Menu and results of the Japanese diet for weight loss

Menu and results of the Japanese diet for weight loss
Menu and results of the Japanese diet for weight loss

What is the Japanese diet for weight loss, rules, advantages and disadvantages. Menu for the day, week, 14 days. Results and reviews.

The Japanese diet is one of the most popular, but at the same time, very difficult ways to lose weight. It requires good willpower. This diet is aimed not only at getting rid of excess weight, but also at the general improvement of the body, its cleansing and further maintenance of good shape.

Japanese diet rules for weight loss

Japanese diet for weight loss
Japanese diet for weight loss

The Japanese diet is such a restriction in nutrition, in which protein foods should prevail in the diet, and the amount of carbohydrates should be reduced to a minimum. Due to this, incoming proteins will be spent on all biochemical processes necessary for the body that require energy. In turn, a low amount of carbohydrates will not contribute to the deposition of fat.

It is important to understand that the Japanese diet for weight loss is very strict. It seriously limits the incoming calories, and with them vitamins and minerals necessary for vital activity. That is why, before trying this method of losing weight, you must definitely consult with your doctor about your health, so as not to harm yourself.

One of the main rules of the Japanese diet is preparation. About a week before the planned start of losing weight, you should begin to gradually reduce the usual serving size. You also need to try to eat dishes without salt, or at least with a small amount of it. To make the transition to a diet less noticeable, try to remove sweets from the diet, and take the last meal no later than 3 hours before going to bed.

For the Japanese diet to help achieve the desired result, you must have a truly "samurai" endurance and strictly follow all its principles.

Basic rules of the Japanese diet:

  • Strictly adhere to the scheduled diet.
  • The sequence of the use of foods and dishes according to the days of the diet is important (they cannot be swapped).
  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of purified water (still) a day.
  • In the morning, 10-15 minutes before breakfast, you need to drink a glass of water (this will help dull the feeling of hunger).
  • The diet is designed for only 3 meals without any snacks.
  • To satisfy your hunger between breakfast, lunch and dinner, you can drink plain water or unsweetened green tea.
  • All meals should be steamed, cooked or baked.
  • The Japanese diet should be repeated no more than once every six months, because it is a lot of stress for the body.
  • During dietary restrictions, you need to take multivitamin complexes, which are selected individually with a doctor.

Read also about the Bormental diet.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Japanese Diet

Peptic ulcer as a contraindication to the Japanese diet
Peptic ulcer as a contraindication to the Japanese diet

Because of the significant calorie restriction, the Japanese diet has both advantages and significant disadvantages. All of them must be taken into account before starting to lose weight.

Benefits of the Japanese diet:

  • Significant weight loss in a short time.
  • Elimination of decay products and toxins from the body.
  • A constant feeling of lightness in the body.
  • Normalization of sleep, provided that dinner is consumed 3-4 hours before it.
  • Improving skin condition.
  • Normalization of metabolism.
  • Restructuring eating habits.

All the benefits will make themselves felt only if the losing weight person does not violate the rules of nutrition and forget about the drinking regimen.

Disadvantages of the Japanese diet:

  • Severe deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Constant hunger that is hard to satisfy.
  • It is possible to quickly return the lost kilograms with the wrong exit from the diet.
  • Serious stress on the body.
  • The risk of violation of the level of sex hormones.
  • Constant feeling of weakness, especially in the morning.
  • Disruptions are very common.

In order for the Japanese diet to bring the best possible result and not harm your health, you need to know in which cases it is categorically not recommended to lose weight in this way.

Contraindications to the Japanese diet:

  • Any pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer, gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, colitis), especially during exacerbations.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular arterial hypertension, because the constant intake of black coffee significantly affects blood pressure.
  • Pathology of the liver and urinary system.
  • The period of gestation and breastfeeding.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system, in which a person is constantly taking hormonal drugs (including diabetes mellitus).

Even if there are no contraindications for the diet, you still need to constantly monitor your well-being while eating "Japanese-style". In case of any negative manifestations, in addition to mild fatigue, you should immediately seek medical advice and begin a gradual exit from the diet.
