How can a girl gain weight in bodybuilding?

How can a girl gain weight in bodybuilding?
How can a girl gain weight in bodybuilding?

Want to have an attractive figure and juicy buttocks and thighs? You need to learn the secret technique of girls who perform in bodybuilding. Sometimes the fair sex is interested in how a girl gain weight in bodybuilding. It may be necessary to increase not only muscle mass, but also fat mass. It should be said right away that it is very difficult for girls to gain muscle mass, since, due to the characteristics of the female body, fat reserves are created much faster. Most likely, you will be able to gain exactly muscle mass, which, in general, is good, since then you will not have to lose weight again.

But first, you should pass several tests, thanks to which you can name the cause of the slowed down muscle anabolism. To do this, you need to consult an endocrinologist, and with his help check for violations in the work of the hormonal system. It is very important to be tested for nitrogen balance.

Nutrition program for girls

Girl drinking juice
Girl drinking juice

To gain weight, first of all, it is necessary to increase the calorie content of the diet. Most often, the reasons are hidden here. You need to eat 5 to 6 times during the day and all meals should be complete or, more simply, include all the necessary nutrients.

For example, you can eat porridge with milk and nuts for breakfast, buckwheat or rice with meat or poultry for the second breakfast. For lunch, eat a soup and a main course with meat, an afternoon snack can consist of rice with fish and vegetables, and for dinner, cottage cheese and fruits.

If you put your diet in order and the tests did not reveal any deviations from the norm, then you have a high metabolism. Scientists today cannot explain the reasons for the phenomenon called "wolf appetite." A person in such a situation consumes a large number of calories, but remains thin. It is assumed that in such people, the body is able to efficiently spend calories and not create excess fat reserves. If you have a similar situation, then gainers can be used.

Training program

Sportswoman training in the gym
Sportswoman training in the gym

Basically, in order to gain weight, girls must do the same things as men. However, due to differences in muscle composition and hormonal system, it is necessary to change the training program. At the same time, you also have to use anaerobic exercise, or, more simply, resistance training.

But this is how aerobic workouts, beloved by most girls, will have to be excluded, since they do not contribute to weight gain. If you have never trained in the gym before, then the first step is to learn the correct exercise technique. If you do not do this, then not only will you not be able to achieve your goals, but you can also get quite serious injury. Of course, you will not be able to simultaneously learn technique and gain weight, but at least one month of your classes should be devoted only to this goal. You should do the following exercises for the first six months:

  • California bench press;
  • Women's squats;
  • Dumbbell lunges;
  • Romanian cravings;
  • Pull of the upper block towards the chest;
  • Hyperextension.

The most difficult from a technical point of view are women's squats, and they should be given more attention. Romanian cravings are much easier to learn. To do this, you should sit near the wall with your back to it at a distance of 40 to 50 centimeters. Bend your back in the lumbar region and bend your knee joints slightly. After that, begin to bend down, at the same time pushing the pelvis towards the wall, and try to touch it.

The rest of the exercises are even easier and now you should not pay attention to them. Follow the directions and use an empty bar initially. You can start gaining mass only after mastering the technique of all exercises. They should be performed in the same order as they are indicated above. Do 12 reps in 5 sets. It is very important that muscle failure occurs only in the last set. To do this, you need to use the "pyramid" principle, or more simply, you should increase the working weight in each next set.

Always do the first set with an empty bar and it does not count as it is a warm-up. You can never neglect a warm-up and this is very important. Rest between sets for a minute, train once every two days, using the principle of progression of loads.

If the loads do not progress, then muscle growth will become impossible. It is thanks to this that muscle tissue hypertrophy is achieved, which leads to their growth. Various methods can be used for load progression. For example, you can increase the number of exercises, sets or reps, use various special techniques. However, your progress will primarily depend on your working weight.

There are two ways to do this:

  • Increase in the weight of sports equipment in the lead sets;
  • Increasing the weight of weights in a failure set.

For example, suppose you increased the weight in a failure set, but instead of twelve repetitions of the exercise, you were able to do ten. In the next lesson, you need to increase the weight in the lead sets and, as a result, bring the number of repetitions in the failure set to 12. After that, you need to repeat everything from the beginning.

Thus, if we summarize all of the above, then in order to gain weight, girls should revise their nutrition program in the direction of increasing its calorie content. You should also pass tests to identify all possible deviations from the norm and then start using strength training. It is also very important. So that you sleep at least eight hours a day. If you follow all the recommendations, the result will not be long in coming.

I would also like to say a few words about some of the fear that the mention of strength training causes in girls. You should not be afraid that when exercising with dumbbells and a barbell, your figure will resemble a man's. Without the use of steroids, such an increase in muscle mass cannot be achieved. You just slightly increase the volume of your muscles, and this will only make your figure even more attractive.

Check out more information on how to gain weight in this video interview:
