Distinctive features of a representative of the flora, tips for growing esposto at home, rules for breeding a cactus, possible diseases and pests with indoor care, curious notes, species. Espostoa is also referred to as Espostoa in some botanical sources and belongs to the genus of succulents, which are attributed to the Cactaceae family. Succulents are plants that are capable of accumulating moisture reserves in their parts in case of dry climatic periods. The lands from which this representative of the green world of the planet resembles fall on the middle belt of the mountains of southern Ecuador and northern Peru. Most often, you can find an esposto at an absolute altitude in the range from 800 to 2500 meters. According to various sources, scientists have assigned from 10 to 16 varieties to this genus.
This genus of cacti bears the name given to it in honor of the botanist from Peru Nicholas Esposto with Italian roots, who lived in the late 19th - early 20th centuries and served as director of the botanical garden located in the city of Lima. The synonyms for these plants are Pseudoespostoa, Pseudoespostoa or Pseudoespostoa, Pseudoespostoa, as well as Binghamia or Thrixanthocereus, Vatricania. Due to the unusual pubescence of the surface of the "rastuha" in the environment of flower growers it is called "hairy cactus", "cotton cocoon".
The form that many varieties of espostoas take is tree-like or in the form of a shrub with columnar stems. Branching appears at some height from the soil. The height of plant stems in nature reaches five meters with a diameter of about 60 cm. It is usually customary to grow Espostoa dwarf sizes in rooms, with indicators from 30 to 70 cm. The surface of the stems is decorated with numerous ribs, for example, in the golden espostoa species, there are up to 30 units.
These cacti are distinguished by the fact that not only thorns originate in the areoles (the length of the thorns can reach 5 cm), but also multiple white hairs that resemble elongated hairs. There are so many of them that the stem is as if wrapped in a whitish dense cobweb, and it is this shelter that protects the plant from overheating. Although the whitish cover does not make it possible to see the stem well, its color is grayish-green. The coverage with hairs in the varieties differs from each other - in some they do not fit tightly to the surface of the stem, forming a kind of "cocoon", while in others, the "hair" is as if combed.
The eposto also differs in that it forms a cephalic, which is represented by a modified generative shoots, which takes the form of a brightly colored formation with a felt or bristly coating. This cactus is somewhat reminiscent of the Cephalocereus. The cephalic has a grooved outline.
During flowering, buds are formed, the petals of which are cast in a snow-white or pale pinkish tone. They originate from cephalia and bloom mainly at night. The corolla of the flower has a bell-shaped shape and can be up to 5 cm long. The flowering process is possible only when the cactus reaches adulthood.
After pollination of flowers, fruits ripen, with juicy pulp, the surface of which is covered with pubescence and scales. The shape of these berries is oval. Espostoa fruits are used as food.
This genus of cactus was considered quite rare for some time, and it was almost impossible to find it in the collection of gardeners growing plants in rooms. The conditions of special greenhouses are most suitable for espostoas. Therefore, if you do not have sufficient knowledge on the cultivation of such representatives of the flora, then you should learn more about all the rules of care before starting such a plant.
Tips for growing esposto at home

- Lighting and choosing a place for the pot. Since in nature the cactus prefers open areas, then in the conditions of rooms it needs to be provided with bright, but diffused lighting. It is best to place the esposto flowerpot on the sill of the east or west window. But in the autumn-winter period, additional lighting will be required. When placed in a northern room, such a mode of artificial lighting will have to be carried out constantly, and when located in a southern location at noon, it is necessary to provide shading from direct sunlight. All this is because with indoor growing on the south window there is no constant air movement and overheating of the cactus is possible - you will have to hang curtains or keep the window open all the time.
- Content temperature. When spring comes and throughout the summer, it is recommended that the thermometer readings be in the moderate temperature range - 18-24 units. When autumn comes, it is recommended to rearrange the pot with the plant in a place where the temperature does not exceed 18 degrees, but also does not drop below 8 - at this time a dormant period begins. But some cacti connoisseurs argue that the plant can be cultivated with constant room heat.
- Air humidity when growing esposto is not an important factor. However, if the room temperature is too high, then it is recommended to ventilate or even take the cactus out into the open air - on a balcony or terrace.
- Watering the esposto. Since the plant "inhabitant" of rather dry areas, even when the period of activation of growth begins, soil moisture should be rather scarce, but regular. Their frequency is only once a week. However, due to the fact that Espostoa is distinguished by the property of going out of their dormant period for a very long time, such a time can last throughout the spring and even some summer days. When autumn and winter come, and the plant is at rest, then watering is greatly reduced - their regularity will be only once a month. The soil should always dry completely before watering again. Humidification at any time of the year is carried out with a very small amount of water, which should have a temperature of about 20-25 degrees and be very soft. Water is used only well-settled, collected rain or melted snow, heated. The last two options are possible if there is confidence that the liquid will be clean. Otherwise, cactus growers recommend using distilled or bottled water.
- Fertilizers and feeding regime. Opinions about fertilizing the soil for cacti are rather ambiguous. Although under natural conditions the plant settles on very poor soil, when grown in a pot, the soil becomes salted and becomes even poorer. Therefore, as a consequence, fertilization is necessary for esposto, but it is important to choose the right drug and the frequency of fertilizing. As soon as the period of activation of growth begins (from May to the beginning of autumn), a little drug must be added to the water for irrigation. Usually, products intended for succulents and cacti are used, but the dosage is reduced by 4 times from that indicated on the package. Before feeding, you should slightly moisten the root system so that the product does not cause a burn on it. The frequency of application of the drug is every 14–20 days. Espostoa responds well to organic matter, which is also alternated in a small dose with mineral preparations.
- Transplant and soil selection. Until the plant reaches maturity, it is necessary to change the pot and soil annually, but after 3-4 years such procedures are performed less and less. The new container is taken only slightly larger in diameter than the old one. A good drainage layer is laid at its bottom so that the soil does not become waterlogged. However, if the soil mixture is rather loose, then such a drainage layer is not used. For espostoa, the substrate should allow air and water to pass well to the roots, as well as be light and not too nutritious, since in nature the plant lives on depleted soil. You can use ready-made soil mixtures for succulents and cacti, which are in large quantities in flower shops, but they also add a little perlite for looseness. If the florist decided to mix the substrate on his own, then it should include: turf and leaf soil, chips of brick or marble, which are sifted from dust. The proportions of the components are maintained in a ratio of 2: 1: 2, respectively.
Breeding rules for the esposto cactus

It is possible to grow a new "hairy cactus" by sowing seeds or grafting, jigging lateral shoots.
However, it is practically impossible to get seeds indoors, and this method is often used in industrial floriculture. But if there is seed, then it is sown in winter (in nurseries) or in spring and summer. With indoor propagation, a dry soil mixture is prepared, consisting of leafy soil and coarse-grain sand. The seeds are spread over the soil surface, and to maintain high humidity during germination, the container is covered with a piece of glass or transparent plastic wrap. The seed pot is placed in a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight. Heat indicators must be maintained at the level of 17-25 degrees. When the first seedlings appear, the shelter is removed.
If some seedlings are estostoi germinated earlier than others, then such young cacti are planted. They try not to damage the roots and move the plants with a lump of soil (you can use a spoon when transplanting). Until such seedlings completely take root, they do not disturb them once again. When it is noticed that rooting has gone well, then planting is performed in separate small pots with drainage and selected soil.
When propagating by cuttings of espostoas, the time is also selected in spring or summer days. Cuttings are cut from the tops of the stems, and they are dried for some time (a couple of days). Then the cut is treated with a rooting stimulator. Planting is carried out in a peat substrate.
When the lateral processes (babies), which eventually form in some species, take root, they are separated during transplantation. If the children are planted in slightly moistened soil, then they quickly give roots. Often, new shoots of Espostoa already have their own root processes. The rooting temperature should be at room temperature. When rooting is successful, the plants are transplanted in separate containers with selected soil.
Potential diseases and pests in esposto room care

All problems when growing this cactus arise when the owner regularly violates the rules of maintenance, among them are most often distinguished:
- Rotting at the bottom of the stem, which begins at the very surface of the soil. This happens when the soil in the pot is constantly flooded. It is required to equalize the watering mode. When it is found that the tissues of the cactus at the base have become soft and moist, then this is a sign of decay. Since on the Espostoa, rot quickly spreads from the base to the top, the plant can be saved by cutting off the upper part of the trunk. The cut is sprinkled with a powder of crushed charcoal or activated carbon and dried a little. Root root treatment is recommended before planting. The top is placed on the soil without deepening, and the root shoots are waited for, and only then the plant is planted in a prepared pot.
- The formation of limescale on the hairs occurs if the cactus was sprayed.
- The biggest problem when caring for espostoas is the caccids, which begin to nest between the thickened bristles. It is quite difficult to remove these pests from the woolly coating. It is necessary to prevent disease to solve the problem - this will be facilitated by spraying in order to prevent stems with fungicides and insecticidal preparations.
- When a cactus is old enough, dark spots and corking of the trunk may appear at its base. The symptoms of the latter are darkening and yellow coloration, but the trunk remains firm to the touch.
Curious notes about esposto, photos

For the first time a description of the esposto was given at the beginning of the 19th century by Baron Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859), an encyclopedic scientist and traveler who also studied botany, and Aimé Jacques Alexander Bonpland (1773–1858). And since the plant has a cereus, from which flowers appear, it is referred to the Cereus tribe.
When buying Espostoa in flower shops, there are both small plants and huge ones. It is necessary to choose cacti that have no signs of decay in the root zone.
Types of espostoas

- Woolly Espostoa (Espostoa lanata). This variety is most popular when grown indoors. The trunk of such a cactus is maximally stretched to 4–5 meters, but when grown in rooms its height does not exceed 1 m. The diameter of the trunk is measured within 5–12 cm. The number of ribs reaches 20–30 units. Branching begins to develop only with age at the stems at some distance from the soil surface. There are a large number of radial spines, short with a yellowish color and a red top. There are only a couple of central ones, with the same colors. All spines make their way through the whitish woolly pubescence of the stem. The maximum length of the thorns is equal to five centimeters. Flowering can be expected when the stem is one meter high. The flowers have whitish petals. The buds are formed from the woolly cephalius and they bloom only at night. The native territories of growth are in the lands of Peru, where the inner valleys and gentle slopes are located. The height at which this species is found is 900-1500 meters above sea level. The plant gained such distribution due to the numerous forms and hybrids that appeared in natural conditions. Such cacti differ from the base one in the size and color of the thorns. In the period 1956-1960. In the territory of Peru, new species were identified, among which the beauty of Espostoa ritteri stood out.
- Espostoa black-columnar (Espostoa melanostele) can be found in the literature under the name Pseudoespostoa black-columnar. When the plant is already quite mature, its trunk casts a black color. The barrel height is measured in two meters. At the top there is a dense braiding with snow-white hairs, reminiscent of silky wool. There are up to 25 ribs on the stem. There are quite a few radial spines, their color can vary from light to dark yellow. The central thorn is the only one, not exceeding 4 cm in length. When grown in home collections, the cactus is devoid of the central thorn. Snow-white flowers bloom from the cephalia. Native lands also fall on the territory of Peru, but the plant is most often found on the rocky ground of deserts, capturing areas located at an absolute height of 1400-1800 meters. Often the slopes of the mountains are so densely covered with overgrown cacti that from a distance it seems that they are covered with snow.
- Espostoa mirabilis differs from its "sisters" in genus in that rather long spines are formed at the base.
- Espostoa nana has a small size and such continuous pubescence that from the side it seems to be a woven ball of snow-white hairs.