How to make apple face masks

How to make apple face masks
How to make apple face masks

Useful properties and contraindications of apple masks for the face. Recipes for effective remedies and the effect they produce. Apple face masks are an excellent cosmetic product available everywhere and at any time. In addition, the recipes for such mixtures are very simple, preparation is quick, and there are additional ingredients in every woman's household.

Useful properties of apple masks

Apple mask
Apple mask

This humble and familiar fruit is actually very useful for the body in general, and for the skin in particular, because it has wonderful properties. Namely:

  • Versatility … For any type of skin, you can find a suitable recipe for an apple mask. These fruits are used as a base, and additional ingredients enhance the effect you want.
  • Fast results … Just two to three weeks of their application will be enough to achieve a satisfactory result in solving your skin problems.
  • Naturalness … These fruits are a 100% natural product, it is impossible to counterfeit them, unless you should be careful with the supplier, so as not to be afraid of unnecessary "chemistry" from fertilizers and pesticides used in their cultivation.
  • Healing power … Apples are able to normalize metabolism, heal microcracks and remove inflammation on the skin (the tannins they contain have an excellent antibacterial effect).
  • Peeling property … Apple masks cleanse the skin and remove dead cells from it, as the organic acids contained in them gently exfoliate all excess from its upper layer. This is a kind of light peeling.

Contraindications to the use of apple masks

Sensitive facial skin
Sensitive facial skin

An apple face mask usually does not cause an allergic reaction, because this fruit is native to us and our climatic zones.

But given the risk of individual intolerance to both the apples themselves and any of the additional components of the mask, it is better to play it safe and test yourself for hypersensitivity before using it by smearing the skin on the inside of the bend of the elbow or on the wrist. If after 15 minutes there is no redness, then you are not allergic to this mask either.

Taking into account the fact that apples usually contain quite a lot of vitamin C and fruit acids, apple masks should be used with great care by people with very sensitive or damaged skin.

Important! The apple mask is kept on the face for no more than fifteen minutes, and then washed off.

Composition and components of apples

Apple mask
Apple mask

The fruits of this beloved fruit delicacy contain many micro- and macroelements, vitamins, organic acids, they also contain pectins and tannins, flavonoids, esters and phytoncides. It is this rich natural composition that allows apple masks to restore the beauty and freshness of the facial skin.

Let's consider the composition and components of apples in more detail:

  1. Macro and microelements … Everyone knows that the apple cut darkens, because the iron contained in it is oxidized in air. It is the iron in the apple most of all. Thanks to him, after such masks, the complexion improves - due to the saturation of the blood with oxygen and the improvement of blood supply. Also, the minerals contained in apples include phosphorus, iodine, fluorine, magnesium, zinc and potassium, which normalize metabolism, cleanse and moisturize the skin.
  2. Vitamins … Namely, carotene, B vitamins (B1, B9, B6, B2), vitamins K, P, E and C. Carotene, having an anti-inflammatory effect, soothes the skin, reduces sebum secretion. B vitamins protect against negative environmental influences. Vitamin K whitens and fights puffiness (just like vitamin P), vitamin E eliminates free radicals, and vitamin C, being a natural antioxidant, rejuvenates the skin and gives it elasticity.
  3. Other … Phytoncides, flavonoids, tannins, pectins, organic (fruit) acids, essential oils help to cleanse the skin of the face, get rid of age spots (including freckles), treat inflammation and can even smooth out fine wrinkles, making the skin more elastic.

Apple face mask recipes

The simplest apple mask can significantly improve the condition of your skin. Masks made from these beloved fruits refresh the complexion, rejuvenate, soften, tone and cleanse the dermis, moreover, there are recipes for any - combined, normal, dry or oily.

Face mask with apple and honey

Apples and honey for making a mask
Apples and honey for making a mask

This mask nourishes and refreshes the dermis, making it moisturized and soft to the touch. The product containing honey is suitable for owners of combination or dry skin types.

Recipes for masks based on honey and apples:

  • Simple mask with honey … She only needs honey and an apple. 1 tbsp. l. apple pulp mix with 1 tsp. honey and spread over the skin of the face.
  • With cottage cheese … You can also add cottage cheese to a simple honey mask (fat-free if you have oily skin, oily if dry).
  • With oat flakes … To the apple and honey, as in a simple mask with honey, add another 1 tsp. tender oatmeal.
  • Cinnamon … In a blender, combine the cinnamon, oatmeal, and honey (1 tablespoon each) with one apple puree.
  • With vinegar … Grind half of the apple (preferably in a blender) and mix with 1 tsp. honey, add 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, and 1 tsp. ascorbic acid and vinegar. This mask is kept for half an hour, it brightens the skin, eliminates age spots, and if ascorbic acid is replaced with rowan juice, then it also removes wrinkles.

Know! Before using a mask containing bee products, make sure that you are not allergic to them. Only natural, homemade honey is needed, it is advisable to buy it from trusted beekeepers. Sugar can be heated in a water bath.

Apple and yolk anti-wrinkle face mask

Yolk for making a mask
Yolk for making a mask

A course of ten such masks (2 masks per week, no more) will help fading facial skin get rid of mimic wrinkles and age spots:

  1. With honey … 1 tbsp. l. Combine the grated apple mass with the yolk, thick dark honey and flour (1 tsp each)
  2. With potatoes and milk … Take one medium-sized potato and boil directly in the skins, peel and combine with one yolk, one apple (diced) and 2 tbsp. l. milk. Put the resulting mass in a water bath for 30 minutes, then mash and cool to a comfortable temperature. Apply to skin and cover with cloth.
  3. With kefir and peas … Mix one apple puree with 1 tbsp. l. kefir (or whey), one yolk and 2 tbsp. l. peas. Mash until the consistency of a thick puree, apply to the skin.

Please note! When making masks, do not forget about the décolleté and neck areas, they will not harm them either. After rinsing off the product, moisturize your skin with your favorite cream as well.

Protein apple acne face masks

Protein for the preparation of the mask
Protein for the preparation of the mask

A course of ten such masks (1-2 times a week) will relieve oily porous skin from excessive grease and acne, brighten and nourish it, and eliminate fine wrinkles:

  • Simple Protein Mask … Take one egg white and mix with 2 tablespoons of applesauce.
  • With sugar and milk … Combine egg white with sugar (1 tsp), milk and fresh applesauce (1 tbsp each).
  • With potato flour … Mix the whites of one egg, whipped until dense foam, with fresh applesauce (from 1 apple), 2 tsp. potato flour and 0.5 tsp. glycerin (instead, you can add vitamin E or A in an oil solution).
  • With banana … Mix 1 tbsp. l. banana and applesauce with one egg whites and 1 tsp. lemon juice.

Important! Apply all masks to the face, bypassing the area around the eyes.

Face mask with apple and sour cream

Sour cream for making a mask
Sour cream for making a mask

This mask, suitable for dry, aging skin, has a nourishing and moisturizing effect, prevents swelling, improves epidermal tone and relieves fatigue, so it should be done before bed. To achieve the best result - at least 3 times a week.

Take 1 medium sweet apple and grind in a blender. Applesauce, stirring continuously, combine with fat sour cream (1 tbsp. L.).

If you don't have enough sour cream, you can take not a tablespoon of sour cream for the mask, but a teaspoon of sour cream and add a teaspoon of starch to it, and when mixing the product, first add starch, and then sour cream. You can also use olive oil instead.

The resulting gruel is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour. Then rinse it off with water and rub the skin with an ice cube, followed by a moisturizer.

Please note! The effect of the mask will improve if you apply a hot compress before applying it.

Rejuvenating apple face mask with olive oil

Olive oil
Olive oil

This mask is a wonderful way to care for mature skin. It nourishes and moisturizes dry, aging skin, saturates it with vitamins, improves complexion, smoothes wrinkles. Use the product 1-2 times a week.

Here are two simple yet powerful recipes for a rejuvenating olive oil mask:

  1. With juniper oil … Connect 2-3 tbsp. l. applesauce with olive oil (1 tablespoon) and 2-3 drops of juniper oil (it will enhance the tonic effect).
  2. With carrots and protein … Finely grate one small carrot and one apple, stir and add whipped egg white, starch and olive oil (1 teaspoon each). Set aside the mass to infuse, and then apply on the face for a quarter of an hour and remove with a swab dipped in milk.

Olive oil can be substituted with wheat germ oil. It also has anti-aging properties and nourishes the skin well.

Rules for making apple masks

Ingredients for making an apple mask
Ingredients for making an apple mask

If you follow these simple recommendations, apple face masks will become more useful and effective:

  • Raw materials … The best option is to use apples that have grown in your area for making masks, because imported fruits usually undergo special chemical processing. Any kind of apple can be used: sweet apples for dry skin, and sour apples for oily and normal ones. The fruits should be free from rot and damage. Applesauce in the mask should be raw (unless there are special instructions in the recipe), since the beneficial substances are lost during heat treatment.
  • Preliminary processing … Always wash and dry apples thoroughly before using them for cosmetic purposes. If you are making applesauce with a blender and are absolutely confident in the sustainability of your fruits, you can grind them with the peel. It contains many useful substances, but along with this, all the chemistry that was used to process the apple is collected.
  • Storage periods … The prepared apple mask should be used immediately, it cannot be stored, because the fruit puree darkens very quickly, oxidizes, and loses its beneficial properties.
  • Application method … The mask, making circular massaging movements, is evenly applied to the previously cleansed skin of the face from the nose to the temples and chin and left for an average of 15-20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water and rinse your face with cool (or wipe with an ice cube).

Apple face mask effect

Facial skin rejuvenation
Facial skin rejuvenation

No wonder our ancestors mentioned rejuvenating apples in fairy tales! This fruit really has the ability to rejuvenate. Apples are a real treasure of youth and beauty, they have various positive effects:

  1. Rejuvenate the skin … Apple masks nourish and moisturize dry, aging skin prone to wrinkles. By softening and toning it, they successfully fight the signs of aging.
  2. Get rid of excess grease … Thanks to the astringent components they contain, apple masks reduce large pores on oily skin and regulate the secretion of sebum.
  3. Nourish and saturate with vitamins … Therefore, they are very useful for vitamin deficiency. They restore brightness to dull, dehydrated skin, which requires nutrition and saturation.
  4. Whiten and remove age spots … Regular application of apple masks will discolor freckles and age spots on the skin of the face.

Remember! If you don’t have time to apply the apple mask, you can simply wipe your face with a slice of apple. 10 minutes of such a procedure - and you refreshed and restored the natural color of the skin. How to make an apple face mask - watch the video:

Apple masks are an excellent home remedy for skin care. They moisturize, nourish, rejuvenate, and whiten well. Everyone can choose a suitable recipe for themselves, because there are many of them, moreover, for the skin of a different type of face.
