Don Sphynx: growing at home

Don Sphynx: growing at home
Don Sphynx: growing at home

The history of the origin of the Don Sphinx, features of character and external standard, care and health. The nuances of purchasing kittens and their price when buying. The Don Sphynx breed was bred in the Russian open spaces. The one who came up with the expression: "Everyone has their own beauty!" - this animal was a pet. At first glance, evaluating the exotic, you might think that you have landed on another planet or ended up in a colony of nudist cats, because this is a hairless breed. They feel like a warm suede heating pad. Some kittens are born completely naked, others with hair, which then falls out. Some people are afraid of them, or vice versa, they consider them divinely beautiful. The opinion is twofold, there is practically no middle one.

The history of the origin of the Don Sphinx

The appearance of the Don Sphinx
The appearance of the Don Sphinx

The animals do not have a nationality and registration, nevertheless, I would like to call many of them fellow countrymen, because they live and are bred by breeders of Russia. The Don Sphynx is a fairly young variety of cats, devoid of hair. Their skin is warm and soft to the touch. Like people, they need protection from direct sunlight and warm clothing in the autumn-winter season. If you like dressing up animals, this breed is for you.

The Don Sphynx looks like it just came from New Mexico. There are people who think that these cats look like aliens and came to us from other planets. In fact, the breed appeared on the Don River, in southeastern Russia, in 1987. A natural mutation occurred, as a result of which, a cat appeared completely devoid of hair and there was no infusion of blood from other breeds of sphinxes.

On a cold February day, a compassionate woman rescued a kitten who was being bullied by cruel children. After that, the unfortunate kitten began to molt rapidly. They tried to treat him, but nothing helped, and the savior attributed it to stress. The kitten grew up and turned into a bald, healthy cat named Barbara.

She had "love" with the most ordinary cat, and subsequently unusual kittens were born. Some were born completely naked, others with a slight coat, which later fell out. Later, the breeders realized that they were dealing with something new.

The cat Barbara and her daughter Chita became the ancestors of the breed. The Don Sphynxes received official recognition only in 1996. At the same time, the standard for these cats was approved. This breed is gaining popularity and becomes known only in Russia, but also abroad.

The gene that is responsible for the hairlessness of the Don Sphynx turned out to be dominant. With any crossing, it manifests itself in the offspring very quickly. If the Canadian Sphynx has this gene recessive, and for the appearance of hairless offspring, it is required that both the father and the mother have it, then the Don Sphynx has exactly the opposite.

The Don cat has a number of characteristics that distinguish it from an ordinary Sphynx. The skin of this animal is very elastic, with obvious wrinkles in the neck, jaw and chin. All Don owners will say with one voice that the more wrinkles, the better.

This species has long, thin fingers, separated by membranes. The webbing, along with the lack of hair, gives the paws a striking appearance. These are small, but far from fragile cats. They are muscular and with strong bones. Some people have the misconception that cats accumulate fat in the belly area to keep warm during the winter season. The point here is completely different. Experts believe that animals are like that by nature. They have a pear-shaped body, which is combined with a lack of hair.

Many people mistakenly believe that these animals are from Egypt. The delusion is easy to explain. Sphinx, guardian of the pyramids in the city of Giza. The lying, bald cat with its appearance resembled an amazing creature from ancient Egyptian myths, and the name turned out to be very sonorous. It is this word that is present in the name of the breed.

There is another misconception among people that people are not allergic to animals without hair. Experts say that if a cat does not have hair, it does not mean that it will not cause an effect on the body. Allergy is the reaction of the human body to the protein in the saliva and the sebaceous glands on the cat's body.

When they first see these cats, they cause an ambiguous impression. Many at first consider them just disgusting, but then they are crazy about them. Everyone is surprised: “I've never seen a cat without hair!”, “Skin like a frog!”, “She even has wrinkled legs!”. And what are these cats in terms of their manifestations of character?

Characteristic features of the behavior of the Don Sphinx

Don Sphynx and a dog
Don Sphynx and a dog

In the manner of their actions, the Don Sphynxes resemble: monkeys, dogs, or even small children, and all in one bottle. Very sociable and contact animals. They perfectly understand a person, and have their own approach to each. Ordinary minke whales behave like cats, walking on their own - obey only their desire. This does not apply to the Don Sphynx.

He adjusts to the order established in the family. Participates in all the planned affairs of the so-called "flock": repairs in the house, cleaning the apartment, washing dishes. Likes to be in the spotlight. Differs in sociability. Don Sphynx cats are active and playful cats that make great friends.

The Dons are not aggressive at all. Of course, they will not allow themselves to be offended, but to just bite, scratch the owner or his family members - this has never happened. One of the breeds, which is characterized by the absence of rancor and resentment.

Since the Don Sphynxes are devoid of wool, they love to sit in the arms of their owners. And in general they are looking for warm places in the house: near the radiator, stove, heater, on a sunny windowsill, higher on warm sofas.

When you pet a cat, you experience a pleasant and strange sensation, as if touching a hot suede. It relieves stressful depressive conditions very well. This is how the Don pets treat their pets.

Don Sphynxes do not like loneliness. The owners do not know what the cats are doing when they are not at home, but they know for sure that they are waiting for them. Upon arrival, be sure to give your beloved "bald man" at least a little of your personal time.

Let it not seem strange, but the owners of the Don Sphynxes are in some unusual way similar to their pets - if not externally, then in character. These people are completely different, each with their own profession and character traits, but they are united by sometimes a fanatical love for the breed. In the house of the owners of the Don pets, no other type of cats will definitely appear.

The external standard of the Don Sphinx

Don Sphynx cat
Don Sphynx cat
  • Body. Of medium length, pear-shaped, strong and muscular. Thick with a wide rump and hot to the touch.
  • Extremities. High, hind legs, as a rule, higher than the front. The paws are oval, with elongated toes, between which there are membranes.
  • Tail at the Don Sphinxes. Long and straight.
  • Head. Wedge-shaped. The muzzle is of medium length. There is a flat forehead with many folds. Full chin.
  • Nose. Has a pronounced appearance with a smooth transition to the forehead, located at the level of the chin.
  • Eyes. Large, expressive and almond-shaped, ajar. The upper edge of the eye is higher than the lower edge, set obliquely.
  • Ears. Set high and straight, wide at the base, continuing the line of the cheeks.
  • Wool and color. Don Sphynxes are not always completely naked. This is not considered a deviation, but a breed variant. The variety has a different quality of the skin: naked, take (animals with hard or soft, curly or short hair). There are several acceptable intermediate variations: velor and flock.

All brushes with age, as a rule, up to two years old, undress - lose their hair. A small amount of hair may remain on the ends of the legs, muzzle, and tail. Depending on the season and weather conditions, they grow or shed their hair. In brushes, a thin fluff appears in the summer, which apparently protects from the harmful effects of sunlight.

When completely bald Don Sphynxes are in the sun for a long time, their skin tans. If you stretch it, then it is inside, between the folds - white, and outside - brown. In winter, they, like people, wash off tanning. Numerous folds should pass all over the body of the Don Sphynx - the more, the better. Most of them are concentrated in the area on the neck, forehead, muzzle, groin area. The mustache and eyebrows of Sphynxes are thick and wrinkled, can be broken off shortly.

The colors are very diverse and there are practically no restrictions: white with black and blue spots, blue tabby, cream, tortoiseshell, color-point. Only chocolate and purple are not allowed.

Absolutely clean, folded skin is the strength of the breed. Only individuals with an absolute absence of hair are allowed to an exhibition career.

Animal care

Don Sphynx sleeps
Don Sphynx sleeps

If you want to have a cat different from others, you should know how to take care of Don Sphynxes. These cats actually require grooming.

  1. Wool. Due to the lack of wool, the Don Sphynxes need protection from the sun in summer, and warm clothes in winter. In the summertime, direct sunlight on the animal's skin can cause sunburn, so they need sunscreen. In winter, so that cats do not catch a cold, they need to be dressed in warm sweaters, preferably made of natural wool. The Don Sphynx does not lick itself as often as other cats - there is nothing to lick. Therefore, already on the 12th day of age, acne may appear on the skin of the animal. If they do not have a coat, this does not mean that they do not need water treatments. Fats on the surface of the skin accumulate a lot of dirt. The more often you bathe the Don, the better. This should be done with a washcloth and a special shampoo in warm water.
  2. Eyes, ears, claws. Since cats of this breed do not have cilia on the eyelids, dusty particles accumulate in the eyes faster, and to avoid problems, you need to systematically wipe them with cotton pads. In addition, you need to clean: nose, ears, claws - dirt collects there too. You can give the animal a special claw. The Don Sphynx will clean and grind down the claws at the same time.
  3. Teeth. Are prone to tartar formation, tooth decay and gum problems. Careful oral care is desirable. Representatives of the breed need to regularly brush their teeth with pastes purchased from veterinary pharmacies. You need to give something solid and edible to nibble. These can be special sweets for removing plaque from professional manufacturers. This should be done systematically, otherwise the animal will have big problems, and you will have a headache!
  4. Feeding. Don Sphynxes are quite voracious animals. Since they do not have a coat, they need energy to heat their bodies, and not only. They are not picky about food - everything that is given to them goes into food. Many owners of these cats remain adherents of professional dry food. They believe that it is very difficult to take into account all the needs of this or that animal and it is difficult to properly organize natural feeding. Well, in general, this is a personal matter for each breeder, what kind of diet your pet will have.
  5. Walking. Don Sphynxes are very domestic animals, and therefore do not require walking. You just need to purchase a carrier in order to bring the bald person to the veterinary clinic for an elementary routine vaccination.

Health of Don Sphynx cats

Don Sphinx sits
Don Sphinx sits

Since the Don Sphynx is not an artificially bred breed, their health and immune system are quite strong. With everyday care, good nutrition, they practically do not get sick and live for a long time.

The females of the Don Sphynx have inherited excellent generic activity, and the presence of a person during this process is not necessary. The males of the Don Sphynx are very temperamental. Therefore, if you do not plan to acquire a cat for scheduled mating, then it is better to castrate it. Otherwise, you cannot avoid troubles, for example: regularly clean the apartment from smelly macho marks.

Don cats do not have hereditary diseases of a genetic nature. Their body temperature is four degrees higher than that of most cat breeds. In our harsh climate it is better to dress bald sphinxes in winter in warm clothes made of natural materials so as not to catch a cold.

Don Sphynx kittens, the nuances of the acquisition and the price

Don Sphynx kittens
Don Sphynx kittens

In pursuit of exotic things, it is not necessary to cross the ocean, there are domestic nurseries of incredible Don Sphynxes. After all, the breed was bred in Russia, and therefore the best specimens of these cats are located in our country.

It is a hairless breed, so it should be noted that it is very comfortable. You will not often clean your home and clean cat hair from furniture. The breed was formed by the method of natural selection and, therefore, has good health and good immunity. Spending on veterinary services will be minimal, only for routine vaccinations, antihelminthic procedures, and in emergencies.

Cats tolerate pregnancy well and give birth on their own. Kittens on the third or fourth day open their eyes, and some are born almost open. Each kitten-child has its own character traits: affectionate and gentle, soft, kind, docile, reactive, someone is a playful bandit. But there is one feature inherent in everyone, due to the fact that they are naked, love human warmth and are always there.

The cubs are independent, they are insanely interested in everything, they like to communicate with the owners. The boys are very playful, sometimes even too much, all the time in motion, jumping, running. After a hearty meal, they always sleep sweetly with the whole pride - closer to the battery. The temperature of the Don Sphinxes is 42 degrees all year round, despite this, they are always looking for warm places.

You need to choose a kitten of the Don Sphynx breed according to the following parameters:

  • the body is pear-shaped, larger to the croup;
  • legs are long, proportional to the body;
  • wedge-shaped head with flat forehead;
  • large ears are like a continuation of the head;
  • nose that stands out with a smooth transition;
  • the muzzle is rounded with a moderately developed chin;
  • the eyes are large, not wide open, almond-shaped, the upper eyelid is higher than the lower;
  • the tail is straight, long;
  • only completely naked Don Sphynxes are suitable for an exhibition career;
  • skin with a lot of folds in the area: muzzle, armpits and groin area.

A decent breeder will not give up a kitten before two or even three months. While the Don children live in the pride, they learn and adapt to the environment. In addition, the kid must be completely vaccinated and swallowed. As for the character and gender of the Don Sphinx, it's up to you to decide.

Kitten prices: from 6,650 to 40,000 rubles ($ 100 - $ 599). The variation of prices, as always, depends on the exterior, sex of the animal, with the documents of the KSU you want to purchase the Don Sphynx, or without documents. For breeding, or just for your own pleasure, female or male. There are animals with obvious culls, they are always much cheaper.

So, if you are ready to get a Don Sphynx, then let us remind you once again about the exceptional features of the breed:

  • generally healthy, but requires frequent grooming;
  • no need to look at the lack of wool, they still need bathing;
  • is an interesting addition to most families.

You will learn more informative information about the Don Sphynxes from this video:

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