How to make masks for facial wrinkles at home

How to make masks for facial wrinkles at home
How to make masks for facial wrinkles at home

The article discusses the recipes for the preparation and the technique of applying masks for mimic wrinkles. Anti-expression wrinkle masks are procedures aimed at smoothing the face and eliminating the signs of aging. In order to even out the relief and get rid of wrinkles, you can use not only purchased, but also home remedies made from simple ingredients.

Useful properties of masks from facial wrinkles

Facial wrinkles on the forehead
Facial wrinkles on the forehead

Many women think that the skin is aging due to age, but not only this affects the condition of the face. Expression wrinkles appear earlier in the fair sex with dry epidermis. In addition, wrinkles around the mouth and eyes are caused by smiling and expressing our emotions. To prevent the formation of new wrinkles and eliminate old ones, it is necessary to regularly use moisturizers and nourishing products.

The benefits of homemade masks for facial wrinkles:

  • Moisturize … Home remedies often contain fermented milk products and oils, which form a thin film on the surface of the dermis that prevents moisture from evaporating.
  • Nourish … Oils and fruit acids saturate the epidermis with vitamins and microelements. Accordingly, skin cells do not react with free radicals, which means they do not age.
  • Tighten up … Ingredients such as gelatin, glycerin and egg white are lifting substitutes. With their help, it is possible to tighten the skin and make the contours of the face distinct. In addition, ptosis (drooping) of the upper eyelid can be reduced.
  • Align the relief … Some components of home masks "fill in" wrinkles, making them less pronounced. Thus, you can remove the slightly noticeable "cobweb" in the corners of the eyes and eliminate wrinkles under the lower eyelid.
  • Remove excess fluid … This prevents the formation of puffiness and bags under the eyes. The skin above the upper eyelid is lifted.

Contraindications for face masks from mimic wrinkles

Couperose on the face
Couperose on the face

Despite the naturalness of homemade masks for mimic wrinkles, not everyone can use them. There are cases when the use of anti-wrinkle products is unacceptable.

Contraindications to the use of masks for mimic wrinkles:

  1. Vascular mesh … You should not do the procedure if you have spider veins or mesh on your face. Homemade masks can improve circulation, making the mesh and stars appear more prominent.
  2. Intolerance … If you are allergic to a particular substance, do not use it in a mask. Find another recipe that works for you.
  3. Skin lesions … Any anti-aging procedures should be postponed until the skin is restored.
  4. Dermatitis and eczema … Most often, these ailments are associated not only with dry skin. Usually, such rashes occur due to a malfunction in the body and errors in nutrition. At this time, the skin reacts inadequately to even the most harmless substances. Homemade masks can be itchy and irritating.

Recipes for homemade masks for facial wrinkles

There are many recipes for remedies that will help eliminate wrinkles on the forehead, at the corners of the mouth and under the eyes. The composition of the masks differs depending on the area in which they will be used.

Masks against facial wrinkles on the forehead

Mask for mimic wrinkles on the forehead with strawberries
Mask for mimic wrinkles on the forehead with strawberries

It is not uncommon for some women to frown or express surprise. If the skin is very dry, and the person is emotional, then by the age of 20 there are the first signs of facial wrinkles on the forehead. They appear as horizontal stripes above the eyebrows. Vertical streaks are often formed at the bridge of the nose. You can fight these wrinkles with simple tools.

Recipes for masks for facial wrinkles on the forehead:

  • With carrots … Chop a small root vegetable and squeeze out the juice. To prepare the remedy, you need 20 ml of orange liquid. Mix it with 50 g of cottage cheese and 20 g of heavy cream. Mash with a fork or in a blender. It is necessary that the grains in the curd disappear. Apply the paste in a thick layer to your forehead and rest for 20 minutes. Rinse off with a cotton pad soaked in milk, not with water. Then the face is rinsed with cool water.
  • With lemon … Pour the egg white into a bowl and stir with a fork. You do not need to whip, it is enough for bubbles to appear on the surface. After that, pour in 20 ml of lemon juice and 25 ml of olive oil. Apply the product to problem areas on the forehead and leave for 30 minutes. The mask should dry out and tighten the skin a little.
  • With strawberry … Take 5 strawberries, remove the tails and crush until puree. Mix the mixture with 20 ml of oil (take any vegetable oil) and 20 ml of bee nectar. Stir again and add a spoonful of chamomile broth. Spread in a thick layer on the forehead and lie down for 30 minutes. Remove thoroughly with water.
  • With rice … Rice is known for its exfoliating and toning properties. There is no need to cook the cereal; it must be ground until flour is obtained. Mix a spoonful of flour with the pulp of half a grapefruit. Pour 20 ml of carrot juice and 20 ml of sour cream into the mixture. Use a high-fat homemade product. Apply to the forehead and leave to work for a quarter of an hour.
  • With tea … Brew a strong cup of green tea. Pour off 25 ml of the drink and enjoy the rest. After drinking a cup of tea, start preparing the mask. Mix the rest of the drink with 20 g of bee nectar, 10 g of crushed oatmeal and 50 ml of full-fat milk. Stir thoroughly until a viscous porridge is obtained. Lubricate the forehead evenly and leave for a third of an hour. Before washing off the composition, massage the skin.

Masks for mimic wrinkles around the eyes

Applying a clay mask around the eyes
Applying a clay mask around the eyes

Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes appear first. This is due to the fact that the skin in these areas is very thin and requires care. Poor decorative cosmetics, abuse of ultraviolet light and alcohol consumption accelerate the appearance of crow's feet. Do not wait for the first threads of a cobweb of wrinkles to appear in the corners, take care of your skin as early as possible. Cosmetologists advise to deal with the skin around the eyes, starting from 20-25 years.

Recipes for masks for mimic wrinkles around the eyes:

  1. With clay … Clay contains minerals and trace elements. They will replenish the lack of water and make the dermis less sensitive to cosmetics. To prepare the anti-wrinkle mixture, mix a spoonful of white clay with a little warm water in a bowl. This will create a thick paste. Pour 20 ml of vegetable oil into it. Cut a cotton pad in half and apply a thick layer of the mixture on top of it. Place one half on the upper eyelid and the other on the lower. Lie with your eyes closed for 15 minutes. Do not rub your skin while rinsing.
  2. With flour … Pour 25 ml of warm bee nectar and one yolk into a clean bowl. Stir the mixture and pour the contents of one vitamin E capsule into it. Add 10 g of wheat flour and stir. You will end up with a white mixture that resembles pancake dough. Lubricate cotton pads with porridge and apply to the upper and lower folds above the eyes. Rest for a third of an hour.
  3. With sea buckthorn … In a small bowl, combine three tablespoons of sea buckthorn puree and 10 ml of coconut oil. Add 20 ml of warmed bee nectar. Average the mass and use a brush to spread it around the eyes. Leave it on for 10 minutes. After the indicated time, rinse with warm water.
  4. With potatoes … It is best to make a mask from young root vegetables. They contain a maximum of vitamins. Peel and grind potatoes. You will have a porridge with a lot of juice. Apply the mixture to cotton pads or lint-free wipes and apply to your eyes. Application time - 15 minutes. This wonderful mask will help relieve swelling and swelling.
  5. Vitamin cocktail … Pour the contents of the vitamin A and E capsule into a small container. Pour in 20 ml of castor oil and 25 ml of bee nectar. Mix the mixture and use a cotton swab to apply to the "cobweb" around the eyes. Leave the applique on for a third of an hour. Wash your face with warm water, and move from the ear to the bridge of the nose. This will prevent the skin from stretching.
  6. With greens … Chop the parsley and dill with a very sharp knife, remember the grass a little so that it lets out the juice. Add 25 ml of olive oil or castor oil to a bowl of herbs. Put this mixture in cheesecloth and press down a little. It is necessary that droplets of green liquid appear on the gauze. Place the healing bags on the crow's feet for 10 minutes. Rinse off with boiled warm water.
  7. With oatmeal … Grind the flakes in a coffee grinder and mix the flour with warm water. It is necessary to get a thick and homogeneous gruel. Add 20 ml of sweet nectar and whipped protein to the mass. Take a piece of soft cloth and dampen it with warm water. Apply the prepared product. Leave the application on the "rays" for a third of an hour. Wash with warm chamomile tea.
  8. With strawberry … Crush three or four large berries with a fork. Mix the puree with 20 ml of olive oil and 15 ml of warm honey. Put the porridge on a 10 cm long piece of bandage and fold it. Press the resulting rectangles with the healing mixture to the "cobweb" and leave for 20 minutes.
  9. With banana … Bananas are high in potassium, which interferes with the removal of moisture from the skin. Turn half a ripe fruit into mashed potatoes and add 15 ml of fatty sour cream, it is best to take homemade. Put the greasy porridge with a spatula on the areas around the eyes and leave for a third of an hour.

Masks for mimic wrinkles around the mouth

Fish oil for wrinkles around the mouth
Fish oil for wrinkles around the mouth

The skin around the lips is very sensitive, the first wrinkles in this area appear by the age of 30. Closer to the age of forty, small vertical wrinkles are already visible around the lips. First of all, they appear in this area in women who smoke, and in "giggles." You can fight wrinkles with masks at home.

Recipes for masks for nasolabial wrinkles:

  • With pumpkin seeds … You need to peel the pumpkin seeds and turn them into a smooth paste on a blender. You will need a tablespoon of dry powdered mixture. Add 25 ml of castor oil to the seeds and mix. Apply this mixture evenly to the skin around the lips. Be sure to apply the mask to the area of oblique wrinkles that extend from the nose to the lips. Leave the mask for a third of an hour and remove with a damp cloth.
  • With fish oil … Pour 15 g of potato starch into a bowl and pour 30 ml of any vegetable oil into it drop by drop. Pour in 5 ml of fish oil, take the one that is sold in bottles. Mix the mixture and use your fingertips to apply it to the area around your mouth. Leave the product on the skin for a third of an hour.
  • With avocado … Take a ripe fruit and cut it into quarters. Turn one part into mashed potatoes and add 10 g of kaolin to it, this is ordinary white clay. Pour 10 ml of almond oil into the product. Transfer to the skin around the lips, leave for a third of an hour.
  • With cabbage … Sauerkraut contains a lot of vitamin C, which promotes skin regeneration. Take some sauerkraut and puree it with a blender or meat grinder. Pour in 10 ml of olive oil and pour the contents of the vitamin E capsule. Spread this porridge evenly over the area around the mouth. Leave for half an hour and wash off with warm chamomile decoction.
  • With peas … This remedy is best done in the winter, as there are few fresh fruits and vegetables at an affordable price. Turn a handful of canned peas into mashed potatoes and add 20 ml of warm kefir to it. Apply the green mass with a thick ball to problem areas and leave to act for a quarter of an hour.
  • With apple … You need an underripe, sour apple. Grind the fruit on a grater and add 30 ml of sunflower oil and 3 drops of tocopherol to a spoonful of porridge. It is sold in vials at the pharmacy. Lubricate problem areas with the mixture and leave for 25 minutes.

The method of preparing masks for mimic wrinkles

Pumpkin mask for mimic wrinkles
Pumpkin mask for mimic wrinkles

To make the skin youthful, removing mimic wrinkles, it is necessary to properly prepare and use masks. There are general guidelines that can help you achieve amazing results.

Recommendations for preparing masks:

  1. Prepare anti-wrinkle products only with fresh ingredients. Do not use fruits that show signs of rotting. Kefir and sour cream, if possible, should be from the village, and not from the store, this also applies to honey.
  2. Don't prepare the mixture in advance. At room temperature and in the refrigerator, pathogenic bacteria can multiply in the mask, which will cause rashes and allergic reactions.
  3. Be sure to make the mixture smooth. It is impossible that there are pieces or grains of ingredients in it. This is especially true for masks that are applied under the eyes.
  4. Use clean utensils to mix the components of the masks. It is best to pour boiling water over it before mixing the ingredients.

How to apply masks for facial wrinkles on the face

Mask for mimic wrinkles on the face
Mask for mimic wrinkles on the face

The technique of spreading masks on the face from mimic wrinkles is slightly different from anti-aging and other means. The application procedure depends on the specific area.

Rules for applying masks for mimic wrinkles:

  • Use a tapping motion when applying under eye masks. Funds cannot be rubbed in. This massage will improve blood circulation and enhance the effect of the healing composition.
  • Before transferring the mixture to the skin, it is necessary to remove the remains of decorative cosmetics from it.
  • The skin absorbs vitamins and minerals from the masks more actively if it is steamed. To do this, apply a hot, wet towel on the forehead and in the mouth area for 5 minutes. The skin under the eyes does not warm up.
  • Don't leave any leftovers until next time. Prepare some mixture so that there is enough for one procedure.
  • Masks should be done 2-3 times in 7 days. It is not recommended to apply funds on a daily basis, the results will not get better.

How to make masks for facial wrinkles - watch the video:

Expression wrinkles are an indicator of a person's emotionality, but since they do not paint a woman, it is worth fighting with them. This can be done using homemade masks.
