It is important for athletes to learn how to quickly get out of a state of overtraining. Learn how to quickly achieve muscle compensation without steroids. Sooner or later, every athlete is faced with a state of overtraining. Its main symptoms include lethargy, increased sweating, unwillingness to attend classes, irritability, etc. Most athletes and professionals continue to believe that overtraining is the result of muscle fatigue.
They also proceed from this assumption when choosing methods to overcome overtraining. First of all, this is a decrease in loads during training or a temporary cessation of classes, massage, balneotherapy, etc. But since their initial assumption is incorrect, then all the selected ways to overcome overtraining are not effective. To understand how to treat overtraining in bodybuilding according to Yuri Bulanov, it is necessary to find out the mechanism of this condition.
Causes of overtraining

Let's say right away that this is a very complex physiological process and it is completely wrong to consider it only from the point of view of muscle fatigue. As you know, the neuro-muscular apparatus consists of three components:
- Nerve center;
- Conductor of nerve signals (nerve fibers);
- Muscle.
To contract the target muscle, you first need to send a signal to do this work in the corresponding nerve center. After that, it generates an impulse that is transmitted along the nerve fibers to the muscle, which contracts. With prolonged physical work, the neuromuscular apparatus at a certain point in time begins to experience fatigue and the muscles stop responding to impulses.
If, after that, you act on the tired muscle with the help of an electrical signal, then contraction will occur. After a while, the muscle will stop contracting again, as other conductors become tired. From this it is possible to draw a fair conclusion that, first of all, the nerve center itself gets tired. In turn, the muscles in this chain are the last link and are the last to be fatigued. Thus, overtraining is fatigue of the entire nervous system, and not the muscles, as many believe. This fact is due to the fact that the human nervous system, among all others in the body, is the youngest in terms of evolution. It is for this reason that the central nervous system first gets tired and only after that the nerve fibers that have gone through a longer evolutionary stage. In turn, the muscles have developed over an even longer period of time and are fatigued last.
Treatment of the nerve center is a very complex procedure. If we analyze the training process at the tissue level, then it will be easy to be convinced of this. When exposed to prolonged physical exertion, first of all, there is a hypertrophy of nerve cells located in the motor part of the central nervous system. After this, the cells of the somatic nervous system undergo hypertrophy and only after that the muscle tissue. If the performance of nerve cells is impaired, then training is impossible in principle. Thus, we found out that overtraining is a kind of disease of the nervous system. Therefore, there must be ways to treat it. Although all nerve cells located in different departments have some differences, there is also a common feature - vulnerability to energy deficiency. Proceeding from this, and it is necessary to carry out treatment.
Treatment of overtraining according to Yuri Bulanov

The best way to combat overtraining is to use a benzodiazepine derivative. They belong to the group of tranquilizers, and now we will talk in more detail about these drugs.

A sedative drug that can act as a sleeping pill in certain cases. This is often how it is used. After using Nitrazepam, a person feels a surge of strength and vigor. When using small dosages, the drug does not have a hypnotic effect.

This drug is also known as Elenium and is the best known in this group. It has a high rate of muscle relaxation.

It is also a very popular remedy. This is primarily due to its ability to reduce hangover after drinking.

This medication was created by domestic scientists and is stronger than all other benzodiazepine derivatives. For obvious reasons, it must be taken in smaller doses.

This medication does not cause drowsiness and can be used throughout the day.
Of course, this group includes a significantly larger number of drugs, but for the successful treatment of overtraining, the above mentioned are quite enough.
Denis Borisov on the signs of overtraining and how to avoid it in this story: