Pineapple diet - 2 options

Pineapple diet - 2 options
Pineapple diet - 2 options

Everyone knows that pineapple burns fat, so, according to many women, the results of losing weight will not be long in coming. What are the recipes for diets lasting 2 and 5 days? Rules and menus. One of the most delicious and incredibly healthy fruits is pineapple. It is not for nothing that in the Guarani language its name means “exquisite taste”. It is very low in calories (only 49 kcal), so you cannot do without such an assistant in the fight for a slim figure. The tropical fruit is rich in enzymes, useful vitamins, trace elements, including potassium, which removes excess fluid from the body. Read more in another article about the beneficial properties of pineapple.

The essence of the pineapple diet is to consume only fresh fruit, since canned pineapples are devoid of bromelain. We suggest you familiarize yourself with two diet options. Choose the option that suits you best and go for it!

Pineapple diet number 1 - express weight loss

This option allows fresh pineapple (maximum 2 kg) and pineapple juice (1 liter) to be consumed for two days. It is important that it is freshly squeezed and sugar-free. Cut the fruit in circles, divide into 4 portions - breakfast, lunch, lunch, dinner. The same juice: divide 1 liter by 4 times (250 ml each). The diet lasts 2 days. During this time, the use of other liquids and products is not allowed. Thus, you can lose 2 kg without harming your health (only in the absence of contraindications).

Pineapple diet number 2

The duration of the diet is 5 days. It is allowed to drink up to 2 liters of liquid every day (plain, still mineral water, herbal, green tea). Breakfast / lunch should be repeated within 5 days.

Menu for 5 days

Pineapple diet menu
Pineapple diet menu
  • Breakfast: fresh pineapple puree along with dietary yogurt (each ingredient - 100 g) + oatmeal with milk (learn about the difference between oatmeal and oatmeal).
  • Lunch: 1 boiled egg, a slice of rye bread with butter, lightly salted salmon.


  • Lunch: boiled rice with curry.
  • Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese (50 g) along with sour cream, horseradish; 2 jacket potatoes, pineapples.


  • Lunch: chicken, pineapple circle.
  • Dinner: pineapples (100 g) mixed with shrimps (100 g), cucumber, celery sprigs.


  • Lunch: salad of pineapples, cabbage, a couple of tomatoes, half a red pepper (season with lemon juice, garlic, mustard).
  • Dinner: chicken breast fried in vegetable oil with onions (100 g), a slice of pineapple, rye bread. Learn the recipe for how to cook fried pineapple.


  • Lunch: salad seasoned with light mayonnaise (preferably vegetable oil) (ingredients - fried chicken, pineapple, green peas).
  • Dinner: celery soup, 100 g of fruit.


  • Lunch: pineapple pies (puff pastry).
  • Dinner: boiled rice (2 tablespoons) with pineapple (100 g).


This diet has contraindications: it cannot be used for diseases of the stomach and duodenum. After eating, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with water, since frequent consumption of the fruit negatively affects the tooth enamel!
