Installation of a multi-level stretch ceiling is a great opportunity to translate original design ideas into reality. Moreover, it is quite possible to carry out all the installation work on your own, following the instructions and taking into account the peculiarities of the process. As for the disadvantages of this ceiling design option, here we can highlight:
- Labor intensity of work … It is quite difficult to install two-level stretch ceilings with your own hands, but it is possible if you follow the instructions.
- Relative high cost … A stretch canvas will not be cheap anyway, and if you buy it with the expectation of two levels, then you can spend well. This drawback can only be covered with durability, because such a ceiling can last for more than a dozen years.
- Fear of mechanical damage and temperature extremes … If you accidentally hit the canvas with a sharp or long object, you cannot repair it. Also, the structure is not recommended to be installed in unheated rooms.
A cloth based on a fabric is more durable than a film one. It is also more heat-resistant.
The design and shape of two-level stretch ceilings

Two-level stretch ceilings can have a wide variety of designs. They can have any shape: arched, domed, spiral, round, wavy. You should think about the combination of colors and shapes of paintings. Their choice should be determined by the general concept of the interior of the room.
Stick to simple design rules:
- If the room has a laconic color scheme and interior, then it will be superfluous to equip a two-level ceiling structure of a complex shape with an abundance of decor.
- The use of photo printing on stretch canvases is justified only in large rooms with high ceilings and windows. Otherwise, you risk getting a lurid effect.
- Canvas with the effect of the "starry sky", patterns, images, using fiber, as a rule, is used to create the lower tier of the ceiling.
- Both levels, made of glossy film, are a great solution for the living room. Moreover, you can combine both bright and pastel colors.
- The combination of glossy film and matte looks good. As a rule, a matte film is used in white. A stretch fabric made of fabric also goes well with it.
- Most often, the lower tier is the main one and occupies a large area.
- Interlevel backlighting looks very impressive. At the same time, you can use almost any lamp (except incandescent).
The film two-level ceiling makes it possible to experiment with 3D shapes. For example, flowing volumetric forms are popular - cones, funnels, waves and other elements.
Preparatory work before installing a two-level stretch ceiling

The process of attaching a two-level canvas to the ceiling, although laborious, does not take as much time as surface finishing in other ways. The main thing is to know the features of each stage of the installation. The result is influenced not only by the correct assembly of the frame or the tension of the canvas, but also by the level of surface preparation, the quality of the selected materials.
Perfect alignment for the installation of two-level stretch ceilings is not required. However, it is necessary to prepare the main floor in this order: clean from the old finish, prime, remove stains (soot, mold, fungus, rust), close up large drops and cracks, reapply a primer.
After completing these procedures, the ceiling can be considered ready for the installation of the stretch fabric. At this stage, it is recommended to make calculations, think over the design of a two-level stretch ceiling and the placement of light sources.
Selection of materials for the installation of a two-level stretch ceiling

To independently install a two-level stretch ceiling, you will need a set of such materials:
- Profile (baguette) … Depending on the type of stretch ceiling construction, you may need a wall, connecting ceiling profile. The length of one baguette is 2.5 meters. If it needs to be divided into parts, a grinder is used.
- Cloth (fabric or film) … For complex two-level structures, a canvas is used, soldered from several pieces.
- Heat gun … It will be needed to fix the film canvas.
- Cover strip … This is a special decorative insert that covers the mounting gap (4 mm) between the wall and the canvas.
In addition, you should stock up on self-tapping screws, dowels, beams, plywood veneer.
Surface marking for a two-level stretch ceiling

Before you make a two-level stretch ceiling, you need to do the markings. Using a building level and a laser (or laser level) will greatly facilitate and speed up the process.
We work according to the following instructions:
- We measure the distance from the base ceiling to the end of the upper level and mark a segment from it to the lower one.
- We transfer from the diagram to the ceiling the contour of the placement of the upper level and the location of the lamps.
- We lay the wiring in the corrugated sleeve to the installation sites of the lighting elements. It is important that the wires do not hang onto the canvas.
- At the installation site of the chandelier, we attach the mounting plate to the ceiling with self-tapping screws.
Pay attention to the markup, because this is one of the main stages of work, on which the final result depends.
Plywood frame for a two-level stretch ceiling

To equip the base, you will need a piece of plywood of the appropriate width, which must be soaked in warm water for an hour before use to make it flexible.
We carry out work on the arrangement of the frame in the following order:
- Install the base of the second level from bending plywood.
- We drive in a dowel and tie a cord to it with a pencil attached to the end.
- Draw the contour line of the second level.
- Pine beams (10 * 6 cm) are fixed to the ceiling along the contour line using dowels.
- We fasten plywood veneer soaked in water to the beams with self-tapping screws for further installation of the lamps.
- We fix the profile of both levels according to the markup. The profile of the first level should be as close to the ceiling as possible.
- At seven centimeters from the bottom, we attach a baguette to the base. For bending, if necessary, cut it at an angle of 30 degrees.
- We fix the baguette on the walls at both levels using dowels or self-tapping screws with a step of 10-15 cm.
At the same stage, if the project provides for the organization of interlevel lighting, spotlights are installed.
Frame of a two-level stretch ceiling from a metal profile

If you do not plan to equip inter-level lighting, then the base can be made from metal profiles.
To do this, we carry out the work in this order:
- Along the contour of the level boundary, we attach a metal profile for a two-level stretch ceiling using self-tapping screws or dowels.
- On curved lines we cut the product and fasten it in 4 cm increments.
- We fix the baguettes to the walls.
- We prepare drops from profile segments. They must be of the same length and end in the same plane with the level of the wall moldings.
- We assemble a box from segments of a U-shaped profile.
- We attach the drops to the box with a step of 25-30 cm using the "klopik" self-tapping screws.
- Using a wide supporting profile, we fix the resulting box to the wall.
At this stage, it is imperative to adhere to strict horizontality and verticality, using a building level or level.
Installation of a film two-level stretch ceiling

To stretch the film over the structure, you will need a special fan heater. It is impractical to buy it. Equipment can be rented for one-time use.
We carry out the work in the following sequence:
- We warm up the air in the room to + 55-75 degrees.
- We gradually unfold the canvas.
- We fasten the material in the corners on the upper level with special clamps.
- Using a spatula, we put the harpoon into the baguette.
- Expand the canvas for the second level.
- Fasten in opposite corners.
- We insert the film into the wall moldings.
- We install decorative skirting boards, corners and plastic trims.
For such an attachment, it is necessary that the canvas is 7% less than the ceiling area. With wedge-clamping, there should be more material. The excess part is cut off after insertion into the profile.
DIY fabric two-level stretch ceiling

The cloth based on the fabric can be installed without additional equipment.
The work is carried out as follows:
- With a spatula, we fix the material on the opposite walls of the second level, inserting the canvas into the clip.
- Gradually we put the rest of the fabric into the clip profile.
- When wrinkled areas appear, warm them up and smooth them out with a construction hair dryer.
- We attach the first level canvas to the baguettes in the same way.
If desired, both types of canvas can be used to create multi-level ceilings. In this case, it is advisable to fix the fabric first, and then the film material. How to install a two-level stretch ceiling - watch the video:
[media = v = 4Uv0TepWQaQ] Multilevel ceilings are no longer exotic. The installation procedure is rather complicated and requires some knowledge. However, if you act carefully, then with your own hands you can create a unique and original two-level ceiling covering that will complement the interior of any room.