How to train to sit on a longitudinal split?

How to train to sit on a longitudinal split?
How to train to sit on a longitudinal split?

Learn how to get great stretching in a short amount of time without herbs and soreness after a hard workout. Many people are sure that twine can be done up to 20 years old. After overcoming this age, any attempt to perform this exercise will inevitably result in injury. Of course, injury is quite possible, but only if you have not done a warm-up. The older a person gets, the less mobile his body is. However, age cannot be a serious hindrance for those who want to know how to sit on a longitudinal split. You just have to remember that for this you need to carry out preparatory work.

The twine is a very effective position and if you master its technique, you can definitely impress others. But besides this, the twine allows you to strengthen the body. It has a positive effect on the muscles of the buttocks, thighs, abdomen and back. In addition, in the above areas of the body, the percentage of fat will also decrease.

An equally important ability of the twine is the normalization of blood flow in the pelvic area. By doing twine, you can improve the functioning of the intestinal tract and the entire digestive system, as well as be able to prevent a large number of diseases of the genitourinary system and varicose veins. For women, twine will help normalize the menstrual cycle, as well as prepare themselves for childbirth.

Types of twine

Girl in twine in her arms
Girl in twine in her arms

There are several types of twine, and the most famous among them are longitudinal and transverse. Let's take a quick look at all types of twines.

  • Longitudinal. This is the simplest form, and today we will talk exactly about how to sit on a longitudinal twine. When doing it, one leg is extended forward, and the other is extended back. As a result, the legs form a straight line.
  • Transverse. It differs from the longitudinal one in that the legs are spread to the side, but also form a straight line.
  • Saggy. In fact, it is a kind of longitudinal or transverse splits, but when it is performed, the legs are located on an elevation, and the hips are in the air.
  • Vertical. It is performed from a standing position on one leg and can be longitudinal or transverse.

What do you need to know to do the splits correctly?

If you have definitely decided for yourself that you want to know how to sit on a longitudinal twine, then this will take you time. You won't get off for a couple of weeks. The speed of mastering the technique of performing longitudinal twine is influenced by a large number of factors. Of course, your physical fitness is of particular importance here.

If you do not play sports, then you will have to put in much more effort. Age is equally important, as flexibility decreases with age. You must understand that when mastering the twine, it makes no sense to set any deadlines. If you are determined to sit on a longitudinal split, then you will be able to achieve this, you just need patience.

During training, you should observe your own feelings and do not perform movements if they give you discomfort. You will need several months of classes, which should be regular. However, all efforts will pay off with interest, and one fine day you will be able to show your family and friends how to sit on a longitudinal split.

If you have not done spotting before, then the main focus should be on stretching. However, you need to increase the flexibility of your entire body, not just stretch the groin or pelvic muscles. The body is a single mechanism and in order to achieve the set task, you need to develop it fully. Only when you prepare your body, only then can you count on success in business.

You can stretch the muscles after a basic workout, or you can do it at home. But if you haven't exercised, then you need to warm up your muscles beforehand so as not to get injured. For this, it is necessary to carry out a warm-up, and it must be of high quality. Use running, jumping and even dancing for this. At the final stage of the warm-up, it is necessary to perform swinging movements with the legs to the sides and back and forth. Start with a small amplitude, gradually increasing it. It should also be remembered that when performing a twine, ligaments are also involved in the work, which must also be prepared. First, we recommend performing rotational movements with the leg bent at the knee joint, then turning the body and then warm up the knee joints. The whole warm-up will take about a quarter of an hour. Here it is necessary to add that you can also prepare the body for splits with the help of a warm bath, in addition to massage the buttocks.

It is very important to train regularly, as otherwise it will take you significantly longer to sit on the longitudinal split. Start by doing exercises every second day so that the body has time to recover. Then you can train daily. We also note that the best time for training is in the morning, which will allow you to increase your efficiency for the whole day, as well as speed up blood flow.

During sports, including exercising, to perform a longitudinal split, you need to learn to feel your body. Performing any movement, listen to the body. This will allow you to control the training process and solve the set task much earlier.

How to warm up for splits?

Stretch for longitudinal twine
Stretch for longitudinal twine

It is necessary to perform stretching movements smoothly, excluding jerks. Also, you should not make powerful efforts that can cause pain. As soon as you feel discomfort or pain, then stop performing the movement with the same intensity.

First, the whole complex of movements should be performed in one direction and only after that - in the other. If you think that one side of your body is less stretched than the other, then start stretching from that side. You can not hold your breath while performing movements. Breathe evenly and deeply so your muscles don't tense. In this case, you can achieve their maximum stretch.

In each position, you should linger for at least two tens of seconds, but no more than a minute. At first, the duration of the training should be minimal, and then you need to gradually increase it.

Preparatory exercises for longitudinal twine

Exercises for longitudinal twine
Exercises for longitudinal twine
  • 1 exercise. Inhaling, lunge forward, placing the foot of your front leg directly under the knee joint. The extended leg should be fully extended. Straighten your back and lower your shoulder joints down, and direct your gaze in front of you. Pushing your arms off the ground, extend your back leg, contracting your abdominal muscles.
  • 2 exercise. Take a starting position similar to the previous exercise. Having lifted your hands off the ground, begin to lift them up, while straightening the body. Keep your shoulders down and your back straight. When performing this movement, it is necessary to slightly tighten the muscles of the perineum and abdomen.
  • 3 exercise. From the starting position, similar to the previous movement, lower the knee joint of the back leg to the ground, and place your palms on the sacrum with your fingers up. Lower your shoulder joints and exhale, lowering your tailbone and pelvis as far as possible. To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, you can help yourself with bunches. At the same time, the head should be slightly tilted back, and the gaze is directed strictly in front of you.
  • 4 exercise. Without changing the starting position, start moving the body forward and the pelvis backward. Straighten your front leg, pointing the toe towards you. As you exhale, begin to tilt forward, while directing the chest forward and up. The shoulder joints should go down and the back remains level. Beginners can hold the ankle or toes with their hands while performing the movement, and experienced athletes can place their hands on the ground.
  • 5 exercise. If you easily coped with the previous movement, and at the same time the back did not round, then complicate the exercise. To do this, it is necessary to lower the stomach to the leg, then the ribs, the head, and then the forearms. Make sure that the pelvis moves back, and the muscles of the perineum need to be tightened.

Perform this set of movements regularly and after a few months you will definitely be able to sit on a longitudinal split. You must have desire and patience for this. Otherwise, your attempts are doomed to failure.

How to quickly sit on a longitudinal twine, see this video:
