Requirements for drinking water and highways for its transportation. Characteristics of pipes from various materials for the assembly of the system. Drinking water pipes price.
Drinking water pipes are products for transporting liquid without losing its quality. For the creation of highways, it is allowed to use only samples specially designed for such structures. Let's talk in more detail about pipes suitable for the construction of drinking water supply systems.
Features and requirements

In the photo, a pipe for drinking water
At the last stage of building a house, the owners are faced with the issue of providing housing with drinking water. It is realistic to create a water supply system yourself, especially if there is a well or other source of moisture nearby. For the construction, you will need pipes with special characteristics, the main of which is to preserve the quality of water.
The state makes high demands not only on water for cooking, but also on its source and on the highways for its movement. For the organization of water supply, GOSTs of drinking water pipes, certificates, specifications and other documents have been developed that control the production and use of such products.
When creating a drinking water pipeline project, the following conditions must be observed:
- Hygienic requirements for drinking water … They are spelled out in the EU standard DIN The document lists the quality features of the liquid that comply with the current "Drinking Water Regulations" and DIN 2000 and DIN 2001 standards. At the exit from the line, the liquid must be chemically harmless, have satisfactory organoleptic properties, without organic and inorganic inclusions and surface film.
- Work sheet DVGW W551 … The document regulates the work on the installation of the water conduit. The main requirement for the work performed is that bacteria of pathogens should not appear in the line. In warm systems, various microorganisms often appear, therefore, heating the track is allowed only using special technologies.
- AVB-Wasser V - the requirement for the manufacture of parts for the transportation of drinking water. The prescription contains instructions on the mandatory labeling of such products.
All pipes for drinking water go on sale with the following documents:
- Product certificate (domestic or EU), in which the level of quality of the product for plumbing systems is entered. It confirms that after transportation, the content of chemical elements in the liquid does not change or does not exceed the permissible limits. For example, a person can drink water without danger to health if it contains no more than 0.003 mg / L of alkylaminobenzene, 0.5 mg / L of sodium alkenyl sulfonate, 1 mg / L of ammonium alkylbenzenesulfonate, etc.
- Conclusion of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Expertise on the Compliance of Samples with Medical Requirements … The document confirms the absence of transfer of any substances from the pipe material under the drinking water to the liquid.
- Requirements for the manufacture of products … It spelled out technical conditions for the manufacture of pipes for a water supply system.
- Product quality certificate … It confirms the compliance of the actual characteristics of the goods with the declared ones. The passport indicates the manufacturer of the product, the grade of the material, test results, etc. Parts warranty - 10 years, service life - not less than 100 years.
Plastic and metal pipes are used to transport drinking water. Regardless of the material, they must have the following properties:
- Internal and external surfaces are smooth;
- There are no foreign inclusions in the walls;
- Pipe waviness is within tolerance.
Plastic products have practically supplanted metal products that were previously popular in this area. Even high-quality copper and stainless steel samples are rarely bought due to the high cost.
Plastic pipes for drinking water are qualitatively different from products for moving technical liquid, therefore they have their own markings. They are painted white or light gray with blue stripes. Coloring does not affect their quality, the color is chosen for design reasons. Products for this purpose are manufactured according to state standards, which makes them as safe as possible for users.
Note! The lack of marking means that the pipe can only be used in mains for technical purposes. Yellow stripes warn that it is for gas systems.
Types of pipes for drinking water
To decide which pipes to use for drinking water, it is necessary to study the properties of the products, the positive and negative sides, and the area of their application. Below are the characteristics of pipes made of various materials that can be used to assemble a water supply system.
Galvanized pipes

There are several types of steel pipes for drinking water supply: galvanized, stainless steel and corrugated stainless steel. Ferrous metal products are not used in such systems - the material affects the color and taste of water.
Products outside and inside are protected by a layer of zinc - stainless steel. There are different coating technologies available depending on the purpose of the product. Therefore, in water mains, it is allowed to use only those blanks that are intended for such purposes.
The pluses of galvanized drinking water pipes include:
- Strength … Galvanized products are able to withstand more pressure in the system than black ones and are highly reliable.
- Burst pressure resistant … The property allows the use of pipes with walls 1, 5-3 times thinner than plastic ones.
- State … The coating reduces the roughness of the inner wall, so no salt build-up is formed on it.
- Security … Zinc does not affect human health, because after transportation in water, it remains no more than 5 mg / l at an MPC of 10-15 mg / l.
- Long service life … Manufacturers guarantee that galvanized drinking water pipes will last up to 20 years, but it all depends on the ambient conditions, the composition of the water, etc. Zinc is believed to extend the life of steel pipes by 4 times. It was found that during the first 7 years they do not require replacement or repair. After 16 years, 15% of the products are changed, and by the end of the established period - a little more than half.
Galvanized drinking water pipes also have many disadvantages:
- Over time, the zinc coating is washed out or destroyed, the product begins to corrode. Corrosion products make the water unsuitable for drinking, disrupt the operation of the system's automation, clog the route and spoil the shut-off valves. The water supply system has to be periodically repaired.
- The pipes are designed to supply only cold drinking water, preferably purified water, because its composition greatly affects the service life. As the temperature rises, the rate of destruction of the zinc layer increases.
- It is not recommended to leave liquid without movement on such a route for a long time.
- Water with the following composition is considered optimal for the product: acid-base balance PH - less than 8, 5; sulfate - up to 150 mg / l; saturation index> 150 mg / l; chloride - up to 150 mg / l; oxygen - up to 3 mg / l; copper - up to 0.04 mg / l. The more of these chemical elements, the faster the zinc coating will disintegrate.
- It is strictly forbidden to connect galvanized drinking water pipes with copper ones due to the occurrence of physicochemical processes leading to corrosion of products.
- Large amounts of divalent copper in the water will also damage the line.
- At a high flow rate of the liquid, the zinc layer is washed out. The flow velocity should not exceed 0.95 m / s.
- Drinking water pipes are heavy, which complicates installation work.
- Drinking water always moves cold, therefore the outer surfaces of the product sweat and moisturize the walls of the room adjacent to it.
- The workpieces are connected with threaded fittings, which have to be tightened periodically. Failure to do so will result in leaks.
- A pipeline made of galvanized pipes for drinking water collapses when the liquid freezes and requires insulation in an open area.
- Steel pipe blanks are short, so many joints appear during assembly. There are more than 85 connections per 1 km of the route.
- To change the direction of the branch, you must use corners and fittings.
- After 8-10 years of operation, a significant layer of salt deposits appears in the water supply system, which contributes to the formation of plugs.
Pipes for potable water, suitable for zinc coating, are made from ordinary carbon steel in a seamless or longitudinal electric-welded manner. They go on sale in measured lengths of 4-12 m.
Depending on the wall thickness, galvanized pipes for drinking water are divided into extra light (2, 5-4, 5 mm), light (2-4 mm) and reinforced (4-5 mm). Water quality, structural strength and service life directly depend on the thickness of the coating. The optimal protective layer is 45 microns, which corresponds to an average of 400 g of zinc per 1 m of workpiece.
Galvanized drinking water pipes are connected by welding or threaded. The process is complicated by the fact that during the procedure it is necessary to ensure the integrity of the coating. It is possible to weld samples only using a special technology that does not destroy the protective layer. Before the procedure, a layer of flux is applied to the area to be joined, which does not allow the zinc to evaporate.
The characteristics of galvanized drinking water pipes are shown in the table:
Diameter, mm | Wall thickness, mm | Weight 1 m, kg | Standard | steel grade |
15 | 2, 5 | 0, 771 | GOST 3262-75 | 08kp |
15 | 2, 8 | 0, 843 | GOST 3262-75 | 08kp |
15 | 3, 2 | 0, 931 | GOST 3262-75 | 1ps |
20 | 2, 5 | 1, 079 | GOST 3262-75 | 3ps |
20 | 2, 8 | 1, 188 | GOST 3262-75 | 08kp |
25 | 2 | 1, 134 | GOST 3262-75 | 3ps |
25 | 2, 8 | 1, 533 | GOST 3262-75 | 08kp |
25 | 3, 2 | 1, 72 | GOST 3262-75 | 2ps |
32 | 2, 8 | 2, 016 | GOST 3262-75 | 08kp |
32 | 3, 2 | 2, 272 | GOST 3262-75 | 08kp |
40 | 3 | 2, 737 | GOST 3262-75 | 08kp |
40 | 3, 5 | 3, 15 | GOST 3262-75 | 2ps |
Stainless steel products

Stainless steel is called steel with components that prevent metal corrosion. For plumbing, products with the addition of zinc and chromium are used, which is why they are called that - galvanized and chromium-containing. Both materials meet all GOST requirements for drinking water pipes.
Important! The most popular are pipes made of steel 12X18H10T, in which chromium, nickel and titanium are present.
The stainless steel remains clean throughout its entire service life. The line is easy to clean from dirt, bacteria do not accumulate inside. The workpieces can be mounted on the surface of the ground with thermal insulation so that the water does not freeze and destroy it. Such products have practically no drawbacks, with the exception of the high price of pipes for a well with drinking water.
Stainless steel pipes are connected using fittings, crimping or welding. The most popular connection method is fitting. The method is very simple and easy to implement, and does not require special equipment. Welding of stainless steel is carried out using special welding equipment, and only a professional welder can perform it.
The characteristics of stainless steel drinking water pipes are shown in the table:
Diameter, mm | Light pipes | Extra light pipes | Reinforced pipes | |||
Thickness walls, mm |
Weight, kg |
Thickness walls, mm |
Weight, kg |
Thickness walls, mm |
Weight, kg | |
10, 2 | 1, 8 | 0, 37 | 2, 0 | 0, 4 | 2, 5 | 0, 47 |
13, 5 | 2, 0 | 0, 57 | 2, 2 | 0, 61 | 2, 8 | 0, 74 |
17, 0 | 2, 0 | 0, 74 | 2, 2 | 0, 8 | 2, 8 | 0, 98 |
21, 3 | 2, 5 | 1, 16 | 2, 7 | 1, 25 | 3, 2 | 1, 43 |
26, 8 | 2, 5 | 1, 5 | 2, 8 | 1, 66 | 3, 2 | 1, 86 |
33, 5 | 2, 5 | 2, 12 | 3, 2 | 2, 39 | 4, 0 | 2, 91 |
Corrugated stainless steel pipes

Products are made with a ribbed, in the form of an accordion, a wall. This design makes the line very flexible and allows you to turn sharply to the side without losing strength. Bending radius - 30-150 mm, depending on the diameter of the corrugation. Corrugated drinking water pipes can be bent by hand to very large angles without the risk of damage.
The diameter of the bend is easy to determine on your own: the minimum size is three times the radius of the pipe. With a diameter of 15 mm, the bend radius is at least 45 mm.
Corrugated stainless steel drinking water pipes are supplied in coils of 50 m. The corrugations are joined together with brass fittings, which are produced by specialized companies.
The pipes are made of SUS (AISI) 304 steel, containing 18% chromium, 8% nickel and a small amount of carbohydrate.
Corrugated pipes for drinking water made of stainless steel have the following advantages:
- Allow water to pass through a difficult area;
- Installed quickly;
- The track has a presentable appearance, it can be laid on the surface, placing it anywhere;
- No wall chipping is required for laying;
- Corrugations are resistant to abrasion, mechanical stress, vibration;
- Bacteria do not accumulate in the water supply system and salt deposits do not form.
The line can withstand a pressure of 60 bar, which is 4 times more than a line made of ordinary steel pipes. For reference: the pressure in drinking water systems does not exceed 7 bar.
Users should be aware of the weak points of corrugated drinking water pipes:
- Small resistance to mechanical stress. In open areas, it is recommended to cover the corrugation with a protective casing.
- If dirt gets inside, it is very difficult to remove it due to the large number of bends.
- A big disadvantage of the product is the high price of drinking water pipes.
- Products are connected by fittings that require special maintenance - periodically change the gaskets and tighten the nuts.
Sizes of corrugated stainless steel drinking water pipes and their characteristics:
Nominal size | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 |
Inner diameter, mm | 12 | 14, 5 | 20 | 25, 5 |
Outside diameter, mm | 15 | 17, 5 | 25, 5 | 32 |
Working pressure, kg / cm2 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 |
Minimum bending radius, mm | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 |
Wall thickness, mm | 0, 3 | 0, 3 | 0, 3 | 0, 3 |
Thermal conductivity coefficient, Kcal / m hour ° С | 16, 3 | 16, 3 | 16, 3 | 16, 3 |
Operating temperature, ° С | -40/+1 | 38 | 38 | |
Number of meters in the bay | 50 | 50 | 30 | 30 |
Copper products

Copper grades M1, M2, M3 are used for the production of drinking water pipes. They differ in the percentage of other metals in their compositions, therefore they have different flexibility, weight, strength, etc.
The best option for a drinking water supply system is copper acidified with phosphorus, which minimizes the risk of salt formation in the system. The material is classified as Cu-DHP. It has optimal characteristics for the transportation of water and installation of the mains, which are spelled out in the relevant GOSTs: for the production of copper pipes for water pipelines with specified characteristics; for compliance with size, chemical composition, surface treatment, etc.
Note! Copper pipes for drinking water must bear the EN1057 mark, indicating that the product complies with DIN standards (acidification with phosphorus to increase resistance to water).
Copper piping for drinking water has many advantages:
- Copper does not react with chlorine, which is often added to drinking water, but creates a film on the surface, increasing the service life of the track.
- The service life of pipes is more than 50 years
- Working temperature - -100 + 250 degrees.
- Resistance to external influences - the copper line does not deform after freezing and changes in external temperature, is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation and sunlight, has a low level of thermal expansion, does not corrode. Copper pipes can be installed outdoors without additional protection.
- The material does not emit substances toxic to humans.
- Copper drinking water pipes are flexible enough to change the geometry of the route without fittings.
- The material has antibacterial properties and retains all the characteristics of water unchanged.
- The pipes can be used in systems with high pressure - up to 200 bar.
- The line has a long service life, while maintaining its original strength.
- The walls are very smooth, which reduces the number of molecular bonds. Therefore, they do not form deposits of salts and oxides that reduce the quality of the liquid.
The disadvantages of the products include the high price of copper pipes for drinking water.
Copper pipes are brazed and threaded using ferrules. The joints are detachable, but the crimp rings are disposable and need to be replaced. When installing the plumbing system, it is necessary to strictly follow the assembly rules: it is allowed to connect copper pipes with stainless and galvanized ones only through special brass fittings.
The dimensions of copper pipes for drinking water are shown in the table:
Outer diameter, mm | Wall thickness, mm | Weight 1 m, kg | ||||
Lungs | Regular | Reinforced | Lungs | Regular | Reinforced | |
10, 2 | 1, 8 | 2, 0 | 2, 5 | 0, 37 | 0, 40 | 0, 47 |
13, 5 | 2, 0 | 2, 2 | 2, 8 | 0, 57 | 0, 61 | 0, 74 |
17, 0 | 2, 0 | 2, 2 | 2, 8 | 0, 74 | 0, 80 | 0, 98 |
21, 3 | 2, 35 | - | - | 1, 10 | - | - |
21, 3 | 2, 5 | 2, 8 | 3, 2 | 1, 16 | 1, 28 | 1, 43 |
26, 8 | 2, 35 | - | - | 1, 42 | - | - |
26, 8 | 2, 5 | 2, 8 | 3, 2 | 1, 50 | 1, 66 | 1, 86 |
33, 5 | 2, 8 | 3, 2 | 4, 0 | 2, 12 | 2, 39 | 2, 91 |
Plastic pipes for drinking water

Drinking water pipes are made from all types of polymers. They differ in characteristics that affect the field of application.
Plastic products have many positive qualities:
- Lack of corrosion and inertness to chemicals in the soil.
- The small roughness of the inner surfaces of the workpieces allows the use of low-power pumps for pumping liquid.
- The lightness and flexibility of the products ensures that the track is laid in awkward places.
- Condensation does not appear on the surface.
- It is easier to dock plastic pipes for drinking water than metal ones, which speeds up installation work.
- Many species are not afraid of low temperatures and freezing of water. After the liquid melts, the shape of the plastic returns to its previous size.
- Polymer blanks are often sold in coils, which reduces the number of joints. There are only 2 joints per 1 km.
- Polymers are made from environmentally friendly materials that do not degrade the quality of drinking water.
- The walls of the pipes are plastic, and they provide minimal sound transmission when transporting liquids under high pressure.
The disadvantage of plastic pipes for drinking water is the limitation of the water pressure in the system, which depends on the temperature and diameter of the pipe.
Brief characteristics of plastic drinking water pipes are given below.
- PVC - polyvinyl chloride … The first of the plastic water pipes. These are stiff specimens that are difficult to bend, so fittings are needed to rotate the branch. When used in outdoor systems, they must be buried, but the latest PVC modifications are not afraid of frost. PVC parts are inexpensive, used in various areas in the external highway. For example, the price of a PVC pipe for drinking water wells will suit even users with a modest income.
- PP - polypropylene … This material is used to make single-layer and multilayer pipes for supplying drinking water with different pressures. In home systems, the pressure is not very high, therefore, single-layer PP products are sufficient. Reinforced structures are more expensive. Experts recommend choosing a product with fiberglass - such a layer does not interfere with the joining of the workpieces. The drinking water supply system is assembled from products of the PN10, PPN, PPB, PPR classes, which are distinguished by high strength and reliability. In an apartment, the best option is a trass made of PN10 blanks with a wall thickness of 2, 8 mm. All other options will be more expensive. Polypropylene drinking water pipes are rigid and the bends are made with fittings. They are connected by soldering, which results in a monolithic structure.
- PE - polyethylene … Pipes made of this material are highly elastic, and corners are not needed to change direction. Products for drinking water are made of high density polyethylene HDPE of several grades that can withstand 20 degrees of frost. The polyethylene track can be laid on the surface and operated all year round. They go on sale under the HDPE and LDPE markings. HDPE plastic pipes for drinking water are painted blue or black, but always with blue stripes. They are marked with an indication of the diameter of the workpiece, the manufacturing company, wall thickness, strength, length, GOST and other parameters. HDPE parts have numerous advantages, thanks to which they are very popular with users. They are connected by butt welding, which allows you to automate the installation process and reduce the errors of the master.
- PEX - cross-linked polyethylene … A type of polyethylene with high strength. It has excellent performance characteristics, therefore it is very popular with users, despite its high cost. Polyethylene pipes for drinking water are considered the most acceptable for everyday use. Products with a diameter of 32 mm are most often used in highways. This size is optimal for a fast and powerful flow of liquid into the house. The disadvantage of polyethylene pipes is the destruction of the material under the influence of sunlight, so the track must be buried in the ground. They are connected by soldering. A special device heats up the ends of the workpieces, and then they are pressed. After cooling, a monolithic branch is obtained.
- PEX – AL-PEX - metal-plastic … The product consists of two layers of plastic, between which there is an aluminum layer. Thanks to this device, pipes for drinking water retain the shape that the master gives it. To change the direction of water flow, it is enough to bend the product.
Drinking water pipes price

The following factors influence the price of drinking water pipes:
- The material from which they are made … Plastic products are always cheaper than metal ones. Among the polymer, the cheapest are PVC and PP parts. The price of such blanks depends on the components that are present in the material. Among the metal, the most expensive are copper and corrugated stainless steel.
- Workmanship … Metal products with a mirror surface, which are obtained on a special machine using paste and brushes, are expensive. If you are offered to buy pipes for drinking water at a low price, pay attention to their condition. Perhaps they were made with a defect: a sharp unpleasant odor is heard, the color is uneven, the walls are of different thickness, or foreign inclusions are visible in them. Such products cannot be used in drinking water supply systems, only technical. A quality product cannot be very cheap.
- Remoteness of the manufacturer from the point of sale … The farther the point of sale, the higher the transportation costs for the delivery of drinking water pipes.
- Product reliability … The service life of the water supply depends on this indicator.
Before you buy a pipe for drinking water, you also need to estimate the additional costs associated with the installation of the system. Some parts are connected using special equipment that must be purchased or rented. Stainless steel products can only be welded by a professional welder.
The price of copper pipes for drinking water of the Sanco brand in Ukraine:
Product brand | Price for 1 l.m., UAH |
Copper tube solid 10 * 1 | 110-120 |
Copper soft tube in a coil 10 * 1 | 117-125 |
Copper pipe solid 12 * 1 | 125-133 |
Copper soft tube in coil 12 * 1 | 132-138 |
Copper pipe solid 15 * 1 | 143-150 |
Copper soft tube in a coil 15 * 1 | 160-170 |
Copper pipe solid 18 * 1 | 192-198 |
Copper soft tube in a coil 18 * 1 | 203-207 |
The price of copper pipes for drinking water of the Sanco brand in Russia:
Product brand | Price for 1 l.m., rub. |
Copper tube solid 10 * 1 | 240-280 |
Copper soft tube in coil 10 * 1 | 260-283 |
Copper pipe solid 12 * 1 | 270-297 |
Copper soft tube in coil 12 * 1 | 272-300 |
Copper pipe solid 15 * 1 | 285-330 |
Copper soft tube in a coil 15 * 1 | 297-360 |
Copper pipe solid 18 * 1 | 320-390 |
Copper soft tube in a coil 18 * 1 | 380-410 |
The price of polypropylene pipes for drinking water FADO brand in Ukraine:
Product brand | Price for 1 l.m., UAH |
FADO PP-RCT PN20 20х3.4 PPS20 | 15-22 |
FADO PP-RCT / PP-RCT + FB / PP-RCT (glass fiber reinforced) 20x3.4 (PPF20) | 18-25 |
FADO PP-RCT PN20 25х4.2 PPS25 | 32-36 |
FADO PP-RCT / PP-RCT + FB / PP-RCT (glass fiber reinforced) 25x4.2 (PPF25) | 33-38 |
FADO PP-RCT / AL / PPR composite (reinforced with aluminum layer) 20x3, 4 (PPA20) | 39-44 |
FADO PP-RCT PN20 32х5.4 PPS32 | 60-64 |
FADO PP-RCT / AL / PPR composite (reinforced with aluminum layer) 25х4, 2 (PPA25) | 63-66 |
FADO PP-RCT / PP-RCT + FB / PP-RCT (glass fiber reinforced) 32х5.4 (PPF32) | 67-74 |
FADO PP-RCT PN20 40x6.7 PPS40 | 88-94 |
FADO PP-RCT / AL / PPR composite (reinforced with aluminum layer) 32х5, 4 (PPA32) | 95-98 |
Price of FADO polypropylene pipes for drinking water in Russia:
Product brand | Price for 1 l.m., rub. |
FADO PP-RCT PN20 20х3.4 PPS20 | 35-58 |
FADO PP-RCT / PP-RCT + FB / PP-RCT (glass fiber reinforced) 20x3.4 (PPF20) | 42-60 |
FADO PP-RCT PN20 25х4.2 PPS25 | 72-84 |
FADO PP-RCT / PP-RCT + FB / PP-RCT (glass fiber reinforced) 25x4.2 (PPF25) | 76-89 |
FADO PP-RCT / AL / PPR composite (reinforced with aluminum layer) 20x3, 4 (PPA20) | 82-98 |
FADO PP-RCT PN20 32х5.4 PPS32 | 136-147 |
FADO PP-RCT / AL / PPR composite (reinforced with aluminum layer) 25х4, 2 (PPA25) | 145-155 |
FADO PP-RCT / PP-RCT + FB / PP-RCT (glass fiber reinforced) 32х5.4 (PPF32) | 159-163 |
FADO PP-RCT PN20 40x6.7 PPS40 | 187-210 |
FADO PP-RCT / AL / PPR composite (reinforced with aluminum layer) 32х5, 4 (PPA32) | 215-243 |
The price of VSPlast polyethylene pipes for drinking water in Ukraine:
Product brand | Price for 1 lm, UAH | Bay price, UAH |
VSPlast PE pipe 20x1.8 mm PN 10 | 6, 5-7, 5 | 1075-1125 |
VSPlast PE pipe 25x1.8 mm PN 6 | 6, 5-7, 5 | 1075-1125 |
VSPlast PE pipe 20x1.8 mm PN 6 | 6, 5-7, 5 | 1075-1125 |
VSPlast PE pipe 20x1.8 mm PN 12.5 | 6, 5-7, 5 | 1250-135 |
VSPlast Pipe PE 25x2.0 mm PN 6 | 7, 5-8, 5 | 1200-1300 |
VSPlast Pipe PE 25x2.0 mm PN 10 | 8, 5-9, 0 | 1350-1450 |
VSPlast PE pipe 32x2.0 mm PN 6 | 9, 0-9, 5 | 1400-1450 |
VSPlast PE pipe 32x2.0 mm PN 8 | 10-12 | 1700-1800 |
Price of VSPlast polyethylene pipes for drinking water in Russia:
Product brand | Price for 1 lm, rub. | Bay price, rub. |
VSPlast PE pipe 20x1.8 mm PN 10 | 15-17 | 2200-2420 |
VSPlast PE pipe 25x1.8 mm PN 6 | 26-10 | 2200-2560 |
VSPlast PE pipe 20x1.8 mm PN 6 | 26-10 | 2200-2560 |
VSPlast PE pipe 20x1.8 mm PN 12.5 | 26-10 | 2200-2560 |
VSPlast Pipe PE 25x2.0 mm PN 6 | 16-19 | 3400-4100 |
VSPlast Pipe PE 25x2.0 mm PN 10 | 19-33 | 3430-4150 |
VSPlast PE pipe 32x2.0 mm PN 6 | 21-24 | 3100-3300 |
VSPlast PE pipe 32x2.0 mm PN 8 | 23-27 | 4110-4300 |
The price of metal-plastic pipes for drinking water in Ukraine:
Product brand | Price for 1 lm hrn. |
Metal-plastic pipe Henco 16 * 2 | 12-15 |
Metal-plastic pipe APE PEXB-AL-PEXB 16 (2.0) | 18-20 |
Metal-plastic pipe Henco 20 * 2 | 21-24 |
Metal-polymer pipe Herz PE-RT / AI / PE-HD 16 * 2 | 18-22 |
Metal-plastic pipe Pexxal 20 * 2 | 17-19 |
Metal-plastic pipe ICMA Pert - AL -Pert 16 * 2 | 26-29 |
Metal-plastic pipe BetaSKIN Comap S. A. (PERT-Al-PE) 16 * 2 | 22-25 |
Price of reinforced plastic pipes for drinking water in Russia:
Product brand | Price for 1 lm rub. |
Metal-plastic pipe Henco 16 * 2 | 31-38 |
Metal-plastic pipe APE PEXB-AL-PEXB 16 (2.0) | 40-59 |
Metal-plastic pipe Henco 20 * 2 | 58-67 |
Metal-polymer pipe Herz PE-RT / AI / PE-HD 16 * 2 | 43-53 |
Metal-plastic pipe Pexxal 20 * 2 | 41-45 |
Metal-plastic pipe ICMA Pert - AL -Pert 16 * 2 | 62-76 |
Metal-plastic pipe BetaSKIN Comap S. A. (PERT-Al-PE) 16 * 2 | 54-67 |
What pipes to buy for drinking water - see the video:

In building stores, there is a large selection of pipes for drinking water with good passport characteristics - long service life, high strength, low price, but it is not always possible to buy a high-quality product. In order for the water to flow to the taps clean, and the track does not require repair for a long time, pay attention to all the features and current quality standards for such pipes.