Beautiful feet: how to get rid of a bone without surgery?

Beautiful feet: how to get rid of a bone without surgery?
Beautiful feet: how to get rid of a bone without surgery?

In the article we will talk about bones on the feet, find out the reasons for its appearance. We will also recommend several recipes for treating this problem with folk methods. We all want to stay beautiful as long as possible. But, unfortunately, this does not happen. We want not only our body to look beautiful, but also our legs and feet. Recently, more and more often people began to face such a problem as a bone on their legs. This disease began to progress, because if earlier it only occurred in older people, now even young people have begun to face this disease.

Causes of the appearance of bones on the foot

Schematic representation of the different stages of the development of the disease
Schematic representation of the different stages of the development of the disease

This disease is also popularly called "bump" or "bone" on the legs, but the medical name itself is hallux valgus. Its manifestation begins with a slight deformation of the foot, which gradually develops into a subluxation of the big toe outward, and the mold bone, on the contrary, inward. When the disease progresses, the feet expand, the bump grows, and small ulcers form.

This disease can appear in people of different ages. Especially, it is typical for women who constantly wear high-heeled shoes, as well as ballet dancers, dancers, gymnasts. In addition, the disease can be hereditary. Excess weight can play a serious role in its occurrence. But, very often the cause of the disease is uncomfortable shoes. Previously, people complained of this disease after 40 years, but now it began to be observed at the age of 20.

At first, the disease was very difficult to identify, it is invisible and does not cause any discomfort. But after some weeks, swelling appears, redness around the joint. Then there is constant fatigue, pain in the sole area. If you are worried about such symptoms, you must immediately take some measures regarding this disease.

How to heal a bone on your legs without surgery?

A man examines his foot
A man examines his foot

If you notice such a disease on your feet, then you must not forget that if it is not treated, it will progress. The operation is done when there is already a very strong deformation, pain is felt, and discomfort also arises. But in order to prevent this, in the early stages of the disease, it is necessary to turn to traditional medicine. Let's look at examples of some recipes for getting rid of bones on the legs.

Recipe number 1

Foot massage
Foot massage

To prepare this recipe, you need to take any bones, it can be chicken, beef, pork. They must be washed well and chopped into small pieces. Then put everything in a saucepan and put on fire. Cook for a while and stir the bones occasionally. Gradually, they will turn into bone tar, which need to be smeared with problem areas.

Recipe number 2

Foot bath
Foot bath

To prepare it, you need to take dandelion flowers and pour them with tincture of iodine. Leave to insist for four days. After the expiration of four days, you need to steam your legs well, wipe them thoroughly and apply the tincture to the bone. This procedure should be done every night before going to bed for two weeks.

Recipe number 3

Girl rubs her foot with ointment
Girl rubs her foot with ointment

It is necessary to make a compress with burdock leaves and pharmacy turpentine. To do this, you need to spread turpentine on the leaves of burdock, stick them around the leg, then put plastic bags on top and wrap it all with a woolen cloth. You need to be extremely careful so that the warmed up leg does not get burned. Do this procedure daily for three months.

It is important for the health of your feet to take proper and thorough care of them. Do not allow yourself to walk in shoes that can harm them, give up very high heels that tire your feet. But, if such a problem has already happened, then we must try to eliminate it with folk methods, and prevent a neglected condition so that you do not have to go to doctors.

How to prevent the development of this disease, see this video:
