What is cucumber lotion, what are its benefits for the skin of the face, possible contraindications, the components used and the most popular recipes for the remedy, the rules for applying the tonic. Cucumber Lotion is an excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory facial that can be easily made at home. This tonic is especially often used by owners of problem skin. Cucumber fights well with high fat content, acne, blackheads, age spots and freckles.
Benefits of Cucumber Lotion

Cucumbers were also used for cosmetic purposes by our great-grandmothers. Their anti-aging properties have been known for a long time. This green vegetable contains up to 95% water, which in its composition is close to distilled. In addition, the most important vitamins for human skin (A, B, C, PP), proteins, microelements (potassium, carotene, iodine, magnesium) and enzymes are present in cucumber. Such a rich composition helps the cucumber to have an antioxidant effect on the skin. Vitamins A and C prevent the appearance of early wrinkles. PP softens the hardened epidermis, gives it smoothness. B vitamins help in getting rid of acne, blackheads and oily sheen, sebaceous plugs. In addition, the vegetable effectively whitens the skin, improves its color, lightens freckles, age spots due to the presence of organic acids and vitamin C. This fruit is used in the manufacture of various cosmetics, including lotions. Such drugs can be used regardless of age and skin type. Cucumber face lotions help to saturate the dermis with moisture, essential vitamins and microelements. Skin rashes heal faster, redness is relieved. With regular use of the tonic, the likelihood of the appearance of new acne and acne decreases, since it normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, narrows the pores. Making an effective and inexpensive cucumber-based skin care product is easy at home. There are many recipes designed to solve certain skin problems.
Contraindications to using cucumber lotion

As a rule, cucumber-based cosmetic products have no contraindications for use. Side effects after cucumber lotion are also very rare. However, you should be attentive to people with very sensitive skin, which is prone to allergic reactions. Refrain from cucumber tonics if you have an individual intolerance to this vegetable. Also, be careful when choosing a recipe for the lotion, so that it does not contain ingredients "dangerous" for you. If you are concerned about a skin reaction, try applying the product to the inner fold of your elbow. If, after a couple of hours, redness or itching does not appear at this place, then you can safely use the lotion for application on the face.
Composition and components of cucumber lotion

Cucumbers are not only a large amount of water, but also a mass of useful soluble substances that have a positive effect on the skin. Consider the composition of this vegetable:
- Vitamins … This green fruit contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B9, C, E. That is, the entire list of those that help to regenerate the skin, make it more elastic and fresh.
- Macronutrients … Most of all in a cucumber of potassium - 140 milligrams, there are also calcium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus.
- Trace elements … Cucumber contains iron, iodine, cobalt, manganese, copper, molybdenum, fluorine, zinc.
In addition, the vegetable contains pectins, organic acids, and ash.
Cucumbers can be used to make a variety of skin care products. These can be either lotions containing alcohol or vodka, or alcohol-free tonics, which also take great care of the face. If you have dry and sensitive skin, then pick up recipes for products that do not include vodka or alcohol, as these substances dry your face a lot. It is best to use lotions with decoctions and herbal tinctures and cucumber juice. For skin with an abundance of freckles and age spots, tonics are suitable, which, in addition to cucumber juice, also contain fresh lemon juice. The latter has a pronounced whitening property. For the care of oily skin, lotions are intended, which include vodka or alcohol, honey. They tighten pores and help normalize the sebaceous glands. Also, cucumber cosmetic products often include apple cider vinegar, milk, white wine, cream, egg yolks, and various herbal decoctions.
Cucumber lotion recipes
To prepare the lotion, you must use ground fruits, preferably grown in your own garden, without chemicals and growth stimulants. Harmful compounds can accumulate in cucumbers and pass into the tonic. These products are clearly not going to be good for the skin.
Classic Cucumber Lotion

This product is ideal for those with oily skin. Relieves inflammation and cleans the epidermis. For cooking, we need a couple of medium cucumbers and 200 grams of alcohol or vodka.
We prepare the lotion like this:
- We wash the vegetables thoroughly and cut them into thin slices;
- We put it in a container (preferably glass) and fill it with alcohol (vodka);
- We put the dishes in a warm place in the sun for a couple of weeks;
- Store the finished tonic in the refrigerator for no more than 30 days.
If your skin is dry, then glycerin and water can be added to the resulting lotion in the proportion: 1 part of lotion - 2 parts of distilled water. Next, for every 100 grams of the mixture, add one teaspoon of glycerin.
Cucumber lotion with apple cider vinegar

This is another remedy that is good for solving the problems of oily skin.
We cook according to the following instructions:
- Take one medium cucumber, cut into slices;
- Fill the vegetable with 0.5 cups of apple cider vinegar;
- Cover the mixture with a lid and set in a dark place to infuse for 7 days.
Cucumber lotion with green tea

This product can be used on all skin types. It perfectly relieves inflammation, irritation, does not dry the delicate epidermis.
Cooking tonic like this:
- We take one small cucumber, wash it thoroughly and, without peeling it, rub it on a fine grater.
- Preparing a cup of strong green tea. It is advisable to use for these purposes not a packaged drink, but a large-leaf one.
- Pour cucumber gruel with hot tea and stir.
- Cover the mixture tightly with a lid and set to infuse until it cools.
- We filter the mixture, pour the finished lotion into a glass container and use it as needed.
It is best to store the drug in the refrigerator.
Cucumber lotion with milk

This remedy saves dry skin from tightness. It is also well suited for women with normal dermis. Lotion with cucumber and milk has a nourishing and moisturizing effect. Cooking like this:
- Take one third of a medium cucumber, cut it into thin slices or small cubes;
- Pour the resulting mass with a glass of warmed milk;
- Leave to infuse for half an hour;
- We filter, and the lotion is ready.
Cucumber lotion with herbal decoction

This lotion is suitable for dry skin - it moisturizes and soothes it.
We prepare the product according to this recipe:
- We take a cucumber and rub it on a fine grater. Squeeze the juice out of the gruel to make it 40 milliliters.
- Pour a couple of tablespoons of St. John's wort with 250 milliliters of hot water and put in a steam bath for 15 minutes.
- Remove the mixture and leave to infuse for forty minutes.
- We filter the broth through cheesecloth folded in several layers.
- We take a handful of rose petals, grind them and fill them with a glass of hot water.
- Cover the petals with a lid and leave to infuse for half an hour.
- We mix cucumber juice, 40 milliliters of St. John's wort broth and 20 milliliters of rose petals infusion.
- We store the finished lotion in the refrigerator.
Cucumber lotion with lemon, egg and honey

A lotion containing cucumber, lemon zest and juice, vodka, egg white and honey has a good cleansing and whitening effect.
A remedy is being prepared according to this recipe:
- We take a fresh cucumber and grind it on a fine grater. To prepare the lotion, we need four tablespoons of gruel.
- Add one tablespoon of lemon zest and two tablespoons of fresh lemon to the cucumber.
- Fill the mixture with 150 ml of vodka.
- Leave to infuse in a cool dark place for two weeks.
- We filter the mixture and add the protein from one chicken egg, a teaspoon of honey and 3 tablespoons of boiled water.
- Stir the components until the honey is completely dissolved. The lotion is ready.
Cucumber Lotion with Mint & Citrus Oil

This toner is ideal for oily or combination skin.
To prepare the product, follow these instructions:
- Take one cucumber, five mint leaves and grind them until puree in a blender.
- Pour the mixture into a saucepan and bring to a boil over low heat.
- We boil for a minute.
- We filter and pour into a sterile bottle.
- Add a couple of drops of grapefruit oil to the container with the mixture. The hood can be replaced with 4 drops of benzoin resin.
We store the product for no more than a week in the refrigerator.
Cucumber lotion with melon, olive oil and wax

This nourishing facial is prepared like this:
- Peel the melon and cucumber, remove the seeds and cut into cubes.
- We take a quarter cup of a melon and the same amount of cucumber.
- Squeeze the juice out of the fruit.
- Bring a glass of water to a boil and add a green tea bag to it. We boil it for about five minutes.
- Heat a quarter glass of emulsion wax in a steam bath.
- Mix together wax, tea, juice and a quarter cup of olive oil. The lotion is ready.
It should not be stored at room temperature as it contains no preservatives and will quickly deteriorate. The toner can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 14 days.
Cucumber lotion with wine, cream, egg

Dry skin needs special care. To cleanse and nourish it, you can prepare the following gentle lotion:
- Squeeze three tablespoons of juice from a fresh cucumber.
- Mix them with one egg yolk.
- Add a tablespoon of cream and 50 grams of dry white wine.
We store the mixture in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.
Rules for using cucumber lotion

Lotion is a cosmetic product that serves to cleanse and nourish the face and neck. It should be applied to previously cleansed skin. That is, before using the lotion, it is recommended to wash your face and neck with mild soap or foam. Then we take the product out of the refrigerator and shake it well in order to raise possible sediment from the bottom. We moisten a cotton pad with cucumber lotion for the face and gently process the entire surface of the skin. At the same time, do not forget about the neck and décolleté area.
You do not need to wash your face after applying the tonic. You should wait until it dries on your face by itself; you should also not wipe the skin.
The recommended frequency of using the lotion is 1-2 times a day. As a rule, this is the morning after washing and the evening before going to bed.
Note! You only need to store the tonic in the refrigerator and for a limited time. After the expiration date of the product, discard the remains and prepare a new portion of the lotion. How to make cucumber lotion - watch the video:

Cucumber toner is an effective skin care product that can be easily made at home. Before making a cucumber lotion, it is necessary to test the skin for the tolerance of all the components used in order to avoid an allergic reaction.