Snowflake carnival costume, wolf costume can be made quickly and easily. Some of the presented outfits can be made in half an hour, others a little longer. On the eve of the holiday, learn how to make a New Year's costume. These are both traditional and unusual outfits from waste material. Many will be useful not only for the New Year's holiday, but also for any other.
Children's Snowflake Costume
Any girl will like it, the little princess will shine in such an outfit, to create which you will need:
- 2 m tulle, with a canvas width of 1.5 m;
- 1 m crepe satin;
- 50 cm faux fur;
- 1 m organza;
- doublerin.
The outfit consists of a skirt and top of the top. Let's start with the first item. To make a sun flare skirt, fold the fabric 4 times. Mark a radius of 20 cm from the corner. Using a compass, draw this line. We will make the skirt 20 centimeters long, adding an allowance for the seams and for the hem at the top 1, bottom 1, 5 cm.

Cut out the skirt, straighten it out. From the same fabric, cut out a bias tape 1, 5 cm wide, process the bottom of the skirt with it.

Cut three stripes out of tulle, each 4 meters long. The width of the first is 22, the second is 20, the third is 18 cm.

Stitch the small sidewalls of the first part together, and also process the second and third tulle strip. Using a basting seam on your hands or a special seam on a typewriter, or by laying folds, gather each of these three blanks on top.

Attach them to the waist of the skirt, matching them in size so that the smallest is at the top, the widest at the bottom, and the middle one is between them. Sew on these waistband details so that the pleats are evenly spaced.

You can dwell on this, but if you want the girl's New Year's snowflake costume to be original, then see how else you can decorate it.
Cut two wedges out of cardboard or paper. Dimensions of the first triangle: height 35, base 15 cm; the second - height 25, base 15 cm. Attach this template to the organza, cut out several blanks of both sizes.

Each triangle must be processed with an overlock or tucked in on all sides, stitched with a stitch so that the fabric does not wrinkle. You can sheathe the sidewalls with a zigzag stitch, cut it closer to the seam.

Collect these triangles using the diagram below.

You can place small ones not above large ones, but between them.

Sew the resulting decor elements to the main skirt.

Here's how to make a snowflake costume further, let's start cutting the top.
Cut out a large rectangle for the stick according to the size of the child, two identical smaller ones for the back, you will also need shoulder straps.

Cut a rectangle out of the fabric for decoration, make tucks on it at the same distance, pin them with pins, and sew to the top.
Sew a zipper in between the two halves of the back so that the snowflake dress can be put on and off freely. Sew up to the skirt, you can decorate the joint with a strip of white fur. Here is such a wonderful elegant dress.

To complete the New Year's costume, sew or glue pieces of natural or faux fur to the white gym shoes, you can make pom-poms, attach them here.

Tie a bow on the girl's head or put on a hoop by attaching a boa (feather scarf) here.
If you think that the child will be cold in the attire, then sew a bolero out of white faux fur.

Here is such a chic New Year's Snowflake costume for a girl.

If you want to get acquainted with another idea for creating such an outfit, then read the next paragraph of the article.
Snowflake costume made of tulle for those who do not know how to sew

To make such an outfit, you will need:
- tulle for a skirt 1, 5 m and for a headdress 20 cm;
- wide white elastic band;
- scissors;
- pins.
Cut 36 strips of tulle 50 × 20 cm in size. Fold each one like an accordion, pin off with a pin. Measure the elastic according to the size of the child's waist, start tying a tulle accordion to it with a double knot. Place each subsequent one as close as possible to the previous one.

This is the snowflake skirt you get as a result.

For another outfit, put on a white straight dress or a pretty T-shirt of this color, and a skirt on top. The head can be decorated with a hoop using the same tulle. From the fabric, you need to cut 50-60 strips of 10 x 3 cm. Using the same technique as you did the skirt, make an ornament on your head, tying the strips closer to each other.

But they will not be perfectly straight, so you need to trim the edges with scissors to correct this little flaw.

This is how Snowflakes can make a New Year's costume, even those who do not know how to sew. Those who can already perform simple seams will master the manufacture of an outfit using the following technology.

This will be the result. Surely, the child has a light T-shirt, T-shirt or swimsuit. These garments need to be decorated with a snowflake. For the basis of this accessory, we take fabric or shiny packaging for flowers.
Use a glue gun to glue circles of velvet, faux fur, or shiny silver buttons onto the snowflake.

Also decorate this snowflake with beads or sparkles, if available. The next details of the outfit are the puffy sleeves. Make them with crepe paper or fabric.

As you can see, a rectangle of 50 × 15 cm is cut out of such material, the long sidewalls are folded twice, sewn to make limited holes for the elastic. Two pieces of this stretching tape must be inserted into the top and bottom of the sleeves, and the ends are tied or sewn up. But first, measure the elastic by the volume of the child's arm so that the sleeves are not too loose, but also not crush.
You can make a skirt according to the simplified model of the first master class, or cut out three skirts with a sun flare, so that their length is slightly different, gather at the top.
To prevent the child's waist from looking too bulky, sew all three skirts at the top to a wide elastic band, stretching that one. Put on white tights on the child's feet, gym shoes of the same color with sewn pom-poms. To make an adornment on your head, string mother-of-pearl beads onto pieces of wire, fasten these elements to the rim by twisting it with a wire part.
And here is another option for those who do not know how to sew at all. If your child has a crocheted hat and skirt with holes, decorate them. Take regular small clear bags, cut each in half. Starting from the third row of a hat or skirt, thread through each hole or through one half of the bags folded into an accordion, tie them.

DIY wolf costume

Not only girls, but also boys should have carnival outfits. See how to craft a wolf costume for them.
Here are the materials needed for this:
- dark soft fabric or faux fur;
- white felt;
- red fleece;
- long zipper;
- baseball cap;
- plastic sheets or construction mesh;
- black plastic hangers;
- Velcro.
Take from the equipment:
- drill;
- a needle and thread;
- glue gun.
We will sew a suit without a pattern. It will be replaced by a T-shirt and pants of the child that fit him. Place the pants and T-shirt on the wrong side of the fabric as shown in the photo.

Look, on the left side, the seam allowance is small - 1 cm. But on the right, it is larger, so that the sewn jumpsuit is not tight, the child can easily move in it. Therefore, add 6 cm on this side. You should get 2 shelf parts and 2 backrests. Sweep these parts in pairs in a knot from the neck to the hips.

Sew in a zipper on the back of the back, it should match the color of the main fabric or fur.

Cut out 2 sleeves, sew them into the armholes, stitch the shoulder lines.

Cut out the animal's tail in two halves.

Sweep them away, leaving the space at the top unwired. If you wish, you can lightly stuff the tail with cotton through this hole.

We continue to make a wolf costume with our own hands. Let's get to the top. Focusing on the baseball cap, sew a piece that would cover it at the top and sides.

We do not attach this blank to the T-shirt, we fix another one. Cut out two triangles from the plastic mesh, glue them to the baseball cap with a glue gun.

Cut 4 pieces of the same size, with seam allowances. Stitch them in pairs on the sides, put them on the blanks of plastic ears through the lower holes.

Cut two holes in the fur hood.

Put on it a baseball cap with ears, Take them out through the slotted places.

To make a wolf's face, you need to lengthen the visor of the baseball cap. To do this, cut out such a semicircular plastic part.

Use a glue gun to glue it to the visor and base of the fur hat.

Decorate this element with a strip of fur or the same material from which you sew the suit.

Cut out another semicircular piece from the red canvas, attach it to the bottom of the extended visor.

To make the wolf costume for boys the most realistic, cut out the teeth of this animal from a plastic mesh, create a strip of white felt.

Hot-glue the smaller piece onto the larger piece. Let the workpiece cool down, cut the felt according to the plastic markings to make the animal's teeth.

Glue them to the top of the created visor.
It is better not to immediately sew up the junction of the fabric with the fur, first put the upper strip of teeth here, and only then glue all three layers.

For a black felt or drape nose, cut out a large circle, lift the edges, put the filler inside, and close the top with a smaller circle made of the same material. Secure with glue.

For white felt eyes, cut a large circle out of the black one. Glue these parts of his face to the wolf's face.

For the lower jaw, cut a semicircle out of fabric or fur, put a slightly smaller piece of plastic on it.

Glue this piece. Cut another semicircular element out of red fabric, glue it or sew on top of the fur one.

If you want, you can sew a long tongue and sew it to the lower jaw of this beast.

Attach Velcro to the neck of the hood so that you can put on and take off this part of the wolf's robe.

Shape the lower jaw with teeth by gluing them. Place your tongue, secure it with a strip of fur.

Very soon, the New Year's wolf costume will be created. There is very little left. We make the paws of the beast. Cut out these 2 semicircular parts, put a wide elastic band on top of each one, cover them with identical fur details, connect those by stitching along the edges. Leave the bottom free for now.

Turn these blanks through it. At this stage, they look like this.

Let's decorate them with claws. To do this, you need to cut off their rounded parts from the hangers, make holes on the side where the cut line is using a thin drill.

Now you can stick a needle in here to sew the claws to the paws.

This is how you get them. The hind legs are larger than the front ones.

Sew the side seams of the wolf suit, starting from the wrist, going to the armpit, then to the legs. At the bottom of the trouser legs were not sewn, put the large blanks of the hind legs here so that the elastic bands are at the bottom. Stitch these details only with the top side so that the child pushes his legs into the trousers, fixes the feet with wide elastic bands.

Create the front legs in the same way. Now you know how you can create a do-it-yourself wolf costume for a boy.

If you want to get acquainted with a simpler option, then check out the next one.
Mask and outfit of a wolf from a hoodie
Put on a shirt, gray shorts and a vest of the same color on the child, and the wolf costume is almost ready. It remains to make a mask, claws, so that it is immediately clear which character the child represents. See how to make a mask based on a hood. Now you will learn how to quickly make a wolf costume from a sweatshirt.
To create this character, take:
- sweatshirt;
- fleece gray, black, yellow;
- glue gun;
- scissors.

- From the light one, cut out two zigzag parts - these are the claws of the animal, from black and yellow materials - the blanks for its eyes. From dark gray, make details of the muzzle, eyebrows, ears. From black, cut out the tip of the nose, trim for the ears of the beast.
- Find the middle on the hood, glue the lower part of the animal's muzzle here, and on it - the black nose.
- Collect the eyes in the sequence shown in the photo. Glue your eyebrows over them. Ears are made of black and gray material.
- Sew zigzag claws to the bottom of the sleeves. So very quickly you can make a New Year's wolf costume out of a sweatshirt.
If you have face painting, you can draw the mask of this animal right on the child's face.

Also, a gray suit, if available, will help you quickly create the image of this animal. Sew on the blouse a zigzag circle of a lighter shade, Decorate with a similar detail, but rectangular, turtleneck sleeves. Sew patches of the same type onto your knees. At the bottom of the pants, glue or sew zigzag ribbons of light gray material with threads.

From the remnants of fabrics, you need to sew a wolf mask, attach an elastic band to it from the sides, so that when you put it on, it will be on the back of your head.

At the end of the review, we suggest looking at what a snowflake costume can be in order to get acquainted with other ideas for inspiration.

The next photo selection will demonstrate what a do-it-yourself wolf costume for a boy can be.