Find out the features and menus of the American diet, designed for 7, 13 and 21 days. How to properly adhere to this diet option in order to quickly lose weight and get an ideal figure.
Extra pounds negatively affect the appearance and pose a great danger to health. Nutrition plays one of the most important roles on the path to gaining a slim and fit figure. To date, a fairly large number of a wide variety of diets have been developed, including strict hunger strikes, aimed at fast weight loss. Recently, the American diet has become increasingly popular, which is used by both ordinary girls and celebrities. In order not only to lose weight, but even after stopping the diet, the lost kilograms did not return, you need to know some of the subtleties and principles of this method.
Features and main principles of the American diet

Regardless of what kind of diet will be chosen to combat obesity, you first need to consult with a nutritionist or doctor. Only a competent and correct approach will help you lose weight and not harm your own health. This will help minimize the likelihood of negative consequences and unforeseen reactions of the body.
The American diet is not recommended for use in the presence of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, during pregnancy and lactation. If you want to lose weight quickly, then this technique is not suitable. The American diet allows you to gradually rebuild your own body for proper nutrition, due to which weight loss occurs.
It is a balanced diet in combination with moderate physical activity that allows you to get rid of extra pounds without harm to health. Among the advantages of the American diet is the fact that there are no strict dietary requirements, and severe hunger will not bother you during weight loss. Thanks to this, both physically and psychologically, you can quickly adjust to the principles of a healthy diet.
When following the American diet, the following principles must be considered:
- The main intake of calories should occur in the first half of the day, the most high-calorie meal is lunch. After 18.00, you need to completely refuse food. To this end, it is worth revising your wakefulness and rest regime - it is worth going to bed earlier, and of course, getting up earlier than usual.
- It is very simple to avoid severe stress for the body - you need to make such a regime that between dinner and breakfast there is no more than 12-14 hours break.
- The daily menu should be as diverse as possible, in addition, the list of permitted products is quite large. It is important that only healthy and natural foods are present in the diet.
- While following the American diet, it is recommended to additionally take multivitamin complexes.
- It is necessary to completely exclude "heavy" fats from the diet.
- If there are no digestive problems, you can eat fresh fruits and vegetables along with the skins. It is the peel that has a rigid structure and contains a large amount of valuable plant fiber, which has a stimulating effect on intestinal motility.
- Drinking must not be forgotten. It is water that is the main guarantee for rapid weight loss, while it does not matter at all what kind of diet will be used. Water accelerates the elimination of toxins and toxins from the body. It is important that the daily rate of plain water is at least 1.5 liters. Drink water in small portions between meals.
- It is necessary to change the daily routine and diet, which becomes a great stress for the body. Regular walks in the fresh air, positive emotions and good sleep bring benefits.
Read also about the basic conditions for adhering to the Japanese diet..
Prohibited foods on the American diet

This method of losing weight will be beneficial only if the following products are completely abandoned:
- For the duration of the diet, you need to completely abandon or minimize the use of black tea and coffee. Green and herbal teas are an excellent alternative to these drinks, because they neutralize toxins and have a mild diuretic effect.
- Any sweets are strictly prohibited - chocolate, sweet fruits, pastries, pastries, including unhealthy snacks (hot dogs, burgers, sandwiches, etc.).
- Not only sugar is excluded from the diet, but also its various substitutes.
- It is necessary to completely abandon the use of any alcoholic beverages, as well as carbonated waters and store juices, since they contain a large percentage of harmful sugar.
- It is necessary to exclude fatty and fried foods from the diet - first of all, this rule applies to fatty meats and fish.
- In order not only to lose weight, but also to consolidate the result obtained, you will have to give up harmful dishes forever.
- Almost all types of cereals are removed from the diet.
- You should not use various spices and spices during cooking, especially spicy ones, as they only increase the appetite. As a result, even after a meal, a strong feeling of hunger can disturb.
Read also about the low calorie chicken diet for weight loss.
Allowed Foods for the American Diet

The list of healthy foods that can be included in the diet while following the American diet is quite wide. It is worth remembering that food can be both tasty and healthy at the same time. The following foods should be present in the diet:
- Bran and dark bread, diet bread.
- Fresh, steamed or steamed vegetables. The exceptions are root vegetables and legumes, since they contain a lot of starch, which leads to excess weight.
- Low-fat dairy products and skim milk.
- Sour berries and fruits both fresh and in the form of juices, fruit drinks, in jelly and salads, in jelly and compotes, but only without added sugar.
- Low-fat cottage cheese.
- Diet meats - for example, turkey, rabbit, beef, chicken, veal.
- Non-fatty fish - pollock, pike perch, cod, pike, haddock, hake.
- Chicken eggs.
- Low-fat seafood such as scallops, shrimp, mussels and oysters.
Read more about the buckwheat diet.
Sample menu of the "roller coaster" diet
This type of American diet is considered a fairly aggressive option. The nutrition system is based on constant stress on the body during the alternation of days with a high nutritional load and fasting days.
American diet menu for 21 days

The author of the diet is Martin Catan, who has shown from his own experience how effective this technique is - in just 3 weeks you can lose about 5-8 kg of excess weight. But the end result directly depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and a certain lifestyle. Constant physical activity will help to significantly speed up the process of losing weight.
However, while playing sports, you should be extremely careful, since during the diet, the body receives a minimum amount of calories, which, as a result, can lead to a sharp deterioration in well-being. Dizziness, weakness, headache and insomnia appear. Of course, being in such a state, great physical activity is not recommended.
It should be borne in mind that any diet in the first days causes severe stress in the body. The metabolism accelerates, and extra pounds are lost. But gradually the body gets used to such conditions and the rate of fat burning decreases. Having reached a certain stage, the process of losing weight simply stops. During the roller coaster diet, the body does not have time to relax, as a result, there is a constant consumption of excess body fat.
The first version of the American diet for 21 days:
- In the first three days, a limited number of calories can be consumed per day, but not more than 600 Kcal.
- For the next three days, the total energy value of the consumed products should not exceed 900 Kcal.
- For three more days, the amount of calories consumed should be 1200 Kcal per day.
- Then the circle repeats again and so on for 21 days.
The second version of the American diet for 21 days:
- In the first three days, a limited amount of calories is consumed, not exceeding 600 Kcal.
- For the next four days, the total energy value of the consumed products per day should not exceed 900 Kcal.
- In the next 7 days, no more than 1200 Kcal is consumed per day.
- The circle is washed out and repeated from the first point.
The total duration of the diet is exactly 21 days. To consolidate the result obtained, it is necessary to consume no more than 1200 Kcal per day in the next 14 days.
Detailed menu for every day of the "roller coaster" diet

This diet option is designed for 9 days and during this time you can lose about 5-8 kg of excess weight. To do this, you must adhere to the following diet:
First 3 days:
- low-fat cottage cheese for breakfast (200g);
- for lunch, unsweetened fruits or berries (200 g);
- for lunch, a portion of lean vegetable soup, dried bran bread (2 slices);
- for an afternoon snack, egg whites (4 pcs.), fresh herbs;
- for dinner, boiled low-fat fish (100 g).
Next 3 days:
- for breakfast oatmeal porridge cooked in water (100 ml), fresh apple (1 pc.), a cup of herbal tea;
- for the second breakfast low-fat cottage cheese (100 g), a portion of cabbage salad seasoned with olive oil, a couple of loaves or a slice of bran bread;
- for lunch, boiled chicken or turkey meat (100 g), vegetable salad, instead of meat, you can take low-fat boiled fish;
- for an afternoon snack low-fat kefir (200 ml), bran;
- for dinner, boiled shrimp (100 g), you can take other seafood with a minimum percentage of fat.
Final 3 days:
- for breakfast porridge cooked in water (200 g), seasoned with vegetable oil (1 tablespoon), rye or bran bread (2 slices), a cup of herbal tea;
- for the second breakfast, low-fat kefir or natural yogurt (200 ml);
- for lunch, baked or stewed vegetables with fish or meat (200 g), compote;
- for an afternoon snack sweet and sour oranges (2 pcs.);
- for dinner, lean fish (100 g), can be replaced with cottage cheese or meat, a salad of fresh vegetables, a loaf of bread and a cup of tea.
Approximate menu of the American diet for 7 days

The daily diet must include fresh vegetables with fruits, low-fat fish or meat, low-fat dairy and dairy products. Snacks are allowed - 1 lunch and 1 afternoon snack. Get rid of severe hunger will help 1 tbsp. low-fat yogurt or kefir with bread or lean cookies. Tea without added sugar and fruit jelly are allowed.
- for breakfast a boiled egg, herbal tea, toast, 1 orange or apple;
- for lunch, a portion of low-fat cottage cheese (60 g), tomato and boiled fish (100 g);
- for dinner, boiled meat (100 g), lettuce and green vegetables, you can sprinkle with lemon juice.
- for breakfast toast and scrambled eggs, green or ginger tea, you can add a little milk, fresh fruit;
- for lunch, veal liver (150 g), steamed or stewed vegetables, low-fat kefir (1 tbsp.);
- for dinner, a vegetable salad with tomatoes, white cabbage and carrots, 1 tbsp is taken for dressing. l. olive oil, low-fat ham (50 g), bran bread and diet cottage cheese (50 g).
- for breakfast a boiled egg, toast, orange or apple, tea with milk;
- for lunch, baked meat (200 g), salad with fresh vegetables, seasoned with lemon juice and vegetable oil, veal liver, bread and tomato juice;
- for dinner, green onions, tomato, bell pepper, cottage cheese with herbs (100 g), boiled squid (100 g), jelly.
- for breakfast a boiled egg, toast with herbal tea, unsweetened fruit;
- for lunch, boiled fish (200 g), stewed spinach (150-200 g), carrots, green tea and toast;
- for dinner, lean meat (200 g), celery with lemon juice, low-fat yogurt, an apple.
- for breakfast chicory with milk, toast, poached egg, unsweetened fruit;
- for lunch, steamed meat cutlets (200 g), baked potatoes (1 pc.), salad with cabbage, tomatoes and carrots, seasoned with olive oil, berry juice and bread;
- for dinner, baked fish (150 g), steamed vegetables, pear and apple (1 pc.), low-fat kefir (1 tbsp.).
- for breakfast, a soft-boiled egg, green tea and toast, unsweetened fruit;
- for lunch, liver (150 g), stewed vegetables, cottage cheese (50 g), compote and bran bread;
- for dinner, boiled beef (200 g), tomatoes and lettuce, with carrots and radishes, an apple, diet bread and cottage cheese.
- for breakfast a boiled egg, green tea and croutons, unsweetened fruit;
- for lunch, cottage cheese with herbs (100 g), baked fish with vegetables, dark dried bread (2 slices), fresh fruit juice;
- for dinner, lean ham with poached egg (100 g), salad with fresh vegetables and herbs (200 g), kefir and an apple.
Approximate menu of the American diet for 13 days

Compliance with this diet option for 13 days will help you lose about 5-7 kg of excess weight. Most importantly, you need to strictly adhere to the diet below and do not forget about the benefits of playing sports.
Monday (1 day):
- for breakfast, fresh vegetables, toast and herbs, herbal tea with honey or jam (no more than 1 tsp), orange or tangerine (1 pc.);
- for lunch, a portion of baked turkey, vegetable salad, seasoned with olive oil;
- for dinner steamed fish, boiled potatoes (100-150 g), vegetable salad.
Tuesday (2 and 13 days):
- for breakfast, boiled chicken fillet (100 g), toast, half a grapefruit;
- for lunch, fresh celery and 2 soft-boiled eggs, toast and low-fat ham, a cup of herbal tea;
- for dinner, stewed vegetables and chicken cutlet, kefir (1 tbsp.).
Wednesday (3 and 12 days):
- for breakfast, diet cottage cheese, bread (2 pcs.), apple, herbal tea;
- for lunch, lean boiled beef (200 g), black bread (1 slice), pear or orange (1 pc.);
- for dinner, a hard-boiled egg, tomato, lean ham and toast.
Thursday (4 and 11 days):
- for breakfast muesli and skim milk, apple (1 pc.);
- for lunch, boiled rice (50 g), boiled chicken (100 g), greens and lettuce, tomato, olive oil, orange (1 pc.);
- for dinner, boiled fish (200 g), salad with feta cheese, tomato and fresh herbs, apple (1 pc.).
Friday (5th and 10th day):
- for breakfast toast (2 pcs.), jam (2 tbsp. l.), a cup of herbal tea;
- for lunch, steam cutlets with carrots (200 g), baked potatoes (1 pc.), grapefruit (1 pc.);
- for dinner, lean ham (100 g), salad with cabbage and carrots, seasoned with olive oil, bread and apple (1 pc.).
Saturday (6 and 9 days):
- for breakfast, cottage cheese (50 g), toast with jam, a cup of green tea;
- for lunch grilled fish (200 g), stewed vegetables, orange (1 pc.);
- for dinner, seafood (200 g), fresh vegetables and an apple (1 pc.).
Sunday (7 and 8 days):
- for breakfast toast and poached egg, milk (0, 5 tbsp.);
- for lunch, liver (150 g), fresh vegetables and tangerine;
- for dinner, boiled chicken or beef (200 g), vegetable salad, orange (1 pc.).
Reviews of losing weight on the American diet

Evgenia, 30 years old, Khabarovsk
For several years I have tried just a huge number of very different diets and methods that promise fast weight loss. And only after the American diet did I really notice positive changes. Of course, the process of losing weight is moving very slowly, but there really is a positive result. In just 14 days, I lost 6 kg.
Anna, 40 years old, Moscow
I decided to use the roller coaster diet. The first three days were the most difficult, but gradually I got used to the new diet. During the diet, I lost 8 kg and now I am calm about the fact that you should not eat after 18.00 in the evening. This habit persisted even after stopping the diet, which allows you to maintain the results obtained.
Lyudmila, 25 years old, Yekaterinburg
The roller coaster diet left not the most pleasant emotions. It was necessary to lose just a couple of extra pounds, but during the fasting days, there was absolutely no strength left to move. Plus, after a few weeks, the weight lost came back. Apparently this diet option does not suit me, they will look for a more suitable method that will give a stable result.
Watch a video about the American diet: