Fish for preparation for competition in bodybuilding

Fish for preparation for competition in bodybuilding
Fish for preparation for competition in bodybuilding

How to get the perfect competition eyeliner? Success is more than 50% dependent on nutrition. Find out why fish is the # 1 product when it comes to drying. There are many sources of protein, which is a great fact for bodybuilders. After all, it is this substance that is the basis of their nutrition. The best of them are those that have a high biological value or, more simply, contain the maximum amount of essential amino acid compounds. We are talking about products of animal origin - meat, eggs, fish, dairy products and poultry.

To gain muscle mass, most athletes base their diet on red meat, dairy products and eggs. This is primarily due to the fact that in addition to a large number of proteins, these foods are high in calories to gain weight.

At the same time, to gain mass and at the same time reduce the weight of subcutaneous fat deposits, it is necessary to consume proteins with a low fat content. In this case, it is necessary to make changes to the composition of the nutrition program, removing meat and dairy products from it, adding fish, egg white and lean poultry. Of all these foods, fish has the optimal combination of fat and protein. Thus, today we will talk about how you can use fish to prepare for competition in bodybuilding.

Probably, many have heard that some types of fish are rich in omega-3 fats, which is very valuable not only for athletes, but also for ordinary people. So in a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids contain halibut, mackerel, sardines, herring. At the same time, among the favorite breeds among bodybuilders, you can also find cod and hoplomtet. These breeds have less fat, including omega-3s. Scientists have found that when eating fatty fish, the process of burning fats is significantly accelerated, insulin sensitivity increases, and the process of fat accumulation slows down. All of the above suggests that you should not avoid oily fish, preferring lean ones.

Numerous studies have proven that eating fish prevents many diseases such as paralysis, diabetes, asthma, kidney disease, etc. At the same time, fish can accumulate some toxins that are contained in industrial waste. This fact has caused much debate.

Useful properties of fish

Red fish on a cutting board
Red fish on a cutting board

Fish is not rich in omega-3 fats. In one experiment, scientists compared the effects on the body of animals of three types of proteins: soy, casein and obtained from cod. An increase in insulin resistance was observed with the use of soy protein and casein. In a group of experimental animals that consumed cod protein, this effect was not found. Scientists linked this fact to the low content of omega-3 fatty acids in cod. The general conclusion from this study was that eating fish reduces the risk of diseases associated with uneven distribution of insulin in muscle tissues. For competitive athletes, this means that it is advisable to eat lean fish in preparation for tournaments. It was also found that due to the weekly consumption of fish in the amount of 150 grams, the risk of developing coronary syndrome is significantly reduced. Fish meat helps to normalize the ratio of bad and good cholesterol. It was also possible to establish the ability of fish to slow down the development of oncological diseases, especially of the breast and prostate.

Scientists suggest that the ability to prevent the development of cancer is associated with the synthesis in the body of special substances - eicosanoids, which are produced from fats.

Toxins and fish

Girl kissing fish on a fork
Girl kissing fish on a fork

More recently, it has been found that some fish species are capable of accumulating powerful toxins such as PCBs and methylmercury. For the first time, deaths from methylmercury damage were recorded in Japan in 1950. This year, an epidemic of an unknown disease broke out, which took with it about 3 thousand human victims.

It was soon established that the reason for this was the plant, which dumped waste directly into the sea. Mercury was also found among the toxins in them. It should be recognized that mercury is widely used in various industries. This substance can persist in water for a hundred years and it is quite difficult to remove it.

Mercury is a very toxic metal and, if it enters the human body, it can cause a wide variety of diseases. The kidneys have the greatest ability to accumulate mercury.

At the same time, fish contains a large amount of selenium, which is a powerful antioxidant. Also, some amino acid compounds found in fish meat interfere with the absorption of mercury by the body. The most effective means of removing mercury from the body is glutathione.

This substance is not very well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, however, thanks to the use of whey proteins and N-acetyl cystine, its concentration can be significantly increased.

Lipoic acid has no less ability to remove mercury from the body. Combining with mercury molecules, it forms a chelate compound that does not pose a threat to the body and is quickly excreted from the body quickly enough.

In this regard, we should also remember the modified citrus pectin, which is a special type of fiber. This substance is highly soluble in water and has excellent digestibility. Scientists have shown in research that this type of pectin helps reduce the risk of breast cancer. Modified citrus pectin can similarly remove all heavy metals from the body, not just mercury.

The problem of the accumulation of toxins in fish certainly exists. However, bodybuilders shouldn't give up on this valuable product.

For more information on the use of fish in bodybuilding, see here:
