The origin of the Maine Coon, character traits, external standard, color, animal care, health, breeding characteristics, advice on the acquisition of kittens. Maine Coons are semi-long-haired cats bred in America. It is one of the largest purebred felines in the world, created for the home. Today, these cats owe their popularity to an extremely unusual appearance: large size, a variety of exclusively decorative colors, and a soft velvet character.
The history of the origin of the representatives of the breed

There are many legends and fabulous secret stories about the origin of Maine Coon cats. One of the versions says that the Queen of France, Marie Antoinette, during the period of the uprising, wanted to leave the country and take with her, in addition to her personal luggage, several beloved Persian cats. The escape was not successful. Like-minded people went on the road without her, but with her pets. This is how the royal cattle came to the United States and became the founders of a new breed. In fact, we cannot say that everything was exactly like that.
The native breed of Maine Coon is over a hundred years old. Appeared in Northeast America, in the state of Maine, at the end of the IIX century. Therefore, the breed received the first part of the name by the name of the area where it developed. The rest, the second part is a lynx, or a raccoon. It is said that her coat is similar to the color of the coat of a raccoon, and the tassels on her ears resemble a lynx.
The ancestors were brought from Europe and on the basis of the breeding of these cats, the Maine Coon was obtained. At the first stage of breeding, these cats were bred for the good of the business. The inhabitants of the farms made a selection, and only crossed the strongest, healthiest, and agile animals with the abilities of hunters. Considering that the breed developed in a harsh northern climate, a wide skeleton and long hairs between the pads on the paws appeared from here. The size is not commensurate with the weight. Males are over 10 kg. One copy, thanks to a weight of 16 kg, was even marked in the Guinness Book of Records.
At the end of the 20th century, the variety migrated to Europe. The first exhibition, at which several Maine Coons were first seen, took place in the winter, in Boston, 1878. The variety immediately attracted the attention of ordinary townspeople and journalists. They wrote articles about them in magazines, where they were called gentle giants. Today, the breed has gained popularity and international recognition and its representatives are very fond of in Russia.
Maine Coon character features

The behavior of these cats is different from all other breeds. The combination of appearance and character will interest any person, both adult and child. Behind such a large, monolithic, formidable appearance, there is a very disposition towards a person. Having met the Maine Coon, you will fall in love with this breed. How does it feel to keep a rather serious animal at home?
First of all, the cat is a companion. He needs the constant presence of the owner. All the time they are near him, no matter what he does: eat lunch, read, do chores around the house, etc. When no one is at home, he waits at the door, and upon arrival he always meets.
They are very affectionate, helpful, intelligent and loyal. Everyone is well treated - children, dogs and other cats. If there are birds in the house, no one will offend them, they can only be watched. Modest and delicate. They will not intrusively let you know what they want. If they are denied, they will take your decision, and will not be offended.
Maine Coon, for the rest of his life, a small child is ready to play, jump, run, so take time for such communication. Toys are absolutely diverse from household items to specialized ones. The animal is very curious. They can check if your food tastes better in your plate. Ask what is on the table or in your bag. Often their long nose leads to little or big trouble.
It is impossible to scold Maine Coons, they have a creamy character. When you look at such a colossus, it will never occur to you that it is a lump of affection and tenderness. Be sure to take time for your cat. Put it on your knees, scratch your tummy and back. He needs such warm, bodily contact with all family members.
Very easy to learn and trainable. They can, like dogs, bring a ball or a stick. Everyone understands without words. They don't talk unnecessarily. Say hello in the morning, and that will be enough. The cat talks more often. She calls her children to eat, teaches cleanliness, scolds. In the pride, they get along well together. There is a hierarchy. The main one is always the queen-cat, the cats-kings gently fade into the background. They are always inferior, even in food, the best piece is for a lady.
Males form up to 5 years. Before the cat is untied, it is written in his eyes - "fool", no matter how formidable and big he looks. After meeting a friend, they mature, become more mature habits, a completely different character. The exterior is changing - the skeleton grows, the head and cheekbones grow larger, the chest expands.
Maine Coon cat external standard

Powerful, elongated body, with large bones, with good muscles fit into a rectangle. The neck is medium, the chest is wide. Long, fluffy tail, the same length as the body. Legs are large, of medium length. There are long tufts of hair between the pads on the round feet.
A well-sculpted head with a strong, steep, massive chin, and a pronounced transition from forehead to muzzle. The ears are large, set high, the bases are widened. The distance between them is no more than one ear. Long tassels at the tips of the auricles. They are not required by the standard, but they are very beautiful.
The eyes are slightly larger than average, rounded-slanting, set wide apart. The color should be in harmony with the coat. Different-eyed animals are allowed. White cats with blue eyes are genetically deaf.
Falling hair, close to the skin, double with a delicate undercoat. Longer on the abdomen, sides, back and collar, shorter in the region of the head and shoulder blades.
Maine Coon color standard

Almost all colors are allowed, in all variations with and without white. Tortoiseshell, chocolate, purple, blue, gold, cinnamon and fawn, as well as sorrel are prohibited. All color-point colors (Siamese) are not allowed.
Maine Coon coat color consists of three parts:
- the main color of the coat (colorless - white, coffee-milk, bright orange, gray-blue, black);
- the presence or absence of a pattern (marble, ticked, brindle);
- the presence or absence of white spots (their location, the vastness of the size).
There are only two basic colors: black and red. White is the absence of hair coloring. Only the female can have a tortoiseshell color; it is not acceptable for males.
Typical drawings of Maine Coons on the head:
- on the forehead the letter M;
- the surface behind the ear is light in color (it is called "thumbprint");
- around the eye sockets and the nose - a dark outline (a kind of makeup);
- dark stripes on the cheeks;
- striped necklace on the chest;
- bracelets on the legs;
- tummy with not large specks, buttons, arranged in rows.
Drawings on the hull must be clear and contrasting.
Typical drawings of Maine Coons on the body:
- marble (stains on the sides are rounded, between the shoulder blades and along the spine there may be a spot in the form of a double or a solid "butterfly");
- brindle (stripes on the sides are solid, vertical (without gaps), along the spine on the back there is a stripe of dark color);
- mackerel (on the sides of the body, vertical stripes are broken by dotted lines, named for a fish with the same color);
- spotted (there are round or slightly elongated spots on the body), regular spotting is a rarity in Maine Coons, often the whole body closer to the tail will be polka dots, and in the head area - mackerel;
- ticked (the end of the hair is much darker).
Maine Coon cat care

- Wool. Has a thick and silky coat. Brush once a week. Combers on a wooden basis (so that the wool does not become electrified), with nickel silver dusting on the teeth, without tips (so as not to pull out the wool). During the period of change of coat, comb out more often. For everyday care, they are bathed every two seasons or combed out with dry shampoo. They teach the procedure from childhood. It is difficult to wash only non-neutered Maine Coon males. Their specific tail, on which the sebaceous gland is located, requires special care. From it, a secret is released on the back and on the base of the tail, quickly soiling the hair in these places. If the cat is not a producer, it is spayed. After castration, there are no such problems. For show preparation, wash is specific. First, a special paste is applied to the wool, leaving it for a few minutes - it is washed off. Then, degreasing gel, texturizing shampoos. All this is washed out several times. It is combed with a brush-polish during drying with a hairdryer in the direction of hair growth. The procedure is completed by applying a textureizer - a special conditioner. Then your animal will have a coat with falling, shiny hair.
- Ears. Maine Coon's ears do not require special care, but in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, you need to regularly examine them. Clean the ear cavities with special napkins once a month.
- Claws. You can cut, or you can leave everything as it is. To prevent the Maine Coon from spoiling your upholstered furniture, you need a special claw cage. If you can't get one at the pet store, do it yourself. To do this, you will need a sturdy piece of wood wrapped with a thick canvas rope. It is advisable to have such a simulator from childhood a kitten.
- Feeding. Since Maine Coons are large animals, they eat a lot. If the diet is natural, then it should be in a ratio of 80% meat and 20% fiber. Additionally, you can give offal: lungs, hearts, liver. Some boiled vegetables. Be sure to enrich food with vitamins and minerals. Since the animal has a strong skeleton, and a rapid set of muscle mass, during growth and development, for bone health, they provide calcium and glucosamine. Of course, it is better to feed such animals with professional feed. Everything has already been selected in the right ratio. Sometimes the animal needs to be pampered with "snacks" from pet stores: fortified pads and bones. Regularly carry out deworming - once every three months and a week before vaccination.
- Walking. If you want to walk with your Maine Coon cat on the street, without stress for him, teach him to do this from childhood. You need to get a walking leash with a soft leather harness. Carry out the animal for a few minutes at first, gradually increasing the walking time. So the cat or cat will get used to the street, and you can take your furry friend everywhere with you if necessary. Having such a formidable and imposing appearance, you will walk with the kun as if with a personal guard. Who does not know the peculiarities of the warm disposition of a cat is unlikely to want to deal with him.
Breed health

Maine Coons are natives, so there are no particular health problems. These cats, like all large pets, are very important to raise properly, with particular attention to bone health. Correct, balanced nutrition with vitamins and minerals is the key to good health. Overfeeding is in no way possible, from excess weight - joints suffer.
Males are unassuming and more modest, yield to any tidbit. Cats know that they have kittens, they need to survive and feed their offspring, and without a twinge of conscience eat the assigned food. Therefore, cats in the cattery, in order to avoid their deplorable state, must be fed separately from the whole pride. They do not like drafts.
The only, but rare, inherited disease in this breed is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - heart disease. Such animals are under constant supervision by a veterinarian, and are not bred. In carriers, death can occur very suddenly.
And in general, according to the reviews of practicing veterinarians, this cat breed can be attributed to breeds that do not have any special health problems (with the exception of the above), have good immunity and are able to successfully resist the most common feline ailments. The most important thing is that the living conditions, feeding and caring for the Maine Coon are at their best. But it depends entirely on you, dear owners, and on your love and care.
Tips for buying Maine Coon kittens

First, decide if you can make the appropriate time for this breed. Maine Coons eat a lot and take up a lot of space in the apartment. Therefore, if you have a lack of living space, and you cannot provide adequate nutrition for your cat, it is better to postpone its acquisition until better times.
Well, if everything is in order, then contact the officially registered nurseries. There are many philological systems, they are different. Never try to buy a "canary for a penny." Sleek, exterior animal is not cheap. People who are professionally engaged in breeding purebred cats should have everything at the highest level.
It is necessary to communicate with the breeder, explaining what you want. One should always look at the producers, the general condition of the animals in the nursery. Conditions of detention - cleanliness, places to rest, feeding, access to water, toys. How Maine Coons are kept: in a cage or home love. If you are not shown anyone, and nothing, then it is very strange - do not deal with this owner. The breeder helps, and prompts in everything, with the choice of a veterinarian, the organization of space for a kitten's life - this is a lifelong online guide. You can contact on any question and get advice.
The choice of a kitten is, first of all, the type, and the color, as luck would have it. To choose a beautiful exterior animal, you need to pay attention to some parameters. Ears - the longer the tassels, the better. The limbs must be strong and powerful. Muzzle - the transition from the forehead to the nose in the shape. The chin is large, eye-catching. Each cub has its own character: cowardly, brave, loving, impudent, lazy. Playful and funny everyone. They suck any mother, if only there was a nursing cat.
Kittens are given after three months with double vaccination. Previously, you should not do this - it is dangerous for the health of kittens. The cost in each nursery is different. Depends on the exterior and what you need the animal for. Breeding kittens are always much more expensive. In general, everything is decided individually. The owner can also give up a certain amount of money. The total price varies from 7000 rubles to 50 thousand rubles (if in Ukraine, then from 1000 hryvnia to 15 thousand hryvnia).
If you stick to these recommendations, you will be successful. A healthy, beautiful animal will become your friend, and will deliver many unforgettable moments of joy and happiness.
Description of the Maine Coon breed in this video:
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