Dumbbell Exercises for Women

Dumbbell Exercises for Women
Dumbbell Exercises for Women

Find out what effective dumbbell exercises are for girls and why in some cases it is better to replace the dumbbell bar. Today, more and more girls are starting to play sports in order to make their figure perfect. The best solution for this is a combination of cardio and strength training. However, not everyone can or want to go to the gym and prefer to train at home. In such a situation, dumbbell exercises for women would be the ideal choice. With their help, you can tighten your muscles and achieve the desired result.

It is best to purchase collapsible dumbbells, as they are much more convenient for the progression of the load. The most optimal range of repetitions in a set is from 12 to 15. At the same time, pauses between sets should not exceed 40 seconds, and between different exercises you can rest for one minute.

How to choose the weight of the dumbbells?

Dumbbell Workout
Dumbbell Workout

We will tell you about the most effective exercises with dumbbells for women, and now it is necessary to deal with the issue of choosing the weight of sports equipment. Almost all fitness experts agree that the initial weight of the dumbbells should be such that you can hold it in your arm extended in front of you. Most often for girls it is five kilos.

You will also need to progress your weight later in order for your exercise to remain effective. This can be done by increasing the number of sets, increasing the weight of the sports equipment, or a combination of these options. Also note that at the beginning, try to perform all exercises in two sets of 12 repetitions each. It is necessary to increase weight once every two months by one or one and a half kilos.

If you progress quickly, then you may need to increase the weight of the shells a little more often. In this regard, a fair question arises - how to determine the moment when the weight of the dumbbells should be added? It turns out that everything is very simple here. When the exercise is easy for you in two sets, in each of which you do 15 repetitions, then the weight can be increased. After that, start again doing 12 repetitions per set, and when you get to 15 again, you can increase the working weight again.

A set of exercises with dumbbells for women

Dumbbell Rows
Dumbbell Rows

Remember that each of your sessions should start with a quality warm-up, which lasts about ten minutes. After completing the training, you should also cool down. Don't ignore these important elements of the training process. And now we will consider the exercises with dumbbells for women, which are part of the complex.

  • Side lunges. Get into a standing position with your legs wide. Take sports equipment in your hands, tightly pressing the elbow joints to the body. After that, begin to alternately bend the knee joints, performing lunges to the sides. It is very important to remember that the moment one leg is bent, the other should be fully extended. The weight of the body on the new supporting leg should be transferred only through the effort of the gluteal muscles. It is this muscle group in this movement that is targeted. Perform several repetitions as described above, after which you can connect your hands to work. While rolling from one leg to the other, bend the elbow joints, which should remain pressed against the body.
  • Dumbbell Deadlift. Take a standing position with your feet at hip level. The knee joints must be slightly bent, tilting the torso forward. Hands with dumbbells held in them should be lowered. Without changing the position of your legs, begin to tilt your body forward. All movement should take place only in the hip joint, and sports equipment move as close to the legs as possible. The movement in the opposite direction should be done with the strength of the muscles of the buttocks.
  • Breeding hands. Straighten your legs and place them at hip level, while bending your knee joints slightly. Tilt your torso forward and bring your shoulder blades together. The arms with the sports equipment should be straight in front of you and the elbows should be slightly bent. Begin to spread your arms to the sides, pointing the elbow joints up.
  • Extension of the arms for triceps. The starting position corresponds to the previous movement, but the elbows are bent at 90 degrees. From this position, begin to extend your arms back. Make sure that only the elbow joint participates in the work, and the movement is performed by the force of the triceps. You should also maintain tension in the lower back and abdominal muscles.
  • Reduction of hands. To perform this movement, you need stools, a bench, or a fitball. You need to take a position lying on your back, for example, on a fitball, resting your feet on the ground. Raise your arms with dumbbells in front of you, slightly bending your elbow joints, and point your palms inward. After that, start spreading your arms to the sides, without fully straightening the elbow joints.
  • Crunches on the abs and chest muscles. Take a supine position, raising your legs, having previously bent them at right angles at the knee joints. Hands must be spread apart and straightened at the elbow joints. Exhaling, begin to straighten your legs, while lifting your head and shoulder girdle off the ground, and also bringing your arms in front of you. Exhaling, return to the starting position.
  • Sumo squats while biceps curl. Legs should be wider than hip level, and socks should be spread out to the sides at an angle of 45 degrees or slightly more. Begin squatting parallel to the hip with the ground, while bending your elbows.
  • Dumbbell Rows towards the chin. Take a standing position, and lower your hands with dumbbells in front of you, palms facing you. Start lifting the shells towards your chin. Only the shoulder and elbow joints should work.

Dumbbell Exercise Tips for Women

Group lunges with dumbbells
Group lunges with dumbbells

We have already talked about the importance of warm-up, but it is worth recalling this again. Start your warm-up with your spine and joints. Then you should do the cardio part and stretching exercises. You must remember that the warm-up is performed in order to prepare the muscles and the articular-ligamentous apparatus for the forthcoming loads and to reduce the risk of injury.

Since the muscles of girls are significantly inferior in strength to men, the risk of injury increases significantly. Also, do not use prolonged aerobic activity before strength training, as you simply may not have the strength to work effectively with dumbbells.

To maximize your effectiveness, train three times a week. To speed up the lipolysis process, it is worth adding a three-hour cardio load to strength training. At the same time, without fail, let your body rest between training days.

Train in a mode that is most comfortable for you. Start by doing one or a maximum of two sets, each of which will have 10 to 12 reps. The starting weight, as a rule, for most girls is in the range from three to five kilos, but it must be selected individually. Gradually increase the load by increasing the working weights and increasing the number of sets.

What dumbbell exercises are most effective for women, see this video:
