How to get rid of excess fat

How to get rid of excess fat
How to get rid of excess fat

How can you get rid of excess weight and normalize the correct carbohydrate and fat metabolism? Find out all the secrets of a slim figure right now. The content of the article:

  • How fat accumulates
  • How to get rid of

The main task of fat cells (adipocytes) is to preserve triglycerides, which are composed of three fatty acids linked by a glycerol base. These substances synthesize various enzymes necessary for metabolic reactions, as well as affecting the health and appetite of the athlete. Today we will talk about how to get rid of excess fat.

How body fat accumulates

Body fat
Body fat

There are several types of fat cells in the body. White and brown adipose tissues are considered the main ones. Most of the fat belongs to the first group. Brown tissues are darker in color, as they contain more mitochondria that oxidize fats. Brown adipose tissues are the main thermogenic tissues in the human body. With their help, calories are converted into heat. There are still debates among scientists about their necessity and role, but it is well established that they play a large role in the child's body.

Fats are also classified as deposited, irreplaceable, and sex-determining. Most of all in the body are deposited fats located under the skin. Essential fats are found in the bone marrow, heart, lungs, liver and surround nerve cells. In the male body, they contain only 3% of the total mass of fatty deposits, and in the female - 9%. This amount also includes sex-determining fats.

In men and women, the bulk of fat is stored in different areas. This is influenced by sex hormones. It is for this reason that gynecomastia can occur in men with high estrogen levels. So testosterone at a low content contributes to the accumulation of fat in the waist, the so-called abdominal region. Doctors associate these deposits of fat cells with a high risk of diabetes and heart disease. Fats located in the abdominal region are very unstable and are constantly released, then going to the liver. In this organ, they are the main material for the synthesis of cholesterol.

Previously, scientists assumed that a person is not able to lose or create new fat cells. However, recent research in this area has proven the fallacy of this theory. After reaching a certain level of obesity, cells begin to divide, creating new adipocytes. This phenomenon is called hyperplasia. This is the reason for the need to constantly monitor your weight. Many athletes are familiar with the fact that, after gaining excess weight during the off-season, subsequent drying will be a rather difficult process.

Someone might think that liposuction will help eliminate excess fat. Of course, with its help, you can eliminate local fatty deposits, for example, on the thighs. But if you continue to consume a large number of calories, then the fat will return to its original place. It has been proven that fat cells are able to return.

The most common cause of obesity is the consumption of excess calories while not being physically active. If a person consumes a lot of calories, then they must be expended in order not to become fat. The easiest way to do this is through sports.

Ways to get rid of fat

Diet for obesity
Diet for obesity

If we talk about how to get rid of excess fat, then exercise and diet will certainly help. The low-carb nutrition program has become quite popular now. Its essence boils down to the control of insulin synthesis. People who criticize this approach claim that insulin has nothing to do with fat accumulation. This statement only applies to people who have no more than a certain number of cells and they are of normal size. It can also be noted that after recent studies, it can be argued that insulin is able to independently regulate its own synthesis, but in obese people the hormone loses this property.

The large number of large fat cells complicates the fight against excess weight, but does not make it impossible. This is often associated with a symptomatic hormonal response, as well as high insulin activity. It is enough to simply reduce the amount of calories consumed, and this will lead to the loss of fat cells. But at the same time it will increase the appetite, and you should control yourself, as fat can quickly return.

People with a high fat diet need to start with simple aerobic activity. Gradually, the intensity of the exercises should be increased and, as a result, go to interval loads. Simply put, it is necessary to alternate high-intensity training with low-intensity training during one training session. Such a combination of two types of load gives the maximum fat burning effect. For those people who not only want to know how to get rid of excess fat, but also do it, you only need to make some effort.

You can often hear recommendations for obese people to switch to low-fat diets. Of course, this sounds quite reasonable, because if carbohydrates and proteins, with their high content, are oxidized in the course of their own metabolic processes, then fats are deposited in the subcutaneous layer. But low-fat diets have one drawback - they don't differentiate between the forms of dietary fat. Some of these fats, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, are useful for those who want to lose weight. These are monounsaturated fats found in olives and canola oil. Also, the omega-3 fats present in flaxseed oil and fish should also be included in this category.

For those people who have a lot of fat cells of a large size, only a low-carb nutrition program can be advised. Despite the fact that it involves consuming a fairly high amount of fat, according to the latest research, it has proven to be very effective in burning fat stores. In addition, such nutritional programs have one rather significant advantage over a low-fat diet - appetite control.

How to get rid of excess fat - watch the video:

If you do not know how to get rid of excess fat, then following the tips given in this article, you will be able to take control of the process of fat formation. This is possible even with a genetic predisposition to obesity.
