Polish mushroom

Polish mushroom
Polish mushroom

Description and different types of Polish mushroom. Useful properties for the body, as well as undesirable consequences. Interesting facts about the name and origin. Secrets of cooking with mushroom. If a person includes in his diet dishes with an ingredient such as a Polish mushroom, then he will not only renew his body entirely, but will also help improve and accelerate the processes of hematopoiesis and digestion, activate the brain, revive memory and relieve fatigue. And the fact that in the past, broth with Polish mushroom was brought to sick people more often than chicken broth is also an important argument in its favor.

Interesting! Polish mushroom contains the same amount of B vitamin as cereals and even vegetables.

Harm and contraindications to the use of Polish mushroom

Slowing down the stomach in a girl
Slowing down the stomach in a girl

Although mushrooms are considered one of the harmless mushrooms, it is worth remembering the common features of absolutely all of them: it is forbidden to collect them near polluted and noisy roads, various enterprises, since they tend to absorb toxic and harmful substances.

Some tips to consider when using:

  • Consequences of the influence of harmful substances … Due to the ability of Polish mushrooms to absorb toxic substances from the soil, it is not recommended to collect them near production plants and polluted roads.
  • Slows down the work of the stomach and intestines … Many people know that these mushrooms should never be eaten raw, but it is worth remembering that slightly undercooked or boiled mushrooms can also cause colossal harm to the body, especially the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Potential ingestion of poison … A fairly small amount of mushrooms is similar to Polish, but there is an exception - the satanic mushroom. To avoid this problem, you just need to know certain features. For example, the color of the cap of a brown flywheel can change in contrast to the harmful species.
  • Low digestibility … Like all mushrooms, if Polish is consumed in large quantities, it will take a lot of effort for the stomach to digest it. Abuse can lead to malfunctioning of the body.
  • Influence of harmful wormy mushrooms … If you find an overgrown mushroom, you should throw it out and forget, as age adversely affects it: fibrous structure and large pores. These things also affect the taste, it becomes bitter.

But in general, the noble flywheel has no strict contraindications, apart from, of course, individual intolerance. In addition, there are no harmful analogs. Therefore, it is quite attractive for mushroom pickers.

Polish mushroom recipes

Mushroom soup
Mushroom soup

Oleshek is very similar to a porcini mushroom - both aesthetic and taste. It can be categorized as a one-stop product. Mosswheel is perfect for any table, as it has excellent taste. The list of dishes: from soups to casseroles.

Here are some popular and special recipes:

  1. Magic casserole … For this simple and tasty dish, you need to boil Polish mushrooms, then fry with onions. Then add 100 g of chopped croutons. During frying, add mushroom broth. This mixture is poured into a mold that has been sprinkled with bread crumbs in advance. After 30 minutes of baking, the dish is ready.
  2. Mushroom soup … Even a cook without experience can prepare such a dish. Put the chopped Polish mushrooms in a saucepan with water and bring to a boil. After 15 minutes, add the potatoes and spices, chopped carrots, peeled tomatoes and bell peppers. We wait 10 minutes - and the soup is ready. Enjoy the pleasant taste and don't forget about the sour cream.
  3. Marinated mushrooms … First, the Polish mushrooms need to be boiled and then packaged in jars. During this, prepare the marinade and pour it over. Then we roll up the jars and send them for storage, and you can delight your loved ones with this wonderful taste.
  4. Homemade sauce … A healthy and satisfying sauce that will decorate and make any dish rich. Put finely chopped mushrooms and onions in a frying pan with butter and simmer. A minute before cooking, add various seasonings to taste and cream. You can also add dill. Real jam!
  5. "Polka" in sour cream … This recipe is noted by many people as unusual. Initially, you need to fry the mushrooms and put them in pots, then you need to sprinkle with flour, pepper, add sour cream and pour wine. After 25 minutes, as they were put in the oven, take out and sprinkle with grated cheese and again set to bake for 5 minutes. This dish will not leave anyone indifferent.
  6. "Macaroni" … Easy to prepare and not overused recipe will delight all housewives. Form, greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, with boiled pasta and beaten egg, send to the oven. We put the fried oleshki with onions there. The next layer is again pasta and grated cheese. Set it to 190 degrees for 20 minutes. We delight ourselves and loved ones with a hot and juicy dish.
  7. Mushroom zrazy … This cooking method is interesting not so much for its ingredients as for the process. Boil potatoes and carrots together. At this time, we will prepare the filling: we take boiled mushrooms and chopped onions and stew it. Further, after the potatoes with carrots are cooked, we make mashed potatoes. We wait until it cools down, then add flour and knead the dough. Spices to taste. We make small cakes from it and put 2 teaspoons of the filling. We pinch like a dumpling. Sprinkle the zrazy with flour and put it in a preheated frying pan. Fry each side for 3 minutes. An excellent dish for both a hearty lunch and during Lent.

A wide variety of recipes will surprise your family. Unlike porcini mushroom, the flywheel is less problematic and easier to obtain. And the taste will not disappoint.

Interesting facts about Polish mushrooms

What does a Polish mushroom look like?
What does a Polish mushroom look like?

There are a lot of facts about the Polish mushroom: history of origin, features of distribution, variety in names. It got its Russian name from exports in the 18th century, namely from Poland to Europe. The Polish name is pansky mushroom. Due to the extreme similarity between the flywheel and the porcini mushroom, they were confused. This fact was often used by dishonest traders.

Often for its healing and valuable properties people call the Polish mushroom - "king of the moss."

It is considered surprising that deer are used as food coloring, despite their seemingly inconspicuous color. Therefore, they often become interesting for manufacturers.

The Polish mushroom is often eaten boiled or fried. It is worth remembering that before using it you need to carefully prepare it: free it from the earth, pine needles and leaves, then you should rinse and clean the leg. But it is not recommended to remove the skin from the cap.

Many mushroom pickers rate the flywheel to the highest standards as it can be dried, frozen, salted and pickled. This gorgeous mushroom is considered just a delicacy that is available to everyone. It is quite rich in nutrients and minerals, as well as vitamins. But, unfortunately, it is not often found in the forests. Oleshki are common in Europe and the Far East in coniferous areas.

When stored properly, they do not lose their beneficial properties for six months.

Watch a video about the Polish mushroom:

The noble flywheel is considered valuable almost on a par with the porcini mushroom, thanks to its qualities, minerals and vitamins. Its peculiarity is that it has no poisonous analogues that can complicate the life of even a professional mushroom picker. Unusual recipes and centuries-old history make it attractive for the buyer and gourmet.
