Alibertia edible - fruit of the marmalade tree

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Alibertia edible - fruit of the marmalade tree
Alibertia edible - fruit of the marmalade tree

Description of the endemic of the tropical climate. Chemical composition and useful properties of alibertia edible, possible harm when consumed. How the fruit of the gum tree is eaten and what desserts are prepared. Interesting facts about the plant. There is one more property of fruits, for which they are especially appreciated by the local population. Alibertia helps to increase libido in women. Having tasted an aphrodisiac, sultry beauties become temperamental and tireless.

Contraindications and harm to edible alibertia

Breastfeeding baby
Breastfeeding baby

You should not introduce pregnant and lactating women, as well as small children, to the new taste. Contraindications to use have not been established, but the risk of developing an allergic reaction remains. Too high amount of ascorbic acid and phosphorus in the fruit of the marmalade tree.

Possible harm to the alibertia edible for the body:

  • Bowel disorders with a tendency to diarrhea;
  • Flatulence, irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Severe hypotension.

If you avoid overeating, there is no negative effect on the body. An absolute contraindication to use is individual intolerance.

How the fruit of the gummy tree is eaten

Alibertia edible on a plate
Alibertia edible on a plate

Locals prefer to feast on fresh fruits, picking them from the tree. They cut the branches on purpose to form the crown and facilitate harvesting. If this is not taken care of in advance, the fruits that have fallen to the ground will break. But this is not the only way to consume fruit. You can eat alibertia like your usual fruit. From the pulp, cook preserves and jams, confitures, use as a filling for pies, prepare alcoholic drinks, make ice cream.

But the Indians make mash from the fruits that begin to deteriorate. It turns out frothy, thick and has a very original taste - with a slight sourness, which is felt as an aftertaste. Such mash can be considered not only as a drink, but also as food - the resulting drink is thick and satisfying.

Recipes with edible alibertia

Fruit gummy cake
Fruit gummy cake

The fruits are so tender that it is impossible to keep them for more than 3-7 days, even on a refrigerator shelf. Therefore, it is advisable to know what dishes to cook from them - it is a pity to throw out the fruits if you can see that they are beginning to deteriorate.

Recipes for alibertia edible delicious dishes:

  1. Jelly … For three large fruits, the skin is removed and the pulp is rubbed through a coarse sieve to get rid of all the seeds. Granular gelatin, 2 tablespoons, soak in the same amount of warm water and leave to swell. Walnut kernels, 200 g, crushed into powder. The pulp of the alibertia is mixed with sugar - the amount is determined by taste, since the fruits are very sweet. When the sugar has completely melted, put the puree on a small fire and stir constantly until the first bubbles appear. Remove from heat and leave. While the contents of the container are cooling, the molds (low cups) are lined with cling film. You can open plastic bags and attach to each mold. Reheat the fruit puree until bubbles form, remove from the heat, pour in gelatin, add nut powder and mix thoroughly. The homogeneous substance is poured into molds. When it cools to room temperature, tie each bag and put everything in the refrigerator. After an hour, you can give the jelly the desired shape, for example, cubes or balls, and put it back to solidify. After another 3-4 hours, the jelly is taken out of the molds and laid out on a dish. Dessert can be served on its own or with lemon ice cream. You can use other ice cream, as long as the taste is sour.
  2. Cake … Fruits, 2 pieces, are peeled, cut in half and try to remove all seeds. For this, it is convenient to use a dessert spoon. There is no need to be afraid to spoil the shape of the fruit - it will still have to be cut into pieces. Turn on the oven, it is necessary that it warms up to 220 ° C. In an enamel bowl, mix 3 eggs, half a glass of milk, half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder, about a third of a glass of sugar, a glass of crushed Mozzarella cheese, and optional flour. Add alibertia and a few pieces of sour fruit such as kiwi. Grease the mold with vegetable oil, pour in the fruit dough, sprinkle with the remaining cheese on top and place in the oven. Bake for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Quick dessert … 3 pitted fruits are placed in a food processor along with chicken eggs - 3 pieces, 6 tablespoons of sour cream, half a glass of sugar, half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder, butter - 2 tablespoons are enough. Pour a teaspoon of baking powder for the dough into the flour, a little less than a glass. Put everything together and use a whisk to knead the dough. It should be slightly thicker than homemade sour cream. You can add a handful of nuts, any of your choice. The dough is baked in the oven at a temperature of 200-220 ° C for 40 minutes. Before serving, the top of the pie can be covered with liquid chocolate or sprinkled with powdered sugar.
  4. Ice cream … A tablespoon of honey is dissolved in a glass of warm coconut milk. In a blender bowl lay half of the alibertia without pits and peels, pour 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and honey milk. Beat well, for at least 7 minutes, poured into molds, put into the freezer. After 2 hours, take out the molds, re-mix in a blender with the second half of the fruit, add crushed walnuts. They are again poured into molds and are already waiting to completely solidify.

Edible alibertia drinks:

  • Cocktail … Milk, 3 cups, is mixed with a quarter cup of sugar and a teaspoon of vanilla extract. Another 3 glasses of milk are poured into a blender, 3 yolks, 1 tablespoon of corn starch, 4 tablespoons of alibertia puree, a third of a can of condensed milk are put there. Beat for 3-4 minutes. First, milk with sugar and vanilla is brought to a boil, then milk with fruit puree is poured into it. As soon as the mixture boils, it is boiled, stirring constantly, for 5-7 minutes. As soon as the liquid begins to boil down, remove from heat, allow to cool - first at room temperature, then in the refrigerator. Before serving, combine with rum, and sprinkle with grated dark chocolate on top.
  • Liquor … It is convenient to cook in a three-liter jar. The pulp of one alibertia is cut together with the peel, after removing the seeds. The zest is removed from two lemons, and juice is squeezed out of one citrus. The zest and juice are added to the alibertia, 100 g of cane sugar is added, 1 liter of cognac or brandy is poured. The liquid should cover the fruit puree by 3-4 fingers. Close the jar with a tight lid and leave for 3 weeks in the dark, shaking daily. It is necessary to ensure that the lid does not swell and open it at least once every 2-3 days. Filter the finished drink, squeeze the pulp. If sweetening is required, it is better to add honey.

Interesting facts about the gummy tree

How the edible alibertia grows
How the edible alibertia grows

Currently, the private company Nutropical is conducting an in-depth study of the properties of alibertia edible. Based on the isolated polyphenols, it is planned to manufacture drugs for cancer. Researches are now being conducted in which form the therapeutic effects of the pulp are most pronounced - in fresh fruit, dried or lyophilized.

But in the cosmetic industry, all parts of the gum tree are used:

Alibertia edible Use cases
Leaves Decoctions for rinsing hair against alopecia
Pulp Moisturizing creams for increased pigmentation
Peel and pulp Anti-aging masks

A homemade recipe that helps to restore the quality of the skin of the hands, eliminate age-related pigmentation, prevent the formation of corns: pound several dried fruit seeds, mix with pulp puree, in which the fermentation process has already begun, add corn or coconut oil (with a sensitive skin proportion of the mixture 1: 1), pour in a little lemon juice. After application, an energetic massage of the hands is carried out - rub the mixture into the hands and wrists for 3-4 minutes. If there is a burning sensation, the mask is immediately washed off. Alibertia edible can be grown on your own windowsill from seeds. To increase germination, they are soaked for a day in warm water, then planted in a mixture of coconut-perlite and sand. The depth of seed placement is up to 1 cm. But before you "invite" a tropical guest, you need to know that it is necessary to ensure a constant temperature of at least 22 ° C and stable watering. If the ground dries up, the seeds will not sprout. But it is also impossible to fill in - moist soil is required.

The sprouts appear in 2-4 weeks, and it is possible to change the irrigation regime only after they grow to 10-12 cm. An adult tree tolerates short-term frosts on the soil, floods and dry periods, but it will not be possible to wait in unfavorable harvest years.

It is not necessary to plant the edible alibertia on your windowsill. You can limit yourself to a plant of a less capricious species - Alibertia sorbilis. Fruits are smaller, but it is still impossible to achieve ovaries outside the growing area. But you can enjoy the scent of large tropical flowers 2-3 times a year.

Watch a video about edible alibertia:
