Impact super frequent bodybuilding training

Impact super frequent bodybuilding training
Impact super frequent bodybuilding training

It is difficult for novice athletes to understand the many existing training methods and schemes. Find out all the advantages and disadvantages of such workouts. Most bodybuilders now try to train each muscle no more than once a week. This technique appeared about thirty years ago and caused a lot of controversy. After so much time, the passions subsided, and now it has become very popular.

Reasons for the massive shift to super frequent training

An athlete performs a bench press
An athlete performs a bench press

As you know, muscle tissue hypertrophy (which is their growth) is possible only if a large amount of work is done. Simply put, muscles grow actively with frequent exercises and a large number of sets and reps. Actually, the discovery of this fact gave impetus to the development of bodybuilding in the modern sense. After the beginning of the active use of anabolic steroids in sports, which occurred in the sixties of the 20th century, athletes began to mindlessly increase the load. Even steroids in this case could not save them from overtraining.

Twenty years later, steroids have been used even more actively and cases of overtraining have begun to arise all over the place. This state can be overcome only by increasing the duration of rest. If at the time of Arnie's bodybuilding training, each muscle was trained about three times a week, now this is done only once.

After the emergence of a new training scheme, the bodybuilding world was divided into two factions. Representatives of the old school could not help but see that without the use of AAS, the technique does not give positive results. Gradually, the number of "chemists" began to grow, and interest in amateur bodybuilding steadily declined. It was clear to everyone that it became impossible to count on high places without steroids.

The situation was aggravated when Mike Mentzer joined the camp of supporters of the new method. It should be admitted that this happened largely due to a misunderstanding. Like all representatives of the old school, Mike considered strength to be the main indicator for athletes and was sure that in the classroom it was necessary to use close to maximum weights.

However, this forced a reduction in the frequency of training, since heavy weight can negatively affect progress. It so happened that Mentzer's method turned out to be very similar to the "chemical" scheme. Admittedly, as a result, it was not well received by athletes and did not become mainstream. Most amateur athletes train after working days, and they have little energy left to work with near-limiting weights. Here I would like to recall Joe Weider, who promotes the use of weight in bodybuilding 50-60 percent of the one-rep maximum. Today genetics is a highly developed science. According to the latest scientific research, scientists are increasingly convinced that the main factor in muscle growth is not anabolic hormones, but genes. It is with the help of genes activated under the influence of physical exertion that all growth mechanisms are triggered. These special genes have different durations, ranging from a few hours to a couple of days. Scientists have also found that overtraining can be avoided by periodizing exercise.

Super Frequent Percussion Pattern

An athlete performs a seated dumbbell press
An athlete performs a seated dumbbell press

If you decide to train "naturally" and want to achieve high results, then you need to train all muscles three times over seven days. In practice, this training scheme may look like this:

  • Deltas, back and chest - Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
  • Legs and arms - Tuesday, Saturday and Thursday.

You also need to achieve the required balance in the load and perform only two movements for each muscle. Perhaps you are sure that this will not be enough, but simple mathematical calculations are enough to be convinced of the opposite. During the week, you have to perform about 25 approaches for each muscle.

In addition, it is necessary to change the number of repetitions in the approach as follows:

  • 1 lesson - 6 to 8 repetitions;
  • 2nd lesson - 15 to 20 repetitions;
  • 3 lesson - 10 to 12 repetitions.

This will allow you to actively work out all types of muscle fibers, which in turn will increase the effectiveness of the training. This technique should be used for one to one and a half months. Then move on to a traditional, one-off training schedule for the same period of time. This will give the muscles a chance to recover and you can start a new cycle of hitting super frequent bodybuilding training.

Find out more about the German volumetric training in this video:
