If you need to make a costume for a prince, princess from scrap materials, then make them from bags, paper, from cotton pads. You can also sew prince and princess costumes from fabric.
These skills will probably come in handy if there are children in the house. Indeed, in children's institutions, contests and theatrical performances are periodically held, where these characters appear.
How to make a Tsarevich costume from packages?
This inexpensive and affordable material is found in almost every home. Now it is not a problem to buy garbage bags of different colors. You can use lilac and yellow, or, as in the example, green and red. For such work, little is needed, these are:
- garbage bags of two colors;
- dense base;
- scissors;
- Scotch;
- needle;
- threads.

- To make such a suit, take the bags, unfold them and cut them into long strips of 3 cm wide. For this kind of work, you will need the simplest macrame skills for beginners.
- Take your child's measurements first. Now take the first strip of the bag and tie it tightly. This can be a wide book, a thick kitchen board, plywood, etc.
- Now tie 6 small ribbons from the bags to this base. Since in this case you will bend them in half, as a result, you will get 12 such cellophane ropes.
- To make the prince's costume, pass the first rope and take the second and third with your left hand. Get a fourth on them from the front? from right to left. Hold the intersection with your right thumb and forefinger.
- Now take the first (temporarily skipped) tape and put it on the second and third from the top, but from left to right. Place the end of this string back and pull it out into the loop formed between the first and second straps. And take out the tip of the fourth rope from behind, passing it into the loop obtained between the third and fourth ribbons.
- Tie another similar knot from these four ribbons, but already mirrored from the first. That is, first the first tape will go up from left to right, then the fourth and you will also pull out their ends from behind.
- You have a double macrame knot. Now create the exact same double from 5, 6, 7 and 8 ribbons. Then make the next one out of the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th tape.
- Now, without turning the product over, go to the second row. But skip the first 2 ribbons and create a double knot with 3, 4. 5 and 6 cellophane strings. The next one will be 7, 8, 9 and 10 ribbons. The last two will also remain free.
- Move on to the third row. He completely repeats the first. And the 4th row is created in the same way as the second.
- Weave 10 rows in total. Thus, you have created a sample. Now, by some simple calculations, count how many ribbons you need to use to weave the prince's costume.
- It is better to immediately create a canvas, which consists of two shelves and a back. And when you reach the armholes, you will simply twist the ribbons around its axis in this place and not use them in weaving. You will get straight armholes.
Now that you have made the necessary calculations, based on the sample, tie as much vertically as necessary to the large horizontal tape. We begin weaving, first creating the bottom of the Tsarevich's costume. In this case, the threads of the red bag are used first.

- When the bottom of the Tsarevich's costume is completed, tie green ribbons to the red ribbons. When weaving, hide the knot on the wrong side of the fabric. Now weave with ribbons of this second color. When you get to the armholes, virgin as described above.
- Finish the macrame weaving around the neckline. But make a small margin here so you can sew on the collar. You will also make it from the package. Open this part. Frame it with tape from a bag of the second color. To get such a ruff, put the tape on the edge of the collar, sew it on to make it angry and, along the way, smoothen it down. When this tape ends, place the tip of the same second under it and sew further.
- If you made a sample for macrame, you can immediately take as many tapes so that you can then make the sleeve cuffs from it. Make the second one exactly the same and sew the bottom of the bag in a different color to it. But do not unfold it all the way to create a fold on this sleeve. Or cut through it so that the boy can then pass his arms through here. Trim it with a little tape from the red bag. Make the second sleeve in the same way.
- Take 4 strips of red and weave a finishing tape from them. Sew it on the shelf of the Tsarevich's suit to complete the decoration.
Provide a clasp at the front. It can be zipper, Velcro. If you want, then make loops from the ribbons of the bag, sew them on one side, and the buttons? with another.
When you remove the braid from the base, you will have a ribbon at the bottom. You can tighten it a little, hem the ends and trim off the excess.

Weave a strip for a hat from green ribbons using macrame. Then sew the gathered red bag to it. You will get the headdress of the prince. This is how to make a prince's costume for a competition or theatrical performance.
How to make a Tsarevich's costume from fabric with your own hands?

If shiny cuts of fabric are left from needlework, they will make a wonderful costume.

This consists of:
- elongated shorts;
- raincoat;
- beret;
- t-shirts.
Check out the patterns for some of the prince's apparel items. As you can see, it is best to arrange the elements of future clothes on the fabric in this way. Then you will save a lot of space.

The cloak is a semicircle. To make shorts, you can take as a basis shorts that fit the child. Sew 2 halves of the shorts, fold underneath and hem. Tuck the top twice and stitch to insert the elastic.
For a beret, cut out a circle, sew the sidewalls to it, which must first be sewn together. From the edge, you need to tuck them in order to insert an elastic band here along the volume of the child's head. You can sew on a feather or other beret decoration element from the left side.
To sew a costume for the prince further, you need to cut out a kind of T-shirt. It is festive, shiny, reminiscent of the Tsarevich's attire.
Sew the cloak, sew two wide ribbons in the neck area to tie it here.
This is how to sew a prince's costume. Now see how you can please your daughter.
How to make a princess costume from waste material?

Using this method, you can decorate any dress that the girl has, turning her into an unusual princess. To do this, take ordinary sheets of paper, cut each in half and fold it into a bag. Use a stapler to secure the workpieces in this position. Then you can sew them on to the dress or also attach them with a stapler.
And here's how to make a princess dress from junk material. For this you need cotton wool. This is a cheap material that can be purchased at any pharmacy.
Tear off the pieces from it, then glue them to the base, which can be the old dress of the girl. The main thing is that it should fit her.

You can also take cotton pads and glue them. Such a creative princess has no less interesting partner, because the costume of this young prince consists of caps. If you have a lot of this stuff, take the covers and use a hot glue gun to attach them to your baby's T-shirt and shorts. You can also sew a beret for such a prince and also decorate it with lids.
Perhaps you will have a tea princess, then make for her the basis of a dress from a rectangle of fabric. It needs to be sewn on the back, make a fastener. Then you attach the tea bags here.
Create a matching headdress for the young princess. Then the prince will be dressed in a suit made of sweets. You will also glue them on the boy's outfit.

Here's another couple. For such an attire, wrapping paper came up. You need to cut it to size and sew a princess dress, a hat for the girl, and a suit and a top hat for the boy.

If you have a lot of soft toys, then take the girl's skirt, sew a train on the back and attach these soft toys here. You will also get an original outfit. And here will go these cute plush charms that the girl no longer plays.

If you have accumulated records and CDs at home, then a princess costume from junk materials can be made using them. You will create the base of the dress from a large black trash bag. At the bottom, you need to cut it into thin strips to get such a skirt.

You can decorate a simple dress with flowers made of fabric or paper. You will also get a beautiful princess outfit from junk materials.

Now see how to create a robe, which is also not difficult to do with your own hands.
How to sew a princess costume with your own hands?

A dress pattern is offered to your attention. As you can see, the skirt consists of 2 parts. They need to be sewn on the sides. At the top left of the pattern is the back, at the back you will make a clasp. On the right is the front. Make it one-piece. At the top is a sleeve pattern.
You need to make two of these. Then you need to slightly gather them at the top and sew. In this case, it is necessary that the markings on the shelf and sleeves converge. The same goes for the backrest.

It remains to make a crown for the princess. To do this, take a plastic bottle and cut off the top and bottom of it. From the central part you will need to make a crown.

Redraw curl patterns and blanks, insert inward and outline them on the bottle. Cut this blank to fit your template. Now use glitter glitter or outline to apply the pattern. When it's dry, you can put on the crown.
You can even use a peat pot to make a crown for a princess. To do this, you need to remove its bottom and paint it inside and out with white acrylic paint. Wait until it dries, then apply a golden paint with a sponge. Then glue on rhinestones, sequins, and the crown for the princess is ready.
Finally, check out a couple more ideas. Take a look at how you can make a princess costume out of different colored trash bags. First, create a fluffy skirt from white, then make a belt and border of the skirt from blue. From yellow, make lush ruffles and jewelry on the neck and on the arm. The strip of blue will turn into a hair bow.

And when making a prince costume for a boy, you can create this outfit with red fabric. Trim it with white fur to be printed with black. It remains to make a crown of gold foil, put on the boy white socks and gym shoes of a suitable color, as the image is complete.

Here's how to make a costume for a prince, for a princess, from fabric and from scrap materials. See how others are embodying this idea. This is how easy it is to make a princess costume out of trash bags.

And how to sew a cape for a prince's costume, the second video shows.