How to strengthen the heart in bodybuilding?

How to strengthen the heart in bodybuilding?
How to strengthen the heart in bodybuilding?

Excessive physical activity affects the heart. Find out why bodybuilders need to do cardio for heart muscle development. The performance of the contractile function of the heart muscle is influenced by various factors. Thus, the list of drugs that can improve the functioning of the organ is also quite wide. Today we will talk about how to strengthen the heart in bodybuilding.

Strength training can have not only a positive effect on the heart, but also depress the work of the organ. This primarily applies to professional bodybuilding. Some scientists are sure that under the influence of powerful physical exertion, myocardial hypertrophy occurs, which makes it difficult to ensure sufficient oxygen supply. Although there are opposite research results. However, now we will not find out which group of scientists is right, but rather see how to strengthen the heart in bodybuilding.

First, let's say a few words about the most common symptoms of a possible heart pathology:

  • Pain in the region of the heart.
  • Interruptions in the work of the organ.
  • Increased heart rate.

If you develop at least one of the above symptoms, you should immediately undergo a medical examination. Now let's talk about some drugs that will help you improve heart function.

Preparations for increasing the efficiency of the heart

Heart-shaped pills, capsules and dragees
Heart-shaped pills, capsules and dragees

Beta blocker group

Bisoprolol in the package
Bisoprolol in the package

These drugs act on the beta receptors located in the tissues of the heart, which leads to a decrease in the number of contractions. This reduces the need for oxygen supply to the myocardium, and the load on it drops sharply. To date, there is accurate medical data that drugs of the beta-blocker group can prolong a person's life.

If traditional medicine uses these drugs only to lower blood pressure, then athletes use them to solve a larger number of problems:

  • Normalization of the pulse - when the pulse often exceeds the normal value, then the risk of developing various pathologies increases.
  • Together with fat burners - almost all fat burning drugs increase the heart rate and beta blockers can prevent myocardial hypertrophy.
  • Together with AAS - similar to the previous point.

When beta-blockers are used in bodybuilding, athletes' general well-being is significantly increased. Also, a few words should be said about one theory, which has not been confirmed in clinical trials, but is fully justified from a logical point of view. According to this theory, the heart muscle is programmed to make a number of contractions. The harder the heart beats, the shorter the life expectancy will be.

The most popular and effective drugs in this group are Bisoprolol and Metoprolol. Their dosage must be selected individually.


Trimetazidine in the package
Trimetazidine in the package

This drug has a very complex mechanism of action on the body and, if you wish, you can learn about it from the instructions for the drug. If you talk about it in a few words, then Trimetazidine affects cardiac metabolism, and also has protective properties. These facts have been proven in the course of scientific research, and there is no point in questioning them. Also, this drug is produced under the Preductal brand, but its cost is significantly more expensive.

Other cardioprotectors

Mildronate in packaging
Mildronate in packaging

It should be remembered about such drugs as Inosine, ATP-Long, Mildronate and Mexior. However, today there is no scientific basis for the effectiveness of their application. At the same time, the instructions are very nicely written.


Asparkam in packaging
Asparkam in packaging

One of the most popular medicines used in bodybuilding. Its main working components are potassium and magnesium. The ions of these minerals have a beneficial effect on the heart, help to reduce the frequency of organ contractions and can relieve cramps. It has also been proven that under the influence of physical exertion, the body's need for potassium and magnesium increases sharply. For this reason, you should take the courses of Asparkam or its analogue - Panangin.

Plant-based adaptogens and food additives

Hawthorn tincture
Hawthorn tincture

Among herbal preparations, attention should be paid to hawthorn, safflower leuzea, and also Rhodiola rosea. Also, to protect the heart in bodybuilding, you can use food supplements, for example, omega-3 fats, special vitamin and mineral complexes and L-carnitine.

An example of a combined course to improve heart function

Omega-3 per pack
Omega-3 per pack

Now we will give an example of an excellent course that can strengthen your heart and protect the myocardium.

  • Trimetazidine - one tablet is taken twice a day, together with food for 15 to 30 days. It is enough to use this drug once or twice a year.
  • Asparkam - one tablet is taken three times a day after eating for 30 days. Repeat the course one to three times a year.
  • Rhodiola rosea tincture - taken in an amount of five to ten drops 2 or 3 times a day about 20 minutes before meals. The duration of the course is from 10 to 20 days, and the cycles can be carried out from 2 to 5 times during the year.
  • Preparations of the beta-blocker group - are taken in 5 milligrams per day. It is important to choose such a dosage so that the pulse is always within the normal range.
  • Mineral and vitamin complexes are taken in accordance with the instructions for a couple of months.
  • Omega-3 can be taken continuously as directed.

You should also remember about proper nutrition and include cardio load in your training program.

How to train the heart muscle, you will learn from this video:

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