Steroids: Do They All Lead to Muscle Growth?

Steroids: Do They All Lead to Muscle Growth?
Steroids: Do They All Lead to Muscle Growth?

To be or not to be an anabolic steroid in your training regimen. Read the article and draw an objective conclusion in sports pharmacology. If you want to take "chemistry" to improve the results and performance in sports, then it is imperative to consult a doctor and a trainer. Do you know if all drugs of this class help you gain weight? After all, everything may not be the way you would like. Therefore, it is important not to harm your health, which means that you cannot start a course of taking anabolic steroids on your own. Before you start taking anabolic steroids to achieve quick results in sports, you should think about: maybe in some other way to achieve the desired goal? Maybe it's better to just train hard so as not to harm your health? Are you confident that the drugs you are taking will help you gain weight?

Surely, everyone who takes "chemistry" to gain muscle mass, at some point wondered whether all steroids are involved in an active increase in muscle volume and strength. After all, it is likely that some of the drugs perform a completely different role. Let's figure it out together.


Cholesterol in the body
Cholesterol in the body

It turns out that it is he who is used as a building material for the creation of sex hormones. And if in medicine it is believed that this is an enemy for health, then in fact everything is not so simple. Despite the detrimental effect on the body during deposits, as it turned out, cholesterol can also have a positive effect - it helps the reproductive system to "live" fully. If any links in this long molecular chain are changed, removed or rearranged, then cholesterol will turn into sex hormones. Which ones? First, this is testosterone, and also estradiol. In the first case, the hormone is responsible for male sex characteristics. As for the second hormone, it is responsible for female characteristics. Despite the impressive difference in functions, both hormones are very similar in structure. The thing is that they are created from cholesterol. In addition to these steroids, there are many other biochemical compounds that are somehow related to the genital area - more or less closely.

Purpose of steroids

Anabolic steroid testosterone
Anabolic steroid testosterone

Let's find out what other purpose of steroids is:

  1. In order to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy, many use drugs from the group of steroid hormones.
  2. For the treatment of such a complex skin disease as eczema, a remedy from the category of steroid hormones is also used. This is a cortisone ointment.

Therefore, when in bodybuilding they talk about steroids, this term is not entirely apt. After all, by it they mean exclusively those hormones that build up muscle tissue. But there are those who are simply harmful to her - they destroy her. These steroids include glucocorticoids, which are secreted by the adrenal glands. If their level in the blood exceeds the permissible norms, then we can confidently say that overtraining is "on the face".

Sexual characteristics of the stronger sex are not only the genitals and facial hair. It is also an impressive proportion of muscle tissue. The most important of the steroid hormones here is testosterone. It serves two of the most important functions.

The main functions of an androgenic nature: the formation of the genitals, as well as the growth of hair on the face and body. And the timbre of the voice is also lowered. With regard to anabolic functions, here you should pay attention to a strong skeleton and strength in muscles due to the development of the spine.

Through one of the testosterone receptors, androgenic and anabolic reactions take effect. By the way, female cells in the muscles at the top of the body have fewer receptors than male ones. That is why the representatives of the stronger and weaker sex are so different. As a result of all of the above, artificial steroids-hormones received a name that combines a set of functions - androgenic and anabolic steroids.

In medicine, such steroids are most often called androgenic or, even more briefly, androgens. It can be considered an anabolic estradiol, because it is a stimulant of the growth of body fat. Once upon a time, such a name as "anabolic steroids" almost became familiar and almost entered into everyday life. So, the creators of such hormonal drugs as Nandrolone decanoate and Methandrostenolone, distorted the name of synthetic testosterone analogues in advertising, they wanted to convince everyone that these drugs are exclusively hormonal drugs that do not have an androgenic effect. It turned out that these are anabolic steroids, but in fact, all these drugs had an androgenic effect. But it is quite reasonable to use the word "anabolic", as bodybuilders do.

More about Sensitive Receptors

Big muscles in bodybuilders
Big muscles in bodybuilders

Theoretically, androgen has the following effect: sensitive receptors of cells maximize the capture of rare testosterone molecules due to hormonal regulation. When testosterone binds to these receptors, biochemical processes are set in motion. The few androgen receptors that are in cells are completely occupied by testosterone, which is secreted by the gonads.

The increase in testosterone leads to a more impressive indicator of the number of receptors. This explains the fact that bodybuilders increase muscle size incredibly quickly to enormous rates.

The conclusion suggests itself: thanks to steroid hormones, it is possible to fulfill the dream of bodybuilders - we are talking about continuous anabolism. With regard to androgens, here we can make the following conclusion: the increase in the amount will only get better.

Features of the work of steroids


Muscle cells are destroyed and excreted from the human body. The breakdown of muscle tissue is nothing more than catabolism. Then new cells appear - this process is called anabolism. Normally, these reactions balance each other. This means that the mass is not significantly lost or not gained.

When athletes train, exercise injures muscle fibers, causing micro-tears. To restore them, the body fills these places with new muscle cells. As a result, the muscle fibers thicken. The more tears, the more impressive the volume and muscle mass. Each subsequent workout adds an increase in muscle mass. In order for the recovery process to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to provide the body with sufficient resources. Therefore, it is best to go on a protein diet. This way, you will be able to achieve impressive gains in muscle and strength. In addition, hormones play an important role here.

When a person strives for perfection, at some point he may lose control. At first, the athlete dreams of pumping up his body, making it fit, trained - for this he is ready for anything. First, the number of exercises increases, then the load on the muscles becomes quite impressive, and then the use of "chemistry" for quick results, protein and protein shakes in the diet in fairly large quantities. But after all, steroids will help best of all - this is exactly what someone who wants to achieve what he wants in the shortest possible time thinks about at some stage.

However, here you should be aware that anabolic steroids themselves are not so dangerous - they are even used in medicine to treat various ailments. But the danger is the uncontrolled abuse of anabolic steroids, and because of this, there can be serious negative consequences. Long-term use of these drugs leads to the development of complex liver diseases - hepatitis and cirrhosis. In addition, there may be problems with the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, in order not to wait for such results, you should consult your doctor before using certain steroids. He will select the ideal course for the duration and prescribe the correct dosage of drugs.

Watch a video on using steroids for muscle growth:

Or maybe you should generally reconsider your attitude to anabolic steroids, to the use of "chemistry" on the way to victory? After all, systematic sports training is a longer, but at the same time no less impressive result, but without prejudice to your health. Your trainer can choose the best training scheme for your workouts, according to which you will definitely achieve the desired results. The main thing is dedication, faith in victory, willpower, patience.
