Drainage pipes for groundwater drainage: price, types, material

Drainage pipes for groundwater drainage: price, types, material
Drainage pipes for groundwater drainage: price, types, material

Features of the design of pipes for soil drainage and their types. The use of products from various materials. The price of drainage pipes for groundwater drainage.

Groundwater pipes are the main structural products for reducing the humidity of the site. Buried in the ground, drains collect fluid from the soil and move it to a predetermined location. Let's talk in more detail about the device of drainage pipes and the functioning of various types of products.

Features and types of drainage pipes for groundwater drainage

Types of drainage pipes for groundwater disposal
Types of drainage pipes for groundwater disposal

In the photo, drainage pipes for the removal of groundwater

Every owner of a country mansion dreams of an ideal adjoining plot with moderately moist soil. Such conditions guarantee the absence of flooding of the territory and basement during floods and heavy rains. A large amount of liquid in the soil leads to damage to the foundation and destruction of the walls of the house, and plants stop growing on the site.

To avoid trouble, a groundwater drainage system is being built that does not allow moisture to rise above a certain level. The main element of the design is the drainage pipes, through which excess water is removed outside the allotment. They differ from conventional products by the presence of openings in the walls for receiving liquid. Water enters them due to the pressure difference in the soil and in the cavity of the line.

For drainage, you can use pipes for drainage of a factory-made site or make drains yourself from ordinary sewer elements by drilling holes in them.

Note! Not all products can be used for such purposes, because corrosive chemical elements are often present in the liquid, rapidly destroying the track.

To decide which drainage pipe is best, study the following information:

  • The best option for draining the allotment is considered to be products with a diameter of 100-140 mm, but in swampy areas this figure can reach 200 mm or more.
  • On large areas, a complex structure is created from the main highway and supply branches. The central part consists of parts with a diameter of 160 mm or 200 mm, the branch branches - of pipes for drainage with a diameter of 100-110 mm.
  • The holes in the walls are made in the form of slots 5 mm wide or round with a diameter of 1.5-5 mm. The length of the slots is not standardized. The best option is considered to be narrow, elongated holes, because through them, moist clods of earth do not get inside.
  • For laying the system under footpaths, use groundwater drainage pipes with ring stiffness SN4, SN
  • Build a drainage system over which cars will ride from samples with a stiffness of at least SN
  • Single-layer blanks are sold in coils of 50 m. Two-layer blanks are sold in lengths of 6 m.
  • Drainage pipes for groundwater drainage are recommended to be protected with filters that prevent dirt from entering the track cavity. Modern products are sold covered with geofabric or coconut fiber. These materials do not rot in the ground for a long time. Geofabric works well in light and loamy soils, coconut fibers - in heavy soils.

The use of drainage pipes to divert groundwater is of great benefit to the landowner:

  • Lowering soil moisture reduces the risk of freezing the walls of buildings and the appearance of very resistant fungi.
  • Water is diverted from underground rooms and the base of the house.
  • Decay of plant roots stops.
  • Microflora remains in the soil, without which the site becomes sterile.

All pipes for the removal of groundwater, regardless of the material from which they are made, must have the following properties:

  • High strength to withstand the weight of the soil and its movement in spring and autumn.
  • Move the entire volume of water in the ground.
  • Provide high permeability of the liquid even when debris enters the cavity of the line.
  • Should not be afraid of temperature changes.
  • Parts withstand high water pressure from the inside.
  • The pipes are up to the task. In clay soil, products must not be laid without an additional filter, because through the holes in the walls, a lot of debris will penetrate into the inside, clogging the line. For deep laying, two-layer blanks are used that can withstand the weight of the soil. It is recommended to lay single-wall corrugated pipes of low rigidity at a shallow depth.

Drains are used as follows:

  • The maximum groundwater level at the site is determined.
  • A trench of a given depth is dug.
  • It creates a cushion of sand and gravel, which is good for moisture permeability.
  • A drainage pipe is laid on top with an inclination to the place where the liquid is collected.
  • Through the slots in the walls, water penetrates inside and moves independently to a given place.

Underground pipes for groundwater drainage are classified according to various criteria:

  • Structure … Traditional drainage pipes are single-layer, more modern products are two-layer. The surface of parts with one wall is made smooth or corrugated. Ribs increase flexibility and surface area that allows water to pass through. They are often used close to home, at shallow depths. The pipes have a number of disadvantages - dirt accumulates inside, and the line quickly becomes clogged. Due to the difficult terrain, it is very difficult to clean them. Double-layer samples have a flat inner surface, which increases the water flow rate. Two-layer pipes for groundwater drainage are stronger than single-layer pipes. They stand out for their self-cleaning and water-drying characteristics, they transport liquid well even at small angles of inclination of the system.
  • Degree of flexibility … Distinguish between flexible and rigid products. The use of elastic parts allows you to bypass obstacles or turn the line without fittings. The most convenient for installation single-layer corrugated pipes for groundwater drainage. But they have a low coefficient of ring stiffness, so the products can be used at shallow depths. Double-layer finned tubes can be installed at great depths. They are not as flexible as single-wall, so they cannot be rolled up. Billets are sold by the piece in lengths of 6-12 m. Rigid drainage pipes cannot be bent. To change the direction of the route, fittings and corners must be used. They are divided into thin-walled and thick-walled. Pipes for the first case are produced with a diameter of 50-150 mm and are considered an economical option. Thick-walled are recommended by manufacturers for use in harsh conditions, for example, if there is a high probability of ground movement on the site. The disadvantages of rigid pipes for groundwater drainage include the small length of the workpieces - 6 m, so there will be many joints in the line. Rigid pipes include ceramic, asbestos-cement and other products.
  • Manufacturing material … The most popular among users is drainage with plastic pipes - made of polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, etc. They have almost completely replaced traditional products made of asbestos cement, concrete, metal and ceramics.
  • Filtration … To prevent clogging, drains are wrapped in geofabric or coconut fibers that act as a filter. Pipes for groundwater drainage with perforation and wrapping filter do not fail in soils with a large amount of active chemical elements. The presence of an additional filter allows you to mount a structure for draining sandy, fine-grained and clayey soils.
  • The form. In addition to the traditional round shape, drains are produced with a rectangular cross-section. In such structures, there is an additional rib of strength, which allows them to withstand higher loads than round ones. In addition, this shape reduces the amount of earthwork during the installation of the system.

Depending on the degree of perforation, drainage pipes are divided into the following types:

  • Products with holes along the entire wall in 60 degree increments … It is recommended to use it on abundantly watered areas, which are approximately equally replenished with water from the lower layers of the soil and from rain. In the section of a small diameter of such holes 6. In details of a larger diameter, openings are made more often.
  • Partially corrugated pipe with a smooth gap in a section of 120 degrees … It is laid with the smooth part on the ground. The product is intended for creating directional systems on heterogeneous soil or on a slope.
  • Partially ribbed specimens with a smooth section in the 180 degree sector … Such corrugated pipes for groundwater drainage are bought if rains become the main reason for flooding the site. They partially function as storm sewers.

Drainage pipe material for groundwater disposal

To create a structure, it is allowed to use pipes specially designed for these purposes. Knowledge of the main characteristics of the products will help in choosing the right elements specifically for your case. Plastic parts have replaced the traditional ones, which have been used by the owners for many years. But drains made of ceramics, asbestos cement and metal do a good job with their functions, although they are morally outdated.

Plastic pipes for groundwater drainage

Plastic pipes for groundwater drainage
Plastic pipes for groundwater drainage

These are modern products, widely used for drainage of the territory. Lightweight, strong, durable site drainage pipes are considered the best option for dealing with excess moisture. They are lightweight, which makes installation work easier. The material can be cut with ordinary tools. Products are produced in a large assortment - smooth and corrugated, single-layer and double-layer, with or without filter material. In the most unfavorable conditions, they will last at least 50 years. Users with any income can buy plastic drainage pipes for groundwater drainage.

HDPE polyethylene pipes for site drainage

HDPE polyethylene pipes for site drainage
HDPE polyethylene pipes for site drainage

Single-wall products with stiffness SN2-SN4 are allowed to be buried to a depth of 2 m, with a coefficient SN6 - to 3 m. Two-layer samples are buried to a depth of 4 m, if the stiffness SN6-SN8 is up to 8-10 m. They do not have an additional filtering layer.

Parts with ribs are sold rolled up, straight parts are sold in cuts.

To drain water from clay and loamy soils, smooth pipes with holes of 160 mm in diameter with perforation are used. This size is good for a 25 m branch on soils with a medium degree of watering. If its length is up to 10 m, the diameter can be reduced to 100-110 mm. With a section length of more than 25 m, it is recommended to use products with a diameter of 200 mm.

It is allowed to connect a storm sewer to drainage pipes with a diameter of 200 mm.

Among the polyethylene products, the drains of domestic production of the Perfokor brand stand out. They are made of high-modulus plastic with added minerals. This composition gives them high strength.

A brief description of HDPE polyethylene pipes is given in the table:

Outer diameter, mm Slot size, mm The total area of the grooves per 1 rm, cm2
partial complete
110 2, 8 14, 3-26, 8 28, 6-53, 6
160 2, 8 14, 3-26, 8 28, 6-53, 6

HDPE pipes for drainage of the Logistic brand are distinguished by a rectangular shape. The product is reinforced with supports along its entire length, which increases its reliability. The top is covered with a geotextile filter, securely fixed by automated welding. It is sold in bays of 25 and 50 m. It has a large specific area - 4000 cm2, which ensures high-quality collection of water from the site. The product is very compact. A rectangular pipe measuring 160x50 mm takes up 2-2.5 times less space than a round pipe with a diameter of 110 mm with an absorbing area of 3450 cm2, which is very convenient for transportation. These groundwater drainage pipes are sold complete with tees, reducers and other fittings. They have a number of advantages over classic products: the size of the trench is reduced, which reduces the amount of heavy earthwork; they can be placed vertically without reducing their absorption properties; the rigidity of a single-layer flat pipe corresponds to the parameters of a two-layer corrugated pipe, but the cost of the latter is 2 times higher.

PVC pipes for groundwater drainage

PVC drainage pipe for groundwater drainage
PVC drainage pipe for groundwater drainage

Manufacturers offer single or double layer products that come in a variety of designs. Single-wall have a ring stiffness SN8. They can be buried to a depth of 8 m. The two-layer ones are available with SN8 SN16 characteristics. They are designed for use under high mechanical stress.

Drainage with PVC pipes is allowed to be performed at a depth of 10 m or under a road with heavy traffic. They are sold without a filter casing. Diameter - 50-300 mm. In suburban areas, products with a diameter of 200 mm are usually used. PVC pipes are sold in coils of 50 m, some samples are sold in lengths of 6-12 m.

PVC pipes for drainage of the site have good chemical resistance and do not fail if there are aggressive elements in the soil. They are quite rigid and fit on a base of sand and crushed stone, covered with geotextile. PVC pipes become brittle in severe frosts and are not installed at shallow depths.

Sizes of smooth non-perforated PVC pipes for drainage of the KOPOS area:

Dext, mm Dn, mm Weight, kg Colour Coil length, m
80 71, 5 15, 5 yellow 50
100 91 21
125, 5 115 30, 5
159, 5 144 49
199, 5 182 55, 8

Dimensions of corrugated PVC pipes for drainage of EVODRAIN area:

Hardness, kN / m2 Diameter, mm Sizes of slots, mm Number of holes in the section Packing, m
SN 6 110 9, 17 x 1, 2 6 50/100
125 10, 12 x 1, 2 6 25/50
160 11, 19 x 1, 4 6 25/50
SN 8 90 17.66 x1.4 2 50/100
110 13.75 x 1.2 4 25/50
125 15, 27 x 1, 2 4 25/50
200 16.66 x 1.4 4 25/50

Other pipes for groundwater drainage

Groundwater drainage pipes
Groundwater drainage pipes

In the photo there are different types of drainage pipes

Previously, drainage systems were built from asbestos-cement, metal and concrete pipes, which are still often used today. Below is information about the pros and cons of the products, which will allow you to decide which pipes to choose for drainage in your case.

Asbestos-cement drains

are found in structures built before the advent of modern materials. They are made from a mixture of cement and asbestos. For work, select samples of the BNT and BNM brands. They are sold without perforations and are only suitable for transporting liquids. To collect it, holes or slots must be made in the walls. The products have a number of advantages - low cost, ease of installation. They are rarely used today. The main reason why users refuse them is their short service life - no more than 30 years.

There are other disadvantages of asbestos-cement pipes for groundwater drainage:

  • Low strength and fragility. Even with a small load, chips and cracks may appear.
  • Large weight - 1 running meter of drainage pipe with a diameter of 110 mm weighs 20 kg.
  • For the connection, you will need special adapters.
  • The cavities of the parts are rough, and over time, a thick layer of silt appears on them, blocking the lumen.

All these disadvantages worsen the operational characteristics of the structure made of asbestos-cement blanks.

Reinforced concrete pipes

effective for creating a drainage system over a large area, often in several areas. Parts are produced in large diameters, the smallest is 210 mm. Installation of a concrete track is laborious and expensive - heavy equipment may be needed to dig trenches.

Metal pipes

for drainage of the site are made smooth and perforated. Their main advantage is the ability to withstand heavy loads. Modern metal products are coated with special substances to protect against corrosion, so they serve up to 40 years. In addition, they are produced with thick walls, which also increases the service life. For water drainage, metal pipes with a diameter of 50-150 mm with a wall thickness of 0.5-15 mm are used. Workpieces are made of steel specified in GOST 1759-70. Metal pipes are made round, oval, rectangular and curly. They are often used in northern regions where temperatures drop below -40 degrees. Perforation of metal pipes for drainage of the site must comply with standards, deviation from the requirements may cause damage to the structure.

Ceramic pipes

are used to drain large areas. On adjoining plots they are rarely used due to the complexity of installation work - it takes a long time to adjust the blanks in size. Moreover, they are fragile and expensive. The diameter of the ceramic pipes for drainage of the site is 25-250 mm. In Soviet times, GOSTs were developed for ceramic pipes. then they were used everywhere. Inside, the drains are cylindrical, but outside they were often made six- or octahedral. Ceramic drains have no connection sockets so that debris does not accumulate. The workpieces are fixed with special clearance-free couplings. Ceramic pipes for groundwater drainage can be easily distinguished from water and sewer pipes - there is no glazed layer on the outer surface. Products can be with or without holes. In the latter case, they are used only for water drainage.

Porous pipes

made of plastoconcrete or keremzitglass. Special holes are not made in the walls of the products for receiving liquid. Water penetrates through the pores of the material, and no additional elements are required for filtration. Despite their high efficiency, the products are not popular due to their high cost. Porous pipes for groundwater drainage can only be purchased by wealthy owners. In addition, the liquid enters the line cavity in a smaller volume compared to traditional designs.

Diy pipes for drainage of the site

Installation of a pipe for drainage of the site
Installation of a pipe for drainage of the site

If you need to build a drainage system in a small area or if there are extra pipes for other purposes, you can save money and make parts yourself. First, fix the pipes in a vise and mark the holes. Further work depends on the material of the product.

To make a polypropylene pipe for drainage yourself, perform the following operations:

  • Find ordinary plastic sewer pipes with a diameter of 100 mm or more. They have the same characteristics as the special drainage parts for removing moisture, except for the holes in the walls.
  • Prepare a carbide-tipped circular saw.
  • Make cuts 10-20 cm long. They should be positioned offset relative to each other. Make a lot of slots, but the pipe should not lose rigidity.
  • To prevent soil from entering the cavity, wrap the workpiece with any non-woven material that does not rot in the ground. If there is no geotextile, use fabrics of the Agril, Spandbod brands. It is advisable to use a mulching cloth with a density of 60 g / m22… Covering material does not allow water to pass through, so discard it. This pipe is made entirely of synthetic material and will last for many years.
  • Instead of slots in the pipe, holes up to 5 mm in diameter can be made in increments of no more than 100 mm. Their dimensions should be smaller than the fragments of rubble, which fill the track. The groundwater drainage pipe is ready.

For finishing stainless steel pipes, mark the holes on the surface of the workpiece. If the diameter is small, draw their location on paper, which you attach to the walls. On a large-diameter product, mark with a twine, mark the holes with paint. Mark the holes and drill them.

To rework cast iron pipes, you will need a special drill that will not crumble the material.

Price of drainage pipes for groundwater drainage

Installation of drainage pipes for groundwater disposal
Installation of drainage pipes for groundwater disposal

Several factors affect the price of pipes for groundwater disposal. The consumption of material for the production of a part is of great importance - the more it is, the more expensive the products are. From this it follows that the cost of a large diameter pipe with two walls will always be higher. On average, two-layer products are 15-30% more expensive than single-wall products.

The tables below show the price of drainage pipes from one material, but different devices and diameters.

Price of HDPE pipes for drainage of a site in Russia:

Number of layers View price, rub. for 1 pc.
2 Pipe d. 110 perforated without filter, 50 m 5700, 0-5750, 0
2 Pipe d. 110 with perforation in the filter, 50 m 6750, 0-6850
1 Pipe d. 110 perforated without filter, 50 m 3550, 0-3650, 0
1 Pipe d. 110 with perforation in the filter, 50 m 3800, 0-3850
2 Pipe d. 160 with perforation without filter, 50 m 8450, 0-8550, 0
2 Pipe d. 160 with perforation in the filter, 50 m 9750, 0-9850, 0
1 Pipe d. 160 with perforation without filter, 50 m 5350, 0-5450, 0
1 Pipe d. 160 with perforation in the filter, 50 m 5850, 0-5750, 0

Price of HDPE drainage pipes for groundwater drainage in Ukraine:

Number of layers View Price, UAH. for 1 pc.
2 Pipe d. 110 perforated without filter, 50 m 2300, 0-2450, 0
2 Pipe d. 110 with perforation in the filter, 50 m 2850, 0-2950, 0
1 Pipe d. 110 perforated without filter, 50 m 1450, 0-1550, 0
1 Pipe d. 110 with perforation in the filter, 50 m 1680, 0-1850, 0
2 Pipe d. 160 with perforation without filter, 50 m 3900, 0-4150, 0
2 Pipe d. 160 with perforation in the filter, 50 m 4350, 0-4650, 0
1 Pipe d. 160 with perforation without filter, 50 m 2450, 0-2640, 0
1 Pipe d. 160 with perforation in the filter, 50 m 2950, 0-31000, 0

The composition of the material from which it is made strongly affects the price of a drainage pipe for removing groundwater. The cheapest samples are smooth polymer. Non-cement and ceramic products are 1.5-2 times more expensive, and products made of porous material are considered the most expensive. They are not sold everywhere, and often you have to order pipes from the manufacturer and spend money on their delivery.

Reputable manufacturing companies sell their products for more than little-known firms. The tables below show the cost of goods from different companies.

The price of plastic pipes for groundwater drainage of various manufacturers in Russia:

Manufacturer Outside diameter, mm Price for 1 running meter, rub. Number of layers
Wavin 126 160-175 1
245-260 1 + geotextile filter
335-359 1 + coconut fiber filter
160 325-345 1
425-460 1 + geotextile filter
510-530 1 + coconut fiber filter
200 520-550 1
680-700 1 + geotextile filter
780-790 1 + coconut fiber filter
Perforated 110 140-160 single layer in coils (SN 4)
190-200 single layer in lengths of 6 m (SN 8)
160 200-210 single layer in coils (SN 4)
330-350 single layer in lengths of 6 m (SN 8)
200 490-500
SK-Plast 63 50-70 1
45-60 1 without filter
60-70 2 + filter
55-60 2
110 75-80 1 + filter
70-80 1
95-110 2 + filter
85-95 2
160 135-140 1 + filter
120-150 1
165-175 2 + filter
150-165 2
200 180-190 1
160-170 1
245-260 2 + filter

The price of plastic pipes for groundwater drainage of various manufacturers in Ukraine:

Manufacturer Outside diameter, mm Price for 1 running meter, UAH Number of layers
Wavin 126 75-80 1
110-120 1 + geotextile filter
115-130 1 + coconut fiber filter
160 120-150 1
160-190 1 + geotextile filter
230-240 1 + coconut fiber filter
200 220-230 1
290-330 1 + geotextile filter
330-350 1 + coconut fiber filter
Perforated 110 60-75 single layer in coils (SN 4)
85-90 single layer in lengths of 6 m (SN 8)
160 95-110 single layer in coils (SN 4)
140-170 single layer in lengths of 6 m (SN 8)
200 210-220
SK-Plast 63 18-23 1
22-27 1 without filter
28-30 2 + filter
24-27 2
110 29-34 1 + filter
32-35 1
38-40 2 + filter
42-45 2
160 55-70 1 + filter
53-65 1
60-70 2 + filter
55-60 2
200 160-170 1
180-190 1
245-260 2 + filter

Which pipes are better for drainage of the site - look at the video:

The choice of pipes for the drainage of groundwater is a responsible task, so this process must be taken seriously. The performance of the entire system and the condition of the site depend on the products. To prevent the site from turning into a swamp, buy drainage pipes from trusted suppliers and ask the sellers for certificates of conformity and blank passports. In no case do not opt for products of questionable quality and do not neglect our recommendations.
