Composition and useful properties of chocolate butter, contraindications for use. How is sweet butter eaten and what recipes with its participation should every housewife know? How to make a treat at home?
Chocolate butter is a favorite product of all sweet tooths, butter with the addition of cocoa powder or chocolate. The treat can be eaten neat, spread on bread. However, confectioners prefer to add it to the dough when baking desserts. Thanks to this ingredient, cakes and cookies acquire a special aroma and taste. How much oil can you eat per day to avoid gaining weight, and who should stop using it entirely? Further on the harmful and beneficial properties of the product.
Composition and calorie content of chocolate butter

Chocolate butter contains the following ingredients: cow's milk, sour cream or cream, cocoa and vanilla extract. This product has a soft elastic consistency, sweet taste and persistent creamy odor.
The oil recipe can be changed in accordance with the manufacturer's wishes. So, not fresh, but powdered milk, salt, all kinds of starter cultures, dyes, substances that contribute to long-term storage, etc. are often added to the product.
The calorie content of chocolate butter per 100 g is 642 kcal, of which:
- Proteins - 1.5 g;
- Fat - 62 g;
- Carbohydrates - 18.6 g;
- Dietary fiber - 0 g;
- Water - 0 g.
Butter chocolate contains a lot of useful nutrients, including vitamins A, E, K, beta-carotene, PP, D. The product is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid. Among the main micro- and macroelements: magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, zinc, sodium.
On a note! 1 teaspoon holds 4, 6 g of chocolate butter, and a tablespoon - 14 g.
The beneficial properties of chocolate butter

The benefits of chocolate butter for the human body are discussed by immunologists, nutritionists and doctors of other specialties. Northern peoples eat the product to keep warm and withstand severe frosts. Experts advise be sure to include it in the diet of knowledge workers. A nourishing product promotes the renewal of brain cells, quickly saturates the body with energy and, like any sweetness, raises the mood.
The main beneficial properties of chocolate butter:
- Retains calcium in the body, takes part in the formation of nervous tissue thanks to vitamin D.
- Strengthens the immune system, favorably affects the condition of the hair, skin and vision - the oil contains a large amount of vitamins A and C. Doctors note that 50 g of chocolate delicacy contains 1/3 of the daily requirement of vitamin A for a person.
- Accelerates the metabolism in the body - this process is favorably influenced by vitamin B5.
- Optimizes the work of the cardiovascular system due to the high content of vitamin E.
- Relieves constipation, optimizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The oil is rich in saturated fats, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach. It also contains substances that can heal small ulcers that can be located on the walls of the stomach. It is enough to eat 15 g of this product per day to ensure the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. However, we must not forget that oil abuse can lead to rapid weight gain.
- Prevents the development of malignant tumors in the human body - oleic acid takes part in this process.
- Promotes the production of endorphins, the so-called hormone of joy - chocolate butter contains a large amount of cocoa powder, which provokes the production of this hormone.
- Reduces the risk of developing diseases such as stomach ulcers, strokes, heart attacks, thanks to cocoa, which contains a lot of epicatechin, which has a beneficial effect on the human cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.
Nutritional advice! In order not to recover from chocolate butter and experience all of its beneficial properties, you need to eat no more than 10 g of delicacies per day.
Contraindications and harm of chocolate butter

The harm of chocolate butter to the human body lies in the high calorie content of the product, so it should be abandoned overweight and diabetics.
Chocolate dessert is considered a nutritious food with a lot of cholesterol, therefore it is not recommended to eat it. for patients of the cardiology department.
Not everyone thinks about this, but the use of chocolate treats should be limited. pregnant women … Cocoa slows down the absorption of calcium, an important nutrient. At the same time, calcium is an indispensable element for the correct intrauterine development of the child.
Special care should be taken with oil allergy sufferers, because cocoa is a fairly allergenic product.
A store-bought product is much more harmful to human health than homemade chocolate butter. When buying a treat in a store, carefully read its composition indicated on the package. If the oil contains emulsifiers, flavor enhancers, synthetic colors and other chemical additives, refuse to purchase it.
On a note! To get the most natural product in the store, pay attention to its shelf life - the least amount of preservatives contains chocolate butter with a shelf life of less than 30 days.
How to make chocolate butter?

Organizing the preparation of chocolate butter at home will not be difficult for any housewife and even an inexperienced cook. All you need is 15 minutes of free time and inspiration!
A step-by-step recipe for chocolate butter for universal use:
- Leave 250 g of butter in a warm place to melt and acquire a soft consistency. Experts do not recommend specially heating it in a microwave oven or in a water bath, because it should not turn out to be too liquid.
- In a separate bowl, mix 8 tbsp. l. cocoa powder and 5 tbsp. l. powdered sugar (if there is no powder, granulated sugar will do).
- Combine the free-flowing mixture with the oil and mix thoroughly; for this, a deep bowl and a blender are optimal. As a result, the oil should turn out to be a homogeneous viscous consistency and a dark brown color.
- Place the finished treat in the refrigerator to set. Make sure that the oil dish is tightly closed, otherwise it may absorb odors from other foods.
Here are some tips on how to make chocolate butter that can be used to stuff buns or croissants, and easily spread over toast:
- Melt 1 bar of chocolate (milk or black as you like). For this purpose, it is better to organize a water bath.
- Let the liquid treat cool slightly.
- Cut 100 g butter into pieces and combine with chocolate. Please note that the oil should be as soft as possible, so it should be removed from the refrigerator in advance.
- Mix the resulting product thoroughly and send to solidify in the refrigerator.
For this homemade sweet butter recipe, you'll need cinnamon and orange. To make a treat, follow the simple step-by-step instructions:
- Break into pieces 100 g of dark chocolate and melt in a water bath.
- Add 200 g of butter to the chocolate and keep on fire until the resulting mass becomes smooth.
- Remove the mixture from heat, add 0.5 tsp to it.cinnamon and zest of 1 orange.
- Select a container of suitable shape for the oil to solidify. Place plastic wrap in it and fill with liquid oil.
- Leave the product in a cool place to freeze.
- Before serving, garnish the finished dish with lemon zest.
Chocolate Butter Recipes

Fatty oil of animal origin, especially chocolate oil, enhances the taste of any dessert and enriches it with a pleasant aroma. But the main thing is that the product, which contains oil, is particularly satisfying and can quickly satisfy hunger during a short work break.
A few simple recipes for desserts with the addition of brown butter:
- Simple cookie … Soften 200 g of chocolate butter, add 1 chicken egg, 1 bag of baking powder and 3 tbsp. l. milk. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Homemade butter is optimal for cookies, because it will most likely be fresh and without chemical additives. How to make chocolate butter in your home kitchen is described above. Add 350 g of wheat flour to the liquid mixture and knead the dough, it should be soft and not "clogged". Roll out the dough and squeeze the cookies out of it. If you do not have special figures for squeezing cookies, use a glass of any diameter. Bake the fragrant buttery treat for no longer than 20 minutes.
- Cake … Melt 150 g of chocolate butter until liquid and let cool slightly. Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, combine 160 g of wheat flour with 100 g of sugar, 3 tbsp. l. cocoa, 2 tbsp. l. finely crushed walnuts and 2 tsp. baking powder for the dough. Then add 1 tbsp to the dry ingredients. kefir (200 g) and melted butter. Knead the dough and pour into the muffin tins. In consistency, it should resemble thick sour cream. Bake the dessert for about 35 minutes.
- Dessert "Chocolate House" … Spread a piece of cling film on your work surface. Place 100 g of chocolate butter on it in an even layer. Put any cookies you like on top of it. Biscuits made with baked milk are ideal for this recipe. Put 100 g of curd mass on a layer of cookies. Please note that the amount of ingredients may vary depending on your preferences, the amount of butter or cottage cheese can be increased or decreased. After laying out the cottage cheese, a kind of roll should be made from the resulting mass. To do this, lift the film on one side and roll the layer of sweets into a hollow triangular tube. Put the dessert in the refrigerator to set without removing the film. In the refrigerator, the cookies will be saturated with moisture from the butter and cottage cheese and will become softer, the other ingredients of the sweets will, on the contrary, become stale. Cut the finished product with a knife and eat with tea. Bon Appetit!
- Walnut Pie … Using a food processor or blender, beat 120 g butter and 4 tbsp. l. chocolate butter, 7 tbsp. l. granulated sugar, 2 chicken eggs, 55 g of wheat flour and 2 tbsp. l. cocoa powder. Chop 60 g of walnuts and add them to the dough. Bake the resulting mass in a preheated oven for 45 minutes. Sprinkle the finished cake generously with powdered sugar.
Note to the chef! Chocolate butter is ideal for impregnating almost all sweet cakes and biscuit cakes.
Interesting facts about chocolate butter

The homeland of chocolate butter is considered to be America, or rather its southern and central regions. Here chocolate was a drink that included cocoa beans. The taste of such a delicacy was extremely dubious, so the chocolate recipe was improved in Spain.
The new Spanish delicacy has acquired a denser consistency and has become popular all over the world. The recipe for chocolate butter was first developed here.
In the modern world, this product is produced in almost every dairy. For its manufacture, expensive equipment and secret knowledge are not required.
How to make chocolate butter - watch the video:

Chocolate butter is a source of vitamins and amino acids, without which the human body cannot function normally. Therefore, by including a product in your diet, you contribute to the health of the nervous, digestive, cardiovascular and other internal systems of your body. Avoid high-calorie treats if you are obese, heart problems, or diabetes. Choose homemade natural butter over store-bought butter - industrial chocolate butter manufacturers often abuse the use of synthetic additives to make sweets.