Cat breed Mekong Bobtail

Cat breed Mekong Bobtail
Cat breed Mekong Bobtail

The history of the origin of the Mekong Bobtail, the characteristic features of behavior, the external standard of cats, the care of the animal and its health. The nuances of purchasing kittens and the purchase price. Mekong Bobtails, bred in Southeast Asia, are distinguished from other cat breeds by a high degree of intelligence, and a short, kinked tail. Among the breeders of this breed, people with a soft heart and a kind soul are noted. The Mekong himself teaches them to order and decency, points out flaws in behavior and home. Bobtails are both nannies and feline dogs. And if the cat is really smart, then a short tail is a virtue!

The origin story of the Mekong Bobtail

Mekong Bobtail sitting
Mekong Bobtail sitting

The Mekong Bobtail breed appeared a very long time ago, it is extremely difficult to indicate the exact date of its appearance. These animals come from the banks of the Mekong River. Even Charles Darwin, during his travels to Indochina, wrote that the cats of Southeast Asia almost without exception have a shortened, broken tail. It was believed that these were royal cats. Mekong princesses, while bathing, strung their jewelry on the broken tails of cats so as not to lose. Bobtails accompanied the royals on their walks. They guarded the treasures of ancient temples. The Mekongs were considered a national treasure, and they were not allowed to be exported abroad. For the first time, the future ancestors of the line were exported as gifts to dignitaries from India, Burma, Laos, Cambodia, China, Iran, and Southeast Asia.

Mekongs are often called tailless cats, but these animals still have a tail. The color point color of these amazing cats resembles the color of the Siamese representatives of the old type. Often because of this, bobtail cats are called Thai cats, but there is a very significant difference between them - Siamese and Thais do not have such a wonderful short broken tail that decorates and makes the Mekong stand out, making it unique. Each cat has its own special tail that does not repeat itself, like human fingerprints.

At the show championships, there were sometimes funny moments when some visitors asked a question to the breeders of the breed: "At what age do you cut off the tails of cats?" And when they explained that it was their natural exterior, they answered: "Come on, enough that I don't see!"

The Mekong bobtails have one feature, more than once, and not two that saved their lives - the skin stretching all over the body. There are countless venomous snakes and insects in the Thai wild. Due to the peculiarity of the skin, Mekong Bobtails managed to survive even after a serious poisonous bite. When bitten by a snake or insect, the poison does not immediately enter the bloodstream, but lingers under the skin for some time. Since the main blood vessels are still contained in the muscles, while the poison reached the muscle tissues of the cat, the Mekong managed to heal itself a little and avoid death.

The Mekong Bobtail is a rather rare, ancient, but at the same time young breed. She's only a few years old. All over the world, there are no more than four hundred cats of this amazing breed. Felinologists from the Russian city of St. Petersburg actually only recently started breeding cats of this species in earnest.

The Mekong Bobtail is an open breed, that is, if the animal fits the standard of the species, then it can receive a documented pedigree. Now these cats are treated as a more famous breed, but you will not see them at every exhibition. If at the demonstration championship you were lucky enough to meet at least two individuals of this breed, then consider that you are very lucky, and now you know who the Mekong Bobtails are.

The representative of the Mekong cat breed has: a medium-sized body, moderately elongated, medium-height paws, a short tail, a completely flat head (like a lizard), a Roman profile (nose with a hump), a strong chin, large ears, oval blue eyes.

The whole cat consists of ovals: muzzle, eyes, paws. The tail goes with the first incorrectness at the base, and then it twists. Has an acromelonic color - the color fusion to the limbs.

When some people say that Siamese cats are angry and unpredictable, then these people have never seen a real oriental cat. If a cat is really smart, then a short tail is a virtue!

Characteristic features of the behavior of felines of the Mekong breed

Mekong Bobtail on the piano
Mekong Bobtail on the piano

The Mekong Bobtail is not an animal, but a little man. He behaves accordingly and understands everything. If you give him love, then the return is incalculable. At the genetic level, the animal is not tied to the house, but to the owner. Wherever you are, he is always with you. The Mekongs are insanely loyal friends, neat and tidy. And those heavenly deep eyes that express everything! Looking at them, you can understand what the animals are thinking. This cat never takes its eyes off you, even if you look into its eyes for hours.

Representatives of this breed do not completely hide the claws on their hind legs. When Mekong bobtails walk around the apartment, they clatter their claws on the floor like dogs. Canine features are also noted in the behavior of cats of this species. The animals are guarding the house, growling when the bell rings at the front door. They run to check who has come, carefully sniff, and make their decision to let or not let a person into the house.

The breed is advised to be acquired by people who need communication. This is a cat that will talk to you with different intonations of the voice. They do not meow, but make characteristic sounds. It is imperative to talk with them. If you ask a question, be sure to receive an immediate response with comments. When there is a mess in the apartment, they will come and tell you what and where is wrong.

Cats are calmer representatives of the Mekong Bobtail breed. Therefore, they are very good at relieving stress. Cats are more mobile and sociable. It is great to start a female for those who are not very economic, because she will always point out flaws in the house. Will stand next to the dishes that have not been washed and meow loudly - the hostess clean up!

The cat is a real woman, has its own character. This is the mistress of the house. He always comes up with something new. Constantly requires attention from others. One breeder noted that the Mekongsha cleaned things in the apartment for her children. She accompanied the older child to school, and checked everything that was in the portfolio, the main thing was that there was breakfast. The youngest girl was sent to the garden. Controlled whether mom feeds them properly. Smiling, the owner of the cat said: "I'm afraid that my place will soon be taken by a murka!" Another breeder said that his six-month-old cat was cleaning up toys for his daughter, and, moreover, dragging a teddy bear into the box, into place, twice its size!

The character of the male Mekongs is very peculiar. Cats, as a rule, are calm - felt boots. Small children play with them like dolls: they wrap them in swaddling clothes, tie bows and carry them in baby carriages. Cats react calmly to such bullying. One of the housewives of the cat named Suitcase, explained: "They called him that because where you put it, there it lies - only the handle is missing."

Mekong Bobtails are loyal, well-trained. They are more like dogs in behavior. They get used to the owner and accompany him in all matters. They can bring various items: a ball, a toy, slippers. They walk calmly on a leash. These are affectionate animals, they love to be stroked and pay attention to them.

Mekongs are very curious, with a strong hunter instinct. They watch and hunt literally everything that moves - even flies. At the dacha they like to catch and devour grasshoppers and butterflies, this is a delicacy for them. As for mice, rats and lizards on the site, they will not be - that's for sure.

In order to avoid tragedy, it is better not to keep birds and fish in the house. Mekong Bobtails with dogs, and other felines get along well. Animals that live together, in order to avoid infection from each other with various diseases, need to be vaccinated and carried out antihelminthic procedures.

In the pride of the Mekong bobtails, a pronounced matriarchy. Cats have their own characteristics in their behavior: they take care of their lady, sing arias, purr, never leave marks in the corners. When a cat is taken away from mating for several days, they call her and cry. During pregnancy, the Mekongsha lady leads like a real woman, indulging in whims and pranks. As soon as they give birth to babies, they become caring mothers. The female Mekong Bobtail is a breadwinner and breadwinner. The father takes care of the upbringing of the children, at the same time, he receives a slap in the face from his wife if something is wrong. He licks the kittens, teaches them to be neat and toilet.

External standard of Mekong bobtail

Mekong Bobtail lies
Mekong Bobtail lies
  • Body. Like a brick with dense muscles. The body is moderately stretched.
  • Extremities. Strong, medium length, round legs.
  • Tail. Short, with the first incorrectness at the base, and then it is twisted. The hair of the Mekong Bobtail grows in different directions on the tail. Consists of kinks and knots. Ideally, the length should be no more than a quarter of the body.
  • Head. In proportion to the body, moderately wedge-shaped, flat. The muzzle is oval, with a strong chin.
  • Nose. With a hump - a Roman profile.
  • Eyes. Slanting, wide open, round-elongated. The color in representatives of the Mekong Bobtail breeds is recognized only as blue, of varying intensity.
  • Ears. Large, set wide apart, wide at the base.
  • Wool and color. Shorthaired, with a poorly developed undercoat. The hairline is close to the body, silky.

All cats of the Mekong Bobtail breed have an acromelonic color - this is a fusion of color to the limbs.

The color is divided into several types:

  • seal-point, on the ends of the legs, tail, and muzzle black-brown color, the main coat is milk-cream;
  • red-point, white-peach color all over the coat, all limbs, tail, and muzzle are fiery red, very rare color;
  • tortie-point, tortie - only cats can be of this color;
  • blue-point, incredible central shade - silver, paws, muzzle, tail - pink-bluish;
  • chocolite-point, on the ends of the legs, tail, and muzzle - chocolate color, the main coat is white-cream;
  • tabby-point, color white or slightly tinted tabby stripes, marked on the forehead with the letter M.

Mekong Bobtail Care

Mekong Bobtail in bow tie
Mekong Bobtail in bow tie
  • Wool. These are short-haired animals. They have a poorly developed undercoat. Therefore, caring for a Mekong Bobtail is not difficult. Molting takes place almost imperceptibly, as a result of which, the wool does not require special care. You don't need to bathe Mekongs at all, because they are very clean. Some owners simply wipe their pets with special wipes. If your animal just loves to swim, then arrange a bath for him more often.
  • Ears, claws. Once a month, be sure to examine and clean the auricles with specialized means. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the ear drum. Twice a month, the Mekong Bobtail is clipped with a claw cutter. Only the stratum corneum is removed so as not to damage the blood vessels. Otherwise, the animal will be in pain and it is unlikely that the next time, she will allow you to this procedure.
  • Feeding. Feed, just like other cats. If the breeder prefers dry food and canned food, then only professional producers. Mekong Bobtail, hunter, with very strong instincts - so he desperately needs meat. It can be: veal, chicken, turkey. Pork meat is too fatty, so it is better to avoid it in the diet. All meat products must be raw, frozen, or scalded. Enrich the diet with cereals, vegetables, dairy products, raw chicken or quail eggs. Additionally, the mekongs should receive vitamins and minerals.
  • Walking. Since Mekong bobtails are companions, and everywhere they like to be near the owner, teach them from a young age to the street, public places, and transport. To do this, buy a regular collar with a leash. Never let go or leave the animal unattended outside the house - it is very dangerous.

Mekong Bobtail cat health

Mekong Bobtail on the bed
Mekong Bobtail on the bed

The health of the representatives of the Mekong breed is very strong, it is not for nothing in the feline world, they are considered exceptional centenarians. On average, bobtail cats live from 20 to 25 years, and sometimes even more. It all depends on how you take care of them. If the cat is left to itself, and the disease that can arise from improper feeding is not detected in time, then naturally it will not live to see its 20 years. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct vaccinations and antihelminthic procedures once a year, as well as regularly examine the Mekong Bobtail at the veterinarian.

The nuances of purchasing a Mekong kitten and the price when buying

Little Mekong Bobtails and a dog
Little Mekong Bobtails and a dog

If you are looking to make a loyal friend, then your breed is the Mekong Bobtail. This is an animal that you will obey, and you will not clean the apartment after him. He will show you all the flaws in your home, in the upbringing of children, and will certainly force them to fix them. Will talk to you, tell bedtime stories and be sure to sing songs. On your trips, you will be under reliable protection, and in continuous escort. As far as his games are concerned, he will organize everything for you: from throwing the ball to hiding and running to the race. Since the breed of bobtail cats has strong hunting instincts, it is better not to have birds, fish, and especially rodents in the house. The excellent health of your pet will allow you to decorate your existence for many years without any problems and costs.

Initially, Mekong kittens are born completely white. They acquire their acromelonic color with age, as a rule, by two years. You need to choose a Mekong Bobtail kitten according to the following parameters:

  • the body is dense;
  • strong legs;
  • the head is flat, textured with a deep transition and a pronounced arch of the nose;
  • rounded muzzle;
  • eyes are large, oval, deep blue;
  • rosette tail.

In Russia, the Mekong Bobtail breed appeared relatively recently, and therefore there are not many nurseries engaged in the selection of this breed. Almost all of them are concentrated in the area of the capital cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg. In this regard, the cost of Mekong animals is not small. It is not so easy to buy them in other regions of the country.

Kitten prices: from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles ($ 150 - $ 752). The range of prices, as always, depends on the exterior, status and sex of the animal, with the documents of the KSU, or without documents. It is also important (and therefore always difficult and expensive) why the kitten is purchased. If you are thinking of breeding these amazing cats, then you do not need to spare money either - take the best and the most expensive. If you just want to get a wonderful pet, then you can consider other options, at more loyal prices. Your cat will not pass you by.

So, if you are ready to get a Mekong Bobtail, then let us remind once again about the exceptional features of the breed:

  • exceptional centenarians;
  • strong immunity and health;
  • have an acromelonic color;
  • differ in a short tail with bends;
  • feed preferably raw meat;
  • they have a strong hunting instinct;
  • love order, exceptionally economic;
  • dog-like behavior and loyalty.

More information about the Mekong Bobtail in this video:
