Imeretian saffron or marigolds

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Imeretian saffron or marigolds
Imeretian saffron or marigolds

Marigold flowers in cooking, calorie content and chemical composition. Useful properties of Imeretian saffron and contraindications for use. Recipes for dishes with the addition of seasoning, interesting facts about a healthy plant. Marigolds are prized by culinary experts for the taste and aroma that essential oils give:

  • Limonene stimulates the activity of leukocytes;
  • Citral has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Sabinen soothes, inhibits impulse activity;
  • Ocytomen, a natural cystamine, has a positive effect on reproductive function, normalizes the regularity of ovulation and improves sperm quality.

Also in the composition of Imeretian saffron there are biologically active substances that have not yet been fully studied.

Useful properties of Imeretian saffron

Spice Imeretian saffron
Spice Imeretian saffron

The healers of the ancient Etruscans were the first to appreciate the benefits of marigolds, and later they were actively used for the manufacture of potions and medicines by folk healers of Europe and Asia. The medicinal properties of the black shavers are confirmed by official medicine. The complex action of the components of marigolds:

  1. They increase the immune status of the body, during the epidemic season they help to avoid infection or prevent the development of complications;
  2. They inhibit the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi, destroying spores and mycelium at the cellular level;
  3. Used as an antiseptic, stimulate the regeneration of the epithelium and the mucous membrane of the digestive tract;
  4. Normalize the work of the pancreas, prevent the development of pancreatitis;
  5. They have a sedative effect, soothe and help to recover from exhausting physical and, more importantly, mental stress;
  6. They have an analgesic effect, relieve painful symptoms in case of intestinal spasms and inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  7. They have an antiparasitic effect, are used to treat helminthic invasions;
  8. They have a mild diuretic effect, eliminate edema;
  9. Accelerate intestinal peristalsis, help remove toxins, prevent constipation;
  10. They prevent the development of atherosclerosis, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, do not allow the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  11. Prevents the formation of cataracts, stimulates the optic nerve;
  12. Accelerate the regeneration of the skin after a violation of integrity, after acne, accelerate the healing of furunculosis.

Local use of marigold powder or essential oil helps to reduce fine wrinkles, makes the skin smooth, and prevents purulent-inflammatory processes.

Harm and contraindications to the use of marigolds

Pregnant woman
Pregnant woman

The seasoning has a rich bright taste, but not everyone can enjoy it.

Contraindications to the use of marigolds are as follows:

  • Pregnancy, until the middle of the 3rd trimester. The effect on the nervous system is so pronounced that a minimal overdose, which will only improve the taste of the dish, will provoke the tone of the uterus and the overexcitation of the nervous system of the fetus, which can provoke premature birth.
  • Diarrhea tendency. When using the seasoning, intestinal motility increases, which can provoke spastic pain and worsen the condition.
  • Dermatological diseases of a chronic nature: psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis.

The seasoning may cause food and respiratory allergic reactions. Symptoms of negative manifestations: itching in the nasal cavity, frequent sneezing, redness of the oral mucosa and conjunctiva, lacrimation, nausea, diarrhea. Treatment is symptomatic, using antihistamines and enterosorbents. In the future, the use of Imeretian saffron is completely abandoned.

Spice is added with caution to dishes for children over 3 years old, analyzing perception. For a child under 3 years old, more traditional and milder spices are used as flavoring additives, since the intestinal microflora has not yet been fully formed.

Recipes with Imeretian saffron

Uzbek pilaf with Imeretian saffron
Uzbek pilaf with Imeretian saffron

Real saffron is an expensive seasoning, and everyone can cook Imeretian on their own. To do this, it is enough to grow upright marigolds in your area, without feeding with nitrogen-containing substances, to separate the heads at the time of intense flowering. Then the petals are cut off (possibly with sepals), dried in a ventilated room. A small pinch of seasoning is poured into the dishes, otherwise the taste will be bitter.

Recipes with Imeretian saffron:

  1. Cucumbers for the winter … The number of additives is calculated for 2 cans of 3 liters. Cucumbers are placed tightly in a container without piercing or cutting off the tips. Pour into each jar 2 bay leaves, 5 black peppercorns and 2 bitter peas, a third of a spoonful of Imeretian saffron or 3 dried black shavings, 3 cloves. Pour boiling water over and let it brew. After 40 minutes, pour the liquid with spices into a container, boil, in the last minutes add 6 tablespoons of sugar and 4 salt. As soon as the ingredients are dissolved, pour in 6 tablespoons of vinegar and re-pour into the jars. Roll up with sterilized lids.
  2. Uzbek pilaf … Without a teaspoon of Imeretian saffron, it is impossible to get a yellowish tint and delicate taste of rice. Calculation of products for 1 kg of lamb (it is possible to replace beef with a sufficient amount of fat) and 450 g of rice. Rice is thoroughly washed with cold water so that the last liquid of the glass is transparent, poured with boiled water 2 fingers above the surface and allowed to stand. At this time, 700 g of carrots are chopped, first along, and then each "stick" obliquely. 500 g of onions are finely chopped. Cut the lamb into small pieces, no more than 2 cm on the sides. Prepare zirvak: mix 200 ml of corn oil and 50 ml of sesame oil in a heated frying pan with high edges and a thick bottom. They begin to fry carrots in a zirvak, then meat and then onions. You should watch the roast and stir constantly so that you do not get a coarse crust. Spices are mixed separately, measuring with teaspoons: 0, 5 - hot pepper, 1 - Imeretian saffron, 2 - paprika, 3 - salt, 4 - cumin, 5 - barberry berries. Pour boiled chilled water 1 cm above the surface of the meat into a frying pan, increase the heat to boil, and then put on a very small fire to extinguish. If there is not enough salt, add it; the dish should be slightly salted, as the rice takes up the salt. The water is drained from it, it is better to use a sieve with a fine mesh, spread the rice on the meat so as not to stir, pour in hot water. The water level is 1.5 cm above the contents of the pan. 3 heads of garlic are divided into cloves, the upper dense dark skin is removed, leaving the white one, the bottom is cut. The garlic is pressed into the rice. Leave to simmer for half an hour under the lid, and so that steam does not escape, cover with a towel. After turning off, let it brew for another 20 minutes. Stir gently before serving, but so as not to get rice porridge.
  3. Salad … 1 white radish is grated so that long fibers are obtained, squeeze out excess juice. Peel off 3 medium-sized pickled cucumbers, rub over the radish on the same grater. 100 g of boiled beef is cut into slices (it is possible to replace with smoked beef). Peking cabbage is partially chopped, necessarily leaving several whole leaves, which are then torn apart by hand. Red onion, 2 onions, cut into rings and take apart one ring at a time. In a separate cup, mix a teaspoon of Imeretian saffron and fenugreek seeds, grind. All the ingredients of the salad are mixed, seasoned with sesame oil to taste, and salt if necessary. Decorated with Peking cabbage leaves and marigold petals.
  4. Bread in a bread maker … At the bottom of the bowl, the bread machine is poured with kefir to completely close it, this is about half a glass, and the same amount of boiled water is added. Pour 10 g (pack) of fast yeast, 2 tablespoons of wheat or oat bran, 400 g flour, half a teaspoon of Imeretian saffron, 2.5 tablespoons of granulated sugar and 1.5-2 tablespoons of salt. It tastes better when the bread is salty. Kneading the dough is put on the "dumplings" program. After it is kneaded, set the "diet" mode. 1, 5 hours before the end of baking, pour 2 tablespoons of linseed oil into the bowl.
  5. Marinated marigolds … The brine is boiled: put to boil water, adding salt, black peppercorns. Calculation: 1 kg of marigold petals, 2 tablespoons of coarse salt, 3 peppercorns. Boil for 4 minutes, pour in 0.5 liters of 9% vinegar. Flowers with brine are laid out on sterilized jars and rolled up with sterilized lids.

When preparing meals at home, it is best to first add Imeretian saffron powder and then add a handful of petals. You can improve the taste of desserts, add to jam and compotes.

Interesting facts about marigolds

Marigold plant
Marigold plant

The flower symbolizes the lion. In ancient Mexico and Peru, warriors with the help of decoctions tried to add strength and courage to themselves before battles. In the 16th century, the plant was brought to Spain by the conquistadors and from there it spread throughout Europe and Asia.

There is a Christian legend that mentions marigolds. Before King Herod arranged the "massacre of babies," Joseph and Mary fled to Egypt. A gang of thieves overtook the Holy Family and took away the wallet. But instead of money, the heads of marigolds fell out of it. The villains threw the stolen goods on the ground and left. In Joseph's hands, the flower heads turned into coins again. He managed to keep his savings and provide for Mary and the Baby. Long bloom - from early June to frost. The plant is so unpretentious that it can be grown without regular watering. Interestingly, the leaves of marigolds smell much "brighter" than flowers, and the petals begin to emit a spicy smell only after drying.

Marigolds, used for food purposes, are sold in powder form. If you plan to use the petals for medicinal purposes, then they are purchased in a pharmacy in an unmilled form.

Unscrupulous sellers do not offer real saffron instead of Imeretian, it costs much more, but they can add red ground pepper or turmeric to the seasoning. Marigolds have a light sandy hue, and even a small amount of additives will change the color to a rich, orange or reddish. It is not recommended to buy such a product.

The useful properties of the plant were noticed by gardeners. If marigolds are planted near a cucumber garden, you can not be afraid of an aphid invasion. In addition, the yield will increase: the pungent smell of the leaves of the plant attracts honey plants, which pollinate the surrounding plantings.

Watch a video about Imeretian saffron:

If there is no individual intolerance, Imeretian saffron can be made an obligatory addition to dishes. Not only will the taste improve, but also the color. And with regular use, after 1-2 weeks, they begin to feel a healing effect: insomnia disappears, and in the morning you feel a surge of energy.
