See how to make homemade slime without PVA glue. 8 simple recipes for you. Any of these will help you make hand gum that feels good to the touch.
Now slimes, slimes are very popular, although the first time such a toy was released back in 1976. The main component of this slime was guar gum. Now you can make slime at home. To do this, use shower gel, food colors, shaving foam, shampoo, lotion, glitter. The main components of slime are glue and activator. However, some components can be omitted.
How to make homemade slime without glue - recipe with shampoo
If you don't have this component at hand, you can do without it. Shampoo will help to make slime, which is so pleasant to play with and create.
- 2 tbsp. l. shampoo;
- any starch;
- optional dyes.
Follow the instructions below:
- Pour some shampoo into a food container first. If it is too light, and you want to know how to make a slime without PVA glue, but to make it bright, then additionally take Easter egg paint or acrylic dye.
- Add this pigment to the shampoo and stir. Then you need to pour starch into this mass and stir it periodically to be able to see how it thickens.
- If you've shifted the starch, don't despair, just add a few drops of shampoo.
- As a result, the slime should stop sticking to your hands. It should also become elastic, stretch well and not tear. But if the mass sticks to your fingers, then sprinkle it with a little starch and continue to knead.
In the last step, you can add a small amount of glitter to create a shiny, soft-touch mass with a delicious shampoo scent.

See how to make a slime without PVA according to the second recipe, but more components are required here. But the result will certainly please.
How to make slime at home - guar gum recipe

- baking soda;
- contact lens fluid;
- guar gum;
- spoon;
- stick;
- suitable capacity;
- water;
- various additives such as perfume, dye.
You can buy guar gum online or at the bakery section of your store. This component is inexpensive and will last for a long time.
Here's how to make a PVA-free slime with this recipe.
Pour water into a bowl, add guar gum here. This substance will begin to curl up in the water, and lumps will form. But some of them will then dissolve. If the remaining ones are large, then you simply remove them. To thicken the mass, add baking soda and contact lens solution here. These substances act as thickeners. Now stir the mass, and then start kneading it with your hands.
You will get a slime like a purchased one. But it will be much cheaper. And from the presented ingredients, you can make a lot of such a substance, then, for example, donate. Such a liquid mass can be poured into a suitable rubber container, squeezed out of mucus and played with this anti-stress.
How to make homemade shaving foam slime?
The third recipe will help answer the question of how to make slime without PVA? This slime will require adhesives, but not PVA. Take a closer look at what you need:
- baby oil;
- silicate glue;
- glue Joiner "Moment";
- shaving foam;
- cream;
- suitable capacity;
- spoons;
- dye;
- flavoring.

Pour a bottle of silicate glue into a non-food container. Now take a tablespoon and measure out 15 tablespoons of shaving foam. Also add "Moment" Joiner. Stir. Gradually, the mass will begin to thicken. Therefore, you need to add one tablespoon of any cream and baby oil. The mass will become softer and more elastic. Continue kneading it. Now you can add your favorite scent, such as fruit and color pigments.
To make the slime thicker, add a little lens solution here. It is best to use one that contains boric acid.
This recipe allows you to get an airy soft slime, as it contains shaving foam. It is malleable and pleasant to use.

Recipe 4 will also teach you how to make homemade slime without glue.
How to make homemade slime without PVA glue - recipe with flour

The mass proposed below is also perfect for those who are allergic to some of the components of the slime. This composition consists of:
- 300-400 g flour;
- food coloring;
- 50 ml of cold water;
- 50 ml hot water.
So that in the future there are no lumps in the mass, sift the flour into some kind of container. Then start pouring cold water into the flour. In this case, you can use a whisk. This tool will also come in handy when you pour hot water here.
Now add food coloring and knead with your hands. To prevent this hand gum from sticking to them at this stage, dip your palms in flour. Now cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 3-4 hours. After this time, take out the mass, knead it again and you can play with the slime.
How to make a slime at home from shampoo and shower gel
Here's how to make a slime without PVA glue according to the following recipe. This lineup is not very dense, but it is pleasant to play with it. After all, this mass is made from deliciously smelling ingredients.
Take baby shampoo and baby shower gel in equal proportions. Mix them up. After that, put this composition in the refrigerator for an hour. Under the influence of low temperatures, the slime will become thicker and you can play with it. But then it will have to be put back in the refrigerator, as it becomes more liquid in the warmth.

The process of making this inedible hand gum is very interesting. After all, as a result, from simple ingredients, a mass that is pleasant to the touch is obtained, with which it is so interesting to play.
DIY homemade slime from shampoo, gel, salt
This recipe is similar to the previous one, but one more ingredient is added. The salt will allow the slime to thicken. Take the above ingredients, but mix the shampoo with the gel first. Now salt is poured into this mass. It will take so much for this composition to thicken. After that, you will need to put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Then you can use the hand gum.
How to make homemade slime without PVA glue - recipe with soda

It also involves making a slime without the use of glue. Take:
- 2 tsp soda;
- liquid dye;
- 1 tbsp. l. shower gel;
- 2 or 3 tbsp. l. water;
- some lens fluid;
- 1 tbsp. l. film masks.
This is how a slime is made without PVA glue. The instructions will help you create hand gum.
First, pour soda into a container and add water there, stir. Pour in the shower gel, continue mixing until smooth. After that, add the remaining ingredients, this is the dye, lens solution, film mask.
Now you need to mix this mass long enough so that it acquires the necessary density.
If the slime still turns out to be liquid, then add a little more lens solution additionally.

The next slime is also made without glue.
Transparent slime at home without glue
- 2 tsp sodium tetraborate;
- 100 g of polyvinyl alcohol;
- 500 ml hot water.
Pour water into a container, add sodium tetraborate and stir quickly. After that, pour in the alcohol and mix again. Remember this mass for 10 minutes, after which it will become thick and ready to use.

Now watch the video on how to make a slime, so that it becomes even clearer for you how to create such a slime. In the first video, 3 proven recipes are waiting for you at once.