How to do eyelash lamination in the salon and at home?

How to do eyelash lamination in the salon and at home?
How to do eyelash lamination in the salon and at home?

Features of the procedure, pros and cons, important nuances. How is eyelash lamination done in the salon and at home? What result can you expect? Real reviews.

Eyelash lamination is a cosmetic procedure during which the hairs on the eyelids are treated with a special composition, after which they acquire a beautiful curve, become slightly darker and stronger, look longer and fluffier, without losing their naturalness. Successful lamination can be a full-fledged replacement for building extensions and even allow you to do without mascara, making your eyes open and piercing without additional tweaks.

What is eyelash lamination?

Eyelash lamination procedure
Eyelash lamination procedure

In the photo, the eyelash lamination procedure

Eyelash lamination is a procedure for lengthening and thickening them using special formulations. Their main active ingredient, as well as when carrying out similar manipulations with hair, is keratin. It fills in microcracks, glues hair scales, makes the surface of each cilium smooth, gives it shine and protects it from negative environmental influences, enveloping it with a thinnest film.

Not relying on keratin alone, manufacturers introduce vitamins, mineral complexes, amino acids, plant extracts and fatty oils into mixtures for lamination, which are designed to nourish the hairs with the necessary substances, making them not only attractive in appearance, but also healthier from the inside.

This practice has spawned a whole series of subspecies of the traditional procedure:

  • Lamination with staining … When it is required to make too light, whitish hairs more visible, coloring pigments are used, although the procedure itself makes the cilia darker.
  • Italian lamination … The eyelash kit includes a complex of carefully selected natural cosmetic oils and an increased dose of vitamins that can be used to “feed” the eyebrows.
  • Silk lamination … Along with keratin, formulations with silk peptides, amino acids and growth activators are used. A kind of "silk" procedure can be called Corduroy for eyelashes, which, contrary to conventional technologies, allows to process not only the upper, but also the lower eyelashes.

About how often to do eyelash lamination, lashmakers disagree with ophthalmologists and trichologists. From the masters you can often hear that it is possible to renew the keratin coating almost every 2 months, while specialists with medical education advise to resort to the procedure no more than 3-4 times a year. Otherwise, there is a risk of overloading the cilia with too much increased nutrition and strengthening. It seems that it is still better to listen to the doctors.

To enhance the effect of eyelash lamination, the procedure is often combined with botox. Such manipulations have nothing to do with poisonous botulinum toxin and beauty injections. And the procedure got its name only thanks to the advertising move of marketers. In fact, this means that your eyelashes will be additionally impregnated with a product containing hyaluronic acid, collagen and other useful ingredients that will penetrate deep into the hairs, straighten their structure and ensure intensive growth.

Note! The presence of caring substances in the lamination means favorably distinguishes it from biowave, which pursues purely aesthetic goals - a beautiful curl without nutrition and strengthening.

Of course, the bonus in the form of "Botox" or silk will increase the already quite considerable cost of lamination of eyelashes, but if the hairs on your eyelids are in a really deplorable state, it will be worth it. In addition, the healing composition, deeply penetrated into the structure of the hair, remains in them for 3-4 weeks longer than a thin keratin film.

The price of lamination of eyelashes in the traditional version is usually 1000-2000 rubles, although in expensive salons and with masters with a really good reputation, it can reach 5000 rubles. Add-ons like botox, silk, corduroy, etc. will increase the initial amount by 500-700 rubles.

Important! When agreeing with the master about the procedure, do not hesitate to ask him in detail in advance about all the nuances that interest you, and also to clarify how much lamination of eyelashes costs in your case. This will avoid unpleasant price surprises.

Pros of the eyelash lamination procedure

Eyelash lamination front view
Eyelash lamination front view

In the photo lamination of eyelashes - front view

The significant amount that is required to be left in the beauty salon does not stop the girls who decide to put their eyelashes in order. And there are enough reasons for that.

5 pros of eyelash lamination:

  • Abundance of natural ingredients in impregnation formulations;
  • Strengthening eyelashes, reducing fragility and loss rates, accelerating growth;
  • No bans on sports, baths and saunas, swimming pools and solariums;
  • In some cases - the ability to do without mascara for a long time;
  • Compatibility of lamination with other eyelash treatments, excluding extensions. By weighing artificial hairs with keratin, you run the risk of quickly parting with them.
Eyelash lamination side view
Eyelash lamination side view

In the photo lamination of eyelashes - side view

An additional plus can be considered the possibility of lamination of eyelashes at home. It cannot be compared with the salon, but it will be able to give the hair a well-groomed look.

Cons of eyelash lamination

Infectious eye disease as a contraindication to eyelash lamination
Infectious eye disease as a contraindication to eyelash lamination

If the procedure for strengthening and nourishing eyelashes has drawbacks, then the main one, perhaps, should be called the fragility of the result obtained. Alas, the hairs have a short life span, and even strengthened hairs are renewed too quickly, and regular washing and cleansing of the face from makeup only accelerates the elimination of the keratin layer.

