Matisa is a South American relative of durian

Matisa is a South American relative of durian
Matisa is a South American relative of durian

Description of matisa, useful properties and contraindications to the use of a rare South American sapote. Tropical fruit recipes and drinks. Is it possible to get a crop in my winter garden. Currently, research has begun on the effect of matisa on intestinal and skin cancer cells, stimulation of regenerative organic processes. It has already been established that the pulp of the fruit contains, albeit in small quantities:

  • Beta carotene - the strongest antioxidant that prevents the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation and stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, which improves visual function;
  • Vitamin B6 - normalizes hormonal levels and participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin and amino acids;
  • Folic acid - participates in DNA synthesis and hematopoiesis processes.

Recently, matisu has been grown in Florida, throughout the Amazon Delta, and attempts have been made to cultivate the plant in Australia. The first experience was successful.

Useful properties of matisa

What does matisa look like
What does matisa look like

As a medicinal plant, South American sapote was not used, but it was noticed that after regular use, the general condition improves.

Benefits of matisa:

  1. Prevents the development of anemia, stabilizes the processes of hematopoiesis and normalizes blood pressure.
  2. Increases general immunity, helps to quickly recover during the season of viral epidemics.
  3. It isolates free radicals in the intestines and prevents the development of colon cancer and malignancy of diverticulosis.
  4. Accelerates the movement of feces through the intestines, gently helps to get rid of old toxins, without provoking the development of diarrhea.
  5. Prevents accumulation of "bad" cholesterol and dissolves lipid deposits already accumulated on the walls of blood vessels.
  6. It can be used for diabetes mellitus, as it has a low glycemic index.
  7. Reduces stress on the pancreas.
  8. Increases body tone and performance, improves mood.

The juice and nectar of matis retain their beneficial properties, but during heat treatment, nutrients and organic acids are destroyed. That is why locals prefer to eat fruits raw or squeeze juice out of them.

Harm and contraindications to the use of matisa

Small child
Small child

No harm was found when using matisa. If you avoid overeating, you can safely introduce fruits into the diet.

However, it should be borne in mind that the South American sapote is a tropical fruit, and the European may develop an individual intolerance. Do not feed fruit to children under 3 years of age. New products are contraindicated at this age.

At the first meeting, you should avoid overeating and see how the body reacts to a new product. The pulp is very high in dietary fiber, and overuse can cause flatulence, bloating, bowel obstruction, and nausea.

How matisu is eaten

Cutting matisse
Cutting matisse

Locals prefer to enjoy fresh fruit. Already ripe fruit is plucked from the tree, rinsed, cut into several slices lengthwise and eaten like a watermelon. The bones are removed along with the dietary fiber by pulling on them.

And here is how matisu is eaten in restaurants:

  • The dense shell is cut and removed.
  • Get rid of seeds and connective fibers.
  • Cut the pulp into cubes and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Serving as juice or nectar, adding to ice cream and fruit salads is even more popular.

Matisa recipes

Matisse pudding
Matisse pudding

Like all juicy fruits, South American sapote can be used to make desserts, add it to pie filling,.

Matisa recipes:

  1. Pudding … Prepare 1/4 cup matisse pulp, 2 lightly dried croissants, diced, 1/2 cup cornflakes and 1 cup heavy cream, 3 eggs, 1/3 cup cane sugar, a pinch of salt and vanilla each. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C, cut the croissants into cubes and dry them until they turn golden. The oven is not turned off. Salt half of the cream and bring to a boil, simmer so that it becomes even thicker. At this time, the dough is kneaded from all the ingredients. Beat eggs with sugar, add grated crackers, vanilla, cornflakes, hot cream and fruit pulp. Having achieved complete uniformity, lay out the dough in silicone molds. Set to boil water in a saucepan. The molds are placed in water, so that the liquid does not get inside, cover with a lid and cook until tender. If you want to get a beautiful golden brown crust, the molds are put in the oven for 5 minutes. Served warm, but chilled is delicious too.
  2. Cottage cheese casserole … It is very convenient to bake a dish in a multicooker. Cottage cheese, 2 cups, chop, interrupting in a blender. Then 2-4 tablespoons of semolina are poured into the bowl, eggs - 2 pieces, a little sour cream. After the mixture is interrupted, the consistency of a batter should be obtained. All dietary fibers and bones are removed from matis, the pulp is spread in the same blender and turned on again. The multicooker bowl is slightly heated, greased with butter, sprinkled with semolina. Pour in the doughy mass, put it back on the "baking" mode from scratch and bring it to full readiness. Served with sour cream.
  3. Smoothie … Matisa goes well with oranges, grapefruits, bananas, traditional apples, better than green varieties. There is no need to overuse the number of types of fruit - it is enough to achieve a combination of sweet / sour. To prepare a smoothie, 3 matis are cleaned from the skin and seeds, if possible, they get rid of dietary fiber. Peel the green apple, also remove the pits and hard core. Remove the skin from the red grapefruit, cut into slices into several pieces and remove the partitions completely. If you don't want to waste time on this work, you can simply squeeze the juice out of the grapefruit. Only then, in order to achieve the desired consistency, a banana is added to the smoothie. In a blender, cut pieces of matisa, apple, banana, pour in grapefruit juice. To improve the taste, use grated ginger, cinnamon or mint. Before serving, the smoothie can be sweetened with honey or bitter with ground coffee or almonds.
  4. Fruit salad … You can experiment with the composition, combining tropical fruits and ordinary European ones. The most traditional combination: matisa, apples, some fresh pineapple and kiwi. Dressing: lemon juice mixed with olive oil and soy sauce.
  5. Matisa jam … For 1 kg of already peeled matisse, 500 g of sugar and half a glass of brandy are needed. Additionally - a bag of vanillin. It is very important to clean the American sapote first and then weigh it. The fruit has a thick, dense skin and a lot has to be removed during peeling. The pulp is carefully laid out in a saucepan; even pieces are not needed. Pour in the entire volume of sugar, let it stand for at least 2-3 hours, so that the fruit has time to release juice. Cook the jam over low heat, adding vanilla sugar. Best brought to a boil and removed from heat. In this case, the jam will be transparent. In order not to burn, stir constantly during boiling. Put the jam on sterilized jars, and close the neck with parchment paper, generously soaked in cognac. Leave for 3 days in a cold place, only then you can try.

Matisa flesh goes well with ice cream. It is best to take a hard coffee ice cream as a basis. To make the presentation beautiful, the fruit pulp is cut into even cubes. Juice is squeezed out of the remnants of the fruit puree, with which the ice cream is poured on top. Sapote goes well with grapefruit or lemon soft ice cream.

Matisa drink recipes

Matisa drink
Matisa drink

The simplest matisa drink is juice. But it turns out to be so sweet and viscous that it is difficult to drink. Therefore, nectar is more often made from this fruit. Homemade drinks combine fruit juices of various types, transparent and opaque. But cocktails that are served in cafes and restaurants contain 40-45% natural fruit juice.

Matisa nectar recipes:

  1. Tropical … Juices of matisa, passionfruit, pineapple, mango and strawberry guava are mixed in a blender. Add 1/3 of mineral water without gas. You can add a mint leaf before serving. Drink chilled.
  2. Unexpected taste … In a blender, beat the pulp of the apple, matis and mango. And instead of mineral water, watermelon juice is added.
  3. Citrus nectar … Mix orange juice with matisse pulp, beat with a blender and sweeten with honey.

Fresh fruit nectars have a bright taste, and if it seems too rich, you should increase the amount of mineral water in the composition. The beneficial properties of fruits in the drink are preserved completely.

Interesting facts about Matis

How Matisa grows
How Matisa grows

Sapota in America is called all juicy fruits with a sweet taste and jelly-like pulp, containing dietary fiber and growing on trees that secrete a viscous juice-latex. But this does not mean at all that they are from the same family. For example, matisa, which in taste and properties resembles a sapote from the family Sapotaceae, a relative of durian.

Matisa was first introduced to South Florida in 1964, where it took root well and began to grow in gardens and home gardens. The crop was obtained 9 years after planting.

In order for the fruit to form from the ovary, it takes 8-8.5 months. The ripeness of the fruit is indicated by the calyx at the base - it departs slightly, showing a light skin.

In winter gardens, the tree is grown from seed. It is not demanding on the soil, both acidic and alkaline can be used. But the microclimate will have to be kept constant, with a temperature of at least 15 ° C. Matisa grows quickly, by 60 cm per year. It begins to bloom at 3 years old, but until 7-9 years old, the flowers fly around. However, it is impossible to get a harvest, since flowers, like many other types of tropical plants, are pollinated by bats.

Matisa wood is prized. Furniture and souvenirs are made from it. It is durable and does not rot.

Watch the video about Matisu:

It is unlikely that a resident of Europe will be able to get acquainted with the taste of matisa. Fruit is not grown for sale. The natives of the Amazon delta collect them in the jungle, and Florida farmers plant a tree "for themselves" in order to please loved ones with an interesting taste.
