How to make a mustard face mask

How to make a mustard face mask
How to make a mustard face mask

Benefits, composition and contraindications for the use of mustard face masks. Recipes for preparing products for different types of skin. A mustard face mask is a very effective remedy to get rid of many skin imperfections. It is quite aggressive, therefore it is used in cases where gentle substances have not brought results. Mustard masks are used for all skin types, changing the composition of the mixture and adding components that eliminate certain problems with the epidermis.

Useful properties of mustard masks

Applying a mustard mask to the face
Applying a mustard mask to the face

Indeed, mustard powder formulations are highly irritating and unpleasant to the skin. Despite this, the effect is significant even after one procedure. That is why mustard-based face formulations are an emergency aid when you urgently need to tighten it up or get rid of excessive fat content.

The benefits of mustard face masks:

  • Stimulates blood circulation … Due to the presence of essential oils in mustard, blood circulation is improved. Accordingly, the metabolism and nutrition of the skin are normalized.
  • Oxygenate the skin … Mustard powder opens the pores, thereby removing all contents from them. Terpene compounds saturate the dermis with oxygen.
  • Reduces sebum production … Mustard compounds reduce the excessive greasiness of the skin. The face becomes matte and the shine disappears.
  • Improve complexion … Essential oils eliminate gray or yellow tinges. The face becomes healthy.
  • Rejuvenate the skin … The rapid blood flow normalizes metabolism and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. The contour of the face becomes clearer and more pronounced.
  • Prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microflora … Mustard is known for its antibacterial properties, which is why masks can help reduce inflammation and acne.

Contraindications to the use of mustard masks

Chemical burn on the face
Chemical burn on the face

It is worth noting that such compositions are quite aggressive, so they are used with extreme caution. Before using the mustard mask, be sure to apply a small amount of the mixture to your wrist and soak for 5-7 minutes. If irritation does not appear, then it can be applied to the face.

List of contraindications:

  1. Irritation … Do not apply the product to irritated and damaged skin. This will cause a burning sensation and may trigger a rash.
  2. Dry and very sensitive skin … If you have very dry, flaky epidermis, masks with mustard can trigger a rash and burn your skin.
  3. Couperose … In the presence of rosacea and vascular reticulum, mustard cannot be used. This causes an increase in the diameter of the capillaries.
  4. Scars and wounds … After surgery, you should not use masks with mustard. It is necessary for the wound to heal completely.

Mustard powder composition and components

Mustard for the preparation of the mask
Mustard for the preparation of the mask

Mustard is known to everyone as a spice, with which you can complement the taste of meat and fish dishes. But, besides this, it is used to treat many skin ailments. This is due to the presence of vitamins, essential oils and microelements in mustard.

Mustard powder composition:

  • B vitamins … Vitamin B6 stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Over time, the contour of the face becomes clear precisely because of the presence of B vitamins.
  • Retinol … This vitamin improves the elasticity of the epidermis, reducing the appearance of aging. Wrinkles in the forehead and nasolabial triangle are perfectly smoothed.
  • Vitamin PP … This substance dilates blood vessels, improving cell nutrition. More nutrients are supplied to the skin.
  • Vitamin E … This substance moisturizes the face and helps the absorption of certain fat-soluble trace elements.
  • Fatty acid … Saturates the skin with moisture and prevents its evaporation. Promote hydration of the epidermis and eliminate edema.
  • Vitamin K … Improves complexion by eliminating unhealthy gray tones and yellowness. Helps eliminate age spots and freckles.

Mustard face mask recipes

Mustard can be used to heal oily and fading epidermis. Mustard formulations are rarely used on dry and sensitive skin, as they can cause rashes and irritation.

Mustard mask for oily skin

Cucumbers for making a mask
Cucumbers for making a mask

This mask can be considered healing, since in just one session you will get rid of excessive oily skin and can improve its condition. Mustard is good at eliminating acne and acne.

Recipes for masks with mustard for oily skin:

  1. With cucumber … This mask dries and tightens the skin. To prepare the healing composition, it is necessary to shake the egg white in a bowl until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add 15 g of dry mustard powder to it. Peel a fresh cucumber and grind it. Add three tablespoons of vegetable shavings to the mustard-protein mixture. Stir and lubricate the epidermis with a thick layer. Put dry gauze on top, this will prevent the composition from dripping. Leave it to act for a quarter of an hour. Gently wash your face to remove any remaining paste.
  2. With protein … Use a brush to shake one protein with a spoonful of lemon juice. Add a spoonful of mustard and medium over the paste. Mix everything thoroughly and use a brush to spread it evenly on the skin. You need to keep the paste for 10-15 minutes. Remove the mixture gently with a wet wipe.
  3. With honey … This mask helps to eliminate oiliness in the forehead area. It is necessary to mix a teaspoon of wheat oil with egg yolk and 30 ml of thick honey. Place the mixture in a water bath and heat until thickened. Add 15 g of dry mustard powder to the thick paste. Heat the mixture a little more and let cool. Apply the paste to your face, avoiding the thin skin under your eyes. Cover the applique with gauze and keep it on for 10-12 minutes. Remove gently with warm water.
  4. With apple … It is necessary to peel the apple and grind it on a grater. Fold the paste onto cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Add 15 g of dry mustard powder and stir. It is necessary to make a viscous paste. Gently brush the mixture onto a napkin and apply it over your face. It is enough to hold the compress on the skin for 12 minutes. After that, the paste is removed with a damp cloth.
  5. With turmeric … Mix mustard powder with turmeric in a 3: 1 ratio. Add 5 drops of lemon juice to the mixture and dilute with hot water. It is necessary to get a thick and homogeneous gruel. Apply the paste to the skin and leave to work for 7-12 minutes. Gently remove the paste with a damp cloth and lubricate the epidermis with cream.

Anti-wrinkle mustard mask

Olive oil
Olive oil

Mustard will help rejuvenate aging skin that has lost its elasticity. For additional nutrition, vitamins and oils are introduced into anti-aging masks. They help retain moisture in cells longer and help reduce wrinkles.

Mustard anti-aging face mask recipes:

  • With olive oil … Take 15 g of mustard powder and dilute with boiling water until a homogeneous gruel is obtained. Add 10 ml of olive oil. Lubricate a cloth or gauze with the resulting composition. Apply the compress to your face and hold for 7-10 minutes. Remove the fabric gently and rinse the skin. Be sure to lubricate your face with an anti-aging product. It can be a serum or a very greasy cream.
  • With herbs … Brew the herbal mixture to make the paste. It is necessary to mix in equal quantities dry chamomile flowers with leaves of coltsfoot. Pour a spoonful of the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water and let stand for 15 minutes. Strain the broth and dilute with 15 g of dry mustard powder. Inject 10 ml of wheat germ oil. Spread the paste and apply it to the cleansed epidermis. The mixture may drip off the skin, so cover the mixture with gauze or a damp cloth. The exposure time is 7-10 minutes.
  • With cream … Put milk on fire and bring it to a boil. Dilute a spoonful of mustard seed powder with milk. It is necessary that there are no lumps in the mixture. Add 20 ml of heavy cream to the mass and mix thoroughly. Transfer the paste to your skin and leave to work for 8-12 minutes. After that, remove it with a wet cloth and rinse your face additionally.
  • With cottage cheese … Grind 100 g of fat cottage cheese on a grater. It is necessary that there are no grains. Add 15 g of dry mustard powder. Add some milk if the mixture is very thick. Spread the puree on the skin. The duration of the manipulation is 12 minutes. Then gently rinse the paste off your skin.

Mustard mask for acne

Acetylsalicylic acid
Acetylsalicylic acid

Mustard removes excessive oiliness from the skin and promotes healing of acne. This spice has antibacterial properties, so it prevents the spread of a rash on the face. Aspirin, hydrogen peroxide and herbs are added to the composition of acne masks.

Acne Mustard Masks Recipes:

  1. With salicylic acid … Crush an acetylsalicylic acid tablet and mix with mustard powder. Dilute the dry mixture with warm milk until a homogeneous gruel is obtained. Add 3 drops of tea tree oil. Lubricate a napkin with the paste and apply to your face. Keep the compress for 7-10 minutes. Rinse off gently, being careful not to rub the epidermis.
  2. With peroxide … Pour 15 g of mustard seed powder into a container and add very hot water. Turn the mixture into a smooth, viscous puree and add 3 ml of hydrogen peroxide. The concentration of the solution is 3%. Stir gently and brush over face. You can use the product on top of it. Application time is 7-8 minutes. Remove residues with water and lubricate the pimples with an anti-inflammatory agent.
  3. With clay … Mix mustard powder with white clay. The components should be equally divided. Dilute the dry mixture with warm mineral water until a viscous puree is obtained. Spread the resulting paste on the skin in a thin layer. Avoid getting the mixture on your neck and under the eyes. It is enough to keep it on the skin for a quarter of an hour. Then remove the remaining mustard with warm chamomile broth.
  4. With a succession … The sequence dries out the skin and fights acne perfectly. Pour 210 ml of boiling water over a tablespoon of the herb. Cover the container with a lid and let sit for 20 minutes. Strain the broth and dilute the mustard powder with it. Inject 3 drops of orange oil. Spread the composition on the skin and hold for 7-12 minutes. Rinse off the mustard mixture in a circular motion.
  5. With aloe … This plant is excellent for healing and helps to fade acne. It is necessary to peel three leaves of the plant and turn them into a thick liquid. This can be done with a blender. Pour in 15 g of dry mustard powder and add a little water until a smooth, puree-like paste is obtained. Lubricate the skin and leave for 10 minutes. If the paste burns badly, wash it off immediately using warm water.
  6. With calendula … Stir 15 g of mustard seed powder with water until puree. Drop by drop with constant stirring, add 2 ml of alcohol tincture of calendula. Convert the mass into a homogeneous mixture and lubricate the skin with it. Leave it on your face for a third of an hour. Rinse off with cool running water.

Rules for the use of mustard masks

Preparing a mustard mask
Preparing a mustard mask

A mustard face mask at home is very simple to prepare, in addition, such a composition is quite effective. But for the mixture to be really effective, you must adhere to certain rules.

Rules for the preparation and application of mustard face masks:

  • For the preparation of the medicinal composition, use only dry powder. Store-bought mustard is not suitable as it contains vinegar and preservatives.
  • It is best to dilute the powder with boiling milk or herbal infusion that is appropriate for your skin type. Milk is an ideal ingredient for preparing mustard masks for the care of aging skin.
  • To prevent lumps from forming during the preparation of the mixture, pour in the liquid in a very thin stream with constant stirring. Be sure to use a whisk as you won't be able to completely remove the lumps with a fork.
  • Mustard masks should be applied on oily skin for no more than 12-15 minutes. If it is dry or flabby, 7-10 minutes is enough.
  • Before using the mixture, test for sensitivity by smearing the paste on the wrist or elbow fold.
  • Wash off the mass with warm water. After that, you need to lubricate your face with a moisturizer, since mustard can dry the epidermis.

How to make a mustard face mask - watch the video:

Mustard masks are effective care products for aging and problem skin. If used correctly, you can heal the epidermis and get rid of many problems.
