The article describes tips that will help you understand all the features and subtleties of the novel at work. Also provided are rules of conduct to help maintain your position on the career ladder. An office romance is a relationship between colleagues who have gone beyond business. People don't need a special place or reason to fall in love. It is for this reason that romance at work is not uncommon. This format of relations has its positive qualities and pitfalls.
Features and conditions of the novel at work

In the modern world, work takes up a huge amount of time. Many simply have no other place to build relationships. People have an affair at work in the hope that they will find real feelings. But this format of relations has its own characteristics.
First, love feelings should not interfere with work. Coming there, you need to clearly separate personal relationships and professional activities. Relationships should help improve work quality and development, not hinder it.
Secondly, you should not start an affair out of boredom, because this can lead to negative consequences. There is no need to play with the feelings of people, especially with those with whom you will still have to be near in the future.
Let's find out how to behave when having an affair at work. There are several simple recommendations that will help you not to get into an awkward situation and attract each other even more:
- Common interests outside of work … To begin with, it is important to understand that such relationships are significantly different from all others. The thing is that people will spend almost the whole day together. As a result, the likelihood of a situation arising in which the couple will simply get bored with each other increases. Therefore, in your free time, you should diversify your days as much as possible. It is necessary to find common interests and try to pay them regular attention. At the same time, they should not be from the sphere of business interests of partners.
- Appearance … In order not to bother your partner, you need to look good even during working hours. As for the girls, do not forget to wear makeup for work, wear beautiful dresses and heels. Remember that men always love with their eyes, and this applies to all representatives of the strong half of humanity, without exception.
- At work only work! You should not flirt, show feelings during working hours in front of colleagues. This can be annoying and also likely to anger the boss. Work is not the place where you need to show your emotions and emotional impulses.
Advantages and disadvantages of an office romance

The office romance has a special specificity with its own advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of such a relationship:
- Regular closeness … One of the main advantages is that people are constantly next to each other. You can constantly be in sight, but disappear if necessary. The partner will not be jealous of his beloved person, as he will see everything with his own eyes, he will not have the idea of “thinking out” the development of relations with another person at work. Agree that this is how you can avoid a huge number of disagreements and jealousy.
- Taking care of your appearance … If the adored person will always be there, then you can no longer afford to come disheveled, crumpled, dirty, unkempt, without a haircut, etc. An office romance will be a good incentive to take care of yourself and maintain your figure in perfect condition.
- An incentive to rush to work … If a loved one waits there, then the alarm clock ringing in the morning will not be so terrible and disgusting. High spirits, joy from spending time together, a smile on your face have a great effect not only on relationships with people, but also on professional performance.
- Love … This is an incentive that encourages growth, including professional growth. A native person next to him pushes for improvement, problems are easier to solve with him, because the couple are not competitors to each other.
Another very important advantage is that you can see your chosen one from completely different angles: to evaluate the personality in more detail and more closely, to understand the features of character and its negative sides. Even during the candy-bouquet period, you already understand the essence of the person himself.
The office romance has a huge number of positive aspects, but also its disadvantages that you need to be aware of:
- Everyone will know about him … No matter how much a couple wants to hide their relationship, sooner or later, colleagues will find out about them, and this will become a universal dignity. During this period, it is very important to take the right position and not accept provocations. The development of relations will take place in front of the eyes of the bosses and colleagues. It is important that they know as little as possible, because the relationship should be between two people, that is, personal. Otherwise, the life of lovers can become a topic of discussion and even ridicule.
- Aggression, envy from colleagues … A radiant and happy look can irritate less successful and happier people. Many have not yet managed to find their soul mate, while others are simply unhappy in marriage, their candy-bouquet period is far behind. Constantly burning eyes of lovers can be annoying. Therefore, try to show a minimum of love gestures in the workplace.
- Wandering in the clouds, distraction and decreased productivity … The presence of a loved one at work can not only push for progress, but also rapidly slow down activities. This is due to the fact that in a fit of feelings, some can think only about them. It is for this reason that it is very important to distinguish between work and personal relationships, otherwise the anger of the bosses cannot be avoided.
- Ugly breakup … Completing an office romance is much more difficult than any other. This is due to the fact that the former lover will always be around. In this case, you need to either separate from everything and forget the past, or change your place of work. In addition, the gap can be the first topic of discussion among colleagues and superiors.
- Problems with bosses … In many companies and firms, bosses do not approve of office affairs, which can also negatively affect a career. Therefore, it is better to hide the relationship by all means. This will help you avoid getting fired and other troubles.
The main varieties of romance in the workplace
There are several types of office romance. Each of them has its own characteristics. But in any case, there are important nuances, without which it is impossible to build a normal relationship.
An affair with a married man

The most difficult and unpredictable one can safely be called an affair at work with a married man. First, such relationships are initially dishonest and negative. Secondly, you must always keep everything secret, and it can be extremely difficult to hide feelings from colleagues.
Such a romance has only two options for the outcome: a married man will file for divorce or stay with his legal wife. As practice shows, most often the preference is given to the second option. Ladies who are bored with a monotonous life can choose such a relationship model without counting on something more. But in this case, it is very difficult to maintain a good relationship after the end of the romance. As for colleagues at work, they are usually divided into two "camps": some will watch with interest what is happening, the second will condemn, make intrigues, try to convey to their superiors and even the spouse of a loved one the present state of affairs. Important! Of course, you cannot order your heart, but you should understand that an affair with a married man will not bring anything good, since the percentage of happy and in the end is negligible. But the reputation will be seriously damaged.
An affair with a colleague

According to statistics, about forty percent of people admit that they had a similar format of relations. As a rule, they are working on one thing, have common interests, and constant pastime in a close circle can cause sympathy. When an affair with a work colleague began, then you should not rush things, everything has its time. Try to get to know the person better, his preferences, hobbies, what he does after work and how he lives. This makes it much easier to avoid unwanted disagreements in the future.
When working in the same room, it is extremely important to restrain your love impulse. Leave it for home furnishings. The option of a relationship with a colleague is the most convenient, because in this case the conditions are equal.
If the relationship is already serious enough, and the couple decided to tell the team about them, then this should be done as discreetly as possible. You should not devote everyone to the details, it is enough just to say about the fact itself. Many may ask why do this. It's very simple: if you report a relationship on time, you can avoid a lot of rumors and discussions behind your back. An affair with a work colleague happens most often. If this is not a relationship yet, but a casual intimate relationship, it is better not to tell anyone about it. After all, she is unlikely to contribute to the transition from an easy hobby to a serious format of communication.
With the boss

Prepare to be discussed about such a relationship. When starting an affair with your boss, remember that if it ends, you will most likely have to quit. Plus, any promotion or bonus will not be perceived as a well-deserved reward.
All achievements will be perceived as merit in bed, not personal. An affair at work with a boss is the most attention-getting from colleagues and employees. Many believe that people do this solely for selfish purposes in order to climb the career ladder.
The main disadvantage of relations with the boss is the almost complete lack of future prospects. Of course, everyone wants to marry their boss, but not all women reach this point. More often, a girl becomes just another mistress for a while. For many men, this relationship format is very convenient for sex. It's good if a lady can interest a man and take the relationship out of the office. In this case, there is a chance to really win his heart.
If an affair happened with a woman boss, then it will be extremely difficult for a man to maintain his image. After all, a priori the boss is right, he can command and order. But not everyone likes this. And if a compromise is quickly found in everyday life, then at work the status will oblige the lady of the heart to lead herself in such a way so as not to distinguish her partner from other colleagues.
Rules of conduct for an office romance

If you have an affair at work, then it is important to remember the basic rules of behavior for employees in love. Not only the future of relationships depends on this, but also career advancement. So, let's take a closer look at them:
- Don't forget about work duty and professionalism … Learn to prioritize correctly and differentiate between your feelings. Remember, personal issues should never affect a work relationship. Personal disputes should remain at home and only between two people; other issues need to be resolved within the office space. Also, you should never sort things out in front of colleagues.
- Consider the feelings of other employees … Very often, colleagues work on a project in small groups. For example, some participants will help you feel uncomfortable around a couple. Take into account the opinions of other people, because this will affect the overall result.
- Don't highlight your loved one … This is especially true if one of the couple is in a more leading position. It is very difficult not to distinguish your chosen one among other employees, because feelings take over, but this must be done so as not to disturb the harmony in the team. Try to keep your common sense and distance, which will help you avoid many troubles.
- Leave personal experiences, memories and intimate details with you … It is not worth discussing any relationship problems with colleagues. Most likely, afterwards, reconciliation and the establishment of relationships between partners will take place, and stories about intimate moments and experiences will remain for general discussion.
Workplace romance options

Like any other novel, work relationships have several options for development:
- Marriage … An ideal way of developing a relationship, in which long-term and harmonious love grows into a family. But it does not happen often, because the cons of an office romance can interfere with a happy relationship. If the heart tells that this person is a soul mate, then it is better to change the place of work for one of the couple. In this case, the likelihood of developing a happy relationship is much greater.
- Intimate connection … There are people who do not strive for long-term communication, they just need an additional incentive to go to work. As a rule, such an office romance does not initially have a continuation, but carries an exclusively sexual connotation. It is often used by partners who are married, but tired of the routine of family relationships.
- Breakup with dire consequences … Since personal life is on display, and the former, once loved one is always there, when parting, one of the partners may need to change jobs. Calmly getting along with each other after the break is obtained by a few, and questions from colleagues, sidelong glances and whispering will only add fuel to the fire.
Important! Remember that parting with a person who works in the same room with you has a number of difficulties. First, you need to learn to find a common language even after a quarrel. Secondly, the former lover will be in full view all the time, and in some cases this interferes with the development of new relationships. Watch a video about romance in the workplace:

Office romance has both positive and negative sides. Each person chooses for himself personally whether to follow this path or not. You should not be initially skeptical about an office romance, because many happy families are formed this way. In addition, feelings inspire a person for wonderful actions, fill him with happiness and allow him to look positively at everything around him. These ingredients are good for career advancement. Therefore, in some cases it is useful and simple to start an office romance, but one should not forget about the consequences.