Step steps in aerobics: a comprehensive guide

Step steps in aerobics: a comprehensive guide
Step steps in aerobics: a comprehensive guide

Learn how to step properly to the music in step aerobics to kick-start the process of burning fat and developing heart muscle. Today you can check out a detailed guide to step steps in aerobics. Step aerobics has a lot in common with classical aerobics and it is possible that you will already be familiar with many of the elements. At the same time, there are certain technical features to keep in mind. When you have mastered all the step steps, which we will now talk about, you can begin to study more complex elements.

A brief history of step aerobics

Step aerobics class
Step aerobics class

The history of the creation of step aerobics is quite entertaining and dramatic. One day Jean Miller, a famous classical aerobics instructor in the United States, injured her knee joint. For every athlete or coach, this is very tragic, since it is impossible to work during the treatment period.

During her rehabilitation period, Jean was instructed to walk up the stairs more often. Miller really wanted to return to her former condition as soon as possible and diligently followed all the recommendations of the doctors. Jean was able to get to work quickly enough and she was very impressed with the results of walking up the stairs. This prompted her to study this issue, and as a result, after adding various elements, step aerobics was born.

However, the question remained with the sports equipment, because the stairs did not fit for training in the hall. Reebok, which created the first step platform in 1988, took up the solution to this problem. This allowed Gene Miller, with the active participation of the most famous aerobics instructor Kelly Watson, to finally form a new type of aerobics. In modern step aerobics, there are two types of steps: with a change in the leading leg and without a change.

We have already noted that step aerobics has its origins in classical aerobics and therefore the names of some steps are identical, as well as their technique. At the same time, there are many new movements. The main difference between the two types of aerobics is that in step aerobics, all steps are performed in at least four counts, not two.

A guide to step steps without changing the leading foot

Step steps without changing the leading leg
Step steps without changing the leading leg

Basic step - 4 accounts

  • Step one foot onto the platform.
  • Do not step on the platform with the other foot.
  • Lower your first leg to the ground.
  • Lower your other leg to the ground.

V-step - 4 counts

  • Step with one foot to the opposite corner of the platform, for example, step with your left to the right corner.
  • A step is performed with the second leg to the opposite corner.
  • The first leg drops to the ground.
  • The second leg drops to the ground.

Over the top - 4 accounts

  • Step sideways onto the platform with your first foot.
  • Step onto the platform with your other foot and turn 180 degrees at the same time.
  • The first leg comes down from the platform.
  • The second leg drops to the ground.

Straddle - 8 accounts

  • Step sideways with one foot on the platform.
  • Facing the short edge of the step platform, step with your other foot.
  • One leg comes down from the platform on one side.
  • The other leg drops to the ground from the opposite side of the platform.
  • Place the first leg back on the platform.
  • The second leg returns to the platform.
  • The first leg drops to the ground at the point from which the movement began.
  • The second leg goes down next to the first.

Turn step - 4 bills

  • Step on the platform with your first foot.
  • Step your other foot onto the platform and at the same time turn your back to the short edge of the step platform.
  • The first leg falls to the ground.
  • The second is placed on the ground next to the first leg.

Guide to step steps with changing the leading foot

Step steps with changing the leading leg
Step steps with changing the leading leg

Tap up - 4 counts

  • With the first foot, step onto the platform, with your left foot to the right corner and vice versa. It is necessary to transfer the center of gravity to this leg.
  • The other leg drops to the platform next to the first. The second leg is placed on the ground.
  • The first leg is placed on the ground.

Knee up - 4 accounts

  • Step with the first foot to the opposite corner of the platform and transfer the center of gravity of the body to it.
  • The other leg is bent at the knee joint and lifted.
  • Place the other foot on the ground.
  • Place your first foot on the ground.

Step kick - 4 counts

  • The first leg is lowered onto the platform in the opposite corner.
  • The other leg kicks in the air.
  • The second leg returns to the ground.
  • The first leg falls to the floor near the second.

Step curl - 4 bills

  • A step is taken with the first leg to the opposite corner of the platform.
  • The second leg must overlap the buttocks.
  • The second leg drops to the ground.
  • The first leg returns to the ground next to the second.

Step lift - 4 counts

  • The first leg is lowered onto the platform in the opposite corner.
  • The second leg is bent at the knee joint, after which a forward swing is performed (to the side or back).
  • The second leg returns to the ground.
  • The first leg must be placed near the second.

How to correctly perform step steps in aerobics, see here:
