TOP 5 recipes for duck legs with oranges. Features of cooking. Video recipes.

Duck legs with oranges is an extremely tasty combination of products. Recipes based on these ingredients have their origins in Western Europe, thanks to their nutritional value and sophistication, they quickly gained popularity in other countries. The combination of duck meat with a sweet and sour orange flavor almost always does not leave you indifferent. And what is the amazing aroma worth ?! This dish can be stewed, baked or fried. In any case, the result is a culinary masterpiece, worthy not only of an everyday table, but also of a festive celebration.
Features of cooking duck legs with oranges

The duck, like other waterfowl, has more fatty meat than their usual relative - chicken. But with the right approach to cooking, this disadvantage is quite easy to turn into an advantage. In combination with this bird, all kinds of berries, fruits and vegetables are not in vain. Their acidic environment not only refreshes the overall taste of the dish, but is a natural sorbent that helps neutralize fats and improve their absorption by the body.
Duck legs can be boiled in water or steamed, baked in the oven, fried in a pan or grilled. But in any case, one of the best options would be to combine them with an orange.
In order to get the perfect dish as a result of cooking, you should carefully select the product. There are some criteria by which you can determine the degree of freshness and quality of duck meat, namely:
- There is no stickiness on the surface;
- When pressed, the meat quickly returns to its shape;
- The cut has a dark brown tint;
- Legs should be well-fed, with a considerable supply of meat;
- In young ducks, the cartilage is soft and not fully formed.
It is noteworthy that there is not as much subcutaneous fat in the legs as in the pelvic cavity. Therefore, they cook much faster and do not have time to dry out, as is the case with a whole duck.
The duck has a dense, thick skin, so experienced housewives resort to some tricks so as not to spoil the dish. So, for example, you can pre-marinate the legs in mustard, kefir or skate, this will give the meat the necessary tenderness and juiciness.
If there is very little time left for cooking and there is no way to marinate the product, then you can first boil the duck legs a little by throwing them into boiling water. This manipulation will ensure their uniform cooking, make the skin more tender and will not allow the taste and aroma to go into the broth.
Duck legs do not like high temperatures in the oven. The optimum temperature is from 140 to 170 degrees. At the same time, the simmering time can reach 2-3 hours, depending on the recipe.
Oranges can be added to roasted or baked duck legs as a marinade. At the same time, it is recommended to grind them together with the zest, because it is she who provides the most vibrant citrus aroma.
In some cases, you can use the zest itself separately, crushing the finished product on top a few minutes before serving. This will maximize the preservation of all the beneficial properties of the outer part of the orange.
Orange circles fried on a grill or in a ribbed pan look very beautiful as a decoration for a dish.
The benefits of duck meat combined with oranges

Duck is a good source of healthy protein. It contains many minerals necessary for the human body - selenium, zinc, copper, phosphorus, iron. This product also contains sodium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, calcium.
Among the vitamins, there is a high content of group B compounds - nicotinic and pantothenic acid, riboflavin, thiamine, choline, as well as B6, B12. In addition, duck meat is rich in vitamins A, E, K and folate.
The benefits of this product are also due to the presence of betaine (a derivative of glycine), omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, oleic acid, enzymes that ensure normal metabolism and the elimination of carcinogens from the body.
This composition allows duck dishes to be considered very nutritious and healthy, especially when combined with an orange. This product is recommended in cases of exhaustion of a physical or nervous nature, in case of a weakening of the immune system. Duck legs with oranges will be useful for schoolchildren, people engaged in mental activity, athletes or suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer patients
TOP 5 recipes for duck legs with oranges
There are many options for preparing duck legs. Thanks to the right combination of products, a dish can be not only satisfying, but also incredibly healthy. It is the orange that will help duck meat to digest more easily and saturate the body with the necessary microelements, as well as give an unforgettable exquisite taste. We bring to your attention the most successful recipes using these ingredients.
Duck confit with oranges and spices

Confit is a French dish with a long history. Initially, the recipe was invented for long-term storage of duck, but over time it spread to other countries, where it took pride of place in professional and home kitchens. It is prepared from all parts of the duck, but the legs are the most delicious.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 250 kcal.
- Servings Per Container - 3 Servings
- Cooking time - 2 hours
- Duck legs - 3 pcs.
- Orange - 1 pc.
- Duck fat - 200 g
- Olive oil - 1 tablespoon
- Ground cardamom - 0.3 tsp
- Red hot peppers - to taste
- Cinnamon - 1 stick
- Cherry juice - 50 ml
- Salt - 1 g
Step by step preparation of duck confit with oranges and spices:
- We prepare the products: we wash the duck legs, cut half of the orange in the form of small pyramids.
- Thoroughly wipe the legs with oil and spices. Put them together with orange slices and a cinnamon stick in a pan and fry them under the lid for about 3-5 minutes on each side. During this time, a golden crust should form.
- Melt the fat in a frying pan. Pour cherry juice there and add to taste. The simmering time is 1, 5-2 hours.
- After the end of the process, we send the legs to the grill or fry them until crisp in a pan.
- Here, lightly fry the second half of the orange, cut into slices.
- When the dish is ready, serve the duck legs with rice or other side dish.
Stewed duck legs with oranges and mustard sauce

A thoughtful stew for a long time is a great way to cook duck legs paired with oranges. You can add a zest to serving by serving a dish with honey mustard.
- Duck legs - 2 pcs.
- Duck fat for frying
- Onions - 1 pc.
- Medium carrots - 1 pc.
- Garlic - 2 cloves
- Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
- Orange - 2 pcs.
- Powdered sugar - 2 tablespoons
- Butter - 2 tablespoons
- Black pepper - 5 peas
- Water - 100 ml
- Salt to taste
- Dijon mustard - 2 tablespoons (for the sauce)
- Honey - 1 tablespoon (for the sauce)
- Olive oil - 2 tablespoons (for the sauce)
- Soy sauce - 1 tsp (for the sauce)
Step by step preparation of duck legs with oranges and mustard sauce:
- Melt the fat in a deep frying pan and fry the legs on both sides until golden brown. Take them out onto a plate.
- Cut the onion into medium cubes and the carrots into slices. Garlic can be passed through a garlic press or finely chopped.
- Put everything together in a skillet with fat after frying the legs. Roasting time - 3 minutes.
- Then add water and legs. Reduce heat slightly and add bay leaf, pepper, salt. Cooking time under a lid on low heat - from 1 to 1, 5 hours.
- Slice oranges into slices 3-5 mm thick. Sprinkle them with icing sugar and fry on all sides in a greased grill pan.
- Place all the ingredients for the sauce in a deep bowl and whisk lightly.
- For a beautiful presentation, place the legs on a wide plate, place a few slices of orange and a teaspoon of sauce next to it.
The classic recipe for stewed duck legs with orange

This dish is quite tasty and satisfying. It is perfect for both a festive table and a daily lunch.
- Duck legs - 6 pcs.
- Orange - 2 pcs.
- Onions - 1 pc.
- Olive oil - 2 tablespoons
- Starch - 1 tsp
- Water - 200 ml
- Zest of one orange
- Salt and pepper to taste
Step-by-step preparation of stewed duck legs according to the classic recipe:
- Season the legs with salt and sprinkle with pepper. Fry thoroughly in hot olive oil until golden brown on all sides. For frying, you should choose a pot or pan with high sides. At the end of the process, remove the legs onto a plate.
- Fry the onion in the same container, then add the starch and stir.
- Put the duck on the onion again, cover with orange juice and water. Simmer covered over low heat until the meat is tender. Remove the lid and extinguish for a few more minutes.
- When the sauce becomes thick, it must be separated into a saucepan, sprinkled with zest.
- To decorate the dish, place the legs on a plate, cover with zest and serve with the sauce.
Baked duck legs with cognac and orange

According to this recipe, duck legs are incredibly fragrant and juicy. This effect is provided due to the presence of spices and cognac among the ingredients, which impregnates the meat fibers. The cooking process is quite simple, so even a novice cook can surprise guests.
- Duck legs - 4 pcs.
- Orange - 2 pcs.
- Cognac - 120 ml
- Rosemary - 1 sprig
- Salt and spices to taste
Step by step preparation of baked duck legs with cognac and orange:
- Separate the fat from the legs. Marinate with cognac, spices, add a sprig of rosemary. Cover and refrigerate for 8-12 hours, or at room temperature for 1, 5, or more hours.
- Cut the orange into slices without removing the peel.
- Place the legs on a baking sheet, put the orange on top, cover with foil and place in the oven at 150 degrees. Roasting time - about 1 hour.
- Serve baked duck legs with rice, potatoes, boiled or fresh vegetables.
Duck legs with oranges in a slow cooker

Cooking a dish in a multicooker allows you to maximize the preservation of useful elements and the aroma of meat and fruits, and also reduces the time spent on the cooking process.
- Duck drumstick - 6 pcs.
- Orange - 1 pc.
- Quince - 1 pc.
- Apple - 1 pc.
- Cranberries (fresh or frozen berries) - 50 g
- Honey - 4 tablespoons
- Mustard beans or powder - 2 tablespoons
- Vegetable oil for frying
- Spices to taste
Step by step cooking of duck legs with oranges in a slow cooker:
- Rinse the legs thoroughly and fry a little with the addition of oil.
- Before cooking the duck legs, pour boiling water over the fruit. Remove inner pits from quince and apple. Cut everything, including the orange, into wedges.
- Put the resulting fruit slices on the fried meat. Pour washed cranberries there, salt, add mustard and your favorite spices.
- Carefully move the resulting mass and turn on the baking mode for 60 minutes.
- Honey is added after cooking, directly on hot meat, so that it melts, but does not boil. Let cool slightly and can be served with a side dish or vegetables.
Video recipes for duck legs with oranges

As practice shows, the combination of duck meat and orange will not leave indifferent any gourmet. The ingredients in these recipes are selected to balance the nutrients and get the most out of them. With a little skill and imagination, you can surprise your loved ones not only at the festive table, but also diversify your daily food. Each hostess will be able to choose an option that will take its rightful place in her cookbook.