour, and then the leftovers are wiped off. As a rule, during this time it is almost completely absorbed. The procedure will have to be repeated twice a day. Nettle seed oil will slow down hair growth. Gradually, they stop growing altogether, since the agent directly affects the follicles.

Nettle oil for eyelashes

Nettle oil for eyelashes
Nettle oil for eyelashes

Many girls dream of beautiful eyes, wide open and expressive. Their appearance depends not only on the color and cut, but also on the state of the cilia. For some, they are naturally scarce, others lose their initial data due to stress and other destructive factors.

Nettle oil will be very useful for eyelashes, especially when combined with burdock. These two liquids contain a maximum of substances that can nourish, strengthen and restore hair.

The product is applied to the upper movable eyelid near the lash line, it can also be applied to the eyebrows. Using the mascara brush, comb through the lashes and eyebrows from the middle to the ends. Excess is removed, the product is left for 1-2 hours. Then it remains to wash in the usual way.

You can make a 30-day course of daily routines. But after that a break is needed.

Nettle oil for hair

Nettle oil for hair
Nettle oil for hair

This invaluable product will be useful not only for cilia. Thanks to the use of nettle oil on the hair, there will also be tremendous benefits. To strengthen them, you can make the following mask: 2 tbsp. l. oil, take a pinch of sea salt. After mixing the ingredients until smooth, the composition is applied to damp hair. The mask is left on the strands for up to 10-15 minutes. After use, the oil with sea salt should be washed thoroughly. This combination helps nourish the roots and restore hair along its entire length.

A hair mask with nettle oil will be effective if you add more peppermint oil and yogurt to it. It will be enough about 100 g of a fermented milk product (you can take kefir). It is mixed with oils, which are taken one tablespoon at a time.

Such a mass is distributed over the entire head of hair, not forgetting about the ends. Then they put on a shower cap or a bag, wrap themselves in a towel. The mask can be left on for up to half an hour. Hair will become alive, it will grow better.

It should be borne in mind that nettle oil for hair, according to reviews, makes the color more saturated. Therefore, it is ideal for dark-haired girls. But blondes are better off experimenting carefully!

For hair, you can also use ready-made cosmetic products with nettle oil:

  • Hair oil "Nutrition and strengthening", Crimean Natural Collection, with a complex of vitamins A and E and nettle extract … Such a tool helps to strengthen and restore almost any curls, regardless of their condition. It is used even after dyeing and perm, quite reasonably counting on high efficiency. Since this is a valuable complex of castor, olive and corn oils. Added to them is wheat germ oil. If you add nettle extract to all this wealth, you can already imagine how useful the product turned out to be. But the manufacturer also introduced essential oils of lavender, mint, rosemary, juniper and sandalwood, rosemary extract, vitamins A and E. The complex is relatively inexpensive - 310 rubles. or 111 UAH. for a bottle of 110 ml.
  • Nettle oil infusion … This tool is widely used. In this case, the benefits of nettle are supplemented by valuable substances that are contained in grape seed oil. A 100 ml bottle costs 230 rubles. or 82 UAH.
  • Aromashka "Nettle and Rosemary Oil", fortifying hair … Another complex, the benefits of which are difficult even to accurately assess. It contains oils of coconut, shea, jojoba, macadamia, sasanqua. In addition to nettle extract, rosemary and horse chestnut extracts are added. Plus, the product is enriched with essential oils. True, unlike the above formulations, the price in this case "bites": 950 rubles are paid for 100 ml. or 340 UAH.

Real reviews of nettle oil

Reviews of nettle oil
Reviews of nettle oil

After getting acquainted with such a valuable product, it will be useful to read reviews about nettle oil in order to draw final conclusions whether it is worth experimenting. Of course, everyone has gained their own experience, there are both negative and positive responses. Sometimes frustration is attributed to misapplication or high expectations. However, it is useful to take note of such information.

Larisa, 39 years old

Somehow I suddenly discovered dandruff in myself! It never happened, but here is such a nuisance. I suspect that after changing the shampoo, in any case, I began to look for ways to get rid of it. I read about nettle oil. It was tempted that the product is natural, and that it can also be used for the face. Experienced first on the head. I rubbed it into the roots, distributed it along the entire length and along the ends. As a result, the dandruff disappeared! And she also noticed that the strands were obviously less fat, which is also nice. Now I repeat the procedures every three to four months. And about the face - I also apply sometimes. The skin has become dryish with age, so I decided to nourish it periodically. It's simple: I smeared it, after about half an hour I got it wet with a napkin and washed myself with warm water. There is also an effect: there is no that annoying dryness that appeared.

Elena, 26 years old

On the advice of a friend, I take off my makeup and cleanse my face with nettle oil. Everything is very simple: first, I will slightly moisten a cotton pad with warm water and squeeze it well, then a drop of oil, rub it along the massage lines. That's all! The cleaning is excellent, the sensations are the most pleasant, no grease is felt, lightness and freshness.

Vera, 40 years old

After the second pregnancy, the hair "fell". I changed shampoos, tried all sorts of balms - nothing helped. It seems that the nutrition is normal, my daughter has grown up, sleep has returned to normal, and my hair has become somehow liquid, plus dry to the touch, so everything remains. I tried to make a scrub mask with nettle oil and salt. I just mix them, put them on the scalp, it should be wet! I massage gently and gently, make a "steam" - put on a bag and a towel on top. I walk like this for up to 20 minutes. Then you need to rinse your hair, the oil is washed off without problems. I like the effect very much, I use it for about six months, as if the hair has grown stronger, it does not creep in bunches. You should take the finest salt!

How to use nettle oil - watch the video:

Studying the prices of nettle oil, it is impossible not to be seduced by a unique natural product that is used both for beauty and health. The main thing is to buy a product that has the maximum benefit. Therefore, it is worth reading carefully the composition.