The disadvantages of eyelash lamination are the same:

  • The problematic "deactivation" of the selected means for treating hairs. If the result does not meet expectations, you will have to wait for the protective layer to come off naturally.
  • The danger of contact with the eyelash lamination composition on the mucous membrane of the eye, where it can cause burning, swelling and even vision problems, if you do not consult a doctor in time.

If a few minuses do not scare you, still do not rush to make an appointment with a lashmaker. First, make sure that you have no contraindications for lamination of eyelashes, which include:

  • infectious diseases of the eyes, not excluding the banal "barley";
  • skin problems in the eyelid area - dermatitis, eczema, acne scattering, irritation and scratches;
  • the rehabilitation period after cosmetic or ophthalmic eye surgery;
  • hormone therapy;
  • individual sensitivity to one of the components of the composition used;
  • too short eyelashes, which, after curling, look strange and create unpleasant sensations, resting on the eyelids.

Note! Before starting the procedure, a good master is obliged to test the selected product on your skin to make sure there is no allergic reaction. If itching or hives still make themselves felt, stop the procedure immediately, take an antihistamine and see a doctor if necessary.

There is a lot of controversy about whether lamination of eyelashes is harmful for women in position and for nursing mothers. As a rule, lashmakers, who are responsible for their work, send a pregnant woman to the supervising specialist to study the composition of the lamination product and express his professional opinion.

Many experienced masters try to dissuade the client from the planned transformation at all, since it is extremely difficult to make eyelash lamination during the period of hormonal storms that shake the female body during the entire period of pregnancy and lactation, and it is extremely difficult to be sure of the result. At this time, even the usual means begin to act unpredictably and either do not give a result at all, or have a short-term effect, or lead to unexpected consequences.

Eyelash lamination materials

Eyelash lamination materials
Eyelash lamination materials

Eyelash lamination products are supplied to the beauty market by many manufacturers, and often for public sale. However, you should not use them yourself, even if you have detailed instructions for lamination of eyelashes due to the complexity of the procedure. But it is possible and necessary to ask the master about the composition of which company he prefers to work with, at least in order to find reviews about them on the Internet and inquire about the brand's reputation.

As suppliers of tools and materials for lamination of eyelashes, they have proven themselves well:

  • Nouveau Lashes, UK;
  • YUMILashes, Switzerland;
  • Novel, UK;
  • Neicha, South Korea;
  • Kodi Professional, South Korea;
  • Velvet, UK;
  • SEXY Lashes, Russia.
  • Innovator Cosmetics, Russia.

Any of the sets of these brands includes several bottles with compositions for different purposes, but this, of course, is not all that is needed for lamination of eyelashes.

The master should have at hand:

  • Different-sized silicone curler pads, on which eyelashes will be laid out - S, M, L, XL, S1, M1, L1, XL1, the degree of curl steepness will depend on the choice of the pillow;
  • Plasters-substrates for fixing the eyelashes of the lower eyelid;
  • A degreaser to prevent sebum from spoiling the lamination process;
  • Glue or gel for fixing the curlers on the skin of the upper eyelid, and eyelashes on the curlers;
  • Applicator for pressing hairs;
  • Brushes for applying glue, pigment, laminating composition, etc., the set must also include a brush for combing eyelashes;
  • Tweezers or stack for separating eyelashes;
  • Cream to protect the skin from glue and other liquids used during the procedure;
  • Cotton buds and discs;
  • Antiseptic for processing tools and hands of the master.

How is eyelash lamination done?

How eyelash lamination is done
How eyelash lamination is done

On the part of the client, preparatory measures are not required before visiting a beauty salon. Unless it is worth giving up eye makeup on this day, since the master will still remove it before starting work. And then you just need to come, sit comfortably in a chair and be patient. The whole procedure takes 1-1.5 hours, during which you need to lie still with your eyes closed.

Classic eyelash lamination step by step:

  1. The master carefully separates the cilia of the lower eyelid from the upper (in the corners of the eyes they often join) and fixes them on the skin with a backing plaster.
  2. The eyelashes of the upper eyelid are degreased.
  3. A silicone pad of the required size is glued to the upper eyelid as close as possible to the lash line.
  4. On the pillow, they carefully lay out and glue the cilia to it with the same gel. This is a fairly long stage, since the hairs need to be laid out very carefully.
  5. The first composition is applied to the eyelashes, which reveals the scales of the hairs and is responsible for their bending. Some masters cover their eyes with cotton pads, a film and a warm towel and leave for 10 minutes, while others just wait this time, not covering the client's eyelids with foreign objects. Which option you get depends on the chosen lamination product.
  6. The active composition is removed from the eyelashes with a cotton swab, and the hairs are again fixed with gel.
  7. If the eyelashes need coloring, at this stage the master mixes the dye with an oxidizing agent, thickens the hairs and removes the residues after 10 minutes.
  8. The eyelashes are covered with a keratin compound to fix the pigment and create a protective film, hold it for about 7 minutes and also remove it with a cotton swab.
  9. The eyelashes are removed from the rollers, combed, carefully separating the hairs from each other, and the skin is freed from the remnants of the glue.

