Find out the features of the eyelash extension procedure at home. Today, you can easily and quickly get beautiful, long and thick eyelashes using modern cosmetic procedures. If you do not want to apply mascara every day to make your look expressive, you should pay attention to the eyelash extension procedure. As a rule, it is carried out in beauty salons, but thanks to the possession of certain knowledge and skills, you can do everything yourself at home.
The eyelash extension procedure helps to obtain a long-term effect - the eyes will be brighter and more expressive. The whole process is quite laborious and time-consuming, but the result obtained is worth the effort.
Eyelash extension technology

Recently, such a cosmetic procedure as eyelash extension has become quite popular. Turning to a professional cosmetologist, in just a few hours you can get beautiful and thick eyelashes that make your look more expressive.
Today, there are quite a few different eyelash extension techniques that are selected taking into account certain requirements and the final result. The type of natural hair that frames the eyes is also important.
Straight, light and short eyelashes are easy to correct, after which they literally transform. The effect obtained from the procedure will be noticeable even with an unaided eye, and it is not necessary to additionally use mascara. If you wish and acquire the necessary skills, you can perform eyelash extension yourself at home and you do not have to visit a beauty salon. This type of extension is practical, and for some time there is no need for additional use of cosmetics.
Depending on which eyelash extension method is used, the resulting effect will last 1–4 weeks. It should be borne in mind that over time, artificial hairs glued to real eyelashes gradually disappear, since new ones will appear in their place. Therefore, in order to maintain the obtained result, it is required to carry out timely correction.
Many girls are worried about whether to extend eyelashes or whether this procedure is harmful to natural hair. Professional cosmetologists claim that when the procedure is carried out taking into account all the rules and requirements, the build-up is completely harmless. It is necessary to use only high-quality materials in order to prevent the risk of developing allergies, but the only exception can be cases of individual intolerance.
It is not recommended to perform eyelash extensions if there are any chronic diseases, acute or viral eye diseases. This procedure is contraindicated in case of a tendency to conjunctivitis. Before eyelash extension, without fail, the initial state of natural eyelashes is taken into account, since there is a risk of their complete loss. In the event that the hairs are very thin and weak, while falling out strongly, it is worth abandoning the extension and carrying out procedures to strengthen them.
Taking into account what materials and method of gluing artificial hairs will be used, there are several types of eyelash extensions, namely:
- Bundle or Hollywood eyelash extension. In the case of using this method, 2-4 artificial hairs are glued to individual natural cilia. For fastening, a special glue is used that does not provoke allergies. After the extension, the cilia become thicker and more lush and in this state they will last for about 1–1.5 weeks. The bundle extension must be done very carefully, while the master must make sure that neighboring cilia do not stick together, otherwise they will not look beautiful. This type of extension will not take much time to complete. This method can be used if you need to quickly build up cilia before some important event.
- Japanese or piece-by-piece build-up. When using this technique, pre-prepared villi are built up. They stick to natural hairs, while the eyelid should not be affected. It is important to choose high-quality building materials in order to get the most natural result. After using this extension technique, it seems that a light make-up was applied, because the glued villi create the effect of voluminous and long cilia, which are covered with a thin layer of mascara. The obtained result after the Japanese extension lasts for several weeks.
Eyelash extension methods

To build eyelashes yourself at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the technology and features of this procedure. To build up, you need to purchase all the tools and materials that must be of high quality.
The advantage of home eyelash extension also includes the fact that you can save a lot, because now you don't have to pay for the expensive services of the master. To get beautiful eyelashes and make your look bright and expressive, you need to purchase only high-quality materials, which you should not save on, otherwise you can get not the result you expected and cause serious harm to your eye health.
False eyelashes and bundles

Today on sale there are two types of artificial eyelashes for extension - separate bundles or villi. Depending on what effect should be obtained as a result, the choice of material is determined. The villi can be synthetic or natural. The effectiveness of the procedure itself directly depends on the quality of the fibers used. In order to get the most natural and natural effect, it is recommended to use silk or mink for extension, such fibers look almost like real ones.
It is necessary to take into account the fact that low-quality and very cheap silicone cilia can provoke a long-lasting allergic reaction. To create a bright evening make-up, it is worth using silk eyelashes, glossy or thickened.
The least popular are the "sable" and "column" fibers. The fact is that the latter are very thin, so they are almost invisible, which may require additional use of mascara. And the first option is too heavy and tough, so using them causes a strong feeling of discomfort.
You can choose from different lengths, shapes and colors of artificial eyelashes. As a rule, there are blue, silvery, black villi. It is recommended to stop the choice on the classic black color, since in this case the extended eyelashes will look natural and natural.

To carry out eyelash extensions, you must use a special hypoallergenic glue designed for this procedure. On sale this tool is presented in black and completely transparent.
If the eyelash extension procedure will be carried out independently, it is worth opting for a transparent product, so that it will be possible to hide some blemishes that may appear during work.
You can also use glue-resin, which has a strong or medium hold, and also makes it possible to make adjustments during work, if necessary.
Associated funds

For eyelash extensions, you must use a special degreasing agent, which can be alcohol or water based. Thanks to its use, it enhances the adhesion of natural and artificial hairs.
A primer is also used to clean and prepare the cilia. To perform home extensions, it is worth choosing professional rulers, since these tools are included in their composition.

In order to independently perform eyelash extensions, it is imperative to prepare in advance the tools that you will need during work:
- curved tweezers that have fine tips;
- the surface on which the glue will be poured;
- a brush to comb the hairs;
- toothpicks to be used to separate the cilia.
It will be quite problematic to carry out eyelash extensions on your own, so you need to ask someone for help. The duration of the procedure can be 2-3 hours.
Eyelash Extension Tips

To perform self-building, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
- First you need to wash your face to remove the remnants of makeup and dust from its surface.
- A special eyelash degreaser is used (cilia and the upper eyelid are processed), otherwise the hair extensions will not last too long.
- A narrow strip of synthetic adhesive is attached to the lower eyelid.
- The villi that will build up are laid out on a white sheet of paper so that they can be clearly seen.
- A small amount of glue is poured onto a saucer - literally a few drops will be needed. Do not take a lot of glue at once, as it can harden.
- You need to start building cilia from the outer corner and gradually move to the bridge of the nose.
- With the help of a toothpick, one natural eyelash is gently separated.
- A special curved tweezers are taken, with which a villus or a tuft of eyelashes is grasped and applied to the eyelid to try on.
- The villi is moistened in the glue so that it covers about half of it.
- The cilia is neatly attached at the base of the natural hair and adheres for a couple of seconds, while you need to try not to blink and hold the eyelid with the finger of your free hand.
- The villi must be glued from the side or from above onto natural hairs.
- During work, it is necessary to ensure that the glue does not get on the skin of the eyelid, otherwise severe redness or irritation may appear.
- Excess glue can remain on the eyelashes, which can be easily removed with a toothpick, but this must be done very carefully.
- Slowly, gradually and neatly all artificial hairs are attached from above to natural cilia, while trying to make the effect of a smooth transition.
- The villi are gently dried by cold air.
- A strip of adhesive plaster is carefully removed from the lower eyelid.
If any glue remains, you can store it in the refrigerator for a while. Adhering to the above tips and tricks, as well as strictly following the eyelash extension technology, this procedure can be done at home. The main thing is not to forget that artificial eyelashes need more careful care, thanks to which they will look beautiful and spectacular for a long time.
Learn how to extend eyelashes at home from this video: