Anise oil: properties and application in cosmetology

Anise oil: properties and application in cosmetology
Anise oil: properties and application in cosmetology

Description, composition, where to buy anise oil and at what price. Useful properties and contraindications. How to do it yourself? Home remedies recipes for face, body, hair.

Anise oil is an ester derived from specially prepared various parts of the Anise vulgaris plant. It is a clear or slightly yellowish liquid with a characteristic aroma. You can buy anise oil at a pharmacy or supermarket, or you can make it yourself. Its composition contains many useful components, which leads to its comprehensive use in cosmetology: on its basis, health remedies for the face, hair and body are prepared. However, before using them, it is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

Description and composition of anise oil

Anise seeds for cooking oil
Anise seeds for cooking oil

To obtain aniseed essential oil, either mature fruits of the culture (seeds) or a whole plant are used. Moreover, in the latter case, the plant is mowed in the so-called period of milk maturity - this is a special stage of maturation of cereals, when the grain has already formed, but the ears still retain their green color.

Regardless of the part of the plant that is used to make oil, the technology is the same. It is obtained by steam distillation, first it is heated with steam, then condensation and filtration are performed. At home, such a process can also be organized, of course, but it is quite difficult to do this, and therefore speaking about the independent production of ether, we mean recipes when the product is obtained by crushing seeds and mixing them with base oil.

Anise oil contains many biologically active components, the main of which is anethole, the product consists of 85% of it. Another component presented in large quantities is methylchavicol. It contains about 10%. The remaining 5% are many useful acids, including propionic, butyric, myristic, as well as other elements with a complex chemical structure and names - limonene, dipentene, camphene, curcumen, etc.

The most active agent is produced in Spain, Turkey, Mexico, Italy, India and China. You can buy anise oil from one manufacturer or another at a pharmacy, beauty store or even a supermarket with a large assortment of product names. Please note that it is usually recommended to purchase it from pharmacies, since in this case you can count on quality.

The price of anise oil largely depends on the manufacturer and fluctuates in wide ranges: the cost for 10 ml can range from 60 to 500 rubles. However, we do not recommend taking both the cheapest and the most expensive - in the first case, most likely, we will be dealing with a fake, which is “flavored alcohol”; in the second - with an overpayment for a beautiful bottle. So when it comes to choosing aniseed oil, it is better to stay in the middle.

You need to pay attention not only to the price, but also to some other features. The vial must be opaque and have a tightly screwed cap. The standard dosage is 10 ml. The label must include the botanical name of the plant - Anise ordinary (plus duplicated in Latin - Pimpinella anisum), as well as the manufacturer itself and an indication of the expiration date. The vial must be packed in a box, which, in turn, must contain instructions for the use of anise oil.

There is a home check of the quality of the product: put a drop on a napkin, inspect the result after half an hour - the remaining stain should not be greasy, otherwise you have a poorly cleaned product or it is diluted with vegetable fats. Such a bottle can be returned to the store with a clear conscience.

The beneficial properties of anise oil

What anise oil looks like
What anise oil looks like

Pictured anise oil

The use of anise oil as a medicine dates back to antiquity - its history goes back at least 4 thousand years. The first to discover the healing effect of the plant were the Egyptians. However, they used it not so much for cosmetic purposes as for the treatment of various ailments - they offered it to people with diseases of the respiratory and genitourinary system, used it for dental treatment and as an anesthetic.

Our ancestors were largely right, the properties of anise oil and modern doctors are used in their practice - for the treatment of colds (as an expectorant), gastrointestinal diseases (eliminating bloating, improving appetite, relieving pain, inflammation, nausea), the nervous system (therapy for insomnia, toning).

However, the most promising use of anise oil in cosmetology, experts use it to eliminate problems such as:

  • Age-related skin changes … The tool helps to tighten it by stimulating collagen production, give it elasticity and firmness due to the presence of antioxidant components in the composition, and also removes age spots.
  • Acne … Anise relieves and prevents new inflammations, allows you to normalize sebaceous metabolism.
  • Signs of fatigue … The benefits of anise oil in this case are relevant for the skin of any age, it tones well and is often included in detox masks.
  • Puffiness … The tool helps to remove swelling, and the property is relevant both for the face and for the whole body. A special massage with this ether will accelerate the lymphatic drainage system and remove excess water.
  • Diseases of the face and scalp … Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, the product helps to treat diseases caused by the activity of pathogenic flora, including, for example, head lice.
  • Cellulite and stretch marks healing … In this sense, the stimulating effect on collagen production is again important.
  • Dull hair, hair loss … Anise helps to strengthen roots and improve hair structure, transforming lifeless and dull strands into beautiful shiny hair.

It should be noted that all these numerous beneficial properties can be multiplied if other natural natural ingredients are additionally used.

Contraindications and harm of anise oil

Breastfeeding a baby as a contraindication of anise oil
Breastfeeding a baby as a contraindication of anise oil

Anise oil should be used with the utmost care. The composition is overflowing with biologically active substances, and therefore, if the prescribed dosage is exceeded, you can not only not get benefits, but also harm yourself.

There is a standard recommendation for using anise oil on the skin: it must be used in combination with a basic cosmetic product (cream, mask, etc.) in a ratio of no more than 6-7 drops per 10 ml of the base - the exact amount depends on the specific recipe.

If you want to take a bath with ether, then you need to add only 5-7 drops to the entire container. For massage procedures, such a dosage is recommended - 5 drops per 1 tablespoon. massage oil. Do not use any form of anise oil for more than 4 weeks as it can be addictive.

Please note that there is a possibility of individual intolerance to the product, and therefore a sensitivity test is required before use. To do this, drop a couple of drops of ether into the base (to which you are not allergic) and apply for 10-15 minutes on the skin of the wrist - if there is no negative reaction immediately and within 24 hours after removing the composition, there is no allergy or hypersensitivity.

The use of anise oil, even according to the instructions and in the absence of individual intolerance, is prohibited for people with an overly excitable nervous system, this can lead to headaches and other changes in consciousness. Also, do not use it for pregnant, lactating, young children and people with low blood pressure.

Note! We are considering only contraindications for external cosmetological use of anise oil, for internal use they are much wider. Moreover, some experts prohibit everyone from using the product inside without a special doctor's prescription.

How to make anise oil at home?

How to make anise oil
How to make anise oil

In all fairness, homemade anise oil is not at all the same as manufactured anise oil. It is quite problematic to independently reproduce the necessary scheme for the distillation of raw materials with water vapor, and therefore a completely different technology is used to obtain a product at home.

How to make anise oil yourself:

  1. Grind anise seeds (100 g) thoroughly in a mortar - a small amount of juice should stand out. It is better to use a mortar and a crushing tool from natural materials - wood, stone.
  2. Transfer the pressed mass to a glass jar, pour in the base - olive oil, peach oil, grape seed or another favorite (100 ml). Leave to infuse for three days.
  3. Filter the resulting mass through cheesecloth and store in a dark glass jar and in a cool, dark place.

Of course, as you understand, such a product is less concentrated than an industrial one, in fact, it is an ether already connected to the base, and therefore it can be carefully applied without further dilution.

Note! Anise seeds must be purchased for food, not planting seeds - the latter, most likely, will be treated with special chemicals for better germination. You can purchase edible seeds from the Eco Shop. Well, in general, it is worth noting that it is much easier to buy ready-made anise oil from a trusted manufacturer than to make it at home yourself - firstly, it may not turn out quite right, and, secondly, you still have to spend time looking for components.

Ways to use anise oil in cosmetology

The product has a powerful beneficial effect on the skin and hair. It helps treat young skin for acne and older skin for age spots and wrinkles. Anise oil copes well with diseases of the epidermis caused by pathogenic flora, puffiness, cellulite, stretch marks. Heals and strengthens hair follicles. In general, anise ether is a must-see in a girl's cosmetic bag.

How to use anise oil on your face?

Anise oil for face
Anise oil for face

Anise oil can be added to any finished cosmetic to enhance its effect. However, keep in mind that you do not need to immediately mix the whole, say, cream with ether. The latter is required to be added immediately before application. You should measure the dose of the cream, add a few drops of ether to it, mix and then apply on the face.

A homemade cream, tonic or mask with anise oil for the face can be made not on the basis of a ready-made product, but with the help of other natural folk ingredients. Consider the most effective recipes:

  1. Universal face care … Measure out 1 tsp. any base oil - anise works great in combination with almond, peach, olive. Add 1 drop of ether. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Pour the product into the palm of your hand, rub it between your palms - heating will make it more effective. Now transfer the product to your face - rub gently but thoroughly. Perform the procedure in the morning and in the evening, after a couple of weeks of application, take a break.
  2. Nourishing mask … Squeeze out the carrot juice (1 tablespoon), mix with fat sour cream (1 tablespoon), add the yolk (1 piece) and anise oil (2-4 drops). Beat the mixture thoroughly, all the ingredients should combine well. Gently transfer the mask to your face, wear for 20-25 minutes, then rinse. Apply 2-3 times a week.
  3. Moisturizing lotion … Melt the beeswax (60 g) in a water bath, combine with olive oil (120 ml), aloe juice (250 ml) - you can squeeze it yourself from the leaves, or you can buy ready-made in the pharmacy, with anise ether (1, 4 tsp.). Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Pour the lotion into a glass and store in a cool, dark place for no more than six months.
  4. Rejuvenating ice … Mix well the cream (1 tsp), lemon juice (1/2 tsp), still mineral water (200 ml), anise oil (5 drops). Pour the liquid into ice cube trays. In the morning, take out an ice cube and wipe your face with it - the procedure will not only start the rejuvenation processes, but also help you wake up.
  5. Mask for dry tired skin … Melt butter (20 ml) and honey (1 tsp) in a water bath, mix with yolk (1 piece), whipped apple puree (1 tablespoon), anise ether (2 drops). Cool the mask to a comfortable temperature, transfer to your face. Wear for 10-15 minutes, use several times a week.
  6. Refreshing toning mask … Grate the cucumber, crush the black currant, mix in equal parts, add a couple of drops of anise ether to each teaspoon. Apply the mixture to your face, rinse off after 15 minutes with warm water, apply twice a week.

Note! Try to use only natural products to create facial products - so if sour cream or eggs are required for the mask, find country, homemade ones.

How to Apply Aniseed Body Oil?

Anise Body Oil
Anise Body Oil

For body care, anise oil is mainly used in massage procedures. It is mixed with massage oil and rubbed into the skin during the session. For the body, the product plays the same role as for the face. Its use in anti-cellulite and lymphatic drainage massage acquires special meaning: in the first case, it stimulates the production of collagen, and the skin is tightened, in the second, an anti-edema effect is manifested.

It is not necessary, however, for these effects to go to a course of special massage, you can help yourself at home on your own. Prepare a mixture of anise oil and base: 5 drops - 1 tablespoon. For anti-cellulite procedures, independently massage problem areas with this mixture; for anti-edematous - soak the gauze with the composition, cool it slightly in the refrigerator and apply for half an hour to the places of liquid stagnation. Also, tonic baths will help in both cases: take the oil of anise, mint and fennel, mix in equal parts - 2-3 drops each, add 2 tablespoons. cream. Pour the composition into the bath. Take 2-3 times a week before bed.

Since anise helps to cope well with pain, it, again, together with the base, is recommended to be rubbed into the muscles after workouts for their quickest recovery. Thus, the product becomes significant not only for women, but also for men.

Using the product, massage is often performed against sexual dysfunction: anise ether is mixed with sandalwood and patchouli (2 drops each) and combined with peach base oil (1 tablespoon), then gently massage the groin area.

Methods for using anise oil for hair

Anise oil for hair
Anise oil for hair

When using anise oil for hair, the same rules apply as when using it for the face - you can either add it to the finished product or prepare a home recipe based on it:

  1. Shine mask … Take burdock oil (10 ml), heat it slightly. Add anise ether (2 drops). Transfer the mixture to your hands and rub the composition thoroughly into the scalp, distribute through the hair to the very ends. Please note that if you have oily hair at the roots, you do not need to apply the product to it. Put on a shower cap and a towel on top, wear the mask for half an hour, then wash your hair with regular shampoo. Use the product 2 times a week.
  2. Growth mask … Take your hair balm (2 tablespoons), add anise ether (3 drops) and red pepper tincture (1 tablespoon) to it. Apply the mask only (!) To the roots, leave for 15-25 minutes, do not wrap your head. Repeat 4-5 times a month. If you experience severe discomfort, wash off the mask immediately, but remember that a slight burning sensation is acceptable.
  3. Nourishing mask for damaged and dry curls … Mix castor oil (1 tablespoon) with yolk (1 piece) and anise ether (2 drops). Apply the mask to your hair, put on a shower cap and wrap your head in a towel. Wear the mask for an hour, then wash your hair. Apply at least 2 times a week.
  4. Powerful revitalizing mask … Mix jojoba and coconut oil (1 tsp each), add a vitamin B12 capsule (special vitamin capsules for hair can be bought at the pharmacy), fir and anise ether (1 drop each). Combine all components thoroughly, lightly heat in a water bath. Transfer the mask to the entire length of the hair, if the roots are oily - do not apply on them. Put on a shower cap, wrap a light cotton cloth over your head, and leave the mask on overnight. Apply once a week.

To combat scalp diseases - head lice, dandruff - you can simply rub pure anise ether into the scalp, and also be sure to add a couple of drops to the shampoo every time you wash.

Real Reviews of Anise Oil

Anise oil reviews
Anise oil reviews

Anise oil is a truly universal remedy that helps to solve many problems, from the treatment of colds and diseases of the digestive tract to cosmetic procedures for beauty and youth. Some of the most informative reviews about anise oil:

Olga, 35 years old, Moscow

Excellent for cosmetic purposes. I really like the way it works on the hair - it really strengthens. I drip a few drops directly onto the comb and comb my hair before bed. The effect is two in one: it relieves tension before going to bed, and is excellent for hair. I also add to the cream and use it to regenerate the skin after different bites.

Elena, 42 years old, St. Petersburg

Anise ester is used for aromatherapy, cold prevention and skin care. In the first case, I drip a couple of drops onto the aroma lamp, and the mood is guaranteed to rise. But here, of course, everything is individual, some, on the contrary, do not like the smell. For the prevention of colds, I do inhalations, compresses, I take a warm bath. For body care, I mix a few drops with an anti-cellulite cream and massage problem areas well, the skin becomes smoother, firmer and tightens after the first application. But regularity is important, then the effect will be super.

Svetlana, 28 years old, Voronezh

I used to always use ethers to scent the room, but with anise I decided to go further and made a face mask. I mixed it with jasmine in equal proportions and added olive oil to the eye as a base. I mixed it well, applied it to the skin, rubbed it thoroughly, then washed it, I had to use soap, as it was not washed off well. After the procedure, the feeling "returned at 16", the skin is so soft, smooth, and this feeling lasts for several hours.

Watch a video on the properties of anise oil:

Anise oil is a great way to rejuvenate and revitalize your face and body, and strengthen your hair. In addition, it can be used for medical, food, and room fragrances. It has many useful properties, but it has a specific smell and a number of contraindications. Be sure to read them before purchasing.
