TOP 10 most popular diets

TOP 10 most popular diets
TOP 10 most popular diets

The most popular and effective diets: TOP-10. Allowed and prohibited foods, menus for every day, real reviews of those who have lost weight.

A diet is a short-term diet aimed at losing extra pounds and correcting body contours. Next, about the most popular and effective diets for losing weight according to satisfied losers.

Basic rules of diets

Popular diet for weight loss
Popular diet for weight loss

The choice of diet must be approached wisely, because an incorrectly selected diet will provoke a quick breakdown, and subsequently the lack of the desired result, as well as health problems.

The most effective ones are often mono-diets aimed at quick results, but the list of 10 popular diets also includes those that involve a complete diet. Each has its own time limits in adherence to food, namely from 3 to 14 days.

TOP 10 most popular diets

  1. Carbohydrate-free;
  2. Kefir;
  3. Buckwheat;
  4. Apple;
  5. Maggi;
  6. 6 petals;
  7. Minus 60;
  8. Cabbage;
  9. Soup;
  10. Hollywood.

You can lose weight with any popular diet, but there are a number of general rules that must be followed:

  • Strictly follow the recommendations prescribed in the diet - this is a list of prohibited and permitted foods, reception hours, water intake and others.
  • Choose the right cooking methods - boiling, stewing and baking. Fried foods are not recommended for diets.
  • Do not use salt during cooking, only cooked dishes can be salted.
  • Be sure not to skip breakfast.
  • Most of the food should be eaten at lunch. Breakfast and dinner should be as light as possible.
  • The interval between the last and the first meal should be 12 hours. If you can't stand it, you can snack on unsweetened fruit or vegetable salad.
  • Do not drink food. You can drink after meals only after 1-2 hours.
  • Among hot drinks, it is better to opt for green or herbal tea. Black tea and coffee provoke an increase in appetite.
  • The rate of water per day should be 0.03 l / 1 kg of weight.
  • For mono diets, you need to arm yourself with a vitamin complex so as not to harm the body.
  • At the end of the period of losing weight, it is better to gradually introduce products, namely 1-2 per day. It is also worth giving up harmful products for a while so that the result is fixed.

While losing weight, it is important to maintain activity: with mono-diets, walking quickly enough, and with other types, it is worth considering light sports (swimming, aerobics, zumba, and others). Heavy sports will also have a good effect on weight loss, but you shouldn't start without preparation.

Benefits of popular diets

  • All of them are tested in practice and have proven effectiveness;
  • Fast results for mono diets;
  • Lack of feeling of hunger with protein diets;
  • Lack of hard restrictions and reduced risk of disruptions in diets for long-term adherence.

Cons of popular diets

  • In fact, they limit the intake of vitamins and minerals into the body, so it is necessary to drink a multivitamin complex before starting;
  • A number of contraindications, an incorrectly selected diet can harm the body;
  • Imbalance can lead to exhaustion and deterioration of the general condition;
  • Mood swings, due to a decrease in carbohydrates, the mood worsens;
  • Excess protein can provoke problems in the functioning of the kidneys and genitourinary system.

Contraindications to popular diets

  • Adolescence;
  • Diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system;
  • Diabetes;
  • Disruption of the thyroid gland;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Climax.

Prohibited foods on any diet:

  • Sugar - completely exclude;
  • Salt - minimize, use only as a last resort, while salting only ready-made food, it is not recommended to add salt during cooking;
  • Bread - only if it is not included in the diet menu;
  • Bakery products - the calorie content of the product is off scale, and the saturation of the body does not last long;
  • Canned food - even if meat, fish, vegetables or fruits are on the list of acceptable products, these products are prohibited to be consumed in canned form;
  • Coffee and alcohol - awakens the appetite, thereby increasing the risk of breakdown, but coffee and dry wine are allowed in some diets;
  • Starchy foods;
  • Fried foods - You can use a nonstick skillet and cook without oil, but it's easier to boil, bake, or braise.
  • Fast food is heavy food, high in carbohydrates, but satiety does not last long.

Read more about the wine diet - rules, menus, reviews.

TOP 10 popular diets

The list of 10 popular diets includes protein, mono and varied diets for long-term adherence. Everyone who is losing weight will be able to find a suitable option. Below is a menu of popular diets from our TOP.

Carbohydrate-free diet

The diet limits the daily carbohydrate intake to 125 grams. In this case, the serving is 250 grams. It is necessary to adhere to the diet for 7 days, the result is up to 3 kg.

7 days carbohydrate-free diet menu:

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
First 2 boiled eggs, herbal tea Chicken fillet, baked with herbs (200 g), vegetable salad dressed with olive oil, compote with plums Hake fillet on a vegetable pillow (200 g), cottage cheese 5% with tomato and herbs (100 g), fresh fruit compote
Second Kefir jelly (200 g) with pineapple, green tea Chicken soup without potatoes (300 g), grilled vegetables (150 g), green apple Beef stew with asparagus and lemon (200 g), kefir 1% (1 glass)
Third Two egg omelet, green tea, a handful of peanuts (30 g) Fish soup (250 g), vegetable salad, grapefruit Oven baked chicken cutlets (150 g), vegetable salad, kefir 1% (1 glass)
Fourth Omelet with cottage cheese in the microwave (200 g), green tea, berries Chopped chicken cutlets in a dry frying pan, zucchini baked with cheese, compote Boiled cod with butter (200 g), cabbage salad with cucumber, seasoned with lemon
Fifth Baked apple with cottage cheese, lemon tea, orange Chicken fillet marinated in grilled soy sauce (250 g), vegetable salad, compote Kefir 1%, any fruits or berries
Sixth 2 boiled eggs with tomato, herbal tea, raisins (30 g) Fish soup (250 g), vegetable salad, grapefruit Stewed beef with carrots and onions (200 g), kefir jelly (150 g), compote
Seventh Two egg omelet, green tea, a handful of peanuts (30 g), grapefruit Chicken broth with mushrooms and carrots, boiled chicken fillet (150 g), vegetable salad with sour cream Baked salmon steak with lemon and parsley, compote

Kefir diet

This is a diet based on the consumption of kefir and the restriction of other products. It is one of the most effective popular diets, but not everyone can do it. You can stick to it for 3 to 10 days. The result is 3-10 kg.

Kefir diet menu for 7 days:

Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
First Kefir 2.5% (300 ml), boiled potatoes (100 g) without oil and salt Kefir 2.5% (300 ml) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml), baked potatoes (100 g) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml), cabbage and carrot salad, seasoned with lemon (200 g) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml), boiled potatoes (100 g) without oil and salt
Second Kefir 2.5% (500 ml) Baked chicken fillet (100 g) Kefir 2.5% (500 ml) Boiled chicken fillet (100 g) with broth Kefir 2.5% (500 ml), grated carrot with apple (150 g)
Third Kefir 2.5% (500 ml) Kefir 2.5% (500 ml) Boiled beef (100 g) with broth Kefir 2.5% (500 ml) Baked beef (150 g)
Fourth Kefir 2.5% (300 ml) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml), cabbage and carrot salad, seasoned with lemon (200 g) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml), boiled fish (100 g) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml), boiled fish (100 g)
Fifth Kefir 2.5% (300 ml), green apples (200 g) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml), green apples (200 g) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml), green apples (200 g) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml), green apples (200 g) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml), green apples (200 g)
Sixth Kefir 2.5% (300 ml) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml)
Seventh Kefir 2.5% (300 ml) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml)

Buckwheat diet

Another mono-diet, based on an abundant consumption of buckwheat, yogurt and kefir. You can observe it for up to 2 weeks. The loss will be between 7 and 12 kg.

