Find out why 90% of bodybuilders make sure to include the amino acid lysine in their diet? Only practical advice from the iron sports pros. Lysine belongs to the group of aliphatic amines and is used by the body as a foundation in the creation of all protein compounds. Thus, this substance is indispensable for the growth of muscles, the synthesis of antibodies, hormonal substances, as well as for the activation of the regenerative processes of muscle and other types of tissues.
At the end of the last century, scientists managed to establish another function of amine, which allows it to effectively fight various viral diseases, for example, herpes, as well as acute respiratory infections. In the course of these studies, scientists have found that the use of lysine contributes to an increase in the time interval between relapses of all types of herpes. Today we will look at the instructions for using l-lysine in bodybuilding and talk about other properties of this amino acid compound.
Lysine properties

Herpes is a fairly serious disease, although many people do not attach much importance to it. As soon as the virus enters the body, it begins to multiply actively. For this, it needs part of the cellular structures of tissues, and arginine is actively used as a building material.
Since arginine and lysine are structurally almost identical, at a high concentration of lysine, the herpes virus begins to use this amine, and not arginine. As a result, new viruses quickly die, which leads to a halt in infection. Scientists have found that during severe stressful situations or trauma, lysine is actively consumed by the body, which causes a relapse of herpes.
The main biological properties of lysine are:
- The development of atherosclerosis slows down.
- It has an anabolic effect.
- Promotes the growth of muscle mass and an increase in physical parameters.
- Increased libido in women.
- The quality of the hairline improves.
- The efficiency of erectile function increases.
- Prevents the recurrence of genital herpes.
This amine has been well researched enough to provide an effective instructional guide for the use of l-lysine in bodybuilding, but more on that below. Now I would like to note the antidepressant effect of the substance on the body. With the use of the supplement, a person gets a migraine, which is difficult to treat. Lysine can enter the body along with food. The maximum amount of amine is found in fish, potatoes, meat, eggs, lentils, etc. Now let's take a closer look at the question of how lysine can be useful to athletes in relation to sports. Under the influence of physical exertion, the consumption of all nutrients increases sharply. Lysine contributes to the maintenance of protein production in muscle tissue. If there is a sufficient concentration of vitamin C in the body, then the substance helps to normalize the cholesterol balance.
A very important property of lysine for builders is the participation of the substance in the synthesis of collagen, which forms the basis of connective tissues. This is very important, since most of the injuries of athletes are associated with the work of the joints and the low strength of the connective tissues.
Particular attention should be paid to lysine when using low-carb nutrition programs. This is due to the anti-catabolic activity of the amine and during a lack of energy it helps to protect muscle tissue from destruction. An equally important feature of this amino acid substance is its ability to improve the functioning of the immune system.
In turn, when creating a lysine deficiency in the body, the following negative points are possible:
- The production of protein compounds slows down.
- Fatigue increases.
- Irritability increases and appetite may decrease.
- The time required for the body to fully recover after training increases.
- Reproductive dysfunctions may occur.
Rules for the use of l-lysine

Knowing how useful the amine we are considering today can be, it is necessary to recall the instructions for the use of l-lysine in bodybuilding. In order to maximize the effectiveness of the supplement, you need to take 12 milligrams of the substance for every kilogram of body weight throughout the day. This is best done with meals.
Lysine has no side effects, but an overdose can lead to unpleasant symptoms such as diarrhea. This is possible only when used throughout the day from 20 grams of lysine. The supplement also has no contraindications to use. It can be used by all athletes who wish to continually progress.
For more on l-lysine, see this video: