Gyroporus blue

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Gyroporus blue
Gyroporus blue

Description of the mushroom blue gyroporus. The beneficial substances contained in its fruiting body. What effect does it have on the body, possible harmful manifestations in case of abuse. Gyroporus recipes.

Harm and contraindications to blue gyroporus

Stomach pain in a woman
Stomach pain in a woman

Due to its characteristic appearance, this mushroom is quite difficult to confuse with poisonous, however, there are exceptions. The so-called satanic mushroom belongs to the same family with him, which is very poisonous even in small doses. Like gyroporus, the inedible competitor turns blue on cut, but its stem and spore plates are intensely red.

The consequences of overusing blue gyroporus:

  • Bloating, heaviness, stomach pain … Many people know that mushrooms are a fairly heavy food that is difficult to digest. Therefore, it is worth eating them in moderation, thoroughly chewing each piece, grinding the finished dish into mashed potatoes with a blender, or removing the fibrous stem. If you consume large amounts of gyroporus, which contains fiber, chitin, and indigestible substances, you may feel tired, bloated, painful, and have the urge to vomit.
  • Heavy metal poisoning … Having collected mushrooms in a polluted place, you may not even guess what is contained in their composition. Before directly adding them to the dish, it is recommended to cook them well, not only to process the fiber, but also to remove at least some of the harmful substances. Overeating of gyroporus, like any other type of fungus, multiplies the content of pollutant ions, causing vomiting, pain in the head and chest, and clouding of consciousness. Be sure to consult a doctor if you experience any discomfort after eating mushrooms.

Absolute contraindications to the blue gyroporus:

  1. Digestive system diseases … If you suffer from one or another ailment, it is better to avoid stress on the gastrointestinal tract and not to get acquainted with mushrooms at all. To find out more precisely what foods you can and cannot for specific symptoms, consult with your doctor.
  2. Drug interactions … This point is similar to the first, but applies not only to diseases of the digestive system, but also to any ailments in general. The active substances of mushrooms can alter the effect of medications, which can negatively affect your health.

The bruise mushroom is contraindicated for children and the elderly. For categories of people who have not reached 5 years of age and have crossed the mark of 60 years, it is advisable not to eat mushrooms at all, since their body will experience significant difficulties in digesting, as a result, the benefits of such food will be much less harmful. From 5 to 10 years old, as well as from 50 to 60, it is worth severely limiting the portion or using mushroom powder.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers are also not recommended to eat mushrooms, so that their effect does not affect the unprepared baby's body.

Recipes with blue gyroporus

Bruise mushroom pie
Bruise mushroom pie

This mushroom belongs to the edible category, but it is extremely rare. As already mentioned, it is listed in the Red Book.

Blue Gyroporus Recipes

  1. Vegetable soup with mushrooms and dried fruits … To prepare this dish with blue gyroporus, we will need: 5 mushrooms, 5 potatoes, 30 ml of vegetable or olive oil, a small bunch of herbs (dill, parsley, onion, either or together), prunes (5 pieces), a handful of raisins, 2 medium bulbs. Before you start cooking the broth, it is advisable to soak the "bruises" for an hour in warm water, and then drain it. After they are well boiled for an hour, then the water is drained, a new one is poured in and boiled for another 20 minutes (this facilitates subsequent digestion). Strain the finished mushrooms (we leave the broth), cut arbitrarily, do the same with onions, potatoes and prunes. Dried fruits are poured with hot water for a few minutes, after which it is drained. In a preheated frying pan, fry the onion until golden brown, add a couple of tablespoons of water or broth, simmer for a few minutes. Bring the liquid left over from cooking the mushrooms to a boil, put vegetables, raisins and prunes in it. Cook for 15 minutes, add onion from the pan, chopped mushrooms, salt and spices. After 2-3 minutes, turn off, decorate with herbs before serving. To make the mushroom soup tastier, let it brew for a couple of hours.
  2. Buckwheat casserole with gyroporus mushroom … This unusual dish is not only tasty, but also hearty and healthy. To create four to five servings, take 400 ml of sour cream, 250 g of buckwheat, 2 small onions, 50 g of homemade butter, about 1 kg of gyroporus, a couple of chicken eggs, salt and spices. Next, boil the cereal, adding a piece of butter to the finished porridge and wrapping it with a towel for 20 minutes. During this time, we cut onions and mushrooms, frying them in a pan. In one container, suitable for baking, combine buckwheat, onion with mushrooms, 2 eggs and 1 glass of sour cream, seasoning well. The dish is baked in the oven for about 20 minutes, served with fresh herbs and the rest of the sour cream.
  3. Big Mushroom Pie … For cooking, take: a glass of milk, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, 300 g of flour, a bag of dry yeast, a tablespoon of sugar, 200 g of chicken fillet, a few cloves of garlic, 200 g of gyroporus, 50 g of Dutch cheese, a bunch of herbs, oil for frying and dressings, a pinch of nutmeg. To prepare the dough, slightly heat the milk and add vegetable oil to it. Put sugar, salt and yeast there, then add flour. We wrap the finished mixture with a towel and leave in a warm place. For the filling, cut meat and mushrooms, fry until a crust appears, adding garlic and herbs in the process. Combine the finished mass with grated cheese, season with salt, pepper, nutmeg. Divide the well-fitting dough into 2 pieces and roll out. Put the first one in a greased frying pan, fill it with the filling and cover with the remaining sheet, pinching the edges and making a small hole in the center for steam to escape. In a preheated oven, bake until golden brown, greasing the top with butter at the very end.
  4. Stew with sesame seeds and broccoli … Take 400 g of broccoli, the same amount of mushrooms, 40 g of sour cream, oil for frying, 2 white onions, two tablespoons of sesame seeds, a bunch of greens. Boil the broccoli in salted water, fry the onions and mushrooms until tender. Put all the ingredients in a baking dish, fill them with sour cream, and sprinkle with sesame seeds. The dish is ready when it is golden brown.

Interesting facts about the blue gyroporus

How blue gyroporus grows
How blue gyroporus grows

The species was first described and systematized by the French botanist Jean Baptiste Bulliard. The color of young mushrooms can range from olive to light yellow, with an uneven color distribution and "pressed" parts on the cap. On the underside, the pores are light colored, and the damaged parts can be green, yellow, purple or even lilac. A mature mushroom has a stem from 4 to 10 cm in length, tuberous, filled with a soft core in relation to the dense outer part.

Raw gyroporus does not store well and can only be kept on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for a few days. The mushroom can be easily dried and harvested for the winter, or pickled and closed in jars. Watch a video about the gyroporus turning blue:

Gyroporus blue, despite its rarity, is an unusual and healthy fungus. Representatives of its species contain a lot of iron, copper, zinc, vitamins B and D in their composition, strengthen bones and improve digestion. They can be eaten without fear during the diet, the main thing is to make sure in advance that they were collected in an ecologically clean area. "Bruises" are almost impossible to confuse with poisonous mushrooms, but most of the related species, visually similar to gyroporus, are inedible due to the bitter taste.
