How to make masks for décolleté at home

How to make masks for décolleté at home
How to make masks for décolleté at home

Decollete masks help keep skin firm and beautiful in this delicate area. The article describes the most useful properties of the ingredients, effective recipes, tips for use, as well as contraindications. Decollete masks are a whole range of procedures aimed at hiding the first signs of skin aging. It should be noted that in this area wrinkles appear earlier than others and can significantly spoil the appearance. It is for this reason that it is extremely important to start applying masks for the decollete as early as possible.

Useful properties of masks for the décolleté area

Well-groomed neckline for a woman
Well-groomed neckline for a woman

Before proceeding with the description of the masks themselves, you need to understand their useful properties. Neckline masks are used to:

  • Rejuvenate your skin … This procedure prevents the aging process and helps to slightly slow down this irreversible process. Even simple care can be a real salvation for thin and delicate skin.
  • Eliminate wrinkles … For those who love intense sunbathing, the décolleté and neck area suffers the most. Even at a young age, small wrinkles may appear, which significantly spoil the appearance. Masks help remove these consequences.
  • Give a well-groomed look … The composition of homemade masks is completely natural and does not have harmful additives. The effect of them is visible almost instantly, which cannot be said about store products.
  • Give tone … The useful properties of the décolleté mask also lie in the fact that the elasticity of the skin can be maintained for many years. With them, a woman even at sixty years old will look well-groomed without any special financial costs.
  • Moisturize and nourish the skin … With the help of masks, you can breathe a "second life" into the skin, which will give its positive results.

Contraindications to the use of masks for décolleté

The mask is contraindicated in pregnant women
The mask is contraindicated in pregnant women

Like any other procedure, décolleté masks have their own contraindications. Therefore, this factor should by no means be overlooked. Contraindications for use include:

  1. Allergy … To begin with, it is important to carefully study all the components of the mask and understand if you are allergic to any product. Most often, a reaction can occur to components such as honey, alcohol tinctures, mustard and others. If in doubt, it is enough to apply a small amount of the mask to your hand and wait for a while, then rinse with water. In the event that the skin remains in its normal form, the product can be applied to the décolleté area.
  2. Pregnancy … Many experts advise not to carry out these procedures for pregnant women, because during this period the reaction can be unpredictable.
  3. Skin diseases … Some skin conditions can be aggravated by masks.

Recipes for masks for the décolleté area

Homemade cleavage masks can be prepared with completely different ingredients. Each of them allows you to achieve a particular result. Experts advise you to develop a separate complex for yourself, consisting of several masks, which will keep your skin in perfect condition.

Anti-wrinkle masks on the décolleté skin

Cottage cheese with kiwi for a mask
Cottage cheese with kiwi for a mask

As mentioned earlier, this area has a very thin and delicate skin surface, so small wrinkles appear most quickly here. Simple but effective masks will help get rid of them:

  • Curd mask … It is one of the most popular today due to its positive influence. To prepare it, you will need homemade fat cottage cheese and a small kiwi. These two ingredients are thoroughly mixed with each other to obtain a homogeneous mass as a result. Before applying, experts recommend making a light scrub to cleanse the skin of all that is superfluous. This will make the end result much more noticeable. After that, you can safely apply a curd mask. After half an hour, wash it off with warm water. It is worth noting that it is better to perform the procedure before bedtime. After the first mask, positive changes will become noticeable, which over time will only multiply and gain a foothold. It is best to use this recipe systematically, at least once a week.
  • Olive oil mask … The positive properties of olive oil have been appreciated since ancient Egypt, when girls used it as a cosmetic product. Its healing qualities are capable of eliminating wrinkles and smoothing the skin. To prepare the mask, first you need to heat one tablespoon of oil over low heat to room temperature. After that, you need to mix it with a spoonful of any fruit puree, for example, apple or apricot. The mask is applied for forty minutes and then washed off with warm water.
  • Yeast mask … Such a simple ingredient found in every kitchen is a good anti-wrinkle remedy. The thing is that the product is distinguished by a number of nutrients that can not only eliminate ugly cavities, but also fill it with useful components. This mask is able to even out the skin, nourish and tighten it with the best of any expensive cosmetic product. Take a tablespoon of yeast and add a small amount of melted honey to it. The components must be mixed thoroughly and left for about thirty minutes in a warm place. During this time, the main component "disperses". Clean your neck and décolleté in advance, then distribute the mask evenly. The mixture should be kept for about half an hour, maybe a little longer. As a result, wonderful changes will be noticeable after the first procedure. You can repeat it once a week, but do not overuse it.

Important! To prepare the mask, you should choose the freshest yeast, so be sure to pay attention to the expiration date.

Masks for nourishing the skin in the décolleté area

Making a potato mask
Making a potato mask

Nourishing masks are also very important in the complex care of the décolleté and neck area. Lovers of such cosmetic procedures especially highlight two of them:

  1. Banana mask … Based on this fruit, one of the most effective skin lifting blends is obtained. There are several variations of it, but many experts advise giving preference to the following: for cooking, you need to mash half a banana, add one large spoonful of sour cream and one egg yolk. In some cases, add a spoonful of honey, as long as there is no allergic reaction. Apply the mask with patting movements, and after twenty minutes wash off with cool water.
  2. Potato recipe … Potatoes are a product that can be found in almost every home. Therefore, this recipe is absolutely affordable and does not require significant spending. The main difference between the mask is that the potatoes are not used raw, but boiled with the addition of milk. Also, the mixture must be warm. To enhance the action, add one tablespoon of lemon juice. Wear a mask with a sufficiently large layer and cover with a plastic bag. After complete cooling, the mixture is washed off and a nourishing cream is applied. After the first time, the skin becomes visibly younger.

Masks for moisturizing the skin in the décolleté area

Ingredients for a cucumber mask
Ingredients for a cucumber mask

Cosmetologists unanimously argue that skin that lacks hydration ages much earlier. It is for this reason that it is important to carry out this care regularly, even for young girls.

Recipes for moisturizing décolleté masks:

  • Cucumber mask … In the summer season, a cucumber mask is not only extremely effective, but also the most budgetary. This ingredient moisturizes, tones and nourishes the skin well. The preparation method is quite simple: you need to grate one cucumber on a grater, add a spoonful of olive or almond oil and gently apply to the area. Wash off the mixture after forty minutes with cool water. To consolidate and improve the effect, you can use a moisturizer.
  • Citrus mask … Today, ANA cosmetics, which are based on a variety of active fruit acids, are very popular. But why overpay if you can use a natural product. Citrus fruits contain active acids, and it is quite easy to make a moisturizing mask. First you need to take a tablespoon of any kind of flour and dilute it with a small amount of high-quality mineral water. The result should be a homogeneous thick gruel. Then add the pulp of orange, lemon or grapefruit. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. Apply the mask to the décolleté area and wait forty minutes, then rinse off with clean water.
  • Aloe mask … With the slightest lack of moisture, you can use a healing aloe mask. If this beautiful plant is not at home, then you can buy ready-made juice at the pharmacy. You will also need a spoonful of cream and a couple of drops of olive oil. All components must be thoroughly mixed together and applied to the skin. After thirty minutes, the mask is wiped off with dry napkins.

Masks for tightening the skin of the neckline

Gelatin for masks
Gelatin for masks

Skin lifting occurs even if the action of the mask does not set it as the main goal. For those who want to tighten the décolleté area, beauticians recommend a gelatin mask. Its main merit lies in the fact that it contains active collagen. Plus, it penetrates deeper layers of the skin and helps smooth it out. So you can quickly eliminate age-related changes and give the décolleté area a beautiful appearance.

To prepare the mask, you will need a tablespoon of dry gelatin, which must be diluted in half a glass of clean water. The main component must completely absorb the water. After that, put the mixture in a water bath, it should dissolve.

Wait until the mask cools down a little, so as not to harm the skin, apply to the décolleté area. Leave to dry completely and then wash off with warm water. If desired, you can add other ingredients, such as fruit, to achieve the best effect.

Masks for sagging skin on the neckline

Honey will remove sagging skin
Honey will remove sagging skin

Flabbiness is exactly the phenomenon that appears with age, but getting rid of it is not easy. The following recipes will help you achieve your intended goal:

  1. Apple mask … A useful mask based on apple and sour cream will help get rid of flabbiness. The first fruit contains natural antioxidants that the skin needs to look healthy. In addition, they are able to fight pigmentation. To prepare the mask, you need to grate one small apple on a fine grater. Remember that you should not peel the skin, it contains many useful microelements. Add a tablespoon of sour cream to the mixture. Apply the mask for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water. After the procedure, experts recommend doing a small massage to enhance the effect.
  2. Mask with honey … Flabbiness is a consequence of improper care, aging, exposure to ultraviolet rays and the environment. With age, this deficiency is more difficult to get rid of, but some manifestations can be eliminated. The main component of this mask is honey, which is distinguished by its healing, healing and regenerating properties. Honey masks are considered an ideal remedy in the fight against sagging skin. It is best to give preference to floral honey, which is filled with a rich spectrum of beneficial trace elements. The first step is to melt the main component in a water bath to a liquid state. Then the honey must be cooled a little so that it does not bake the skin. Thereafter, you can add a few drops of essential oil as desired, which will help alleviate the burning sensation that can occur with the product. The mixture is evenly applied to previously cleansed skin. Wait until it dries completely and then wash it off with warm water.

Advice! Apply the mask with an ordinary brush, it will be much easier to achieve an even layer.

Method for preparing masks for the décolleté area

The blender will grind the ingredients for the mask
The blender will grind the ingredients for the mask

The method for preparing such masks may differ, it all depends on its purpose, ingredients and effectiveness.

There are several key points that you cannot do without when preparing any of them:

  • Consistency. As a rule, all components are thoroughly mixed, ground together to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  • Lack of heat treatment. None of the products lend themselves to heat treatment, because this way they lose their useful properties.
  • You need to prepare the mask before using it. You shouldn't prepare it in advance.

How to apply the mask to the décolleté

Applying a mask in the décolleté area
Applying a mask in the décolleté area

The application technique is also of great importance in achieving the result. Experts recommend observing the following points:

  1. Pre-cleaning the skin … It is best to apply masks on a previously prepared surface of the body, so the effect will be much faster and more noticeable. To do this, you can make a light scrub that will remove unwanted skin particles.
  2. Preparing to apply the mask … Steam the skin before applying. To do this, just take a hot towel and put it on the décolleté area. Also, the skin must be rinsed with running water and wiped dry.
  3. Procedure technology … It is better to apply the mask itself with rubbing massage movements. So its components will better penetrate the skin and have an effective effect.

How to make a decollete mask - watch the video:

[media = v = WCeacHXObnI] We can conclude that properly selected masks will help keep your skin young and beautiful for many years. In addition, all of the above recipes do not require a lot of money and time. You just need to make a care system for yourself and follow it.
