Tips for the care and reproduction of tiny ficus

Tips for the care and reproduction of tiny ficus
Tips for the care and reproduction of tiny ficus

Characteristics of tiny ficus, growing indoors, steps for independent reproduction, difficulties arising from care and ways to solve them, facts for the curious, varieties. The first step to combat such harmful insects is to wash the tiny ficus under the shower jets, covering the soil in the pot with a plastic bag for this time. Then the mealbug is removed with toothpicks, after (if there are manifestations of other pests, then the same actions are performed) the leaf plates on both sides must be wiped with a cotton pad or a piece of bandage moistened with oil, soap or alcohol solution. After that, for the complete defeat of insects, it will be necessary to spray the entire deciduous mass and branches with insecticidal and acaricidal preparations. This treatment is repeated after 7 days in order to finally remove all pests.

The following problems that accompany violations of the rules for caring for a tiny ficus are:

  • pulling shoots and chopping foliage in case of insufficient lighting or nutrition;
  • if the substrate is often flooded, the foliage will turn yellow and fall off;
  • with strong drying of the earthen coma, the leaves begin to dry out and fly around;
  • also the fall of foliage occurs due to a decrease in temperature or the action of a draft.

Facts about tiny ficus for the curious

Ficus stalks tiny
Ficus stalks tiny

There is evidence that growing in a warm natural climate, the tiny ficus has the ability to release shoots, which eventually become really thick with large oval-shaped leaves. Siconia fruits can also form and ripen only on such branches. The variety "Sunny" with variegated color of foliage differs in that as the plant grows up, their shade becomes more and more green. If you want to consider the flowers of the tiny ficus, then you should pay attention to the inner surface of the syconium - there is fluffiness, like brown "fur" - these are the flowers of the plant.

It is believed that keeping in a house where a childless couple lives, expecting the offspring of such a plant, will contribute to the imminent "arrival of the stork." Especially if you put a tiny ficus pot in the bedroom. But there is one more feature here - it is important not only to buy and bring a tiny ficus into the house, but also to patiently wait until it releases new branches. But there is an opinion that in order for the dream of a child to come true, it is necessary to "get hold of" a sprout of ficus from friends who already have children, or even take such a shoot "on the sly". But at the same time, everyone repeats about one thing, it is not enough to have a creeping fig tree in the house, it is important to care for it and love the plant as if it were a small child.

In some countries, even if the ficus is not grown in the house, and the lady wants to get pregnant, she is advised to make several nude circles around such a “miraculous plant”.

Types of tiny ficus

A kind of tiny ficus
A kind of tiny ficus
  • Macrophylla (Ficus pumila var.macrophylla) has leaf plates of larger sizes.
  • Quartzifolia (Ficus pumila var.quercifolia) - in this plant, the outlines of the leaves resemble oak foliage.
  • Avkotsang (Ficus pumila var.awkeotsang) during the formation of syconia, they take on a more elongated shape.
  • Minima (Ficus pumila var. Minima) - its difference is the very small size of the leaves, which rarely exceed 7 mm in length.
  • White Sunny the leaf plates of this plant are colored dark green and have a wide border of light color at the edge.
  • Sunny on the green plate of this type of leaf, the light edge has a discontinuous texture.
  • Dort it is especially decorative, since golden blotches are present on the leaves of a dark green color.
  • Gold Heart such a plant is distinguished by foliage of a golden-yellow color scheme.
  • Carley (Curly) the surface of the sheet plate has a wavy, like "curly" shape.
  • Variegata and Snowflake plants of these species have a variegated color on the foliage.