Leveling the ceiling with putty

Leveling the ceiling with putty
Leveling the ceiling with putty

In case of insignificant unevenness of the ceiling (up to 0.5 cm), the alignment is carried out with a putty. To carry out the work on your own, it is important to correctly select the mixture, comply with the norms and take into account technological features. Follow our step-by-step instructions throughout the process. Depending on the composition of the putty, the following types are distinguished:

  • Cement-lime … It is used in rooms with high humidity levels. It is not elastic, therefore, small cracks may form on the surface after drying, which should be repaired by reapplying the composition.
  • Sand-cement … Used to level ceilings with significant irregularities. Also has a high level of water resistance.
  • Gypsum … Suitable for surface finishing. It does not shrink like the previous two varieties.
  • Polymer … It is a high quality putty, with its help you can easily achieve perfect surface evenness. However, its price is much higher than the cost of other putties.

In addition, putties are divided into different types according to the content of chemicals: glue, oil-glue, latex, oil, acrylic, shakryl. According to the type of composition, dry and ready-made putty is distinguished. The first one must be diluted in water according to the manufacturer's instructions. In this case, you can mix the solution of the required degree of viscosity. In addition, it is easy to transport and has an almost unlimited shelf life. Ready putty is sold ready for use in a plastic container. It will cost more than dry.

When purchasing a primer and putty for leveling the ceiling, it is better to give preference to compositions from one manufacturer. In this case, they will be better combined and adhered to each other.

Preparatory work before leveling the ceiling with putty

Tools for leveling the ceiling with putty
Tools for leveling the ceiling with putty

Leveling the surface with putty is carried out if the drops on the ceiling are not more than 5 centimeters. Otherwise, it is required to level the main potholes with plaster. Putty is applied in two layers - starting and finishing, after which the coating must be sanded.

Before leveling the ceiling with putty, you need to prepare it, this process is as follows:

  1. We clean the surface from the old finishing layer.
  2. We tap the coating for voids and loose elements. In corners and joints, this procedure is easier to carry out with a screwdriver.
  3. If voids are found, remove the loosely fixed layer.
  4. We remove stains of grease, soot, rust, mold and mildew, if any.
  5. We ground the ceiling.
  6. Plaster the surface if there are potholes of 5 mm or more.

If the unevenness of the base does not exceed a few millimeters, then you can start leveling with a putty.

Kneading the filler to level the ceiling

Ready putty for leveling the ceiling
Ready putty for leveling the ceiling

If you have purchased a ready-made mixture, then you can use it immediately. If you have a dry composition, then we prepare it in this order: gradually pour the putty into warm water, stir thoroughly so that no lumps remain, leave for 10 minutes to completely dissolve, mix again.

To mix the solution quickly and efficiently, you can use a mixer or drill with a special stirring nozzle, since this will take much longer manually.

Repair and reinforcement of the ceiling before leveling with putty

Ceiling in need of repair
Ceiling in need of repair

The use of a reinforcing mesh is necessary to increase the strength of the coating and prevent future cracking. If there are old cracks or chips on the ceiling, then before gluing the serpyanka they need to be covered with a cement-based putty. To do this, with a spatula, we make movements along the crack, and then across.

We carry out the work in the following sequence:

  1. We apply PVA glue to the section of the ceiling where it is planned to glue the mesh.
  2. We press the first square and wait for drying for 1-1, 5 minutes.
  3. We glue the second square with an overlap of 1, 5-2 cm.
  4. In the place where the material overlaps, we draw with a blade and remove the excess.
  5. We glue the entire ceiling in this way.
  6. Re-primer. For these purposes, you can use an adhesive composition.

Installation of beacons when leveling the ceiling with putty

Installation of beacons on the ceiling
Installation of beacons on the ceiling

This procedure is required if the unevenness of the ceiling reaches three to five millimeters.

We fix the beacons according to the following instructions:

  • We make a control level with a stretched thread at a distance from the ceiling equal to the thickness of the future putty layer.
  • We dilute a small amount of dry starting putty in water.
  • We apply a path of putty to the ceiling.
  • We insert a beacon into it with a step that is 10 cm less than the length of the building level.

Before proceeding with the leveling of the ceiling with putty, you need to wait until the mixture in which the beacons are installed is dry. This can take from 4 to 12 hours, depending on the temperature and humidity conditions in the room.

Applying starter putty to the ceiling

Spatulas with putty for leveling the ceiling
Spatulas with putty for leveling the ceiling

The basic leveling of the base is performed at this stage. Usually, two spatulas are used for starting putty: large (about 40-50 cm wide) and small (12-15 cm).

We carry out the work in this order: we collect the mixture from the container with a small spatula, apply it along the length of the blade of the large (working) spatula, use the working spatula over the surface with an even layer "towards ourselves".

Please note that the layer thickness should not exceed one millimeter in the presence of a reinforcing mesh and 0.4-0.5 mm without it. You can start further work only after the layer has dried. If the room temperature is from +18 degrees and it is well ventilated, then the drying period will be four to five hours.

Ceiling finishing putty

Leveling the ceiling with putty
Leveling the ceiling with putty

Leveling the ceiling with a finishing putty is usually carried out in two layers. The first one can be applied with a foam roller.

You need to work adhering to the following algorithm of actions:

  • We dilute the putty with a solvent, bringing it to a slightly liquid consistency.
  • Apply in an even layer to the ceiling, moving in one direction. You cannot return to an already covered area.
  • Align with a wide spatula.

This method is somewhat simpler, but requires certain skills, since the work must be done quickly. Liquid putty dries longer due to the large amount of liquid, but if the room is large, then you may not have time to level the layer with a spatula before drying.

A second layer is applied after the previous one has dried. It can be done with a special spray device. This device is expensive, therefore it is impractical to buy it for one-time use. However, it can be rented if needed.

We work according to the following instructions:

  1. Pour the dry mixture into the spray container to the desired mark.
  2. Pour warm water there.
  3. We turn on the device for mixing the ingredients.
  4. Apply evenly to the walls under a pressure of 7 atm.

Additionally, it is not necessary to level the coating with a spatula. We proceed to the next stage after the finishing layer has dried.

Sanding the ceiling after leveling with a putty

Sanding the ceiling after applying the putty
Sanding the ceiling after applying the putty

This process is the most dusty, so in advance you will have to take care of the use of protective equipment - glasses, a respirator.

To sand the ceiling, you can use:

  • Sanding paper … A cheap method, but very time consuming and tedious. It is worth considering that when self-grinding, you will have to constantly hold your hands up. Thus, only a small room can be sanded.
  • Grinder … Ideal for sanding ceilings in large spaces. The work with this device is quick and easy.

After sanding the coating, it is necessary to prime it again. After the primer has dried, you can proceed with further painting or wallpapering. How to level the ceiling with putty - watch the video:

Do-it-yourself leveling of the ceiling with putty is a rather complicated, multi-stage and serious process. The slightest error in the preparation of the mixture, preparation of the coating or the application of the mortar can negatively affect the final result. However, if you adhere to the rules and take into account technological features, then even a beginner can perform the procedure.
