Persian cat

Persian cat
Persian cat

The origin of the breed, the standard of the appearance of the Persian cat, character, description of health. Care tips, selection features and the price of kittens. The Persian cat, or, as it is more commonly called in everyday life, the Persian, is perhaps one of the most famous and most widespread breeds of long-haired cats. Who does not know these magnificent animals with beautiful long fur of all kinds of colors, with a wide-cheeked muzzle, with attentive eyes and the ever-frowning look of a spoiled oriental beauty. Persian cats have long and irrevocably conquered the world of cat lovers, conquering it without unnecessary fuss, in an oriental way slowly and majestically, forever settling in the hearts of people who have learned the affectionate nature of these pets.

Origin of the Persian breed

Persian cat
Persian cat

The roots of the origin of Persian cats go back to the hoary antiquity. So ancient that in Persia (now it is the state of Iran) a legend was even made that as if this cat was created in time immemorial by one old sorcerer from the radiance of the stars, a sheaf of sparks and curls of fire smoke. However, in the East they love poetic legends, fairy tales and traditions. "East is a delicate matter".

The real history of this long-haired breed is somewhat different, although also somewhat mysterious. And this story nevertheless begins in Persia, from where in 1620 the Italian writer and traveler Pietro della Valle managed to deliver the first fluffy strangers of a dense physique to Italy (there is an opinion that the Persians owe their stocky physique to the genes of the wild cat manulu - felis manul).

A little later, but no less fluffy cats from Angora (present-day Ankara, Turkey) were brought to France. They were brought by the French scientist Nicola-Claude Fabri, seigneur de Peiresc, literally captivated by the beauty of the fur and the sophistication of these feline creatures.

The scientist's passion for an unusual breed was supported by the famous cat lover, the famous Cardinal de Richelieu. It was his influential support that helped the longhaired oriental cats gain popularity at the royal court and in the aristocratic circles of France. True, the cats, already deliberately delivered from the East (from Turkey, Afghanistan or Persia) to the French kingdom, were not called Persian at all, but unambiguously - Angora. But in England, and at all - French (because they were brought directly from France).

Despite the fact that the British met with oriental beauties much later than other Europeans, it was in Great Britain that these two varieties received their final separate selection development. And, accordingly, the names are Angora and Persian (however, it was called French for quite a long time).

In 1887, the Persian Longhair cat was one of the first officially registered in Great Britain as an independent longhaired cat breed. From that moment on, the history of the Persians takes a new countdown - the breed is gaining frenzied popularity and new directions of development. And if at the initial stage the greatest recognition was received by a Persian with a blue fur color, then over time, breeders managed to get Persians with wool of white, black, red, tortoiseshell colors and all kinds of their variations. The development of oriental fluffy cats was gaining momentum.

At the end of the 19th century, the Persians were brought to the New World, where they immediately won the hearts of Americans. But Americans would not be Americans if they did not change the "British" standards of the Persian breed to their own - "American". US breeders had their own vision of what these shaggy animals should be like. The result of their breeding experiments was a cat with a slightly different appearance, seriously unlike the one imported from Britain. The physique has become more massive, and the muzzle is flatter, with a very short nose and wide-set eyes. The newly minted American Persian has problems with bite of teeth, breathing and others. However, American Persians quickly gained widespread acceptance. And it was this type of animal that gained the most popularity in the United States, although it caused criticism from veterinarians.

Thus, two parallel developing types of Persian cats were created and still exist - the traditionally classic British type and the extreme American type. The development of the breed continues. The Persian cat itself (in all variants) served as the basis for the creation of many modern breeds, and is also actively used in breeding to increase the wooliness or orientality of the type of other cat breeds.

External standard for cats of the Persian breed

Red Persian
Red Persian

The Persian cat is an excellently built animal, usually of medium size, with a strong bone and rather developed muscles. The maximum body weight of an adult animal is up to 7 kg in the male, and up to 5 kg in the female.

  • Head Persian is rather massive, with a flat skull shape, with wide cheekbones, with a small, short, wide and slightly flattened nose (nose standards differ in different felinological associations). The chin of the animal is strong, round-wide.
  • Medium neck (sometimes short), strong, able to securely hold a large head. Ears of a small Persian cat, set low, with rounded tips, with a wide set.
  • Big eyes, round or slightly oval, set wide apart. The color of the eyes should be in harmony with the nuances of the color of the fur. So, green eyes should be in cats with a complex color, for example, a shaded silver or golden chinchilla. And yellow eyes (all shades) are good for cats with a simple color - white, black, red or silver tabby. Blue eyes are probably the most common, found in most animals of a wide variety of colors.
  • Body type Persians - from medium to large. The body is dense, wide, short, with well-developed shoulders and a broad chest. The back line is straight. The limbs are short and strong. The legs are neat and round. The paw pads are color-matched to the color standards. The tail is short, medium in thickness, richly covered with fur.
  • Wool Persian cat is magnificent - very thick, long, straight, not close to the body, soft, silky, with a dense undercoat and a rich "collar" framing the neck.

Currently, the Persian breed has two main branches of development - the American extreme and the more traditional European. Each of these areas has its own nuances of appearance and features of standards for assessment.

  1. Extreme American type - the animal is more massive, with a flatter head and wide cheekbones, with a wide flattened nose, with an imperfect bite of the teeth.
  2. Traditional classic (European) type - all the most characteristic features of the Persian have been preserved, any changes are not welcome.

Hair colors of Persian cats have now been bred such an insanely huge number that even specialists on Persians sometimes get lost among this variety (at the moment, more than 100 variations of fur color are described by standards).

The main types of coat color: white, black, blue, chocolate, lilac, red (or red), cream. And also variations: tortoiseshell, marble, spotted, shaded, brindle, main color with white, silver, golden, chinchilla of all stripes, harlequin of all colors and color-point. And all this multifaceted palette is mixed with each other, like in a mixer. An ordinary person not only cannot understand, but even all combinations cannot be learned. But the breeders say that this is not the limit, and they promise to please the fans of the Persians with something new and unusual.

Persian character

Persian cat is sleeping
Persian cat is sleeping

Persian cats are moderately agile, playful, affectionate and not too annoying creatures. With their humble courtesy and polite dignity, they attract many animal lovers.

Peaches are quite independent, but they do not seek to change the rules set by the owner. It is more important for them that these rules are respected by all family members and other animals living in the house without exception. If this is not the case, then they are very upset and are able to fall into depression, not understanding why there are some laws for them, and for others - different. But the Persians' depression does not last long and they quickly forget their grievances, without even trying to take revenge.

Persians are unique - they are very talented and oriental wise. Studying with them and learning something is a pleasure, they think so quickly. That is why it is not difficult to accustom a Persian to the tray or the rules of behavior, even at a very young age. He catches everything on the fly.

Some slowness and not particularly energetic character of Persian cats sometimes misleads people. Some believe that these animals are too quiet and submissive. But this is not the case. It's just that these owners did not have to see a truly raging Persian, frightened by a dog or severely offended. He is strong and intelligent enough to find a way to stand up for himself. It's just that he is always calm and restrained, not allowing himself such behavior without a good reason. And this is its beauty.

This cat's voice is quiet, but not wordless. Persians love to communicate, but quietly and not intrusively, only so that their beloved master hears and understands what was said. Even during the mating season, Persian cats will not yell good obscenities at the whole district. For this they are too modest and cultured. It is much more pleasant for them to sing the eternal feline purring song on the lap of the owner than to bliss on a tree.

Despite their slightly frowned appearance, these are very friendly and gentle animals, completely devoid of irritability and minimal aggression. Even domestic mice and hamsters living in the house can be calm, they will not interest your furry pet as a dinner at all. And in general, a lot of positive and benevolent pacifying energy emanates from this warm and soft cat.

The favorite place of Persian cats is an easy chair or sofa. And if this is not nearby, then they are great lovers of climbing somewhere higher in order to contemplate all your movements from there, especially controlling trips to the kitchen, because so much delicious is stored there.

Persians never mind eating something tasty and nutritious. Therefore, there are a lot of fat people among them. Sometimes this turns into real health problems. Try to control your pet's food by avoiding overeating.

A Persian cat or cat is an excellent domestic creature, peaceful, sociable, able to slowly and delicately build wonderful relationships with all family members, charm everyone with its fluffy warmth, warm with its cute character.

Persian cat health

Persian external standard
Persian external standard

In general, the Persians are considered animals quite strong, but possessing a large bouquet of hereditary predispositions (which are not always realized in life).

Thus, veterinarians noted an increased incidence of polycystic kidney disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (the scourge of many feline breeds). Also, Persians often suffer from early blindness, which manifests itself already in kittens four weeks of age. There is a tendency to the formation of tartar and gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) with all the ensuing problems, if started. Increased lacrimation also requires attention and timely care.

And of course, the famous breathing problems and often - with a bite. This is especially true for the American branch of the Persians with a flatter muzzle. Breeders and breeders are constantly working on this, but so far these problems have not been resolved.

But even with so many possible health problems, the lifespan of peach cats (with careful care) is not bad at all - 15–20 years.

Persian cat grooming tips

Persian cat in her arms
Persian cat in her arms

The remarkable thick fur coat of the Persian cat requires the most attention to itself - this is the visiting card of the animal, and let this business go by itself. And if you do not want your apartment to turn into a warehouse of hairballs, you will have to deal with your pet's fur coat regularly (at least twice a week, and even more often during periods of seasonal molting).

Yes, and the very care of the fur of these fluffies is a whole art that requires knowledge of the sequence of manipulations and a whole arsenal of tools and special cosmetics (conditioners for wool and antistatic sprays). Even the most elementary combing of wool is done in several stages and with different brushes / combs (let alone preparation for the exhibition). But such is the share of the owners of this breed. We'll have to work hard.

The situation is similar with bathing. Persians do not like to swim, so it is necessary to accustom them to the necessary water procedures from a young age. As for the frequency of bathing, there is no consensus among the owners. So, you will have to solve this issue yourself.

It is also a good idea to spray a little citric acid solution on the fur of a Persian cat every day - this gives the coat a shine. Sometimes talcum powder is applied to their fur coat, it protects the hairs from tangling into tangles.

It is necessary to regularly examine the condition of the cavity of the mouth, teeth and gums of your pet, and if necessary, take urgent measures.

Occasionally, the Persian needs to trim the claws with the help of a special tool - a claw cutter, which allows you to painlessly cope with this not very pleasant procedure.

And one more issue that cannot be ignored is nutrition. Persians are famous gluttons and, with the connivance of their owners, suffer from obesity. Therefore, the most profitable and convenient option for organizing their nutrition is feeding with industrial fodder with the most balanced elements. It is optimal to feed an adult cat no more than 2 times a day (morning and evening) according to the norms indicated in the manufacturer's instructions.

Offspring of persian cats

Persian kittens
Persian kittens

The puberty of Persian cats occurs at the age of 2 years. And this is the optimal time for the first mating.

Pregnancy (64–72 days), these cats tolerate well, easily and without pathologies giving birth from 4 to 6 kittens. Unfortunately, kittens are often struck by progressive blindness, which veterinarians are not always able to cope with. Persian mothers are the best cat mothers in the world. Any Persian kitten will confirm this to you. During the "kindergarten" period, the mother-cat belongs entirely to the kittens, giving them all her time and trying to teach them everything that a real cat-Persian should know.

Price when buying a kitten of the Persian breed

Ash-colored Persian cat
Ash-colored Persian cat

The days when Persian cats were rare are long gone. Now these animals are almost the most common in the world. Naturally, the price for them is quite low and affordable for almost any buyer, with any level of income.

Usually in Russia, the Persians are sold at a price of 1,500 rubles. If you wish, you can, without any problems, find a kitten for a lower price. It all depends on his pedigree, color, sex and stature.

So, buy "peaches" and please your children with communication with these amazing animals and enjoy yourself.

Description of the Persian cat breed in this video:

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