Science workout in bodybuilding

Science workout in bodybuilding
Science workout in bodybuilding

We recommend using a training methodology for developing muscles developed by sports doctors and the best bodybuilders in the world for ordinary people. Today sports science has taken a huge step forward. For maximum results, athletes should use a scientific approach in their training. Learn how to organize science training in bodybuilding.

Today, there are many areas in science that study the problems of sports. This allows you to create new, more effective training methods and achieve better results. Let's see how to organize science training in bodybuilding.

Muscle cell structure

The structure of muscle tissue
The structure of muscle tissue

To fully understand all the mechanisms of muscle growth, you should start with the foundation, namely the cells of the muscle tissue. They are also called fibers. This is due to the fact that, unlike most cells of other tissues, muscle cells have an oblong shape, close to a cylinder. Often the length of the cell is equal to the length of the entire muscle, and their diameter is in the range of 12-100 micrometers. A group of cells of muscle tissue forms a bundle, the aggregate of which constitutes a muscle, which is located in a dense cover of connective tissue.

The contractile apparatus of muscles consists of organelles - myofibrils. One fiber can contain up to two thousand myofibrils. These organelles are sarcomeres that connect in series with each other and contain actin and myosin filaments. Bridges can form between these threads, which, when ATP is expended, turn, which actually causes muscle contraction.

You should also remember about one more organelle - mitochondria. They act as power plants in the muscles. It is in them that, under the influence of oxygen, fats (glucose) are converted into CO2, water and energy stored in the ATP molecule. It is this substance that is the source of energy for muscle work.

Energy of muscle fibers

Conversion of energy in muscles
Conversion of energy in muscles

To release energy from the ATP molecule, a special enzyme ATP-ase is used. By the way, fast and slow fibers are classified precisely depending on the activity of this enzyme. This indicator, in turn, is predetermined, and this information is contained in the DNA. Information about the creation of fast or slow ATP-ase depends on the signals of motoneurons located in the spinal cord. The dimensions of these elements determine the ripple frequency. Since the sizes of motoneurons remain unchanged throughout a person's life, the muscular composition cannot be changed either. It is only possible to achieve a temporary change in the muscle composition due to the effect of an electric current.

The energy contained in one ATP molecule is enough for the myosin bridge to make one turn. After the bridge has disengaged from the actin filament, it returns to its original position, and then, making a new turn, engages with another actin filament. In fast fibers, ATP is consumed more actively, which leads to more frequent muscle contraction.

What is muscle composition?

Athlete posing
Athlete posing

Muscle fibers are usually classified according to two parameters. The first is the rate of contraction. We already talked about fast and slow fibers above. This indicator determines the composition of the muscles. To determine it, a bioassay is taken from the lateral part of the biceps of the thigh.

The second classification method is the analysis of mitochondrial enzymes and fibers are classified into glycolytic and oxidative. The second type includes cells that contain more mitochondria and cannot synthesize lactic acid.

Confusion often arises due to these types of classification. Many athletes believe that slow fibers can only be oxidative, and fast ones - glycolytic. But this is not entirely true. If you build the training process correctly, then due to the increase in the number of mitochondria in fast fibers, they can become oxidative. For this reason, they will become more hardy, and lactic acid will not be synthesized in them.

What is lactic acid in bodybuilding?

Lactic acid molecule
Lactic acid molecule

The composition of lactic acid includes anions, which are molecules of lactate and cation with a negative charge, as well as positively charged hydrogen ions. Lactate is large and for this reason its participation in biochemical reactions is possible only with the active participation of enzymes. In turn, hydrogen ions are the smallest atom capable of penetrating almost any structure. It is this ability that causes the destruction that hydrogen atoms are capable of.

If the level of hydrogen ions is high, then this can lead to the activation of catabolic processes by the enzyme lysosomes. Lactate in the course of a rather complex chemical reaction can be converted into acetylcoenzyme-A. after that, the substance is delivered to the mitochondria, where it is oxidized. Thus, we can say that lactate is a hydrocarbon and can be used by mitochondria for energy.

Valery Prokopiev tells about science training in this video:
