How to make a sour cream face mask

How to make a sour cream face mask
How to make a sour cream face mask

Benefits and contraindications to the use of face masks with sour cream. Recipes for products with honey, eggs and fruits. Sour cream is a fatty fermented milk product that can be found in the refrigerator of almost every housewife. It is usually used as a seasoning for meat dishes and dumplings. In addition, it is added to dough and cream when preparing desserts. But sour cream perfectly nourishes the skin, therefore it is the main ingredient in face masks.

Useful properties of sour cream for the face

Even complexion
Even complexion

Face mask with sour cream is a unique procedure, the main purpose of which is to rejuvenate the skin, tighten it and saturate it with moisture. Usually fatty fermented milk products are used to care for mature and very dry skin, but if you add fruit puree or lemon juice to sour cream, then such a mask will be a salvation for oily dermis with acne.

Benefits of sour cream for the face:

  • Prevents the skin from drying out by keeping water in it … This is possible due to the presence of vitamin A in the fermented milk product. In addition, the vitamin binds free radicals, which accelerate the aging process.
  • Improves skin texture … The sour cream contains vitamin B, which prevents the dermis from fading. It makes the skin more elastic, therefore the face contour is restored. At the same time, the overhanging eyelid disappears.
  • Reduces inflammation … This is true for people with oily dermis that are prone to acne. In addition, sour cream can be used for sunburn.
  • Whitens the face … Sour cream contains mild lactic acid, which gently whitens age spots and freckles. That is why masks with it can be used for skin prone to freckles.
  • Reduces the diameter of blood vessels … Cold sour cream based masks can be used to treat rosacea. A fermented milk product is able to narrow the capillaries, making them less visible.

Contraindications to the use of sour cream for the skin of the face

Rash on the face
Rash on the face

Rustic sour cream is a completely natural product that does not contain dyes or preservatives. That is why it can be applied to almost all people. But there are also contraindications to the use of sour cream for the face:

  1. Skin prone to inflammation … If you have ulcers or wounds on your face, then do not use sour cream, it is a breeding ground for the growth of both beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Atopic dermatitis, eczema … These are complex ailments of an autoimmune nature. With them, you can not use fermented milk products. Most people with atopic dermatitis can develop lactose intolerance.
  3. Cow protein allergy … This is a fairly common disease that most often occurs in adults. There is very little lactulose in the body, which is able to break down cow protein.
  4. Scars and open wounds … After surgery on your face, postpone the use of masks with sour cream. They can cause infection or inflammation.

Composition and components of masks with sour cream for the face

Sour cream and strawberry mask
Sour cream and strawberry mask

Sour cream contains many beneficial lactic acid bacteria. Thanks to this, it perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and smoothes the face. But, besides this, it contains trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the health of the epidermis.

Sour cream composition:

  • Vitamin B … This vitamin is involved in metabolic processes and prevents skin sagging. He takes part in the formation of elastin filaments.
  • Vitamin C … This substance stimulates metabolic processes and promotes the rapid exfoliation of dead cells.
  • Folic acid … This component improves skin elasticity and prevents sagging.
  • Cyanocobalamin … Simply put, it is vitamin B12, which prevents the skin from aging, refreshes it and tightens it a little.
  • Zinc, selenium and iodine … These trace minerals tighten pores and reduce inflammation. Thanks to this, sour cream can also be used on skin prone to acne.
  • Potassium, sulfur, chlorine … These constituents regulate the amount of subcutaneous fat secreted. This prevents the pores from clogging and the formation of blackheads.
  • Fatty organic acids … These substances retain moisture in the tissues and prevent them from drying out.
  • Milk sugar … It perfectly nourishes the skin and reacts with free radicals that spoil the face, contributing to the formation of wrinkles.

Sour cream face mask recipes

When preparing masks, sour cream is often mixed with honey, herbal decoctions and other components. A fermented milk product with a high percentage of fat is recommended for dry and fading dermis. Lightly oily sour cream can be applied to problem skin prone to acne.

Nourishing face mask with sour cream and fruit

Avocado for sour cream mask
Avocado for sour cream mask

Fruits contain organic acids that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis. They promote facial rejuvenation and prevent aging. The main task of fruits, together with sour cream, is to prevent moisture evaporation.

Recipes for nourishing sour cream and fruit face masks:

  1. With avocado … This composition is recommended for use in winter. It lifts the face and repairs it after exposure to cold air. Peel one avocado and remove the pit. Use a blender to puree. Enter 40 ml of fat sour cream into it. If the skin is very dry, then you can add the contents of 2 capsules with vitamin E to the mixture. Apply the mass evenly to the skin and leave for 25 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  2. With grapes … This mask, in addition to nutrition, is able to lighten the face a little. Several green grapes need to be peeled and pitted. It is best to use seedless berries. Grind the mixture in a blender and add 30 ml of sour cream. Leave the prepared mixture in a bowl for 20 minutes. Apply the mask to the skin and leave it on for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off with warm water and apply moisturizer.
  3. With banana … Peel one fruit and crush it with a fork. Add 35 ml of fat sour cream to the puree and medium. Apply the mixture to steamed skin. Leave it on for a third of an hour. Remove the mask from the face with warm water. Repeat the manipulation 2 times every 8 days. It is advisable to apply a moisturizer to the skin after the procedure.
  4. With persimmon … Peel one ripe fruit and turn the pulp into a smooth, lump-free puree. Add 30 ml of fermented milk product with the highest percentage of fat to the mass. Spread the healing mixture on your skin. The duration of the application is a quarter of an hour. Remove the mask using warm water.

Masks for dry skin with sour cream and oils

Almond oil for sour cream mask
Almond oil for sour cream mask

Oils are often used to relieve dry skin. They form a thin film on the surface of the epidermis that protects the face from drying out. As additives, you can use not only base oils, but also ethers, tocopherol and retinol. These components dissolve perfectly in sour cream.

Recipes for dry skin masks with sour cream and oils:

  • With almond oil … Pour a spoonful of fatty sour cream into a bowl, it is better to use a rustic one. Add 10 ml of almond oil to the fermented milk product and mix the mixture thoroughly. It is best to prepare and mix the mask in a bottle. Spread it evenly over the skin. The duration of the application is a quarter of an hour. Remove the mask with dry cotton wool, and then wash your face with warm water.
  • With olive oil and starch … This product not only moisturizes dry epidermis, but also tightens the face, improving its contour. Pour 40 ml of sour cream into a bowl and add 15 ml of olive oil. Add a spoonful of starch and turn the mixture into a homogeneous dough, like a pancake. Using a wide brush, apply the mask to the skin, avoiding the under-eye area. Application time is 15 minutes. Remove with a napkin dipped in warm chamomile broth.
  • With lavender ether … This mask perfectly moisturizes the face and prevents it from drying out. In addition, lavender shrinks pores and makes the dermis silky. Pour 30 ml of homemade sour cream and 10 ml of sunflower oil into a bowl. Add 3 more drops of lavender ether. Moderate the mixture and distribute evenly on dry and cleansed skin. The duration of the application is one third of an hour. Remove the mask with warm water.

Face mask with sour cream and honey

Honey for sour cream mask
Honey for sour cream mask

Honey is an excellent moisturizer and nutrient. It is famous for its antibacterial properties, so it can reduce acne, breakouts and comedones. In tandem with sour cream, honey is great for aging skin. Recipes for masks with honey and sour cream for the face:

  1. With black radish … Peel the root vegetable and grate it. Combine a tablespoon of the vegetable mixture with 30 ml of fat sour cream. Inject 30 ml of liquid honey. It can be heated in a water bath. After that, medium the mixture and distribute it evenly on the skin. The duration of the application is a quarter of an hour. Remove the mask with warm water.
  2. With vitamins … This product is ideal for very dry and aging skin. Combine bee nectar and sour cream in equal amounts in a bowl. Add the contents of 2 vitamin E capsules and fish oil. The mixture does not have the most pleasant aroma, so in the evening, after the procedure, it is better not to go outside. Spread the mask on the epidermis. Keep the product on your face for a third of an hour. Rinse off with warm water.
  3. With flakes … Grind a handful of Hercules flakes in a coffee grinder. Add 30 ml of nectar and sour cream to the oatmeal. Add 20 ml of olive oil. You should have a thick and greasy dough to the touch. Lubricate your face with it and leave it on for a third of an hour. Remove the mask using a cotton pad soaked in warm water.
  4. With lemon … This mask is used to brighten and remove age spots. Mix equal amounts of bee nectar and sour cream in a bowl. Add 10 ml lemon juice and medium. Lubricate your face with a thick layer of the resulting composition. The duration of the procedure is one third of an hour. Remove with warm chamomile decoction.

Sour cream and lemon face mask

Lemons for sour cream mask
Lemons for sour cream mask

Lemon with sour cream is great for oily and pigmented skin. With this mixture, you can forget about acne and narrow the pores a little.

Recipes for masks with sour cream and lemon:

  • With parsley … Add 30 ml of creamy sour cream and 30 ml of lemon juice to a bowl. Use freshly squeezed juice. Chop a bunch of parsley, you can puree the herbs in a blender. Add parsley puree to the lemon-sour cream mixture. Medium the mask and apply it to the prepared face. Leave it on for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off with warm water.
  • With yeast … Squeeze out the juice of half a lemon and add a quarter of the pressed yeast cake. Leave to stand for 10 minutes. Add 30 ml of sour cream to the mass. Whisk the mixture into a lather and apply to the skin. If you have dry dermis on your cheeks, you do not need to apply the mass to these areas. This mixture is great for acne. Spread over the epidermis. Leave for a third of an hour and remove with warm water.
  • With protein … This mask is used to shrink pores. Beat the protein in a small container and add 30 ml of sour cream into it. Add 20 ml lemon juice. Average the product again. Lubricate the skin with the composition. The duration of the application is one third of an hour. The mask is removed using warm water.

Sour cream and egg face masks

Eggs for sour cream mask
Eggs for sour cream mask

An egg is very beneficial for almost any skin. Protein is often used to tighten the face and improve its contours. The yolk is effective in nourishing masks. It contains a lot of trace elements and vitamins.

Recipes for sour cream face masks with egg:

  1. With potatoes … This mask is used to treat dry skin. Mashed potatoes are used as the main component. You can take the leftovers after dinner. Before using mashed potatoes, heat and add the yolk and a spoonful of Hercules flour. Spread the doughy mass evenly on the skin. Leave the substance for a third of an hour. Remove under running water.
  2. With cucumber … This product is used to whiten skin and remove freckles. Grind half a cucumber with small seeds in a blender or on a grater. Add 30 ml of sour cream and yolk to the vegetable mass. Lubricate the dermis with a thick layer with the resulting composition. The exposure time is one third of an hour. Remove the mixture with warm chamomile tea.
  3. With coffee … The product is used to tighten the skin. This is a mask with a lifting effect. It is necessary to mix 30 ml of sour cream with egg and honey in a small bowl. It also needs 30 ml. Add a spoonful of coffee grounds to the product. Stir again. Lubricate cleansed skin. Application time - 12 minutes. Massage the dermis a little before rinsing.

How to properly apply a mask with sour cream

Sour cream face mask
Sour cream face mask

Sour cream is a versatile product that can be used for both dry and oily skin. In order for the mixture to really help and eliminate the problems of the dermis, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. Rules for the preparation and application of masks with sour cream:

  • Do not use sour product for masks. Do not buy store sour cream or read the ingredients carefully. A rustic product obtained by fermenting cream is required.
  • For oily skin, use a fat-free product. If the skin is dry, sour cream with a maximum percentage of fat will do.
  • Do not mix the ingredients in a metal container. The acid in the sour cream can cause the bowl to oxidize. Metal particles can enter the mask.
  • Do not use sour cream for more than 25 minutes. This can clog the pores.
  • Apply masks to the prepared face. Before the procedure, you can make a steam bath.
  • Do not rinse off mixtures with very hot water. This will negatively affect the condition of the skin.

How to make a face mask with sour cream - watch the video:

Sour cream face masks are inexpensive and effective products. Using them, you can remove shallow wrinkles, moisturize and improve the epidermis.