Home eyelash lamination

Homemade eyelash gelatin
Homemade eyelash gelatin

If you decide on home lamination of eyelashes, get a clever and intelligent assistant, as otherwise you will not avoid getting scaly and keratinizing agents in your eyes.

If professional kits require a certain skill and experience, then with the improvised means, which have learned to handle the cilia of the supporter of "folk cosmetology", the situation is much simpler. It is enough to make sure that you are not allergic to the components of such products and act more carefully with a cotton swab, applying them to the hairs that pubesce the eyelids.

Home lash lamination recipe:

  1. Take 15 g of gelatin and dissolve it in 50 ml of water. How to do this, read on the packaging, the time and procedure for products from different manufacturers may not coincide.
  2. While the gelatin is waiting in the wings, degrease and comb the eyelashes, later you will not have time for this.
  3. With constant stirring, boil the gelatin over low heat until the mixture is smooth in a saucepan. This will take about 10-15 minutes.
  4. Add 5 ml of coconut or other nut oil to the gelatin and stir well. You can use ready-made eyelash care balms.
  5. Having dipped a cotton swab into the resulting mass, treat each hair with gelatin in several layers. Here you will have to act very carefully, as eyelash lamination is done before the gelatin begins to harden, but at the same time, using too hot a mass is unacceptable, because it can cause burns to the eyes or eyelids.
  6. Wait until the product dries, wash and rinse off the gelatin.

Note! Gelatin contains collagen, calcium, protein, vitamins E and B, so the film from it not only protects, but also heals the hairs.

Eyelash lamination results

Eyelash lamination results
Eyelash lamination results

Photos before and after lash lamination

If you look at the photographs of the girls before and after lamination of eyelashes (provided that the lashmaker knew his business and did not save on materials), the difference is usually visible to the naked eye. Due to even a slight darkening of the color, the hairs acquire visual density, thanks to the shaped tips they seem longer, they open up more effectively with a flirty bend … In a word, they make an impression.

However, it should be remembered that a properly performed procedure does not guarantee an excellent result if a woman neglects the rules of caring for laminated eyelashes.

In the first 24 hours, it is important:

  • do not let your eyelashes get wet;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics;
  • do not touch your eyes with your hands.

Next, the cilia can be left alone and focus on your usual facials. But if you want to keep the result obtained as long as possible, you can try to choose softer products for washing and removing makeup and lubricate the cilia every night with the nourishing oil recommended by the master.

How long the lamination effect lasts depends on:

  • characteristics of the body, in particular, hormonal levels;
  • the quality of the composition and qualifications of the master lashmaker;
  • the frequency of using decorative cosmetics: if a woman thinks that her renewed eyelashes will not do without mascara, then each make-up remover will thin the protective film on the hairs.

On average, with proper care, the achieved result lasts from 5 to 8 weeks and only in rare cases - up to 3 weeks, after which it is time to think again about a visit to a beauty salon.

Note! Compliance with all of the above rules and careful care will avoid the negative consequences of eyelash lamination and enjoy the achieved effect for as long as possible.

Real reviews of eyelash lamination

Eyelash lamination reviews
Eyelash lamination reviews

The tone of reviews about eyelash lamination largely depends on whether the girl found a good master or fell into the hands of a bungler. Naturally, in the first case, the percentage of satisfied votes is several times higher. Clients praise the appearance of the eyelashes, the comfort of the procedure and the absence of complex care requirements. But there are also those who ended up with broken off rare hairs, a disappointing result and swelling. There is only one conclusion: look for a good master and remember the contraindications.

Svetlana, 36 years old

What can I say … the "wow!" I did not observe even at the very beginning, in the first days after the procedure. Further - worse: eyelashes split, the ends began to simply break off! Now the eyelashes are half as short and even painted with mascara make a miserable impression. Complete disappointment.

Sofia, 23 years old

An excellent result in just an hour! Cilia grow and thrive, do not require maintenance, they don't even need mascara! Two months of complete bliss! True, for such a price, I would like a more durable result.

Olga, 23 years old

I noticed that after home lamination with gelatin, the cilia became thicker and, it seems, even thicker. It cannot be compared with a salon procedure, but very good for a home! I am going to repeat my experience in 2 weeks.

How eyelash lamination is done - watch the video:
