Growth hormones and nutrition for muscle growth

Growth hormones and nutrition for muscle growth
Growth hormones and nutrition for muscle growth

Want more muscle mass? Then carefully study how to properly formulate a diet and what growth hormone has to do with nutrition. Under the influence of strength training, the body is forced to synthesize more anabolic hormones. The higher the concentration of these substances in the blood, the greater the weight gain. Strength isn't the only thing that boosts the production of anabolic hormones, however. Today we will talk about the relationship between growth hormones and proper nutrition for muscle growth.

Effects of good nutrition on testosterone synthesis

Foods that increase testosterone levels in the body
Foods that increase testosterone levels in the body

We must say right away that among all anabolic growth factors, it is testosterone that has the greatest potential for muscle growth. The main problem is that the rate of its production is greatly influenced by various factors, some of which can stop the secretion of the hormone altogether.

There are a lot of these factors, for example, the environmental situation, stress, nutrition, etc. In the course of numerous clinical studies of athletes, results have been obtained that differ in the values of the concentration of the male hormone. To ensure the growth of muscle tissue, there must be a lot of testosterone in the blood.

How can you speed up the secretion of the hormone with food? The answer is likely to surprise you, but you need to eat fatty foods. This is due to the fact that fats are the main component in the structure of the hormone. When a nutrient deficiency is felt in the body, testosterone cannot be synthesized due to the lack of raw materials.

Thus, you need to limit your fat intake to get relief, and increase it to build muscle. This fact has been confirmed by a large number of studies, and it is difficult to dispute it. So, for example, in the body of men who eat only plant foods, the level of testosterone in comparison with meat-eaters will be low.

If your diet is low in fat, then do not expect to gain muscle mass. In order for the male hormone to be synthesized in sufficient quantities, you must have at least 30 percent fat in your diet. If this figure is 40 percent, then you can reach the peak of testosterone secretion. However, you probably know that not all fats are good for you. At the same time, modern products are often not of high quality. But there is a way out of this situation. Your diet should be low in fat, and in the morning, take one or two tablespoons of linseed or hemp oil. Also add fish oil to this. But you should not get carried away with canned fish. They contain very little omega-3.

The influence of proper nutrition on the synthesis of growth hormone

Scheme of the effect of norepinephrine on growth hormone
Scheme of the effect of norepinephrine on growth hormone

Growth hormone is also a very powerful muscle growth stimulant. For this reason, many professionals use exogenous growth hormone. However, for amateurs this is not an option and it is better to use means to increase the secretion of a natural hormone.

The rate of growth hormone production is greatly influenced by sleep. If you get enough sleep, there will be a sufficient concentration of the substance in the blood. Moreover, growth hormone is synthesized to a greater extent at night. It is also very beneficial to start taking amino acid compounds that stimulate the synthesis of growth hormone. These include arginine and lysine.

A one-time dose of these supplements is 1.5 grams. You will be able to feel the effect of their intake already after 30 minutes. If you felt the warmth spreading throughout the body and the desire to take a nap, then the supplements worked. If you don't feel any sensations, increase the dosage.

Another amino acid stimulant of growth hormone turned out to be glutamine. But you should not use glutamic acid due to its low efficiency. It is enough to consume 2 grams per day.

Effects of good nutrition on IGF synthesis

Growth hormone and IGF regulation system
Growth hormone and IGF regulation system

Let's say right away that insulin-like growth factor (IGF) is still being researched by scientists. But now we can say that this hormone has enormous potential in terms of gaining mass. You can also use an exogenous drug, but, as in the case of somatotropin, all tissues grow, not just muscle ones. Such cases have been recorded.

It is best and safer to stimulate IGF synthesis with protein compounds. The more proteins in the body, the more IGF is produced. It is also advisable to consume animal protein compounds or protein supplements. If you can afford it, take additional amino acid supplements.

It is also important to remember that when you start reducing calories for drying, do not reduce your protein intake. At the same time, an overabundance of nutrients is a negative point. For athletes, it is enough to consume two grams of protein daily for each kilo of their own weight.

Insulin and muscle growth

A man holding a glucometer in his hands
A man holding a glucometer in his hands

Insulin in bodybuilding is a highly controversial topic. On the one hand, this hormone supplies nutrients to the crate, and on the other hand, it accelerates the accumulation of fat reserves in case of excess levels.

The body responds by producing insulin in response to carbohydrate intake. To keep the hormone concentration at an acceptable level, eat slow carbohydrates - cereals, fruits and vegetables. In your diet, at least half of its calories should come from carbohydrates.

And now let's summarize and summarize all of the above.

  • It is necessary to consume at least 30 percent of fat from the total daily calorie content daily.
  • Eat only healthy fats.
  • In a day, you need to consume 2 grams of protein compounds for each kilo of your own weight.
  • Protein compounds must be of animal origin, but obtained from non-fatty foods.
  • Don't forget about starchy foods like legumes, potatoes, oatmeal, lentils, etc.

Learn more about growth hormones in bodybuilding in this video:

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