Buckwheat diet for a week:

Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
First Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited) Natural yogurt (150 g) Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml) Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited)
Second Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml) Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited) Natural yogurt (150 g) Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited)
Third Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml) Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited) Natural yogurt (150 g) Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited)
Fourth Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited) Natural yogurt (150 g) Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml) Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited)
Fifth Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml) Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited) Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited) Natural yogurt (250 g)
Sixth Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited) Natural yogurt (150 g) Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited) Kefir 2.5% (300 ml) Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited)
Seventh Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited) Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited) Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited) Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited) Buckwheat without oil and salt (unlimited

Read about a carbohydrate-free diet - rules, menus, reviews

Apple diet

It is based on unlimited apples, some lean meats and low-fat dairy products. You can eat like this for up to 7 days. The dumped weight will be up to 7 kg.

Apple diet for 7 days:

Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
First Baked apples, herbal tea Kefir 1% (1 glass), apple Chicken fillet baked in Provencal herbs (250 g), fresh apple compote Baked apple, herbal tea Baked apples, kefir (1 glass)
Second Baked apples, herbal tea Fresh apples Stewed beef with onions and carrots (250 g), homemade apple jelly Baked apples, kefir (1 glass) Baked apples, kefir (1 glass)
Third Baked apples with cottage cheese 5%, herbal tea Baked apples, kefir (1 glass) Chicken broth (150 g chicken fillet) with carrots, apple compote Fresh apples Baked apples, kefir (1 glass)
Fourth Baked apples, herbal tea Fresh apples Beef stew with onions and carrots (250 g), homemade apple jelly Baked apples, kefir (1 glass) Baked apples with cottage cheese 5%, herbal tea
Fifth Homemade apple jelly, coffee with milk 1.5% Baked apples, kefir (1 glass) Chicken fillet baked in Provencal herbs with sour cream (250 g), fresh apple compote Fresh apples Natural yogurt (250 g), applesauce with carrots
Sixth Baked apples, herbal tea Fresh apples Chicken fillet baked in Provencal herbs (250 g), fresh apple compote Baked apples, kefir (1 glass) Homemade apple jelly, kefir 2.5% (1 glass)
Seventh Baked apples, herbal tea Fresh apples Homemade apple jelly, cottage cheese 5% (150 g) Fresh apples Baked apples, kefir (1 glass)

Diet "Maggi"

Effective protein diet for long-term adherence. Based on the consumption of lean meat, eggs and lots of fruits. Designed for 4 weeks. Strict enough - it is necessary to strictly adhere to the menu, if not observed, the result is absent. You can lose 5-15 kg.

Menu of the popular "Maggi" diet for the first week:

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
First 2 boiled eggs, herbal tea Apples in any quantity Boiled chicken fillet (250 g)
Second Protein omelet with 3 eggs, orange Beef stew with carrots and onions (200 g) Vegetable salad with cucumber and tomato (300 g), whole grain bread (35 g)
Third Grapefruit, cottage cheese 5% (250 g) Pears or apples in any quantity 2 boiled eggs, baked zucchini
Fourth 2 boiled eggs, herbal tea Boiled lean fish (200 g), stewed beans (150 g) Kefir 1%, orange
Fifth Cottage cheese 5% (150 g), whole grain bread (35 g) Boiled beef (250 g), vegetable salad, compote Steamed vegetables (250 g)
Sixth Kefir 1% (1 glass) Any citrus fruits in unlimited quantities Braised turkey, cucumber and tomato salad, compote
Seventh 2 egg omelet, green tea Any fruit without limitation in quantity Hake fillet baked with garlic and paprika (150 g), braised beans (150 g)

Read more about the rules and menus of the salt-free diet

Diet "6 petals"

Refers to mono-diets of a separate type. That is, you can only eat one type of product per day. The regime is included in the list of the most popular diets due to its fast performance - 3 kg in 6 days.

Diet for weight loss "6 petals" for 6 days:

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
First Baked hake fillet in Provencal herbs (100 g) Boiled salmon with bay leaf and lemon (200 g) Pollock fillet baked with garlic and parsley (200 g)
Second Cucumber and tomato salad with dill (300 g), cabbage salad with cucumber, seasoned with lemon juice (the second salad can be eaten in the second meal, after 2 hours) Grilled vegetables (300 g), beet salad with garlic and lemon Zucchini roll stuffed with carrots and garlic (300 g), vegetable salad of cucumber and tomato, seasoned with a spoonful of olive oil (200 g)
Third Baked chicken breast in paprika (150 g) Boiled chicken breast with broth (100 g fillet) Baked chicken breast with ginger and garlic (250 g)
Fourth Buckwheat unground (75 g dry) boiled without oil and salt, whole grain bread (35 g) Brown rice (50 g dry) boiled without oil and salt, whole grain bread (65 g) Brown rice (75 g dry) boiled without oil and salt
Fifth Cottage cheese 5% (150 g) Cottage cheese 5% (150 g) Cottage cheese 5% (200 g), kefir 1% (1 glass)
Sixth Sweet fruits (500 g) Sweet fruits (500 g) Citrus fruits (500 g)

Diet "Minus 60"

A simple successful nutritional system that does not have any special restrictions, but a number of rules must be strictly followed in order to obtain the promised result. Restrictions apply only to meal times. The diet does not bring quick results, so it is not suitable for those who are losing weight, thirsty for quick plumb lines.

Menu of the popular diet "Minus 60" for a week:

Day Breakfast (until 12:00) Lunch (until 14:00) Dinner (until 18:00)
First Milk porridge (oatmeal, pumpkin, rice, semolina) with butter, honey or sugar, cheese sandwich, tea or coffee Vegetable borscht in meat broth (without potatoes), buckwheat with stewed liver or meat, rye croutons Any cottage cheese dishes and dairy products
Second Fried potatoes, sweet coffee Oven baked chicken and salad with vegetables and cheese Boiled beef, chicken or lamb
Third Meat or fish casserole with potatoes or pasta, tea Vegetable stew with potatoes, but no meat, tomatoes stuffed with cheese, a slice of rye bread Fish kebab
Fourth Pancakes with cottage cheese or meat filling or bun with sausage, fruit and tea with cookies or sweets Bell pepper stuffed with meat and fresh vegetable salad Jellied meat, shrimp or fish
Fifth Cottage cheese with sour cream and a slice of cake, tea, coffee Lean borsch with potatoes, eggplant cheese rolls or vegetarian pilaf, rye bread Fish or meat cutlets
Sixth Lavash roll with any filling, sandwich with cheese, ham or caviar, compote or tea Baked fish, stewed vegetables, boiled beet salad, seasoned with sour cream Oven-baked chicken or fish
Seventh Cottage cheese casserole or dumplings, a bun with butter, a glass of kefir, yogurt or tea Pasta with cheese and vegetable salad and egg Vegetable stew with potatoes or rice with vegetables

Cabbage diet

It is based on reducing the consumed fats and carbohydrates to the minimum amount. Refers to strict diets. You can observe it for up to 10 days, and lose up to 7 kg.

The menu of the popular "Cabbage" diet:

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
First Tea or coffee without sugar Chicken fillet baked in paprika (150 g), cabbage salad with vegetable oil Boiled egg, cabbage and carrot salad, 1 fruit (except banana)
Second Tea or coffee without sugar Beef stew with carrots and onions (150 g), cabbage and cucumber salad with vegetable oil Boiled egg, cabbage and tomato salad, 1 fruit (excluding banana)
Third Tea or coffee without sugar Cabbage stewed with chicken fillet 2 boiled eggs, sauerkraut salad with vegetable oil
Fourth Tea or coffee without sugar Boiled lean fish (200 g), stewed cabbage without oil Omelet with 2 eggs, cabbage and carrot salad with lemon and parsley
Fifth Tea or coffee without sugar Boiled beef (200 g), vegetable salad of cabbage and carrots, compote Boiled egg, cabbage and tomato salad
Sixth Tea or coffee without sugar Boiled turkey fillet (150 g), stewed cabbage Braised turkey (120 g), cucumber and cabbage salad, compote
Seventh Tea or coffee without sugar Baked chicken fillet (150 g) with Provencal herbs, cabbage salad with cucumber and carrots Hake fillet baked with garlic and paprika (150 g), stewed cabbage

Soup diet

Refers not only to the most effective and popular diets, but also useful ones too. The diet is based on the use of a special soup (it contains cabbage, onions, celery, carrots, tomatoes and bell peppers) and a small amount of lean meat, vegetables and fruits for 10 days. The result is from 5 to 7 kg.

Soup diet menu for 5 days:

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
First Tea or coffee without sugar, soup Chicken fillet baked in paprika (100 g), soup Soup, 1 fruit
Second Tea or coffee without sugar, soup Beef stew with carrots and onions (150 g), cabbage and cucumber salad with vegetable oil Boiled egg, cabbage and tomato salad, 1 fruit (excluding banana)
Third Tea or coffee without sugar, soup Stewed cabbage with chicken fillet 2 boiled eggs, sauerkraut salad with vegetable oil
Fourth Tea or coffee without sugar, soup Boiled lean fish (200 g), stewed cabbage without oil 2 egg omelet, cabbage and carrot salad with lemon and parsley
Fifth Tea or coffee without sugar, soup Boiled beef (200 g), vegetable salad of cabbage and carrots, compote Boiled egg, cabbage and tomato salad

The next 5 days we repeat the menu again.

Hollywood diet

Popular diet among show business stars. Strict but effective. Based on protein and small amounts of carbohydrates. It is necessary to adhere to it for 2 weeks. Weight loss - up to 10 kg.

Hollywood Diet Menu:

Day Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
First Tea or coffee without sugar Grapefruit Chicken fillet baked in Provencal herbs (200 g), fresh apple compote Orange 2 egg omelet with herbs and tomato
Second Tea or coffee without sugar Fresh apples Boiled lean fish (200 g), vegetable salad Grapefruit Natural yogurt (200 g), vegetable salad
Third Tea or coffee without sugar Grapefruit Chicken broth (150 g chicken fillet) with carrots, apple compote Fresh apples Seafood with garlic and lemon
Fourth Tea or coffee without sugar Orange Boiled egg, cabbage and tomato salad Tangerines Hake fillet baked with orange zest (150 g)
Fifth Tea or coffee without sugar Grapefruit Chicken fillet baked in Provencal herbs with sour cream (150 g) Fresh apples Natural yogurt (250 g), applesauce with carrots
Sixth Tea or coffee without sugar Fresh apples Chicken fillet baked in Provencal herbs (200 g) Grapefruit Salmon steak baked with ginger and herbs (150 g)
Seventh Tea or coffee without sugar Grapefruit Cottage cheese 5% (150 g) Fresh apples Seafood with garlic and lemon

For the second week we repeat the menu in random order.

Real reviews of popular diets

Reviews of popular diets
Reviews of popular diets

The TOP 10 most popular diets include time-tested and losing weight. Reviews about them are radically different, but among them anyone can find a suitable one.

Anastasia, 45 years old

I belong to people who are always losing weight, from the list of popular diets I have tried more than half. My favorite so far is kefir - fast, cheap, easy.

Angela, 25

I decided to lose weight before the vacation, there was plenty of time. After reading the reviews about popular diets, I stopped at the Maggi diet, I lasted a month, my result is minus 12 kg. Now at the PP and continue to lose weight.

Natasha, 37 years old

Finally, I will share my review of popular diets. I was able to lose weight thanks to the Minus 60 diet. Even though it does not promise quick results, I decided to opt for it, because there are no special restrictions (I cannot force myself to eat for a long time without harm). On a diet, I was able to eat whatever I wanted at a certain time and at the same time lose weight. My result is minus 15 kg in 4 months. It may not seem very much for someone, but on the other hand, I am confidently going towards my goal.

Watch a video about the most popular diets:
