How does excess weight accumulate in bodybuilding?

How does excess weight accumulate in bodybuilding?
How does excess weight accumulate in bodybuilding?

Adipose tissue inevitably accumulates as you gain muscle mass. However, professional athletes have revealed the secrets of how to slow this process down. Find out now! Today for many countries the problem of obesity has become very urgent. One of the most common causes of being overweight is nutrition. Of course, this is so, and no one is going to argue with this. However, along with this, there are other reasons, which are remembered much less often. It must be remembered that being overweight is a multifactorial disease.

Today we will talk about how excess weight accumulates in bodybuilding. At the same time, we will not pay attention to nutrition, since this topic has already been widely covered.

Every girl wants to be beautiful and sexy and figure is of great importance in this. Surely every woman has tried various newfangled nutrition programs more than once. For some, it ended in success, and their dream came true, while others were disappointed.

To prevent this, it is necessary to understand the reasons for what happened. It is clear that being overweight cannot come out of nowhere. Most often, excess calories and a sedentary lifestyle are to blame. But few people think about why people consume extra calories and now the conversation is not about ordinary laziness. This is often due to fatigue.

Overweight and sleep

Bbw sleeping
Bbw sleeping

Lack of sleep can affect the formation of excess fat. This is a scientifically proven fact and it is difficult to argue with it. As you know, the brain continues to work during sleep. It processes the information it receives during the day, and also produces certain hormones, for example, serotonin, growth hormone, prolactin, etc.

Some of these substances will not be synthesized if the time for sleep was limited. Thanks to growth hormone, children grow, but it is very important for adults as well. First of all, it acts as an antagonist of insulin and, during normal functioning of the body, reduces its level. As you know, fatty deposits are formed due to insulin. Thus, if growth hormone is produced in the required amount, then it will prevent the appearance of new fatty subcutaneous deposits.

Thanks to serotonin and dopamine, human emotions are regulated. If he did not get enough sleep, then there is a violation of the emotional state. Everyone knows the feeling when, after a lack of sleep, there is no good mood and you don't want to do anything. However, this is not the worst, but the fact that with insufficient levels of these hormones, the body requires calories to restore the necessary balance. Similarly, with the aforementioned somatotropin. If the level of growth hormone is low, then insulin is produced more actively, which contributes to an increase in appetite and the subsequent deposition of excess fat.

If sleep deprivation occurs rarely enough, then there will be no big problems. Otherwise, if there is not enough time for sleep, the person will gain weight. At the same time, some professions do not allow you to get enough sleep on a regular basis, and you can't do anything about it. Another thing is when people themselves do not adhere to the daily routine.

How to solve the problem?

There can be only one solution - get enough sleep! For adults, eight hours are enough for the body to rest. If for some reason you cannot afford to get enough sleep, then try to find time during the day and close your eyes for at least half an hour.

Stressful situations and being overweight

The girl is weighed
The girl is weighed

Modern life flies by very quickly. In childhood, the passage of time is not felt so strongly and it seems that the world around you does not change. Such a rapid pace of life can have a very negative effect on the body. Stress and lack of time make people eat less wholesome foods, which affects the deposition of subcutaneous fat reserves.

How to solve the problem?

You need to find ways to relate to what is happening around you more easily and pay less attention to problems. You need to protect your emotions. Of course, this is easier said than done, but it is necessary to strive for it. If you see a scandal looming, try to find a way to get out of the conflict. If this, for some reason, is impossible, then take this situation as given. We have only one life and at the same time is short enough to often get upset over little things.

Lack of protein compounds and excess weight

Foods that contain proteins
Foods that contain proteins

If you look closely at the advice of nutritionists, then most of them constantly focus on fats and carbohydrates, urging to reduce the intake of these nutrients. At the same time, almost no one remembers about protein compounds. But scientists have proven that if the body receives an insufficient amount of proteins, then an increase in appetite can be expected.

There has been a relatively recent study on this topic. Subjects who consumed 10% protein consumed significantly more carbohydrates compared to those who had 15% protein in their diet. Perhaps for some, the difference of five percent will seem insignificant, but in practice this is a very large figure, which is confirmed by this study. It is also necessary to remember about L-carnitine, which is more actively produced by the body when eating meat.

How to solve the problem?

The conclusion in this case suggests itself - it is necessary to consume more foods rich in protein compounds. Eat legumes, meat, and dairy products. However, you should choose lean meat and fish, skim milk, thus reducing the amount of fat. Your diet should have at least 15 percent protein, and 15 to 30 percent is optimal.

It is also important that the protein compounds are of both animal and plant origin. This is because meat and fish contain all eight essential amino acid compounds, unlike plant foods.

Learn more about losing weight in this video:
